Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 61: banquet

There are several alleys to the south of the Zangjin Bridge in the east of the city, where the wealthy and noble families live. Lin Bie rode in the alley on horseback, and saw the row upon row of eaves, the courtyard walls on both sides were painted white, covered with blue tiles, weeping willows lay low, blue stones paved the street, and the sound of horse hooves and cicadas sang in the alley.

When he came to the gate of Yongchang Hou's mansion in Yanshui Lane, Lin Bie got off his horse and tied it to the horse-tethering stone on the left side of the gate, so that the guards waited in the awning outside. The concierge went in to report, Lin Fu and Ao Canghai waited in the hall for a while, and saw a group of people coming out of the hanging flower door. Brothers Yuan Jinqiu and Yuan Jinsheng were also in the crowd. The middle-aged man in the middle looked a bit like the Yuan brothers, with a thin face and narrow eyes, fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and a beard under his chin almost four or five inches. Walking out of the Chuihuamen, he was imposing and arrogant, and he must have been Yongchang Hou Yuan who returned to power.

Lin Fu never thought that the Marquis of Yongchang would walk out of the hanging flower gate to greet him in person, so he hurriedly walked out of the hallway, bowed in the shade of the tree, and said, "Lin Fu, the late-born Lin Fu, pays respects to the prince and the prince. Lin Fu also lived in Jiangning for a long time before, and he has always been I have never had the opportunity to come to meet you at the door, I hope you will be more lenient to the rudeness..."

"What's the matter in the past!" Yuan Guizheng laughed, took Lin Bie's arm, and said with a smile, "If you don't post here, I'll also post it to see Yannan's four heroes who are famous all over the world. make your lord..."

"Master Hou is joking about being born late. What's the point of Yannan's little effort?" Lin Bie said with a smile.

"The envoy of the governor is really humble," Yuan Guizheng laughed, "the Donglu invasion caused the King Lu family to suffer the most, except for the general of Zhenguo who was able to attack the king of the county; She walks and lives in the palace. Today, she is accepted as a righteous daughter, and she is named Princess Yangxin—Princess Yangxin praised the good name of the envoy in the palace. In several decrees given by the queen mother, she also mentioned the capital. Envoy. If it wasn't for the fact that the envoy would continue to make contributions to the imperial court, would the queen mother even want to give the envoy a marriage? Speaking of which, this old and immutable rule should really be changed. The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the individual, so if you are a relative or a descendant of a foreign relative, you can't serve the court? What do the envoys think?"

Lin Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, avoiding Yuan Guizheng's gaze, and said with a smile: "Listening to the Hou Ye, I think everything makes sense, but I'm just born late and have little knowledge, and I feel that the old rules have the benefits of old rules, and I should stay late. Go back and think about the pros and cons, and then reply to Hou Ye..."

Hearing the hints in Yuan Guizheng's words, Lin Fu felt amused: Give marriage, can't you give Yuan Yan's little girl a marriage to herself? If you think about it, it doesn't seem funny, there is no precedent for a twelve-year-old girl from the royal family to get married. Thinking of this, Lin Bie couldn't help but stretch out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that it was a blessing that he didn't go to Beijing this time.

If after entering Beijing, Zhang Xie badly mentioned the matter of conferring marriages and marrying clan daughters, he would be extremely passive.

In the more than 200 years since the founding of the Yue Dynasty, there have been few cases of clansmen and foreign relatives taking over power.

In addition to the institutional factors of civil ministers controlling each other and suppressing clan and foreign relatives, there is also a major factor that all emperors have grown up when they succeeded to the throne. There is no chance of expansion with foreign relatives.

It's not that the clan and foreign relatives have no chance at all.

When Emperor Delong died of a sudden illness, his sons were young, and his foreign relative, the Liang family, had the opportunity to support the young emperor and control the government. However, the secret edict left by Emperor Delong before his death actually passed the throne to his grown-up younger brother, who is the current emperor of the Holy Glorious Chongguan, so that the Liang family lost an excellent opportunity to control the government.

However, before the fiasco of Chentangyi, the Liang clan almost controlled the frontier troops in the towns of Datong, Xuanhua and Jiliao. Even after the defeat of Chentangyi, where five out of ten frontier troops were defeated, Liang's influence in the frontier army was still far-reaching, which was an important factor in Yue Lengqiu's unwillingness to serve as the governor of the three towns after the defeat of Chentangyi. .


Lin Fu dealt with Yuan Guizheng in a perfunctory manner, while thinking about the various hints in his words. Fan Ding and others led the way and walked to the hall of the inner house where the banquet was held.

In the gorgeous hall of Nuoda, there are only two long sandalwood desks. It is hot outside, but the hall is breezy. In addition to the beautiful maid wearing a light robe behind the fan, there must be ice cubes in the room. absorb heat.

Yuan Guizheng asked Lin Fu to sit opposite each other, while Yuan Jinqiu, Yuan Jinsheng, Fan Ding and others stood by the rules and waited and spoke with them.

The food and wine were all served by the maid on the side. Only one dish was served at a time. Lin Fu only had time to take a bite or two to taste it, so he took it down and replaced it with another dish. Fifty or sixty dishes were served on a table full of wine, but Lin Fu was only half full.

"Nowadays, there are many discussions in Beijing and Jiangning about moving the capital. What does the imperial envoy think about this?"

