Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 92: Crane City Victory

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

In the evening light of the sunset, the bride Gu Junxun sat in front of the dressing table, looking at the sunset light filtering in through the window panes, listening to the sound of footsteps in the yard, stood up looking forward and anxiously, walked to the door, saw the hall. Sister Gu Yingxiu, Sixth Madam Shan and Zhao Hu's mother, Zhao, went up the stairs and asked anxiously, "Is there any news coming back?"

"Not yet," Gu Yingxiu took Jun Xun's hand, walked into the house together, and said, "There are a lot of soldiers in the north, and Lin Fu doesn't have to charge the trap himself now, so you don't have to worry too much. As a commander, you have to boost morale in the camp, you can't get out of the way, don't complain about him if you leave you in the cold... It's not a good time to miss the auspicious time, when you go to the hall for a big ceremony, let Xiaoman temporarily replace Lin Bie, do you think?"

"Why would I complain about him?" Gu Junxun's face was so anxious that he sat by the bed and said, "I just want to hear the news that he is safe and sound in the north, so that I can feel more at ease."

"Hey," Gu Yingxiu looked at Gu Junxun's slightly childish face, sighed slightly, and took her into her arms with pity, and said, "Before you come in, you will be afraid, and it's really hard for you..." She also can't stay with Jun Xun. Liu Yue'er is five months pregnant in this inner house, and she has limited mobility. Xiaoman is not stable enough in her work. At this time, she can't find anyone else in charge, so she can't let the Song family. The charming woman intervened in the wedding, and Lin Tie was on the northern front to supervise the battle. For the past two days, Gu Yingxiu was as busy as a spinning top, unable to rest.

The military situation in Chongzhou was tight, and the new city had not yet been built. East China Sea bandits could break through the blockade of Jiangkou at any time. The troops approached Zilang Mountain.

Fu Qinghe and Sun Jingtang took care of the guests in the outer house, but there was no definite news from the northern line. Lin Fu didn't come back. Even at the selected auspicious time, he let Xiaoman hold a **** in his arms and temporarily perform a big gift on Lin Fu's behalf. The wedding banquet went on without taste and taste—everyone was concerned about the battle at the western garrison of the northern line of Crane City.

Gu Yingxiu knew that she couldn't show too much anxiety and anxiety, and she had to arrange many things. When she panicked, Liu Yueer, Jun Xun, Xiaoman and the others had no idea. Went to the side table where the charming woman sat graciously in the middle, walked in and asked, "I thought you were behind..."

"Seventh Madam, Sixth Madam," Song Jia stood up and gave Gu Yingxiu and Sixth Madam Shan Rou a salutation.

Gu Yingxiu was displeased, secretly saying that everyone was concerned about the war in the north and Lin Bie, this woman still had the time to practice calligraphy here, thinking that she was left for Qiang after all, and it was impossible to be with this side.

Song Jia looked at Gu Yingxiu's frowning frown and frowned, and smiled sweetly, "How many storms and waves have been rushed over by the governor of the capital, and Kou Bing has provoke Hecheng over trivial matters, the Seventh Lady doesn't need to worry so much. When the sun goes down and twilight is approaching, I will soon have good news back, and maybe the governor will be able to come back to worship."

"If you wish to be like this..." Gu Yingxiu did not have the same knowledge as Song Jia, and went to the courtyard with the sixth lady Shan Rou to entertain the female guests.

The anxiety and concern in her heart will not be alleviated by Song Jia's innocuous remarks. The other female relatives in the inner house do not know the military situation, but she is aware that the She family has assembled four or five thousand soldiers and horses in the Hecheng area. The elite troops that were brought to the north were less than 2,000 people, plus the local garrison and the people's bravery, they were only 3,000 people, and the battle would not be so smooth.


The female family members of the inner house are anxious and anxious. The people who can come to the wedding banquet at this joint are people who are closely related to Jiangdong Zuojun and Lin Fu, and naturally they are also concerned about the war on the northern front.

Fu Qinghe went to Jiangmen to supervise the battle, controlled the Jinghai camp and the Jiangmen garrison to block the Jiangkou, and copied the back road of the Hecheng military fortress; Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingxuan, Ao Canghai, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng and others stayed at Zilang Mountain, but the Fengli Bu camp was transferred overnight. To the north, apart from more than a thousand county soldiers, there are not many defensive troops.

