Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 59: was a sister

Although Emperor Delong died of a sudden illness less than two years after inheriting the throne, the key figure at that time, the Empress Dowager Liang, was still there. Today, the saint is able to inherit the throne because he and Emperor Delong are brothers. If the Wang lineage continues, Qiuye's conspiratorial conspiracy case will hardly have the chance to overturn the investigation.

However, nothing is absolute. The Qiuye conspiracy case involves the abolition of imperial power. The truth behind the scenes may directly shake the legitimacy of the descendants of King Jin's succession to the throne. In the eyes of ambitious careerists with deep calculations, Akino's conspiracy against the case may be regarded as a rare opportunity.

The night breeze came from the bamboo shoots, and the bright moon shed its brilliance like water. Lin Fu calmly listened to the grandfather's secrets that had been taboo for more than ten years. He thought that the old grandfather was vague, Yongchang The relationship between the Houfu and the palace is probably more complicated than imagined. Otherwise, how could the fact that the Empress Dowager Liang is actually the eldest sister-in-law of Yongchang Hou Yuan's return to politics could not be circulated in the alleys?

"In the first year of Delong, as many as 100 civil servants and generals were implicated in Qiuye's conspiracy against the imperial court, the Duke's Mansion and Yongchang Hou's Mansion were also admonished, and more than a thousand members of the Jingbei Hou family were beheaded. They are all capital crimes, and there are only more than 30 servant girls under the age of 10 who have been recruited into the Jiaofang Division." Zeng Mingxin squinted at the bright moon between the bamboo shoots, and spoke of the past, "Fanlou, the old father of Fanding. Since then, he has been in close contact with Jiaofangsi, and many of the girls who have made money in the building are from Jiaofangsi. In the spring of the second year of Delong, that is, not long after Jingbei Hou Suhu was convicted and executed in Beijing, Jiangning’s There was a big fire in the Jiaofang Division, and the casualties were not heavy. Thirty to fifty people escaped, and most of them were caught after the incident, but the Jiaofang Division's account book was burnt to nothing. Over the past few years, one is The list of personnel at that time was chaotic because of the fire, and secondly, no one cared about the girls from the Jingbei Houfu who were charged into the Jiaofang Division. Su Mei was only ten years old at the time, but she was quite tall. Almost next to my shoulder!" Zeng Mingxin straightened his waist and gestured to his shoulder.

Hearing a slight sound behind him, Lin Fie looked back, Su Mei was standing beside the poplar tree with a tea set, her eyes were like the Mid-Autumn Spring under the moon, probably thinking of the grievances, her eyes were bright and filled with tears.

"When I'm old, I drink tea frequently at night, and I can't stand the toss. I don't drink tea anymore," Zeng Mingxin stood up and flicked on his long shirt, and said, "Yuan Guizheng, this person is not simple. I took a look at him, the governor wants to meet him, but he has to raise his spirits. I'll go back first..."

"I'll take the prince of the country for a ride..." Lin Fu stood up and said.

"No," Zeng Mingxin waved his hand and said, "My eyes are fine, I can see the road in the clear night, there is a group of **** following, and someone will help me if I fall, and I will supervise it if it doesn't bother me."

Lin Fu and Su Mei watched Zeng Mingxin leave the garden before sitting back in the pavilion. Su Mei put the tea set on the stone table, poured a handful of tea with boiling water, washed away the smell of soil, before brewing the first cup of tea and serving it in front of Lin Fu, saying, "Xiao Man is my sister, she was only five years old at the time, Frightened, I can't remember what happened before the fire..."

"Did Xiaoman know about these things later?" Lin Fu asked. Last year in the thatched cottage, Xiaoman deliberately imitated Su Mei's mature makeup, so he looked alike. At that time, he thought that the two might be blood sisters, but he didn't expect it to be true. in this way.

"I haven't told her about these things in all these years. It's not easy to keep these things in my heart," Su Mei said, "Xiaoman and I are both people who want to be tied to Beijing and be executed. Fortunately, we went to Jiangning back then. The Yushi of the Right Deputy Chief, who was in charge of supervising the case, was entrusted by the grandfather of the country, so Xiao Man and I were able to pretend to be servant girls and stay in the education department. My mother looks very similar. After he saw me in the Jiaofang Division, all this was seen by the vassal family and the Yongchang Houfu hidden behind the vassal family. They took me, Xiaoman and other girls from Jiaofang. Si bought it, and set a fire on Jiaofang Si on the same day as the buyer, and almost all the insiders of Jiaofang Si were killed and silenced. In the hands of the vassal family... it's just that they don't know the identity of Xiao Man, but I have become a handle for them to threaten the prince of the country."

Lin Bie nodded. If Yongchang Houfu and Fan's family knew Xiaoman's identity and bound Fan Zhimei himself last year, he might not be able to change Xiaoman so easily.

"In recent years, the girls from the Jingbei Houfu have also been redeemed and married to ordinary people as wives and concubines. The old prince has been helping out behind the scenes, but Yongchang Houfu and the vassal pretended to be ignorant of everything. , I don't know what they are thinking about." Su Mei said.

