Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 88: confrontation

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

After the **** battle in Jiyang, the East China Sea bandits recruited more old soldiers from Jin'an to join the team. On the surface, they were still pirates, but in fact they had completed the transformation from a mob to an elite division.

From Song Jia's mouth, Lin Fu knew that this was a strategy proposed by She Feihu's advisor Qin Zitan. He used frequent invasions and wars to drain the original mob and replenish the elite veterans loyal to She Feihu, which is not only convenient for She Family to control East China Sea bandits, they want to transform East China Sea bandits into warriors of a hundred battles in a short period of time.

Although this strategy is cruel, it is very effective. Xisha Island also encouraged Qin Zitan to invade Taihu Lake, causing heavy losses to the military and civilians. When Du Rong was caught in Meixi Lake, he missed Qin Zitan, a big fish. It's a pity to think about it at this time.

Lin Fu and Cao Zi'ang stood on the garrison to watch Liu Zhenzhi's relatives lead the army to attack the bandits on the river bank.

The Yunyan River has been in disrepair all the year round. The embankment is almost level with the beach on the outside. There is no terrain convenience for occupying the embankment. However, the Kou soldiers are closely arranged with bows, crossbows, knives and guns. Supported with bows and crossbows, the infantry of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were always pressed under the embankment. In the end, Zhou Pu couldn't bear his temper, so that the two teams of cavalry collided from both flanks in the rain of arrows.

The cavalry all wore armor and could block arrows. Even if they were hit by an arrow on the side, it was not a critical point. However, the more than 100 warhorses that rushed up from the flank were exposed to the enemy's crossbow without any cover.

"Shoot a man first, shoot a horse, capture a thief first, capture the king", the most profound tactics are just some very simple truths.

Here, the infantry is used to confront the bandits head-on, and the cavalry is used to attack the flanks of the bandits, so as to achieve a crushing blow; the bandits also have to use the advantage of the bow and crossbow on the boat to prevent the cavalry from attacking the flanks of bandits on the river bank. It was by shooting the horses to disperse the cavalry formation, and it was impossible to form a powerful flank attack.

The cavalry battalion brought out by Zhou Pu was able to fight hard battles. The bandits on the river bank handed over their flanks to the bandits behind them for cover. Once the cavalrymen were not afraid of the approach of arrows and stones from the flanks, the formation was immediately defeated, and Liu Zhenzhi led the armor from under the embankment. The pawns also exerted their strength together, pressing more than 200 bandits into the river and driving them down the river.

The result of the battle was only the same. The bandits were supported by boats, and watching the bandits were driven down the river, the bandits quickly approached the bank and shot close range to cover the bandits. Neither the cavalry nor the military pawns here can occupy the river bank for a long time to shoot the drowning bandits, and even have to quickly disengage after defeating the river bank bandits to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Although the first battle was won, the casualties were minimal, but the flanking horses suffered great losses. Few of the more than 100 horses in the battle were not hit by arrows, and there were 30 to 40 horses at the moment.

In the end, Lin Fu brought back only 800 extra-oral steeds from the Yannan battlefield, and there were few supplements. It can even be said that horses are more valuable than people, and every dead horse is one less.

Cavalry is so useful, and the loss of war horses is so serious, Lin Bie is heartbroken to watch on the garrison, but there is no way, the first battle is about morale, and it cannot be solved cleanly. The courage in the hinterland of Chongzhou will bring greater risks.

War always consumes resources. Ge Siyu, who is not very knowledgeable about military affairs, is also heartbroken by the loss of war horses. There are only 800 war horses in the cavalry battalion.


After all, it was a victory. During the war, the cavalry used ropes to tie the bodies of more than a dozen corpse soldiers and dragged them down the river bank. The owl’s head was hung on the flagpole in front of the garrison to show the crowd, which boosted the morale of the soldiers and civilians inside and outside the garrison.

