Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Deep house matter

(Today, the second update came out so quickly, I also feel very surprised, red ticket, red ticket!)

"In the midst of a big wedding, I was dishonestly staying in Chongzhou and waiting to be the bridegroom officer, and still running around, how much do I want someone to worry about for you?" She was worried that Lin Fu would lead the army to patrol the sea in person, but she kept her duty in mind and didn't talk about foreign affairs, but she couldn't let go of her worries and beat Lin Fu with other things, hoping that Lin Fu could stay in Chongzhou more.

"I know it in my heart," Lin Fie couldn't see where Xiaoman had gone. He took off his armor and put on a green shirt. He let Liu Yueer sit on his lap, and looked at her affectionately. Looking at her, "You feel wronged, but you want to take care of these things..."

"It's enough to be by your side, if you have your love and affection, how can there be any grievance?" Liu Yue'er pressed her cheek against Lin Bie's ticklish chin, and said softly, "Besides, there are Seventh Madam to help, I don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about the wedding, you can ask the Seventh Madam..." She smiled and said, "If you are careful, the Seventh Madam is also pregnant, and it won't end well." Compared with the shameful Seventh Madam of Zangwei, she is much luckier.

"I'll be with you today, and I won't go anywhere." Lin Fu held Liu Yue'er in his arms, and put his hand gently around her bulging belly.

"There are a lot of things waiting for you, I don't dare to occupy you, you come back at night and talk to me again," Liu Yue'er said, "It's strange to say, Sixth Madam walks this way very hard, with her. The Seventh Madam also got close. When they were in Jiangning, the Sixth Madam and the Seventh Madam were so **** each other, do you think it's strange?"

Speaking of this, Lin Fu was also guilty, and could never confess to Liu Yueer that he and Yingxiu bumped into Shan Rou when they were doing good deeds in the nunnery.

"What's so strange?" Lin Bie asked back, but moved his hand up, holding Liu Yue'er's breasts, weighing it, feeling very heavy. Since Liu Yue'er was pregnant, she has been taking care of her here, her body has become much plumper, and her delicate twin peaks have swelled a lot, and her hands are heavy, and there are no bras in this world. When you touch the clothes, you can better feel the moving shape and soft bounce. In addition, Liu Yue'er's plump buttocks were sitting on her thighs, and she smelled the good smell coming from her body. There was no need to deliberately. Lin Fu's heart was just about to move, and he directly woke up the meat pestle on his lower body. With Liu Yueer's flesh/bumpy buttocks.

"Go find the Seventh Madam!" Liu Yue'er blushed softly, and asked Lin Fu to go to Gu Yingxiu to do good deeds. She was worried about the fetus in her womb, and she didn't dare to have **** with Lin Fie for several months. She felt his firmness, and she was afraid that he would be unable to restrain him for a moment, twisting and struggling to stand up.

How could Lin Bie get up and go out the door like this, Liu Yueer moved her body, her plump flesh/bumpy buttocks were rubbing against him, rubbing his heart with a strange ecstasy, rubbing/rubbing her plump upper body, and said: "That's fine..."

Liu Yue'er was shy in her heart, but when she thought of Lin Tie's hard work outside, she couldn't bear to brush him off, and said, "I'll help you with my hands... But why bother me, the seventh lady is thinking of you." Squatting in a stance, enduring the shyness in his heart, he rested his head on Lin Bie's thigh, reached in and held the object.

Liu Yueer's hand was round and tender, and asked her to hold it. Lin Fu felt comfortable, but before he could feel comfortable for long, footsteps sounded outside the house, and Xiaoman's voice sounded like an oriole. Lai: "I can't find anyone left or right. I must be eager to see his unborn son. You wait here, I'll go in and have a look..."

Just as Liu Yueer stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, Xiaoman just pushed the door and walked in, but the blush on Liu Yueer's face had not disappeared. Is there anything she couldn't see? Xiaoman didn't take it at all, but just spit out his sweet tongue and smack, trying to hide, Liu Yue'er blushed and scolded: "Come back to me, who is outside and wants to see my husband? I'll go. There is something ahead, you accompany me there."

"The sixth lady came to talk about the big wedding..." Xiaoman said, "There are some arrangements, I don't know if it suits his mind, so I came to ask."

Liu Yueer regretted saying that Xiaoman had to accompany her to the front. Lin Fu and Sixth Madam had to avoid being alone, otherwise it would not sound good, but thinking that no one in this house would talk too much, so they held on. He stood up and asked Xiaoman to accompany him out.

Lin Fu was a little afraid to see Shan Rou. She was so enthusiastic about helping with the wedding. She couldn't hide from her, and she couldn't see her in the room. Come out over your clothes. When the sixth lady, Shan Rou, stood in the aisle, Xiaoyi leaned back and saluted: "Concubine Shan's meeting with the adults... About the big wedding, the concubine is a little undecided. The seventh lady and the third lady went to the garden in the north to listen to the play. It is inconvenient for Madam Ru to worry about it, so I came to ask the adults for your instructions."

"Oh..." Lin Fu just wanted Shan Rou to follow him to the front hall where he usually handles official business, and suddenly noticed that she was a little different from the past, not so much different, just put on a cloth skirt and wooden shorts, and wore a simple dress. Like the daughter of a poor family, without the richness and nobleness, the face of the melon seeds looks strangely pure.

