Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 77: East China Sea Raiders

(During the Spring Festival, the update is uncertain, whether there is or not, and I don’t ask for leave in advance, please forgive me, I wish everyone a happy New Year, and ask for one or two red tickets)

The boats approaching Dayangshan Island from the west were indeed the three sentinel ships of Haiyu Township. The boats approached the mouth of the north side of Dayangshan Island. A middle-aged man in scales and armor looked at the head of the cliff and said loudly. : "I dare to ask if Lord Lin Fulin, the envoy of the Jinghai capital, is on the shore, and Chen Huawen, the chief of the Haiyu County who is also the capital of the military and the commander of the Haiyu Township Battalion, is here to ask for a meeting..."

Chen Huawen is the younger brother of Chen Huazhang, the head of the Haiyu Chen clan, and the uncle of Chen Mingzhe. The East China Sea bandits invaded Haiyu County twice on a large scale. The government has a high reputation.

Lin Fu gestured to the left and right, and invited Chen Huawen to come ashore to discuss.

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe are quite similar in appearance. They are uncles and nephews of similar blood, and it is difficult for others to pretend to be. Chen Huawen is over forty years old, his face is thin and his eyes are long and narrow, but his eyes are bright as torches.

Lin Fu smiled and asked, "Why did Master Chen cross the sea to Dayangshan Island?"

"Master Lin led the fleet to the sea, and my nephew Mingzhe saw him at the mouth of the Dongjiang River. Yesterday, he saw the wolf smoke rising into the sky again. I guess Master Lin is here to clear the pirates." , but it was the first time we met. I saw Lin Bie's face was thin and cold and his eyes were calm. , Anyway, Lin Fu is a superior officer, Chen Huawen saluted, "Xiaguan led a team to help out, please don't feel presumptuous."

Lin Bie looked at the three ebony wooden boats at the mouth of Yabei Bay, and thought that Chen Huawen was really thick-skinned. After dragging it all night, the three boats brought hundreds of people over, and he dared to say that they were here to help. However, seeing the flames burning here, Chen Huawen can be considered a courageous person to come over to watch the situation in person. Although Haiyu Township had forty or fifty fishing boats that were converted into warships, but it was me who had no contact or plan beforehand, and was unable to confirm the situation of the war after the fact, and it was impossible for him to have only that little water camp in his hands. The power is pulled out to fight.

Lin Fu said with a smile: "Master Chen has a heart. Pull out the two nails on the big and small Yangshan Island, otherwise it will be too difficult, and there will be no reinforcements from the East Sea Bandits. The difficulty is that the Jiangdong Zuo Army does not have enough troops to defend the eight on the left and right. Nine small islands, can Haiyu Township Camp intend to take over?"

The extravagant family controls the East China Sea pirates, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army has not yet been able to fight alone. However, Pingjiang, Jiahang, and the various counties in Mingzhou are all harmed by the East China Sea pirates. Working together, it is far greater than the East China Sea pirates.

On the east coast of Haiyu County, it is less than 70 miles away from the nearest point of Yangshan Island. The island will be handed over to Haiyu Township to build a garrison for defense. If a pirate ship enters the sea area of ​​Shengsi, it will send a message back from the garrison of Yangshan Island. , Haiyu Township Battalion can rush over to encircle and suppress pirates in less than two hours at the fastest; it is much more effective than Jiangdong Zuo Army building garrison directly on Yangshan Island.

Lin Bie looked at Chen Huawen, wanting to see if he had the courage to take over the big and small Yangshan Island.

Chen Huawen turned to look at the mountain on the south side of Dayangshan Island to cover his hesitant look.

Although there were more than 5,000 soldiers in the Haiyu township camp, they had more than enough to defend the fortress, but they were not enough to keep the East Sea invaders out of the country. In addition to the Dongjiang River, Haiyu County has a vertical and horizontal network of rivers. There are almost dozens of rivers entering the sea for pirate boats to come and go. The township has only forty or fifty fishing boats converted into warships, and it is impossible to guard each place.

If you can build garrison towers on the big and small Yangshan islands, even if you don’t expect to destroy the enemy at sea, you can at least find the bandits entering the Shengsi sea area two hours in advance, and the township camp will have more time to deploy troops in Haiyu County. Targeted defense of the East China Sea pirates landed and entered the pirates.

Chen Huawen is worried that in this vast sea, how can we defend this isolated island and garrison? The troops deployed here were few and could not hold the garrison, but since there were no large warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army that could gallop on the sea, the troops were deployed more here, and they were trapped on the isolated island, instead dispersing the troops of Haiyu Township Camp on land.

Chen Huawen thought about it again and again, and said to Lin Fu, "It's a big problem, and Xiaguan can't make up his mind. After Xiaguan returns to Haiyu County, he will discuss with everyone, and then give the adults an answer..."

Lin Fu sighed softly and said, "I lead a fleet to patrol the sea, and I can't stay at sea for too long. Since Mr. Chen can't accept it at this time, then I will destroy the fort and return to the sea, and I can't give it to the East China Sea pirates. occupied the past..."

"Although it's a pity, I can only say that it's a pity," Chen Huawen said calmly, "There are 100 people coming here, Lord Lin, please feel free to use them."

