Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 64: Into the ground for safety

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Wang Mazi and Zhenniang also came to Chongzhou with Lin Bie this time, but the couple lived in the front yard with two Montenegrin dogs. Xiaoman accompanied Su Mei to the Beishan courtyard, and the inner house was also rare and quiet.

Liu Yueer's menstruation had been interrupted for nearly two months, and Lin Fu became pregnant within half a month of returning to Chongzhou. Confirmed that she was pregnant, although Liu Yueer held Lin Bie in her arms, she refused to let him touch her body again, for fear of the fetal gas.

Liu Yueer's body had some early pregnancy reactions, her body was weak, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Lin Bie could only endure it, but restlessly held the hard meat pestle against Liu Yueer's plump buttocks through a thin shirt.

"Why don't you put that little girl in the room, she understands everything she should know, and is waiting for you to take her in," Liu Yue'er curled up playfully, folded her body, and put her knees on top of her. Going to Lin Fu's place, "You have to wait for Miss Gu to come in. You will have to wait for three months. Although the seventh lady will come to Chongzhou the day after tomorrow, you can't expect her to live in this yard."

Lin Fu still doesn't know how to speak about the sixth lady's affairs; Liu Yue'er said this because he was thinking of him, but even if he didn't care about Xunniang's feelings, even if he just took care of the Gu family's face, he couldn't take care of Xunniang's future. When entering the door, he took another concubine tightly. Xiaoman's identity has also been clear, and he can't just let Xiaoman take him into the room to serve him as a maid. Otherwise, what would Fu Qinghe, Qin Chengzu, and Cao Ziang think in their hearts?

At the end of the day, I still have to keep the word "li". As long as others believe this, Lin Fu can't be completely reckless.

"There are so many things, how can you think about it? Don't think about it blindly, this girl is still young, let's talk about it after the new year..." Lin Bie's hand gently covered Liu Yue'er's soft belly, the fetus It was less than two months old, and I couldn't feel it. He pulled Liu Yueer into his arms, he stretched out his arm and let Yueer sleep on his arm, thinking that the women in this world regard jealousy as a bad virtue. Indulging a man's greed is the sixth lady Shan Rou, although she has no feelings for her, but such a beauty, as a man with normal physiology, is irresistible; I don't know how Yingxiu had such a ridiculous idea, didn't it hurt him to jump into the fire pit? If the matter is accidentally exposed, even if the Lin family does not turn their backs, it will affect his reputation in Chongzhou.

This can't be done, no matter how tempting it is, I will endure it, Lin Fu thought to himself.

"What are you thinking?" Liu Yue'er stared at Lin Fu's face through the starlight pouring in from the window.

"I didn't think about anything," Lin Bie stretched out his hand and stroked Yue'er's bright and charming cheeks, "I was thinking, it's great luck to have one for a charming woman like you, but it made me stupid to get a few - you Now that I am pregnant, I should be more careful in everything, and if I want to do anything, I will tell others to do it."

"What can I tell others to do?" Liu Yue'er said, "When it comes to what I want to do, I miss my parents a little bit. Although they treat me badly, they always give birth to me and raise me. My parents, I shouldn't have any grudges against them..."

"Then I will ask Lin Jingzhong to find them and bring them to Chongzhou. I think they have suffered a lot outside during this period of time." Lin Fu said.

Back then, the Liu family couldn't wait to sell Liu Yue'er for a good price, and they didn't care about family affection at all, which made Liu Yue'er cry sadly. make them suffer. After thinking about it later, I was relieved that the status of wives and concubines in the world was very different. According to the law, "concubines can buy and sell", and the status of concubines is not much higher than that of goods that can be bought and sold at will. To marry a daughter as a concubine is actually to sell the daughter. The Liu family's practice is very common in this world, and it cannot be regarded as the Liu family's special greed for money.

Lin Fu thought that Mother Xun was about to enter the door, and that his wife and concubines were certain. Even if the Liu family had any unreasonable thoughts, they would not be able to do anything in Chongzhou. To give her parents a good home, it would be better to bring them to Chongzhou for resettlement.


Su Mei did not leave the music, at least on the surface, it was necessary to draw a clear line and relationship with Lin Fu, so as not to let Yuan Guizheng have the opportunity to drag Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun into the Qiuye conspiracy case. . Su Mei went to Chongzhou to live in Beishan Courtyard, opened the door to welcome guests, sang in public, and raised money for the relief of Chongzhou. After staying for four days, plus the 1,000 taels of silver donated by the Marquis of Yongchang, a total of nearly 2,000 silver was raised, all of which were donated to the county. On July 4th, Su Mei sailed back to Jiangning.