"Other people are irrelevant. What they want can't be achieved from those girls. In addition, blackmailing the old man can't directly gain any benefits beyond their imagination. I'm worried that they have other plans," Lin Fu said. Shen Yin said, changed the topic, and asked Su Mei, "How does Uncle Fu know that you and Xiaoman are still alive?"

"Uncle Fu and Uncle Qin, they left the army, and they originally planned to go to the prison in Beijing to save my parents. Uncle Fu went to the prison to meet my parents once, and it was only from the mother's mouth that I knew that Xiaoman and I were taking shelter. Grandpa Yu is fortunately still alive. The Grand Prison in Beijing was heavily guarded and was guarded by King Jin’s cronies at the time. There was no possibility of successful robbery. Take care of my sisters..." Su Mei said, "It's a very important matter. Once the news leaks out, it will involve hundreds of people from Duke Mu's government and the loyal officials who sheltered my sisters in the case of rebellion. I also endure the unreasonable injustice of resentment for Uncle Qin and the others, and never tell Uncle Qin the details and they know..."

"Qin Chengzu and Cao Zi'ang are like ghosts. After seeing your face in Qingjiangpu, they knew it well," Lin Fu smiled and said, "It's just that I was stunned, and I was an outsider at the time. They didn't Just show your deeds in front of me... You have worked hard enough all these years."

"Do you blame me for keeping this matter from you for so long?" Su Mei asked.

"Alas," Lin Fu faintly sighed, once the news leaked out, the officials who protected Su Mei and Xiaoman sisters and Mu Guogong would have to go through a new round of brutal cleansing. Miao, only said, "I didn't ask? Besides, I'm not too stupid. Although some details cannot be predicted, the general reasons can still be imagined. The unjust injustice suffered by your Su family is not only a matter of changing the dynasty. , I'm afraid it's difficult to have a chance to clear it, are you willing?"

"Why are you unwilling," Su Mei said, "In addition to rescuing all those girls abroad, I am also worried that Yuan Guizheng will drag in more innocent people... Over the years, I have also seen Yuan Guizheng three From all sides, I really can't see what he is thinking, the grandfather of the country is also quite afraid of him."

When Zhou Pingzhi, the censor of the Right Deputy Capital, who came to Jiangning to supervise the Jingbei Hou conspiracy case, died in poverty, his son Buenyin served two county magistrates. Silent after that.

Although Mu Guogong was a descendant of meritorious deeds, apart from being rich and noble, he actually had no influence on the government, and he had no real power other than the power to appoint tax collectors in Shiyi.

"Yuan Guizheng is not easy," Lin Fu said. "At least for the extremely wealthy Marquis Yongchang, the benefits of blackmailing from the old prince are not tempting, but the risks are not enough. It is also great. If there is any great benefit, the truth of Qiuye's conspiracy is that it can directly intervene in the abolition of imperial power and directly shake the legitimacy of the Jin king's succession to the throne. She was originally a servant of the Jin Dynasty and served the two emperors Delong and Chongguan. During Emperor Delong, she became one of the best in the province and naturally participated in the trial of the Qiuye prison case. In addition, the Empress Dowager Liang also experienced Qiye prison. The person involved in the case, Yongchang Houfu, has close relations with the Empress Dowager Liang and Guan Yunliang's family - is there a big secret behind this that can't be seen by outsiders~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's really hard to say at this time..."

"Alas..." The tears on Su Mei's cheeks had dried up, and she could only sigh faintly at this kind of intrigue, sinister people, and the fate that she was still only a chess piece on the chessboard at this time.

"Come with me to Chongzhou." Lin Fu raised his head and asked.

"How could the Fan family let people go?" Su Mei shook her head in pain, she had long been tired of this prosperous place in Jiangning.

"How many girls are still unredeemed?" Lin Fu asked.

"There are three others, all of whom are still young," Su Mei said.

"I will send someone to the Yongchang Hou's Mansion tomorrow to worship and post," Lin Fu said, "I always have to give it a try... After Emperor Delong took over, the Liang family, Empress Dowager Liang's mother's family, was no different for a while. Under the old system, the Liang family's influence in the army also increased greatly. From the collapse of the Jingbei frontier army until the battle of Chentangyi, the Liang family almost controlled the frontier troops in the four towns of Yanbei. After the fiasco of Chentangyi, the Empress Dowager Liang's family The Yunliang family's power in the army has suffered an unprecedented setback. As expected, the emperor also has the intention of further weakening the Liang family... I have to see if the Yongchang Houfu is really a little bit restless. ."

"Is it too dangerous to be involved in this kind of thing?" Su Mei asked worriedly.

"It's still the old man who sees it thoroughly. In a troubled and troubled autumn, there are three or five children who are wishful thinking..." Lin Fu sighed lightly, "I was born to be a troublemaker, and I dare not pull it on me for such a big disaster, not to mention This is for you to escape from the sea of ​​misery."

"I can really go to Chongzhou, and I eat with this voice," Su Meifan blushed slightly, looking at the moonlight sprinkled on the stone table, and said, "I don't want to rely on others. Over the years, I have been able to see Xiaoman there. A good home, I am also satisfied." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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