Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 84: Tsurujo Division Army Fortress

Gu Siyuan escorted Xunniang from Shandong to Jiangning to marry her to Chongzhou, accompanied by two hundred elite horsemen, and stayed in the military camp on the north side of Dongya. Although Chongzhou had prepared a comfortable guest room, Gu Siyuan insisted on sleeping in the barracks.

In the early morning, the window was still green and there was no bright light, and the sound of horses' hooves flying on the rammed earth road was as rapid as the drum beats when singing an opera to an urgent place, constantly going in and out of Dongya. Gu Siyuan woke up from his sleep and heard the sound of horses' hooves outside the barracks, and knew that things were unusual.

"What happened?" Gu Siyuan asked.

"The direction of Hecheng Division has been attacked," Ma Chao lifted the curtain and walked in, "I just received the accurate information, about 2,000 soldiers landed at the mouth of Yunyan River, stormed the Fortress of Hecheng Division, and others. An unknown number of Kou soldiers attacked the Yanchang Fortress to the north of Hechengsi, and my uncle has just sent someone to invite the young master to the Dongya to discuss matters..." Although it would take another day before the official marriage ceremony, Ma Chao was already accustomed to treating Lin Fu as his uncle. .

Gu Siyuan is a guest, not a master, so it is polite for Lin Fu to invite him over.

Gu Siyuan put on his riding boots and originally brought Ma Chao with him. He just walked out of the camp. He thought that Lin Tie's mobility in Chongzhou was actually limited, so he instructed Ma Chao to say: "You stay and prepare everyone for battle, maybe you can help. busy……"

Gu Siyuan took two entourages and walked to the East Office. Lin Fu, Cao Zi'ang, Fu Qinghe, Lin Mengde and others were all in the East Office, and even Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu and others heard the news. However, except for Ao Cang overseas, the other leading generals are not there, and they are all ready to dispatch in the camp.

At this moment, Wu Meijiu came hurriedly, but she was wearing wooden sandals under her official robe, thinking that she had no time to fix her appearance.

The temporary county government is at Beishanmen. Even if Jiangdong Zuojun is in charge of defense, Wu Meijiu should wait for news at Beishanmen. Gu Siyuan did not know that last night, Han Zai had authorized Lin Fu to control the military and political power of Chongzhou. Boarded the boat and was anxiously waiting to leave Chongzhou.

Not only Wu Meijiu came to Dongya, but also Li Shuyi and Hu Zhicheng, who were in charge of the government affairs of Chongzhou County.

"Gu Shaojun is here too," Wu Meijiu almost bumped his head into Gu Siyuan's arms, hurriedly stopped his feet, and asked with a little peace of mind, and saw Lin Fu sitting behind the bookcase on the inner side of the conference hall, staring at the map on the bookcase , came over to bow and saluted, and asked anxiously, "How is the situation of Tsurucheng Division? Is the governor planning to send reinforcements there?"

"Siyuan and Lord Wu are here," Lin Fu stood up and greeted Gu Siyuan and Wu Meijiu, he frowned and said, "I am on the south bank of the Yunyan River, at the junction of Chongzhou and Hecheng pastures, and there is a beacon tower. Just now, the wolf smoke was burning there—this means two situations, one is that the Hecheng Division fell, and the Kou soldiers moved westward along the Yunyan River, and the other was that the Kou soldiers bypassed the Hecheng Division and advanced westward along the Yunyan River..."

"Hecheng Division has fallen!" Wu Mei was stunned for a long time. Kou Bing had landed ashore in the early hours of the morning, and it had only been over an hour since Hecheng Division had fallen, which was a bit too fast.

"It is unlikely that the Kou Bing will bypass the Hecheng Division defenders and move westward," Lin Fu said, "but it will take another hour before there is any definite news."

"How long can the Jiangdong Zuo Army hold the garrison on the south bank of the Yunyan River?" Wu Meijiu asked, "Can't wait for reinforcements to arrive?"