Lin Tingxun's remains were also shipped to Chongzhou on July 4th. In addition to eight orphans and widowed mothers, Lin Xulu and more than 300 Lin hometown Yong were escorted on the boat, along with 64 monks who practiced deeds.

Chongzhou's monks and nuns almost gave Lin Bie an emptiness. If they hadn't invited people from Jiangning, they would not have been able to make up sixty-four "reputable monks" who had done things in Chongzhou.

In the Dayue Dynasty, the monastery was powerful. Emperor Jingfeng, Emperor Qingyu and Empress Dowager Liang were all faithful believers. They rewarded Buddhist temples in Beijing on the annual Buddhist festival; Taichang Temple, which mastered Taoism and Buddhist affairs, and Liubu Jiu The same column.

Even if Lin Fu had the intention of destroying the Buddha and destroying the Buddha, he was not qualified to implement it at this time.

Some things have never been done, and Lin Fu insisted that he expelled monks and nuns in Chongzhou, confiscated temple property, and temple fields, which was the need for a thorough investigation of bandit cases. Even if Taichang Temple has some scruples about Lin Fu's wanton removal of monastic forces in Chongzhou, it is impossible to turn against Lin Fu just because the monastic forces in a county are damaged.

Most importantly, the special envoy of Xuanwei, Han Zai, fell into Lin Fu's trap, and inexplicably became the most determined person in Chongzhou to investigate the monastery forces, making it impossible for Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian to trouble Lin Fu in this matter, and jointly resolve this matter. pressed down.

Lin Bie chose a cemetery for Lin Tingxun halfway up the mountain at the foot of Mount Zilang Mountain, with a good location. In addition to building a tomb, it is also necessary to build a thatched cottage to guard the tomb. Lin Fu asked Chongzhou to hire a group of craftsmen to dig a tomb half a month ago, but the official burial will not be done until the eldest son, Lin Xuwen, arrives in Chongzhou.

Lin Tingxun was buried in Chongzhou, and Lin Xuwen, as the eldest son, naturally had to resign from public office in accordance with the Ding Youzu system and go to Chongzhou to form a house in front of the tomb to observe filial piety for three years.

For thousands of years, filial piety has been the priority in everything. Any official who dares to violate Ding You's system of keeping filial piety will wait to drown with spittle stars and sectarians for the imperial censors of the Duchayuan. Only with love can the officials whose parents died can continue to serve as officials.

In Zhang Xie's heart, he was eager to kick Lin Xuwen away from the position of the censor of the Youqi capital and the chief of the Hejian government, the military affairs officer of the Hejian government, and the director of the Jinhai water transportation department, and replaced him with his own. Not only Lin Xuwen is the arm of Gu Tang's family, but the Jinhai Food Route in charge of Lin Xuwen is directly pinching Gyeonggi's throat.

Although Zhang Xie was full of desire to kick Lin Xuwen away, he knew in his heart that once he used Ding Youzhi's system to kick Lin Xuwen from this position back to Chongzhou to keep filial piety for three years, he would still be holding Jinhai grain by the throat of Gyeonggi. Dao is likely to cause big trouble to make it difficult for his aspect to be guaranteed. No matter how unwilling or unwilling he was in his heart, he could only suggest that the emperor give Lin Xuwen a special decree to stay in office.

On June 25, Lin Xuwen resigned and went to Chongzhou to observe filial piety, and Beijing followed with a special order to retain him. After that, Lin Xuwen made three resignations in a row, and Beijing also issued three special decrees to retain him. In the end, the court reluctantly agreed to give Lin Xuwen a month’s leave to let him return to Chongzhou to bury his father, but after the month’s leave expired, the court reluctantly agreed. , and immediately returned to Jinhai to preside over the overall situation of the Water Transport Department and the Hejian House.

Due to the violent winds and waves at sea in summer, Lin Xuwen set off from Jinhai by land on July 2 and arrived in Chongzhou by horse-drawn carriage until July 13.

Lin Tingxun was officially buried in Chongzhou on July 15th. It has been more than a year since he passed away in Jiangning.


Watching the coffin slowly fall into the tomb excavated on the cliff, Lin Fu was also full of emotion, saying that it was safe to go into the ground. If Lin Tingxun really knew about Jiuquan, he didn't know if he was happy to be buried in a foreign land in Chongzhou.

In addition to Lin Xuwen returning from Jinhai, Lin Xulu has been presiding over the funeral in Chongzhou these days, and Lin Tingli and his second son Lin Xufu also came to Chongzhou from Dongyang. Including Lin Tingxun's five widows, youngest son Lin Xuxi, young lady Ma Shi and Lin Tingxun's young grandson, important figures who can decide the fate of the Lin family, all gathered in Chongzhou.