Lin Fu and Cao Zi'ang went down from the garrison to visit the injured generals. At this time, they couldn't care about the horses: the war was like this. After this war, even if the war horses were exhausted, there would be no surprise.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army had just established its foundation in Chongzhou, and had almost no savings, so it could not withstand a lot of consumption. This was the main reason why Lin Fu didn't want to fight the East China Sea bandits in Chongzhou.

"Is it possible to raise a group of war horses in the pasture to drive the Donghai bandits overseas?" Cao Zi'ang asked in a low voice.

"Alright." Lin Bie nodded.

Even with Song Xiaobo's cooperation, Lin Fu couldn't openly and privately cultivate the land under the jurisdiction of Hecheng pasture on a large scale.

Lin Fu knew very well that he did not have many resources to raise cavalry. In his plan, he might use cavalry to attack the flank or be incorporated into the reserve, but the infantry was always the decisive force in the frontal battlefield.

Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Wu Qi, and even Fu Qinghe, Qin Chengzu and others preferred cavalry, and Lin Fu also considered that even if Jiangdong Zuo Army did not use cavalry as the main force, it would still need some cavalry as a flank maneuver, sentry, and transmission.

Jiangmen will focus on herding common mules, horses, and cattle. After all, it is necessary to make full use of Chongzhou's soil strength to store resources. Animal power is an extremely important indicator. However, if conditions permit, Jiangmen can indeed introduce good breed horses. First shepherd a group of war horses.

For war horses, it is better to start from calf, and be incorporated into riding battalion after two years of pasture pasture.

The origin of the lost horses of the Dayue Dynasty is not to say that there are no stallions of good blood in the Central Plains, and the Central Plains are all fertile fields. Where are there large grasslands for grazing horses? It does not mean that the horse administration of the horse breeders who keep war horses in captivity with bean material is absolutely impossible, but the cost of keeping horses in captivity is too high, and a thousand horses will consume the wealth of a high-end county, which is no longer what the imperial court can afford. .

"Kou Bing seems to have no intention of retreating," Zhou Pu stepped on his riding boots and came over, not very satisfied with the results of the previous battle. He knew in his heart that the Jiangdong Zuo Army could not afford to fight at this time. After all, the foundation was still shallow, except for foreign enemies. Yue Lengqiu and other political enemies were also eyeing the Jiangdong Zuo Army, waiting for the strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army to weaken in the large-scale war. Zhou Pu slapped his finger at the river in the distance, "Before it gets dark, the Kou boat will not retreat, it is very difficult. We may continue to strengthen the confrontation. Right now, we are still unable to block the north bank. Once the main force of our infantry is pinned near the garrison on the south bank, the bandits will use warships to cut off the river, but the infantry can advance westward along the north bank..."

"Kou Bing must have an absolute advantage over us in order to achieve this step..." Liu Zhenzhi expressed his own opinion without being frightened.

"In the early hours of the morning, the East China Sea bandits attacked the Hecheng military fortress with two thousand bandits, and then split into different routes to attack the northern fortress - I don't see how the East China Sea bandits could easily capture the Hecheng military fortress at first, so they took the The strategy of splitting troops and roaming to achieve the strategy of creating momentum and exhausting our army, in fact, has no intention of fighting with our army at all,” Cao Zi’ang said, “But since we have captured the Hecheng military fortress, especially the East China Sea bandits are still in the dark. If we want to make a big move on the northern front, it is also a natural move to concentrate our troops on the Hecheng Army Fortress. There will not be only 2,000 bandits gathered here. If we compare the strength of our troops, it is impossible for us to gain an advantage..."

"Yeah, you can't beat the pirates hard. They always try to push westward." Lin Fu sighed. Before the provocation, the East China Sea pirates gathered tens of thousands of troops on the northern front and on the Shengsi Islands. If She Feixiong wants Quan Ciqing to raise troops to counterattack Changguo Island, he must continue to move the focus of the northern line to the north, in order to eliminate Quan Ciqing's wariness and make him hooked, and the pressure on Chongzhou will increase. In the battle just now, fifty or sixty bandits were only beheaded, and the generals who were secretly presided over by the She family could not be heartbroken.