Lin Fu can't complain that Chen Huawen is short-sighted. If the Haiyu Township Battalion can't focus on developing the combat power of the water battalion, it is useless to talk about sea power. The Jiangdong Zuo Army was still out of reach at this time, and Haiyu County did not take over. Lin Fu could only order the two strongholds on the Big and Small Yangshan Islands to be destroyed as completely as possible.

It is easy to destroy, but difficult to build. Even if the luxury family is not short of people and money, it will take a month or two to rebuild the base on the big and small Yangshan Island. In the future, it will become the norm for the Jinghai battalion to go out to sea to patrol the sea, gradually compressing the power of the East China Sea bandits in the sea area of ​​Shengsi to Daheng Island, and it will also improve the situation in the sea area of ​​​​Shengsi and the waters to the north.

Although Chen Huawen did not agree to take over Yangshan Island, he was quite polite to Lin Fu. It's not just that Lin Fu's official position is higher than him, but Lin Fu holds a heroic soldier in his hand. Chen Huawen hopes that in the future, when the East China Sea pirates invade Haiyu County and the township camps and are unable to resist, he can be rescued by the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Forge a good relationship.

"I heard that Lord Lin's wedding is imminent, the lower official will prepare a little ceremony when he arrives, and go to Chongzhou to ask for a glass of wedding wine. I hope that Lord Lin will give permission." Chen Huawen said with a bow.

"Gifts are exempted," Lin Fu said with a smile, "I will never turn away guests and friends, so I will wait for Lord Chen in Chongzhou."

Chen Huawen left by boat, and Lin Bie stayed on Dayangshan Island for two days, destroying the two strongholds on the small and small Yangshan Island, and then led the patrol fleet back to Chongzhou. Appeared in the sea area of ​​Shengsi.


When Lin Tie was demolishing the fortress on Dayangshan Island, She Feixiong secretly arrived at Daheng Island. Although he failed to make up his mind to fight against Jinghai Camp at sea, he always paid attention to the dynamics of Dayangshan Island. He was even more worried about Lin Tie. Bound will attack Daheng Island this time.

From Shengsi Islands to Tushan Islands to Daishan Islands and then to Changguo County Islands, the distance between each archipelago is only 70 to 80 miles. With a firm foothold, the She Feixiong must deploy heavy defenses on the Tushan Islands and Daishan Islands, which will disperse the Donghai pirates' offensive against Mingzhou at this time.

Upon receiving the news that the Jiangdong Zuo Army patrol fleet was heading north, She Feixiong breathed a sigh of relief on Daheng Island, but his heart was filled with fire. It was obvious that his strength at sea was several times that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but he shrank. Can't move on the islands.

"Crack!" She Feixiong slapped the table with hatred. He slapped the table with great strength, and slapped the simple table made of pine wood swaying, almost falling apart. He looked at the cronies standing below. , asked them with red eyes: "Let's talk about it, is it possible to fight Jiangdong Zuojun at sea once?"

"Jiangdong Zuojun's ships are strong and fast. All of our warships are too far apart. We can only win the battle at sea," a middle-aged general with a beard nodded and said, "In this situation If we can fight, the Jiangdong Zuo Army will fight with our army, but if we cannot fight, the Jiangdong Zuo Army will be able to sail and flee, and the initiative will be with the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

"What Ting Zhan said, I also considered it, but don't you feel aggrieved in your heart because you are trapped in Daheng Island?" She Feixiong said.

"There is no way to be suffocated." Su Tingzhan smiled, his expression was very relaxed, and he didn't look a little bit aggrieved.

Although Su Tingzhan has a rough appearance, he is also an important general of She Fei Xiong Yizhi to lead the East China Sea bandits, but he is a scholar.

He is from Minxi, Mingzhou. Although he offended the big clan in Mingzhou and was imprisoned for false accusations, he instigated hundreds of prisoners to break out with him, killed officials and robbed boats, and finally took more than 300 prisoners to sea to become a pirate. .

Because of the weak force, he went out to sea to become a pirate, and he was also invaded by other forces, and only operated in the waters south of Liuheng Island. Su Tingzhan was very discerning and courageous. He was weak and was trapped in the Liuheng Sea and could not develop. Seeing that the She family was trapped on land and unable to break free from Li Zhuo's blockade, he went to Jin'an alone and asked to see him. She Feixiong, who was recovering from injuries in Jin'an at that time, persuaded She Feixiong to support him in developing his power at sea.

In just two or three years, Su Tingzhan's forces rose to become the most powerful of the thirteen East Sea pirates. Su Tingzhan was also quite distinctive in recruiting his subordinates. He made his subordinates deliberately commit rapists and sent them to prison, instigated prisoners to escape into the sea, or directly entered the hard labor areas where the bandits exiled the prisoners, and attracted the exiled prisoners to join them. His subordinates are mainly fierce prisoners, and they are very brutal in the countryside. Later, he took the initiative to infiltrate the luxury family, and accepted a large number of old soldiers and brave generals. His combat power is very strong, occupying Liuheng Island, and becoming a problem in the abdomen of the two Zhejiang Prefectures.

