Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 100: force it to divide

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

The camp was formed by chariots, lined up on both sides, forming a horned situation, with large crossbows and strong bows, so that the Kou soldiers could not get out of the west gate; Then they dispatched Min Yong to dig a long trench and fortress along the west of Hecheng Fortress at a distance of 300 paces.

As someone else guarding Hecheng, Lin Fu might not have to spend so much trouble, but She Feihu regards Hecheng as a soft threat to Jiangdong's left army, and he cannot be expected to easily abandon the fortress and retreat under pressure.

Hecheng pirates are mostly old soldiers of Jin'an. She Feihu became famous in Dongmin when he was a teenager, and he has many generals who are good at fighting and brave. Build walls around the outside to trap them—even if it is to force the Kou soldiers out of the fortress to fight in the field, it is better than forcibly attacking Hecheng.

Everything on the south bank was handed over to Cao Zi'ang to control, Lin Fu and Ao Canghai rushed to the north bank, found Zhang Yan and Mao Wenjing, and reminded them: "There are still three hours before the Salt River will be filled with tides, and the pirate ships will leave the north at that time. To fight at the gate, the Salt Protection Army needs to build a simple wall along the north bank within three hours to prevent the pirates from attacking the north bank from the river..."

At this time, the tide receded, and there was only two or three feet of shallow water in the salt-transporting channel, which prevented Hecheng Sai Kou boats from going out of the north gate to fight. For the time being, there is no need to worry about the ability of the Kou soldiers to go out to the fortress to make a surprise attack.

Mao Wenjing, a martial artist, is greedy and incompetent. After listening to what Lin Fu said, the tide will rise in three hours. He didn't believe it, but he knew that he would not be able to delay the construction of the fort, nor did he argue with Lin Fu face to face. He stared at his generals and hurry up. Building camps - They raised more than a thousand people from Chongzhou and a large amount of camp building materials, and they were not slow to move.

Lin Bie looked at the look on Mao Wenjing's face, and sighed in his heart: As the captain of the Salt District, I don't even understand the ebb and flow of tides, so how can I lead troops to fight in the coastal areas?

The ebb and flow of the tide is related to the movement of the sun and the moon. The most important astronomical calendar in the world has been able to accurately infer the cycle of the ebb and flow, but it is not entirely based on experience. Lin Bie is too lazy to tell Mao Wenjing this, and now he wants to help The Salt Protection Army built a stronghold on the north bank, built a solid line of defense on the north bank, and resumed production in the salt area.

Lin Fu and Zhang Yan had a secret discussion all night long last night, and reached an agreement with each other on joint defense.

With the Yunyan River as the boundary, the grassland area of ​​Hecheng in the south of the Yunyan River is designated as the defense area of ​​the Jiangdong Zuo Army. The Jiangdong Zuo Army is responsible for counterattacking and retaking the Hecheng Fortress and garrisoning it. Every year, it is responsible for supervising the transportation of 8 million fodder for Dafeng. , Used for frying sea and boiling salt in Sheyang Salt District; Song Xiaobo made great contributions to his crimes, and continued to serve as the Hecheng Superintendent.


Seeing that the salt guards on the north bank were in a hurry to build a parapet on the embankment before noon, it was not a big problem, and Lin Fu rushed back to the south bank before the high tide.

In the early morning, Lin Fu fully dispatched troops and horses from the northern front to advance eastward. The more than a thousand elite soldiers of the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, which had been strengthened, were divided into two groups to form a car battalion and marched towards the wall. The distance to the base of the wall was only 300 paces. The huge arrow with a great range hit the guard plate on the front wing of the camp, and it hummed on the high plate.

Six hundred elite cavalrymen covered the flanks of the car battalion, but the more numerous were the Chongzhou township soldiers who lined up behind the car battalion.

Lin Fu sent Fengli Ying back to Chongcheng yesterday, but another 2,000 township soldiers were dispatched from Chongcheng, making more than 4,000 civilian brave township soldiers gathered on the northern front.

Due to the previous victories, a large number of soldiers were captured. The equipment of these 4,000 township soldiers is similar to that of regular military soldiers, but the drills are still less. It is only affected by the previous victories, especially Lin Fu's reward for the recruited township soldiers. Compensation and salaries are the same as those of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, especially in the current world, which makes the morale of the village soldiers quite useful.

In addition, the more than 4,000 people who were recruited, rushed under arrows, stones, knives and guns, and some of the village soldiers who were recruited to build walls.

When Lin Fu rushed back to the south bank, a chest barrier nearly 400 paces wide had been built here, connecting the car camps on both sides and completely blocking the west gate of Crane City.

