Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 54: The nunnery is shocked

The nunnery is behind a house, and some verdant tall trees are transplanted. The wind blows the treetops, and it feels like a coolness is born from the treetops.

When Lin Fu came over, the old nun said goodbye and went to the back hall. Lin Fu asked the guards to stay outside the courtyard. He was familiar with the road to the nunnery. She rushed the seventh lady to wait anxiously in the room, and was about to come out and look around. She kowtowed on the forehead of the door that Lin Bie pushed open. It didn't hurt much, but she was startled. Seeing that it was Lin Bie, she patted her chest and said angrily. : "You're a cat, you don't make any noise when you walk..." She was plump, and her clothes were thin on a hot summer night. Her round **** swayed tremblingly when she slapped her.

"Does it hurt you?" Lin Bie asked in a soft voice, reaching out and rubbing her smooth jade-like forehead, leaning over her mouth and blowing twice.

"My head doesn't hurt, I'm worried that you won't be able to get away at night..." Gu Yingxiu took off embarrassedly, Lin Fubei went to the Qin Wang, and she went to Chaotian Station to volunteer her life. Liu Yue'er was warm and virtuous, so she didn't care about it, but she was worried about Niang Xun's reaction, and said, "Let's talk about the two of us, if Niang Xun found out about the two of us, it might be a mess. I'm looking for you, thinking about the future. If there is something, let me say it clearly, don't worry about it anymore."

"You're saying: I ate it secretly, and I want you to help me clean my mouth in turn?" Lin Bie asked with a smile, his eyes peeking at Yingxiu under the lamp were crystal clear, and he copied her slender waist into the Huai, "Qi Yiniang has so many hearts..."

Lin Fu's call "Qi Yiniang" made the seven masters' bones soften by seven points, and leaned against Lin Bing's arms without the slightest struggle. Instead of worrying about Niang Xun, she was also worried that Lin Fu had concerns in her heart, so she couldn't help but tempt her with words. Instead, she planned to break up the relationship, even if she felt too much reluctance in her heart, but for Lin Fu's future, the relationship between her and Lin Fu would be broken.

Whether Xunniang can tolerate their relationship is a worry; Lin Fu's current position is not easy, and there are too many people staring at him and wanting to bite him. For Lin Fu, who is not yet stable and eager to recruit talents, the blow will be fatal.

Seeing that Lin Bie could easily see through her mind, the seventh lady smeared a layer of blush on her pink face, and said in a greasy voice: "Compared to the long-term relationship between children, your plans are very big. "

"Everyone in the world can make mistakes in any big or small matter, but Sister Yingxiu can't be mistaken..." Lin Bie sat down next to the corner stool and let Yingxiu sit on his lap.

"The mouth is sweet, do you want to say this again and again in front of which girls?" The seventh lady was delighted to hear that, but her body was also obediently sitting on Lin Bing's lap, Xia Ye's clothes were all covered in Thin, she was wearing silk trousers under her skirt. As soon as she sat firmly, her plump buttocks were close to Lin Bing's thighs. She moved a little to make herself more comfortable, but she felt the flesh. The pestle was lifted slowly and pressed against her buttocks, and the body was reluctant to lift it up again...

Lin Bie took the bee/waist of the seventh lady, and was about to talk to her for a while, and turned her face. Seeing her dizzy face, her eyes narrowed slightly, very charming, and she was very confused. Lin Fu came over by boat, and the flow from Jiangning to Chongzhou was very fast. It didn't take day and night when the wind was good. From Chongzhou to Jiangning, it took five days to arrive when the wind was not good for one day. I drank wine at night, and my **** was also full. If it wasn't for fear that the Seventh Lady would blame him for being too greedy, Lin Bie came into the room and wanted to untie her culottes. He reached into her arms, touched her swollen breast, and held the breast support in his hand through two or three layers of soft silk cloth without any hindrance. The hand is about to untie the collar of the seventh lady.

"No," Gu Yingxiu struggled slightly, letting Lin Bie let go of his hand first, leaning over to blow out the oil lamp on the table, stood up and supported the table, looked back at Lin Bie, and said, "Don't take off your shirt..." Before these words were finished, he was too shy to look at Lin Fu again.

The oil lamp in the house was lit, but I didn't feel anything, but when the oil lamp was blown out, I felt that the moon was shining brightly, and the light came in through the window pane, making the brick floor under the moon feel like a spring.

Lin Bie understood, picked up the Luo skirt and piled it on her slender waist, took off her trousers, revealing her snow-white round buttocks. this attitude. Seventh Madam's arms were round and beautiful, her waist was thin, and her hips suddenly widened, which was unusually plump, and reflected on the antique table and stool, which stimulated Lin Bie's hand to untie his trousers to tremble...

The seventh lady broke behind her body, and she hadn't touched the house/things for more than half a year, and she was like a child again. She only felt swelling and pain, but the swelling and pain seemed to be piercing the bone and oozing with ecstasy. Together, they were about to cover their mouths, but when they heard a strange noise behind them, Lin Bing and Lin Bing were alert and looked back, only to see that the door was pushed open, revealing half of Mrs. Shan's face. Gu Yingxiu panicked, as if she had been stunned by Lei Shang, stunned there, unable to respond for a while.

The sixth lady, Shan's hand, also covered her mouth, afraid that she could not help shouting out, and stared at Lin Bie like a poisonous snake, her face turning pale with fright.