There was no spacious place for a wedding banquet on the mountain, and the place for the banquet was chosen in the backyard of the East Yarn.

"Are you going to send someone to the north to find out the news?" Li Shuyi couldn't help but ask his clan brother Li Shutang in a soft voice. The news came back before noon that a large-scale battle with the Kou soldiers was on the south bank at dawn, and the battle continued throughout the afternoon. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, and there was no further news from the north, counting the time, the battle on the south bank of the Yunyan River continued for three or four hours without a result. How can everyone be relieved?

Li Shutang shook his head slightly and said, "Just be patient and wait."

His Li family has been completely tied to Jiangdong Zuojun. Lin Fu checked the public land, and the Li family also stood up and set an example. It was considered that together with Lin Fu, they had offended the local big households in Chongzhou. Lin Fu could not stand in Chongzhou, and his Li family would also get out of Chongzhou in a dreadful way. Who is he better than anyone else? They are all concerned about the war in the north, but he can still be patient.

Except for Hu Zhiyong and others who are still on defense on Xisha Island, except for the leading generals, almost all other direct descendants of the Jiangdong Left Army gathered here to wait for further news. They will also bring it up.

Wu Meijiu held the tea cup, blew the tea leaves, and took a sip. He was also worried about the war in the north, but he was closely related to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and even held a grudge against the power given to Lin Biejiakong, so he was slightly more relaxed than others. Some. On the other hand, Song Xiaobo was sitting on a needle felt. Can he wash away the big crime of abandoning the city and escape first and save his family's life? Lin Fu was completely pinned on him, but he was too nervous, and it was inevitable that he would have some delusions: if the famous Jiangdong Zuojun would also give Kou If the soldiers are defeated, then abandoning the Hecheng military fortress is not a big crime?

Gu Siyuan, Zhao Shuhan and others also looked worried.

Ao Canghai, Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhicheng and other people in the lobby knew the details. They knew in their hearts that even if there was no great victory today, there would not be any idleness in the north, and their mentality was stable. It is time to guard against the infiltration of small groups of Kou soldiers into the hinterland of Chongzhou.

At this time, there was the faint sound of horses' hoofs, and it was as anxious as spring thunder, and it did not slow down when it was near. Only the sentry who sent the letter could get the cavalry straight in. Everyone stood up together, and when they heard the sentry who sent the letter did not enter the door, they shouted loudly: "Hecheng is a great victory. We killed 600 enemies and captured 2,000. Only the remaining 1,000 robbers returned to Wusai to defend, and our army suffered very few casualties. The lord then rushed back to have a banquet with you..."

Everyone rushed out of the council hall together, and summoned the messenger to the corridor to ask about the details of the victory in Hecheng. Sun Jingxuan calmed down and ordered: "Quickly send someone up the mountain to the new lady, Ru lady to report the victory..."


Lin Bie spent some time in the west of Hecheng before setting off to return to Zilang Mountain.

The news of the great victory in Hecheng had already spread in Chongzhou. He rode his horse southward surrounded by guards. On both sides of the avenue, there were villagers who heard the news of the great victory and gathered to see Lin Fu back to Zilang Mountain for marriage.

These unpretentious villagers heard the news of the victory of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. They were full of gratitude to the Jiangdong Zuo Army and Lin Fu who defended Chongzhou from bandits. There are also people who hold the only old hen in their arms and want to give Lin Fu a wedding gift, some people carry a bag of rice, and some people stop Lin Fu's horse's head, bring their nephews and nephews to him, and pat them strong. their chests, and asked Lin Fu to agree to their participation in the Jiangdong Zuo Army killing bandits and defending the soil...

Lin Fu had to slow down, got off the horse, greeted and thanked these simple folks, got his heart, and persuaded them to take the gifts back.

In addition to the simple villagers, some of the big households in Chongzhou who hated Lin Fu because of his investigation of the public fields also responded very quickly. Then, he rushed directly in front of Lin Fu and rushed to Zilang Mountain to attend the wedding banquet.

In order to obtain sufficient funds for raising troops, Lin Fu conducted a large-scale inventory of public fields in Chongzhou, directly touching the interests of the big households in Chongzhou. It's just that the Jiangdong Zuo Army is very powerful in Chongzhou, and the big households in Chongzhou hold grudges, but they have nothing to do. Lin Fu is the core figure of the Tang Gu clan, and it is not something they can secretly bring down.