During this process, the Kou soldiers tried to make a surprise attack twice, but the bows and crossbows prepared in the camp were very dense. Nearly 600 strong bows and force crossbows cooperated with dozens of catapults from the two wings to block the Kou soldiers from the west gate passage. At present, there are obstacles such as refusing horses. Kou Bing has tried twice, but failed, and was forced to give up the idea of ​​​​going out from the west gate to harass.

At this time, the chest base built was still very thin, only chest height, but no more than two feet thick. Kou Bing really wants to break through the siege, and such a chest base will collapse after a few rushes, but it can help the inexperienced township soldiers to stabilize their position behind the chest base, and then they can calmly build on this foundation, thicken and increase the height. , With the increase of soil borrowing, an inner trench can be formed on the inside of the chest fortress, until the Kou soldiers are completely blocked in the Hecheng Fortress.

Restricting the Kou soldiers to the Hecheng Fortress and unable to attack, it will not affect the upcoming autumn grain harvest in Chongzhou, so there is still some time to play these water-milling kung fu with the Hecheng Kou soldiers. Lin Bie sits on the horse and looks at the far end of the wall of the Hecheng Fortress. , there are a few people over there who are well-dressed and beautiful. I don't know if She Feihu is looking at this side from the top of the wall. He smiled in his heart, and smiled with Ao Canghai beside him: "She Feihu may really think that he will occupy the Hecheng Fortress and will pinch it. It's in our throats, but we don't know it's a dead place!"

Ao Canghai stared at the far wall with a gloomy face.

He is not as easy as Lin Bie, and he has the hatred of slaughtering the city and exterminating the family. This is the main reason why he refuses to lead the troops directly. He is worried that hatred will cover his eyes, affect the judgment of the enemy's situation, and be harmful to leading troops.

At this time, Cao Zi'ang sent someone to report and asked him to go to the east gate to observe the enemy's situation.

When the troops came down from the fortress, the pirates in the middle of the mountain were not active in harassing the west gate, but they sent a team of more than a thousand sharp soldiers to form an army outside the east gate, and sent the captured civilians outside the east gate to meet the anti-wave seawall. Between five and six hundred steps, a horizontal position is constructed on the deep field.

Lin Fu, Ao Canghai and others rushed to Shanghai to observe the enemy's situation. Cao Zi'ang did not have any extra troops to deploy and block the east gate at the same time. Only Zhou Pu led two sentry cavalry to monitor and guard.

"They are afraid that after we block the dead land passage, we will completely block the outlet of the Yunyan River," Cao Zi'ang pointed to the movements of the bandits in the distance, "They built a wall parallel to the river embankment, so that after we block the river, Outside the east gate and on the south bank, there is also a passage for sending troops on land..."

The Kou soldiers detained not many civilians in the fortress, only three or four hundred people, and their movements were far less rapid than the Jiangdong Zuo army's fortification outside the west gate. However, these two hundred or more steps were all under the cover of the wall and the crossbow, and the Kou soldiers who went out to cover the fortress were mainly formed by Yisai. There was no movement outside the door.

Lin Fu looked up at the sky and said, "In another hour, the tide will rise. I think outside of this situation, the pirates will probably move out of the fortress to prevent us from being completely blocked in the Hecheng Fortress-- Let Zhou Pu take cavalry to hold down his position, and then organize a team of soldiers to go north through the seawall, so that even if the villagers are defeated, there will be no major problems."

"Okay, I also want to fight, but the village soldiers won't go into battle, and they won't be able to practice martial arts." Cao Zi'ang agreed.

After the victory of Hecheng, Lin Fu gathered all the braves from Chongzhou and gathered more than 6,000 troops, almost as many as Jiangdong Zuojun.

These township warriors were all private and social soldiers recruited by the powerful tribes in Chongzhou Township to protect the village and protect the fortress. They were mainly local brave men, but quite a number of brave and strong men were recruited from displaced households.

Even if these village warriors were trained, they were only one or two hundred people in short-term training. When they assembled, they were strong and powerful, and the defensive walls were worthy of use, but they were a little rushed to kill the enemy.

At this time, Lin Fu did not have the resources to calmly train an elite that is comparable to the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Conditions permitting, as long as it is ensured that it will not cause major chaos, it is better for these rural braves to pull on the battlefield and temper - risking a forest of guns. Arrow rain, still able to hold the weapon in hand and charge forward, is the first level of the veteran soldier. Perhaps when this war is over, a considerable elite fighting force can be selected. Even if there will be large casualties - in this era, generals have to be sympathetic to the soldiers, but they are not good generals who are too worried about casualties.