There was only one military **** stationed in the western garrison of Hecheng. However, as early as early June, Lin Fu replaced a large number of farmlands along the Yunyan River in the west of Hecheng, and resettled nearly 2,000 households. It was launched early, and there were four or five hundred people who could be mobilized during the war.

Lin Fu has always been in the defense of Crane City and there will be problems.

Although there are thousands of salt soldiers in the grasslands of Hecheng, but the military equipment is completely useless, and the armor is not repaired. The soldiers are mainly prisoners, and they are used as hard labor for many years.

The East China Sea bandits gathered in the Shengsi Islands on a large scale, and Lin Fu set up Liu Zhenzhi from Jiuhua Temple to the west garrison of Hecheng, increasing the number of soldiers in the west of Hecheng to 200 per post. Before there was no action in other places, Lin Fu mobilized the people in the west of Hecheng in advance. As long as the East China Sea pirates did not have large-scale siege equipment, even if there were more than 2,000 pirates who landed from Hecheng Port, Liu Zhenzhi defended Hecheng. It will not be a problem to hold the garrison in the west of the city for three to five days.

"I still can't figure out the movement of the main force of the enemy bandits. I have limited mobility on the land of Chongzhou. Even if I want to send reinforcements, it must be after the bandits have indeed made a siege on the west garrison of Hecheng." Lin Fu said, asking Wu Meijiu Don't be impatient, let Wu Meijiu and Gu Siyuan bring stools to sit down.

"There are two hundred cavalry with me. I will make Ma Chao ready to fight at any time, if you have any orders to dispatch," Gu Siyuan said.

Cao Zi'ang and Fu Qinghe, who were studying the map, looked up at Gu Siyuan and looked at each other, thinking in their hearts: Lin Gu's marriage can still temporarily eliminate the estrangement between the two sides.

"Siyuan has a heart," Lin Fu thanked, and did not ask Cao Ziang to include the two hundred cavalry that accompanied Gu Siyuan to Chongzhou when arranging the troop transfer plan. He was not worried about the situation in Chongzhou, but worried about the situation in eastern Zhejiang, which was beyond his reach. .

His speculation is consistent with Song Jia. She Feixiong's great momentum on the northern front is likely to create a false impression that the islands of Changguo County on the southern front are empty, and to induce Quan Ciqing to lead the Zhedong town army to attack Changguo.

She Feixiong's center of gravity is on the southern front, in eastern Zhejiang, and the northern front is just his feint shot. No matter how loud and frequent his movements are on the northern front, he will try his best to avoid the formation of a battle with the Jiangdong Zuo Army. There is no absolute advantage, and a two-front battle is something that any general should avoid. Lin Fu speculates that the main action of the northern line's pirates should be to divide their troops to attack the shallow coastal areas to avoid invading deep. The main northern line is also difficult.

"This tortoise and grandson walked faster than a rabbit, and another boat hit a hole in Yashi and sank halfway," Sun Jingtang walked in, "Jun Shanzhai has gone with Han Zai, do you still want Ning Ze? The minister will send a sentry soldier to the station as originally planned?"

Only at this time did Gu Siyuan know that Han Zai, the special envoy of Xuanfu, had just left Chongzhou in a hurry under the **** of the garrison in the water camp of Junshanzhai, and the garrison of Ninghai Town in Chongzhou came out; hand.

"The military cottage is temporarily defended by the people's bravery," Lin Fu said. "We have limited mobility and cannot be dispersed. Let Ning Zechen lead Fengli's first and second outposts to the north bank to stand by." He raised his head and asked Hu Zhicheng, who was below him, "Is there any soldiers from the village and township reporting to the county soldiers?"