This time when the East China Sea invaders invaded, the minds of these big Chongzhou households are extremely contradictory. Since they are eager for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to suffer a big loss to relieve their hatred, they are worried that the Jiangdong Zuo Army cannot stop the East China Sea invaders, so that the disaster in April will be in Chongzhou. Once again, I don't know how many villages will be looted.

The news of the great victory in Hecheng came. Even if the big households in Chongzhou could not see the good show of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they did not need to worry that the Kou soldiers could invade Chongzhou to wash and loot. Even at this moment, the hatred for Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun has diminished a lot. After all, it is much better to lose some fields than to invade and loot the Donghai bandits. This change of mentality has also made some people realize that they are also Sharing the responsibility of the Jiangdong Zuo army's food and salaries, on the contrary, can reflect on the investigation of the public land.

The big family with a little vision and foresight realized that after the Jiangdong Zuo Army won the victory in Hecheng, Lin Bie's foundation in Chongzhou was completely solid, and it was simply not something they could fight against. Some people may close their doors and hide in the house to curse in secret; some people are pragmatic and realize that even if their interests are damaged, characters like Lin Fu are worth flattering. The existence of Jiangdong Zuojun is beneficial after all. local.

Lin Fu didn't rush back to Zilang Mountain East Yap until it was dark. There were more people gathered here. They were sandwiched by the side of the road. The cheers were like the waves of the river and the waves, and the echoes of "Jinghai Metropolitan" kept coming from the mountains. .

Compared with the coldness during the day, Zilang Mountain is very lively at the moment.

During the day, except for the county officials and officials who were promoted because of Lin Fu and who had been promoted because of Lin Fu, and a few people like Wu Meijiu who had to attend, almost no one in Chongzhou County came to attend Lin Fu's wedding banquet. At this time, the audience came one after another. , There is an endless stream, chasing horses and carts, and gifts are also precious. It seems that at this moment, the top and bottom of Chongzhou really recognize and support the status of Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun in Chongzhou.

Lin Fuben also seemed to have forgotten the resentment and rejection of Chongzhou's big family before him. He also greeted those who were forced to attend the wedding because of the situation at this time. He was not arrogant or put on airs. The auspicious clothes, Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi and others should not neglect their guests and friends.

After Lin Fu reduced or exempted the tax, corvée, and head apportionment in Chongzhou, there was no need to hide Dingkou at the local level, and a large number of displaced households came to the surface. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com actually recorded thirty-two Dingkou. 10,000, an increase of 130,000 over the original Dingkou, a total of more than 56,000 households. In terms of 100 households and 1 li, there are more than 560 li in Chongzhou.

In Chongzhou, land mergers are quite serious. There are 21 large landlords in Chongzhou with 10,000 mu of fertile land, and 126 large households with more than 2,000 mu. These 147 large landowners alone occupy 70% of the land in Chongzhou, totaling more than 10,000 hectares.

According to the results of the investigation of the territorial fields and the public fields, the most serious ones were concealing the fields and occupying the public fields, that is, the one hundred and forty-seven households, which accounted for more than 80-90% of the total.

These large households also firmly controlled the local affairs through their clans, through the lijia, and through the tenants who were attached to the fields.

Lin Fu used the bandit case to investigate the properties of temples and temples, and secretly obtained nearly 200,000 mu of farmland to support soldiers, and also solved the money and silver for building a new city; this time, it is expected that nearly 300,000 mu of public land will also be identified. When Bo Tian came out, the fines and taxes were as high as hundreds of thousands of stone grains - these were almost all plucked from these big households. How could Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun not provoke the hatred of these big households?

Lin Fu also has self-knowledge. He used power and military power to suppress these big households before, so that these big households could not resist, but he knew in his heart that if he could improve his relationship with big households who control a lot of land resources and tenant farmers in Chongzhou at this stage, it would be more beneficial to the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Based in Chongzhou.

Lin Fu did not expect to make all the big households in Chongzhou support him and support the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but if he can win more people, the Jiangdong Zuo Army's foundation in Chongzhou will be stronger. At least the big households in Chongzhou who changed the direction of the wind at this time can be considered enlightened or people who know the current affairs. They can draw them over. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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