In Lin Fu's opinion, the defense line temporarily constructed by the Salt Protection Army on the north bank is still too weak. When the tide rises, Kou boats can go out to fight. Offensive, apply pressure.


Nearly noon, the tide was rising gradually, forming a large wave in the Yunyan River, which had been blocked to four or five miles.

At this time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army also launched a calm offensive on the positions outside the East Gate, preventing them from building a chest base connected to the seawall to ensure that there was a land passage to the sea outside the East Gate.

Qin Zitan was standing under the battle shed in the northeast corner of Hecheng Fortress. Since he saw the calm fighting outside the east gate, he could also observe the rising tide of the salt-transporting river.

Qin Zitan frowned as he looked at the river that was less than two miles long to the sea, and there was a layer of worry in his heart. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he looked back and saw that it was the Second Young Master who was accompanied by Du Cheli.

Turning to look at the east gate, this wave of Jiangdong Zuo army's offensive has been repelled, Qin Zitan said: "It is impossible to ignore the tidal changes because of the siege of the forest, and the Jiangdong Zuo army should have the ability to attack before the tide rises Blockade the estuary, but at this time, no warships of Jiangdong Zuojun appeared in the field of vision, doesn’t the second son find it strange?”

The sky was clear and cloudless, and the outpost at a high place could see the distant sea twenty miles away. At this time, there were no warships of Jiangdong Zuojun. It seemed that Lin Fu did not intend to block the river and restrict the warships from going to sea— - Of course, this cannot be explained by Lin Fu's negligence.

She Feihu smiled and said, "It's just a strategy to surround the three towers - I have 4,000 elites in my hands, and the food and grass in the stuffing is enough to last for a month, but the pig herders really dare to surround me for a month?"

Cheng Yiqun wore armor and climbed up from the dock at the foot of the wall, walking up the city road. Hearing the conversation here, he said, "That's right! In one month, the eldest son will be able to eat the soldiers from Eastern Zhejiang to the point where there are no bones left. The eldest son sent more than 10,000 male soldiers to the north. Is it better for the pig herds to clear the siege or not? The salt guards are all bones, so how many soldiers can Lin Bie draw out in Chongzhou? This way of life, we are forced to retreat. Even if we divide our troops out of the fortress, it is convenient to reduce the pressure of his strong attack. The plan for now is to concentrate our forces to defend Hecheng. As long as the situation in eastern Zhejiang is opened, Hecheng is the only one. when it really makes a difference.”

Hearing the second son and Cheng Yiqun say this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qin Zitan's doubts were still hard to clear, and he asked Du Cheli: "Cheli, what do you think of this?"

"A safe policy, the warship should still be out of the fortress..." Du Cheli is the younger brother of Du Rong, originally a military commander in Jin'an. After changing his identities with Du Rongqian to Jiangdong, he has been in charge of the military guards in charge of Qingfengxing. After Rong died at the hands of Lin Bound at Meixi Lake, he took Du Rong's place, but in fact, under the suppression of various forces, Qingfengxing could no longer do anything. Feihu sneaked away from Jiangning and followed him along. The truly elite and loyal fighting force on the shovel was the personal guards of Qingfeng Xingwuwei and She Feihu.

Qin Zitan nodded slightly, after all, he couldn't pin his hopes on the eldest son.

"We divide our troops into the sea, and then let Lin Fu close the river later, and the two sides will be isolated... How can we know that Jiangdong Zuojun's warships are not waiting for us in the open sea?" Cheng Yiqun said, he still hoped to concentrate on guarding the fortress.

"The warship can only play a role if it goes out," She Feihu said. "The sea loach has 2,000 fighting strength in shallow water. I don't dare to fight with the boatmen of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. It is enough to keep 2,000 elite soldiers in the fortress!"

Cheng Yiqun said: "Then I will lead the boat to sea, as long as there are a thousand troops, it is enough to deal with the boatmen of the Jiangdong Zuo Army!" Cheng Yiqun was better at water warfare than Xu Zhong and Du Cheli. Since he decided to send a boat out, he could not shrink back.

"I thought it would be better for Second Young Master to cooperate outside," Qin Zitan said, "I'll stay to assist General Xu in guarding the fortress."

She Feihu knew what Qin Zitan meant. Whether it was defending the fortress or going to sea, there were certain risks. If he trapped the fortress and the situation in eastern Zhejiang was not as smooth as expected, Cheng Yiqun would not be able to mobilize the Shengsi Islands at all. troops to aid. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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