Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 56: relocated

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

"Moving the clan!" Lin Bie looked at the third lady in disbelief. He couldn't understand how she would suddenly have such an idea, and went straight to ask him to discuss it. He glanced at Yingxiu and saw that her eyes were calm. Looking at the sixth lady Shan Rou, I realized that this idea was suddenly made by this hoof...

"The whole family moved to Chongzhou," Lin Xulu was also very shocked, and he didn't care about being rude. He stared at the third lady and asked, "Why did the third aunt have this idea?"

"It was your sixth aunt's idea, and I think it's the same reason, so I asked the two of you to come over to discuss..." The third lady said, Lin Fu basically does not interfere in the affairs of the Lin family in Jiangning, and Lin Xulu is in charge of the affairs of the outer house. The inner house is in charge of the third lady, Lin Tingxun's continued wife. When the family moved to another place, it was not yet the third lady's turn to stand up and point fingers, but as the orphans and widowed mothers moved to Chongzhou with Lin Tingxun's coffin, she couldn't be blamed for her talkativeness.

Lin Xulu did not doubt that it was Lin Bing who was playing tricks in it. The Lin clan hurriedly withdrew from Shanglin to avoid troubles in Jiangning. Instead of weakening, they rose against the trend. Even if it cannot be said that it is all due to Lin Bing, it can be said that most of them are. It's Lin Fu's credit.

The boss, Lin Xuwen, is the director of the Jinhai Waterway Transport Division, who also knows the affairs of the Hejian House and supervises the military equipment of the Hejian House. If Yue Lengqiu hadn't crossed into Jiangdong, his father Lin Tingli would most likely have pushed Shen Rong out in the near future and became the prefect of Dongyang. The Lin family's business has also penetrated into Jiangning and Jinhai.

It can be said that compared to the previous interests in Shanglin, the Lin family at this time is standing at a higher starting point. If Lin Fu is included, it is already moving towards the status of the world's first-class noble family. There are many places that benefit Lin Fu, and it is even inseparable from Lin Fu's status at this time.

When the Lin Clan was at its most critical and weakest, and when Lin Fu most urgently needed the resources of the Lin Clan, Lin Fu didn't reach out, so how could it be possible to reach out at this time? Besides, with Lin Fu's status and power at this time, there is no need to maliciously fight for the resources of the Lin clan in Jiangning. It is in the interests of both parties to cooperate fully.

One more thing, this matter was not brought up by the seventh lady, but by the sixth lady. There has always been some estrangement between the sixth lady and Lin Fu. Lin Xulu understood this in his heart.

Lin Xulu raised his head and glanced at Sixth Madam Shan's, and asked, "My nephew took the liberty to ask Sixth Auntie, why did you think of moving your family to Chongzhou?"

"It's not a family relocation, just a few of us orphans and widows taking the master's coffin to Chongzhou," said Sixth Lady Shan Rou calmly, "I don't know how long this war will last until it ends. I don't know how long it will take to go back to the forest again. I can't let the master stay in the soil all the time, move to Chongzhou, and find a feng shui place to bury the master in Chongzhou, even if the Lin family has a branch of fallen leaves and takes root there. It is said that the Lin family is going to spread its branches and leaves. If you want to come under Jiuquan, you will not blame us for letting him go to a foreign land... In Jiangning's case, we orphans and widows can't help much, and we have to take care of you all hand in hand. "

"Is that so?" Lin Xulu was a little less surprised. He looked at Lin Fu and asked, "Old Seventeen, what do you think?"

"Second uncle and eldest brother make up their minds about this matter." Lin Fu said, he didn't know how Yingxiu persuaded the sixth lady last night to let the sixth lady take the initiative to jump out as a gunman? But this matter was brought up too suddenly, and he could only respond perfunctorily.

"That's true, the uncle went to Chongzhou for burial. According to the rules, the eldest brother will resign and go to Chongzhou to observe filial piety. This is not a trivial matter..." Lin Xulu thought thoughtfully.

A thought flashed through Lin Bing's mind, and he patted his thigh and said, "No, Yue Lengqiuba went to the forest to be a barracks, but there is still an insidious trick?"

"What insidious plan?" Lin Xulu asked in surprise.

"Aunts, Xu Lu and I know about this. We will send a letter to discuss with the second uncle and elder brother. We will receive a reply from Jinhai in ten days," Lin Fu said.

In addition to the five ladies and the young lady Ma, there are some things that are not heard by so many people. Lin Fu didn't say much, pulled Lin Xulu back out, walked in the lane and said to him: "Yue Leng Qiuba When he wants to go to the forest to be a barracks, when he will let him out depends on his mood - in fact, when the head of the family returns to the forest for burial, and when the elder brother resigns and returns to his hometown to observe filial piety, the timing is all in his hands."

Keeping filial piety is a great gift, and Ding You is a great system, and ordinary officials cannot violate it. As soon as the rule of Ding You is violated, the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will rush to bite people like hungry wolves.

No matter how sluggish Lin Xulu is, he understands the powerful relationship among them. Jinhai food supply is holding the throat of the imperial court at this time, and Lin Bing is still able to increase his official position if he pushes troops into Shandong. Give the sage a special decree to regain love, stay in Jinhai and continue to serve as an official... If the Yellow River is blocked, the Cao Canal in Pingyuan Prefecture is restored, and the uncle is buried in the ground, Lin Xuwen will resign and return to his hometown to keep filial piety, he will most likely give Zhang Xie. To make a sham from it, to make the fake into the real, really want to go back to the hometown for three years-wait for them to cut an arm abruptly.