Sprinkle earth to cover the coffin, and the earth is piled up as a tomb.

After the funeral, everyone went down the mountain one after another. Lin Fu, Lin Xuwen, Lin Tingli and the others walked to the grass hut guarding the grave. Lin Xuwen had to stay in the grass hut for seven days before returning to Jinhai.

Lin Tingli looked at the Taotao River in the southeast, and said with emotion: "This means that the Lin family has spread branches and leaves in Chongzhou. Before coming to Chongzhou, I was still a little worried about the situation in Chongzhou. From this point of view, the situation in Chongzhou is the worst. There is something to worry about. Now I am in Dongyang and Xuwen is in Jinhai, and you need your help in Chongzhou. Your aunts and Xuxi will eventually go back to Shiliang County. You are the master." This means that Lin Fu is the master of the Chongzhou Lin clan.

"It's right to do my best for the clan," Lin Fu said. "When the head of the family was alive, he often said that the autumn of troubles and turmoil, and the clan was the most important thing. If our Lin clan couldn't work together, how could we be troubled and chaotic here? Will the Autumn survive for a long time? As for the Chongzhou Lin family, I am young and hopeful, or should the second uncle choose another talented person to preside over."

"You also know that it's a time of trouble and chaos, so don't let it go," Lin Ting put his hand on Lin Bing's shoulder and pressed it hard, "This burden is not light, but you, who else is there? Competent? Everyone must remember that whether it is the Lin Clan of Dongyang or the Lin Clan of Chongzhou, we are all of the same origin and same clan."

"..." Lin Fu quietly looked at the river where Taotao passed away. It is difficult for later generations to understand the importance of clans in maintaining social relations in this era, and it is also difficult to understand the huge role that clan forces can play in this era. Although Lin Fu also intends to support and use the power of the Lin clan, he also intentionally restricts the infiltration of the Lin clan into the Jiangdong Zuo Army. He does not hope that the Lin clan will eventually become the one that can control the world's political situation but cannot control itself. Huge monster.

It is not surprising that a family with a single surname has three or five officials of the fourth and fifth rank; however, a family with a single surname can have three officials holding real power, which is already considered a big family in the whole country.

Although Lin Tingli was still in charge of the Dongyang Mansion, he was already a five-ranked official, and the Dongyang Xiangyong, who actually had 6,000 troops, became an important force in stabilizing the situation in Dongyang and even Jiangning. At this time, it would be difficult to kick Shen Rong away from Dongyang, otherwise the prefect of Dongyang would be in Lin Tingli's pocket.

With the further development of the situation, as long as you deal with it carefully~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the power of the Lin clan is destined to be further strengthened, and the foundation of the Lin clan will become more and more difficult to shake the hostile forces, even if the dynasty is changed, the Lin clan also has The capital is up for sale, and there is no need to bury the decadent Yuan Dynasty.

Lin Fu was silent, Lin Tingli glanced at him sideways, and it was hard to imagine how Lin Fu could do this in such a short period of time.

Lin Tingli arrived in Chongzhou two days earlier than Lin Xuwen. His eldest son, Lin Xulu, lived in Chongzhou for nearly ten days and had a better understanding of the situation in Chongzhou. Compared with Lin Xuwen’s in Jinhai and his in Dongyang, Lin Fu’s foundation in Chongzhou was even deeper, and it could almost be said that he controlled Chongzhou in his hands. restrictions are very limited. If it weren't for the unsafe terrain of Chongzhou, Lin Tingli believed that it was possible for Lin Fu to take control of Chongzhou.

In addition, Lin Fu was based on Chongzhou, he was based on Dongyang, and Lin Xuwen was based on Jinhai. The three places were connected by waterways and fleets, which actually formed a pattern with Chongzhou as the root and Dongyang and Jinhai as the two wings. If the troubled times are really coming, there is no chance that there will be an extremely expensive fight. Thinking of this, Lin Tingli was also faintly excited, and secretly asked: Could it be that Lin Fu also has such a plan in his heart?

Although the terrain of Chongzhou is not good, it is better than the hinterland of Dongyang. The development ideas of the key forest binding mainly focus on the ship, the development of water transportation, the development of warships, and the development of water camps. The terrain of Chongzhou looks poor, and it seems that there is no danger to defend, but as long as Lin Bingqi has a strong and elite navy, the crisscrossed water network, the sea to the east, and the broad Yangtze River to the south are the foundations of Chongzhou. Keeping the danger.

Lin Tingli vaguely thought of some things, but these things were far from the time to talk about them on the table. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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