"Did you transfer some of the warships here?" Cao Zi'ang asked.

"..." Lin Fu shook his head and said, "Jinghai Camp must be used intensively, so that Kou Bing feels the pressure of isolation from the back road, and besides, this is not a good battlefield for water battles. If it is just blocking the river, Before that, I sank a few ships in the heart of the river, but it still can't solve the crisis that the pirates will advance westward in the situation where the troops are superior. I have to hit them hard to effectively annihilate a thousand to two of them. Thousands of people, they will honestly hide in the Hecheng military fortress, and then use the Jinghai sea camp to go out to sea and block the route between Hecheng and the Shengsi Islands, which can force the Kou soldiers to withdraw from the Hecheng military fortress. Eliminate the scourge of war from the invisible."

"Then wait for Zhou Tong to come over and have a good discussion. He has a lot of tricks." Zhou Pu said. The bandits they suffered were not a rabble. Given that they had the advantage of warships, they would have to pay a considerable price to annihilate one or two thousand bandits by normal means. Once the price is too high, the strength of the Jiangdong Left Army will be weakened, not only will it not be able to stop the Kou soldiers, but will induce the Kou soldiers to march westward on a larger scale.

Lin Fu walked up the river embankment and stared at the sparkling water flowing eastward. Although Chongzhou is low, the Yunyan River flows from the Chenghuai River from Hongzepu to the west and from Gaoyou Lake to the sea to the east. He carefully observed the distance. The enemy ship was there for a long time, suddenly turned around and walked towards Ge Siyu, and asked him: "You can mobilize all the manpower and completely block the river with earth and stone. How much time do you need the fastest?"

"That's not difficult," Ge Siyu said. He squatted down, picked up a branch and calculated it in the mud. "If you can prepare in advance and just seal the river, an hour is enough."

The Yunyan River is only a hundred or ten paces wide, and it is already deep in autumn, and the water coming from the upper reaches has begun to decrease~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The water potential is not large, and it is not difficult to block the river. During this period of time, Ge Siyu has been doing the dredging work of the Yunyan River. Prepare, all kinds of data have a spectrum.

"Then beat his mother here," Lin Fu spit out a foul language, and made up his mind, "Zi'ang, you and Si Yu go to Jiuhua, one night is enough to prepare for the blockade of the river, Jiuhua is in Baihua. Outside the mile, Kou Bing's sentry can't penetrate that far, and I personally sit here."

"Don't be in a hurry for a day or two..." Cao Zi'ang said. He came here with Lin Fu. Originally, he planned to stay and preside over the overall situation, so that Lin Fu could go back to marry tomorrow so that he would not miss the wedding date because of the war. Bound made him go to Jiuhua, and he stayed behind to sit in charge himself, which was against his original intention of following.

"It's them who are urgent. As long as the stars and moon are bright enough tonight, the Kou soldiers will definitely strengthen their confrontation." Lin Bie pointed to the enemy ship that was making adjustments in the distance, and said, "Look at them, they are obviously summing up the river just now. The flanks of the embankment array have taught me a lesson from the cavalry's defeat. Take a few flat-top boats to connect with each other and dock close to each other, and use pallets to connect with the river embankment to form a platform that is easy to enter and exit. Retreat to the ship to prevent the flank from forcibly breaking through. If there are many pirates ashore, these platforms can also build an effective flank position to prevent our cavalry infantry from rushing from the flank..."

"The other party is a character who knows a lot about military affairs..." Cao Zi'ang sighed slightly, most of the pirate ships were not linked together, and they were inconvenient to attack with fire when they wandered on the river.

"The She family and Li Zhuo have fought fiercely in Dongmin for ten years. There are many elite veterans, and there are not a few outstanding generals. Without this capital, the She family wants to seek the world, and I am afraid that the world will laugh out loud," Lin Fu said. , "This is also the root of She Feixiong's daring to divide troops to lure the enemy." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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