After a while, Gu Yingxiu came back to her senses, tidied up her clothes, opened the door, and said to Mrs. Shan, "What does the sixth sister have to say to us during these nights?" Seeing Mrs. Shan almost collapsed on the ground , and even gave her a hand and helped her in.

"I didn't see anything... I didn't see anything... I accidentally fell asleep in the corner of the east wing, and when I woke up, I saw Qimei waiting for someone here, I shouldn't have never come out to say hello to Qimei , you will treat my tongue as cut off, I will never spit out a word in my stomach..." The sixth lady swears in a panic, she is a woman with some scheming, naturally she will never see it. What consequences will be caused by what she should see, she still doesn't forget to look at Lin Bie's eyes in a panic, the murderous intention that is so fiercely exposed, makes her hair stand up, knowing that a wrong word will lead to murder.

"I don't blame you for anything, sixth sister, why don't I understand the suffering of women?" Gu Yingxiu regained her composure and said with a smile, "We women's family will find a man to rely on in the end, what do you think? How is Lin Bie?"

"Seventh sister, what do you want me to do..." The sixth lady, Shan Rou, was in a panic, but she didn't figure out the meaning of Gu Yingxiu's words for a while.

"Our sisters are of the same mind. When did I hurt Sixth Sister you, and when did I not want to share with you? There is such a benefit in front of me, so Sixth Sister can taste it..." Gu Yingxiu looked at Shan Rou and didn't like it. It was premeditated, and it should have seen that he was suspicious, so he was suspicious and hid in the dark to peep.

"Ah!" Only then did Mrs. Six understand what Gu Yingxiu meant. She stared at Gu Yingxiu in a daze for a while. The panic just got a little weaker, and her mind turned empty. She also dragged herself into the water, so as to hide their scandal, and secretly spit in her heart, but she struggled fiercely in her heart. She knew that men were greedy for her appearance, and these years were really hard, but she knew in her heart: she really wanted to She gave up and waited for her fate.

Don't say that she didn't dare before Lin Tingxun was alive, nor did she dare to be behind Lin Tingxun.

After Lin Tingxun had a stroke, Shan Rou was full of hostility towards Lin Fu, and even tried to win over with Lin Zonghaixu and Wei She, just because she was afraid that Lin Fu and Gu Yingxiu would join forces to take away what should be her and Xier. After taking refuge in Jiangning, no matter how much and how well Lin Fu did, she could not dispel Shan Rou's scruples, but after Lin Fu achieved such a high achievement in King Qin in the North, she basically believed that Lin Fu did not have any greed for her family. The hostility naturally disappeared.

The human mind is like this, there is hostility, all kinds of good are all kinds of evil, and there is no hostility, only one can see that a hundred ships are good. In the marriage between Lin Fu and Gu's daughter, Shan Rou also helped her wholeheartedly, and she was very envious of Gu's daughter being able to marry such a good husband.

The relationship between Lin Bie and Gu Yingxiu that surpassed Chang Lun's, many people in the Lin family could vaguely see it. After all, Gu Yingxiu's concern for Lin Bie was beyond the boundaries of what it should be, and some guesses were normal. Some people were talking in front of Lin Tingxun, but nothing happened...

In the past two years, some people have thought so in their hearts. Shan Rou is not a fool, and her eyes can see clearly, but they did not expect them to do such a cowardly thing. UU reading www.uukanshu.com She woke up in the nunnery and saw Gu Yingxiu sneaking around, so she suspected that she had an appointment with Lin Fu at this secret meeting, and she was fascinated for a while, and wanted to see Gu Yingxiu and Lin Fu privately What are they going to talk about when they meet here? After all, there are still some worries. How could they think that they would just start that scandal without saying a few words?

At this time, Gu Yingxiu was going to force her to go into the water together!

Thinking of this, Shan Rou subconsciously turned her head to look at Lin Bie, and saw that Lin Bie's eyes were still staring at her, she suddenly became flustered, hurriedly lowered her head to avoid Lin Bie's eyes, and stared at the shop lit by the moonlight. On the brick floor, the image of Lin Bing holding Gu Yingxiu's snow-white buttocks and stabbing the big thing into his mind flashed through his mind, as if he was stunned for a while. Originally, I had a feeling of love when I was fighting outside the door just now. At this moment, there were some crisp/crisp itchy marks between my legs. I thought that if I didn't agree, I would be silenced, so I'd better follow them! As if she was being held back, she looked up at Gu Yingxiu, hoping that she could pull her and prevent herself from slipping in.

"Sixth sister, if you can figure it out, it's a beautiful thing..." Gu Yingxiu smiled.

Lin Bie peeped at the beauty of the sixth lady, and she was also a beauty chosen in a thousand miles. She was about the same age as Yingxiu. At this time, when she was in her prime and mature and full of charm, she was wearing plain clothes, and her face was slightly out of shape due to fear. But she doesn't hide her beauty, it is indeed something that men covet, but Gu Yingxiu's words are too explicit, how can he save his face, seeing that the sixth lady is not instructing others, so he is not worried that things will be exposed. . Besides, this kind of thing has to be caught on the bed, or else he will put up his pants and wipe his mouth, and if he doesn't admit it, he is afraid that others will bite him? Seeing Yingxiu making up her mind, she said in a deep voice, "What a nonsense, you just need to tell her about your serious relationship... I'll go first." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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