It was also in the middle of the night when Lin Fu got Han Zai's authorization to control Chongzhou's military and government, and then he had the right to mobilize Chongzhou. Hu Zhicheng said: "Except for the two hundred villagers from Jiuwei Li's family who gathered at the mouth of Xishan River overnight, there is no movement from the other families. The county has already sent a second group of people to urge..." He was not sure how many there would be. Effect.

"Send another group of people down, and I will send a sentry navy to cooperate with the county. All civilian ships, sailors and boatmen with a length of six feet or a load of more than a hundred stones, when they receive the notice, there must be no delay. , immediately go to the Nanya Pier to gather, and the offenders will be arrested and imprisoned and punished for the crime of financing bandits..." Lin Fu said, "The township soldiers report the assembly incident within the time limit of tomorrow. Strong punishment for the crime of treason by Tibetan soldiers. The bandits are strong, and all the forces must be mobilized to repel the bandits and avoid a repeat of the disaster in April. The village will explain one or two more..."

Lin Fu requisitioned civilian boats and assembled people's courage. Wu Meijiu only thought that he was going to fight against the East China Sea bandits. Naturally, he agreed. He followed the signature and used the seal, and hurried back to Beiya to sit in town, so as not to panic and be looked down upon in the eyes of others.


In the middle of the time, only the sentry scouts rushed back and handed over specific news.

At dawn, Kou soldiers rushed to Hecheng Port, and the defenders were forced to retreat to the fortress after failing to hold on to the defense for long.

At dawn, the Kou soldiers crowded under the fortress of the Hecheng Division Army. At this time, the defenders discovered that several officials, such as the Hecheng Division ambassador, deputy envoy, and supervisor, who were usually flamboyant and mighty, had long been wrapped in thin and soft belts when the Kou soldiers landed. With their families fleeing~www.wuxiamtl.com~, the military's heart collapsed for a while, and more than a thousand people opened the west gate together, fled westward along the Yunyan River, and entered the territory of Chongzhou.

When the beacon fire was lit on the west garrison of Hecheng to report the news, the army fortress of the Hecheng Division had already been occupied by the Kou soldiers.

After the Kou soldiers occupied the Hecheng Division, they did not advance westward along the Yunyan River. Except for some of the Kou soldiers who stayed and defended the Hecheng Division's military fortress, a large number of the Kou soldiers crossed the Yunyan River and went up, depending on the situation.

Lin Fu didn't expect that the Hecheng Division Junsai would completely take it away from the East China Sea bandits, and suddenly felt a headache.

The salt fields under the jurisdiction of Weiyang Salt and Iron Division are very wide, mainly including Lianghuai Salt Fields and Hecheng Grass Fields. From the northern part of Shanbei Peninsula to Jiangmen, the coast stretches for hundreds of miles. The salt produced in the Lianghuai Salt Works is mainly transported by river to Weiyang for centralized sales. Six or seven of the salt merchants in the world gather in Weiyang. Naturally, the Salt and Iron Company is also located in Weiyang (now Yangzhou), so that the salt tax can be collected centrally.

Although Weiyang Salt and Iron Division has 20,000 salt cubes, it also has the functions of anti-smuggling, supervising transportation, preparing sea, preparing for robbery, preparing for flood tide, and managing salt households. Troops were widely dispersed.

However, after the pirates in the East China Sea, the Department of Salt and Iron made great efforts to build defensive systems such as fortresses and garrison towers along the coast, which almost reached the scale of three miles, one pier and one garrison, ten miles and one fort, one hundred miles and one fortress or one city. Chengsi Military Fortress is the main military fortress on the east coast of Chongzhou and Gaocheng.

Hesicheng's military fortress has completely fallen into the hands of Donghai bandits, which is definitely not good news. Lin Fu was about to send someone to Beiya to tell Wu Meijiu the news. He didn't expect Wu Meijiu to just come over at this time and get close to the case. Lai said in a low voice, "The Secretary of Salt and Steel has sent people over to ask for reinforcements..." My QT room is now open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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