Although they are all filial piety people, they don't have to be so simple. Besides, before they came to Jiangning, they also wore silk brocade, gold and jade, not too much deliberately, just wearing plain colors to show filial piety body. Even if the Lin family's deposit and property were left to Lin Xulu and others to take care of in Jiangning, the several ladies had a lot of private property in their hands, and Shan Rou Duan did not need to go to Chongzhou to live so simply.

Shan Rou's change made Lin Bie feel strange, and she felt that her face with melon seeds was more attractive than before, so she couldn't help looking at her more, and for a moment forgot to ask her to speak in the front hall.

Shan Rou is smart, so she stared at Lin Bie, a little embarrassed, but she also knew what Lin Bie was doing, and explained softly: "In the past, my concubine hid in the deep house compound and couldn't see the outside world for almost ten years. After arriving in Chongzhou, I became a little wild, went outside two or three times, lived in the middle of the mountain, and could often see the situation down the mountain. Only then did I suddenly remember that my concubine was born in a poor family ten years ago, and I thought of all kinds of hardships. It's really hard, I can't have a full meal all year round. Besides, someone as noble as my wife wears simple clothes, and my concubine is even more ashamed, so I exchanged my clothes and some private possessions for money, thinking that maybe It would be good to make the poor families in Chongzhou eat more meals..."

"..." Lin Fu didn't ask any more questions, and didn't know what to ask, so he asked Shan Rou to follow him to the front hall, and while listening to her talk about the big wedding, Xiaoman, the head of the desk, tidy up for him. copy.

Wang Mazi's wife Zhenniang brought tea in. Shan Rou watched Lin Fu bury her head in reading the official document, so she took the initiative to take the tea tray and walked to the case to bring the tea cup to Lin Fu's body.

Lin Fu saw a story about the repair of the embankment of the Yellow River. In order to repair the broken embankment of the Yellow River, the court directly sent Chen Zhongnian, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, to Shandong to preside over the matter. In early April, 200,000 people were recruited. Now that September has entered, and the Yellow River has been flooded in summer and autumn, and the embankment has been repaired without success, at the end of August, Chen Zhongnian asked for an order to summon more than 100,000 people from Jinan and Pingyuan.

When Lin Fu saw this pond copy, he was so angry that he wanted to tear it up. He thought that Chen Zhongnian could be the right servant of the Ministry of Engineering and knew about the water conservancy fortifications, but he didn't expect to mess with him for four or five months without any achievements. Putting the blame on the understaffing will add another mess, and it's likely to be a big mess.

During the flood season, the Yellow River is rushing, and it is extremely difficult to repair the embankment. The main thing is to guide, and it is easy to repair the embankment in the dry season. It is too much to have 200,000 people on the dyke.

It can be said that people are paid for work, as long as they have financial resources and proper management, no matter how large-scale fortifications are, there will be no big problem. Not to mention the peasants, the government officials are not enough money, it is impossible for these villagers to eat enough food, the officials are too tight to work, and they are very hard and embarrassed. There will be a big mess.

Liu An'er, Luo Xiancheng and others were in chaos before. Now, 300,000 people are piled up on the embankment of the Yellow River. The imperial court and the Shandong region couldn't learn some lessons, and they didn't have any effective countermeasures. I really thought that these people were all helpless. Powerful, slaughtered grass people!

Today, although the Yellow River **** repair is in Shandong, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not under the jurisdiction of Shandong. Lin Fu thought about reminding Tang Haoxin where to pay attention. When he saw a bosom handed to him, he subconsciously reached out and inadvertently Touching a soft finger.

It was no big deal when I touched my finger when I received the tea. I thought nothing happened, but when I handed the tea softly, my mind was used to see how Lin Bie was reading the official document. When the fingers touched, my heart jumped. With his hands, he poured a bowl of hot tea onto Lin Fu's body.

Lin Bing scalded the hot tea coldly and subconsciously, he almost fell down with the chair.

Shan Rou was also startled. Knowing that she had done something wrong, she was even more flustered. After she hurriedly went to the desk, she took out a handkerchief to wipe off the tea stains on Lin Bie's body. avoid arousing suspicion.

Lin Fu was annoyed at the fact that Chen Zhongnian brought 300,000 people to the embankment of the Yellow River. He poured a bowl of hot tea on his body, which was hot and wet. Looking at Shan Rou, regardless of Zhenniang and the guards, he came to wipe it for him. Clothes, she opened her hand subconsciously, frowned and said loudly, "Go away!"

Shan Rou opened her hands, listened to Lin Bie's rebuke, and wanted to walk away by herself, as if she was electrocuted. Aggrieved, tears could not help flowing out.

Seeing that Shan Rou reprimanded herself, she ran out of face and ran out. Lin Fu didn't feel anything, and asked Zhenniang to go to the inner house to find a set of clothes for herself and put on it. Thinking about things in Shandong, and thinking that Wang Chengfu could not stay at the foot of the mountain for too long, he sent someone to bring him over; Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and others had a lot of trouble waiting to find him, and Lin Fu quickly brought him over. Forget the single soft things. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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