Not only that, Su Tingzhan also secretly fostered a pirate force close to the luxury family, and was also one of the main promoters of the luxury family's strategy of abandoning the land and going to sea. At this time, his status in the She family was no weaker than that of the She family's old ministers and generals, and he was the most important confidant and confidant of She Feixiong's subordinates.

In the **** battle of Jiyang, Su Tingzhan's troops suffered heavy casualties, but it also gave him the opportunity to clean up his subordinates and establish regular soldiers. He recruited veterans from the coastal areas of Jin'an to join the team, and the force quickly expanded to more than 6,000 people. "Six Heng Yong Piao".

After the **** battle in Jiyang, She Feixiong adopted Qin Zitan's strategy of "consumption and replenishment", and in just one year, he was able to infiltrate the East China Sea bandits. In addition to guarding the 3,000 elites of the army, She Feixiong is most dependent on the "six heng brave soldiers". In addition, there are more than 10,000 bandits scattered on the islands, and they can gather 20,000 soldiers in the East China Sea.

She Feixiong held a hero in his hand, but he was suppressed on Daheng Island and couldn't make a comeback.

"Perhaps we should attack Chongzhou again and solve the troubles of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in one fell swoop before the new city of Chongzhou is built?" Shu Qingqiu said with a gloomy face.

Last year, Shu Qingqiu and Du Rong and Qin Zitan wanted to set a trap in Meixi Lake to harm Lin Fu, but they bit Lin Fu instead. Du Rong was defeated and killed. Root off. Except for Shu Qingqiu's two sons who escaped, nearly 100 people sent prisoners to Huzhou to be convicted, and heavy punishments were used for disorderly affairs. Nearly 30 heads fell, and several households in Shu's family were wiped out. Shu Qingqiu naturally hated Lin Fu to the core. I can't wait to bite its flesh and chew its bones.

Su Tingzhan was silent, and looked at She Feixiong.

Chongzhou was rainy and seldom sunny throughout July and August, and the rainstorms often poured down, making it impossible to build a city.

She Feixiong is of course willing to deal with the Jiangdong Zuo Army in one fell swoop, but how much force must be drawn to win, and how long will the war last before the Jiangdong Zuo Army can be completely crippled? The two Zhe County Divisions assembled nearly 30,000 troops on the banks of Mingzhou, and wanted to retake Changguo County. He dispatched too few troops to pose a threat to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and transferred too many troops, the defense of Changguo County was empty, and the two Zhe County Divisions had a chance to take advantage. Once Changguo County falls, they will lose their most important foundation in the East China Sea.

"If you can't bear it, you will be in chaos," Cheng Yiqun said. "Our current focus is on Mingzhou, not Chongzhou, so we can't mess up."

Cheng Yiqun was born in Taihu pirates. He once wooed the Qu family and sent people to besiege the mouth of Jiangning River. He failed. Last autumn, he wooed Qin Zitan, a big bandit, on Xisha Island, killing Minyong and more than 2,000 islanders. He led the crowd to the sea and completely took refuge in the luxury family, and he was also the master who was incompatible with Lin Bieshi~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At this time, he was in charge of the big sideways.

"Indeed, at the moment we want to attack the two Zhejiangs, with the encroachment of eastern Zhejiang as the foundation, and we cannot easily use troops against Chongzhou before we solve the two Zhejiang soldiers," She Feixiong said, "In a short period of time, we should strengthen the defense of Daheng Island. , to deal with the soldiers of the two Zhejiang commanderies, no big ships are needed. All the four flying wings will be transferred to Daheng Island, and twenty more sea loach ships will be transferred. We must not let the warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army cross the Shengsi waters and threaten Tu. Mountains and Daishan Islands. Under this situation, the warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army dared to forcibly cross the sea area of ​​Shengsi, so I transferred ships to encircle and destroy them. I don’t believe that four or five hundred ships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army can’t defeat dozens of Jiangdong Zuo’s ships. ."

"The Donghai fox, which is close to Changshan Island in the north, is not weak. The salt boats that often haunt the inland river and loot the Lianghuai Salt Fields may have a connection with the Lianghuai Salt Owl," Cheng Yiqun said. If you keep it out, will you send someone to settle it?"

"Have you figured out the situation? How many soldiers will you need to be sure?" She Feixiong asked.

"The power is not weak. This group of people originally built a dock on the southern cliff of the island, surrounded by cliffs and dense forests, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack; in the past two months, they built a new small fort on the promontory facing the southwest bay mouth on three sides. It is difficult to forcibly conquer it,” Cheng Yiqun said, “Using troops to attack is second, as long as our department shows strong force, we can force them to bow their heads and let Changshan Island out. Mountain Island can threaten Hecheng in the east of Chongzhou, and can force the Jiangdong Zuo Army to divide its troops towards Hecheng to defend..."

She Feixiong asked Su Tingzhan, "Tingzhan, what do you think?"

"This may be postponed," Su Tingzhan said, "I'm thinking about using troops against Chongzhou again. In a few days, it will be the wedding of Lin Fu's children. Maybe we can join in the fun..." My QT room Open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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