"So, Liu Yiniang proposed to let the uncle go to Chongzhou for burial at this time, but will it break Yue Lengqiu's mind?" Lin Xulu said, he also saw that only a few orphans and widowed mothers took the uncle's coffin to Chongzhou , it can't actually harm the interests of his family. There used to be 200,000 cash for several aunts to see, but now the money has been spent seventy-eight-eight, and it has become a resource in the hands of the Lin family. Several orphans and widows have left. What is he doing in Jiangning? Things, on the contrary, lost a layer of restraint.

"This matter needs to be made clear to eldest brother and your father, and also to Master Gu..." Lin Fu said, "Choosing a feng shui treasure land is a trivial matter, but the head of the family is always buried in a foreign land. It's hard to say against."

"Lord Gu, it's up to you to talk. I'll write the letter from my eldest brother and my father right away. After writing, you can polish it for me." Lin Xulu said, he said that because of Lin Fu's idea. host.

"What color can I embellish the writing of the third brother?" Lin Fu smiled and went to Zhang Yubo's banquet first.


Lin Xuwen's concern about Ding Worry is indeed a hidden danger that Zhang Yue can take advantage of. Leaving this aside, Lin Fu also hopes to bring Yingxiu to Chongzhou, but she doesn't know how she came up with this excuse, and how can she encourage the sixth lady to come out with this Head, could it be the absurd idea from last night?

After drinking with Zhang Yubo, Zhao Shuhan, and Ge Siyu, Lin Fu went into the city with Zhang Yubo again, went to Gu Mansion to talk to Gu Wuchen about things, and told Lin Xuwen and Ding's worries.

"It is indeed a problem, we are all neglected," Gu Wuchen stroked his forehead, also aware of the danger, and said, "Yue Lengqiu is really not a good character, this trap is not hidden deeply, but it makes us They have lost their eyes... Even if the Yellow River is blocked, the Jinhai food route is no longer necessary for Gyeonggi, but it is also very important. They cannot easily replace Lin Xuwen in the last link. The expedient measure is only grievance. The head of the Lin family was buried in a foreign land at this time. We have to change from passive to active, I think Ting Li and the sequel should understand. "

"Then I'll go back at night and write the words of your lord in the letter." Lin Fu said.

"Write it down, I feel a little wronged to be buried in a foreign land, but there is nothing I can do about the overall situation, but it is considered that Lin's official roots and branches in Chongzhou, so it is not wronged him..." Gu Wuchen said, " I'm also worried about whether Xunniang will get used to following you to Chongzhou, and Xiuniang also goes to Chongzhou, so I'm relieved to have a company anyway."

"I'll take care of the two of them..." As soon as these words came out, Lin Fu felt that he was in a state of indifference, but fortunately, seeing that Gu Wuchen didn't notice anything strange, his mind was settled. As soon as his toes tightened, Lin Fu looked down, but Zhang Yubo was stepping on his feet, and there was a hint of chivalry in his expression, so he knew that the loopholes in this sentence had not been hidden from him. Zhang Yubo was straightforward by nature. Although he was a jinshi, he was not Mr. Daode. Lin Fu pretended to be serious and didn't see the smile on his face; fortunately, Zhao Qinmin went out to work on errands.

We talked a lot yesterday, and today we talk about the topic of yesterday.

Dongyang Xiangyong temporarily restricted Yue Lengqiu to the territory of Dongyang Mansion. There was no chance to participate in the war, and there were disadvantages and advantages. Although he could not get any military exploits, he was not worried that Yue Lengqiu would be pushed into a trap; the most important thing at the moment was It was also the battle of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Chongzhou to resist the East China Sea invaders.

Jiangdong Zuojun is more than enough to defend the homeland~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The key lies in whether to take the initiative to attack and the scope and timing of active attack are issues that must be seriously considered.

It took almost half a year for Donghai pirates to capture the islands of Changguo County. On the basis of Changguo County, the defense system of the island city was further improved. With the scale of Donghai pirates gathering on the islands of Changguo County, Jiangdong Zuojun wanted to take Changguo County in one fell swoop. is whimsical. Today's East China Sea bandits have changed dramatically from last year's East China Sea bandits. The most fundamental change is that the original East China Sea bandit forces can almost be exhausted, and the East China Sea bandit forces initially formed by the thirteen alliances have gradually formed a whole directly controlled by the luxury family.

Except for some of the generals and confidants, Xiong Feixiong directly brought them into the sea, and most of the old soldiers were dismissed by the luxury family after they were attached to the sea. Lin Fu estimated that six or seven of the Donghai pirates at this time had gone to sea in this way to replace the pirates who were originally less powerful. At this time, the Donghai pirates must be regarded as a regular elite force. .

There are more than 10,000 Donghai bandits gathered on the islands of Changguo County, which is really a daunting number.

Lin Fudao also made a statement to Gu Wuchen. He has the opportunity to attack, and he will never shrink in Chongzhou to be the grandson of the turtle.

After being delayed in Gu Mansion until almost midnight, Lin Fucai took the guards out of the city and returned to the mouth of the river. First, he asked Lin Xulu to add Gu Wuchen's opinion into the letter. He sent people to cross the river overnight, and sent the letter to Dongyang, Jinhai passed. Dongyang is close, I am afraid that there will be an echo day and night, and Jinhai is two thousand miles away. It takes 800 miles to travel urgently, and it will take seven or eight days to hear back. Can this matter be settled? Madam, it's up to Lin Tingli and Lin Xuwen to make up their minds. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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