Lin Fuzheng rinsed his mouth with the green salt brought by the maid. Hearing that Yuan Guizheng mentioned this, he spit the salt water into the silver bowl, and wiped his hands with the snow-white sweat towel. Let Yuan Guizheng let go of his affairs in Sumei, and said: "There are advantages and disadvantages - these words should not have been said by a humble person like Wansheng, but Hou Ye is very sincere in his late life, and he is also very sincere. There is no need to judge other things in front of the Hou Ye-Yanjing is the gate of the country, and moving the capital is not good for the soldiers to guard the gate of the country together. If Yanshan falls, from the Yanji Plain to Shandong, and then to the Huai River, there will be no danger to defend. If things are not careful, it is very likely that half of the rivers and mountains will be shaken. I think the plan today is not to move the capital lightly. However, there are also various disadvantages: last autumn, the eastern invaders broke into the border and entered the robbers, such as entering the courtyard. ; Yanjing was directly exposed to the threat of the Eastern Captive Cavalry. There are more than 10,000 officials in Beijing and nearly 100,000 soldiers in the ban. Only these two items require nearly 3 million stone of grain each year. Wancao grain was transported to Beijing in time, and the actual consumption of grain in other counties was three to five times the normal amount. At this time, the river collapsed and the waterway was sparsely blocked. The only detour from Shandong and Jinhai—the grain was transported to Jiaozhou Bay The foot fee has not been reduced at all. Even if it is reduced, it will only reduce the burden on the local area. However, from Jiaozhou Bay to Jinhai via the Guoshui River and the Wei River into Gyeonggi, the court still needs to subsidize an additional six cents of silver per quarry of grain. The sum of this amount is astonishingly large, far exceeding the range that the Ministry of Household can bear—from the actual difficulties, moving the capital is an urgent move..."

Yuan Guizheng squinted at Lin Fu. From the moment the Qu family fell into the trap, he officially paid attention to the pig herd in front of him, and secretly said: His rise really has his way to rise.

Others discuss moving the capital, only to say that the defense line of Yanshan is full of loopholes, and the imperial capital is exposed to the iron shoes of the East, which is very dangerous, but they cannot see the deeper crisis behind it.


To transport grain along the Jinhai grain road, the imperial court needs to subsidize an additional 6 yuan of silver for each stone of grain. Every year when three million stone of grain is brought into Beijing, an additional 1.8 million taels of silver needs to be subsidized. The key is to really support the Yanshan line of defense. It needs six million stone grains to enter Beijing every year, and an additional 3.6 million taels of silver need to be subsidized.

Such a huge expenditure may be barely enough to support for a year and a half. Over time, the government's finances will inevitably collapse.

Perhaps as long as the Yellow River ruptures and blocks up, and water transport returns to normal, there is no need to travel through the costly Jinhai River. In fact, the Yanshan defense line is full of loopholes. Even if the Yellow River can be breached and blocked this year, next year, a Donglu cavalry will break into Shandong and dig up the Yellow River again. The Donghu people have already seen this fatal place in the Dayue Dynasty Weak.

"The magistrate's envoy really sees things more deeply than ordinary people, and this marquis has been taught..." Yuan Guizheng nodded.

"Simply speaking, Lord Hou is overrated." Lin Fuqian said, but he was thinking in his heart: what is the interest of Yuan Guizheng, Empress Dowager Liang in the palace and Guanyun Liang's family by moving the capital or not? In addition ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yue Lengqiu has the sole power in Jiangdong, Gu Wuchen is not enough to check and balance him, is the palace completely at ease with Yue Lengqiu?

Lin Fu calmed down a little, and didn't think about too complicated things. Su Mei's affairs always had to test Yuan Guizheng's attitude, and said with a chuckle: "Elder Fan is also here, but I remember one thing in my late life. …”

Fan Ding and Yuan Guizheng glanced at each other, and said to Lin Fu Shi: "Please ask the envoy to make orders."

"Chongzhou was hit by bandits in April, the city was destroyed, and thousands of people were slaughtered. Miss Sumei took pity on her, and would like to go to Chongzhou to help the disaster-stricken households with the income from her singing. I don't know if Miss Sumei mentioned it to the elders. This?" Lin Fu said.

"I didn't hear Miss Su mention it..." Fan Ding looked at Yuan Guizheng when he said this.

"This is a good thing," Yuan Guizheng laughed, "I donated 1,000 taels of silver to help the Sumei girl's righteous deeds... The envoy is also a real man who likes to listen to the Sumei girl's wonderful a cappella singing. There is Baisha County. For the sake of safety, Fanlou did not dare to let the Sumei girl leave Jiangning to sing in other places. Now that there is a magistrate in Jiangkou in Chongzhou, the East China Sea pirates can no longer enter and come out, so there is no need to worry about this anymore. Also, the Su Mei girl should be asked to go out more."

"Thank you Lord Hou for making this happen. If Miss Su Mei goes to Jiangning, I will definitely consider the safety matters." Lin Fu said.

"There is no need to worry about the security affairs," Yuan Guizheng said with a smile. "There are also several merchant ships in my government who want to go to Beijing from Chongzhou. You can **** Sumei girl back to Chongzhou..."

"That's right." Lin Fu said. He wondered in his heart: When did Yongchang Houfu own a sea ship? They even had to open the trade route with Gyeonggi one step ahead of them. It seems that the Yongchang Houfu has many secrets that are not known to outsiders. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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