Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 52: dowry

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Jiangning in June is already hot in summer. The boats are on the river, and the wind is blowing, and it is still very cool. However, the people waiting on the pier on the riverbank at the mouth of the river have been basking in the sun for almost half an hour, even standing in the shade of a tree. , Zhao Qinmin's forehead was also densely covered with beads of sweat.

"It's really spectacular to see the fleet coming..." The person who was riding on the tree arbor looked up and saw the fleet of the Jiangdong Zuojun Water Camp first, and followed the tree with the thick tree arachnid excitedly. Everyone on the pier announced the news.

Zhao Qinmin also couldn't help but stood on tiptoe and looked east. On the boundless river, some tall and lonely sails were first exposed. The weather was hot, and the steam on the river was steaming, which also made the tall and tall sails that entered the field of view faintly. .

Lin Fu had sent someone to Jiangning earlier to report that in addition to the personal guard camp, he would also lead the fleet of the second battalion of Jinghaihai Camp to Jiangning to facilitate escorting the people and materials that had been abolished from Prison Island to Chongzhou. There is no excuse for Jiangning to stop it. At least in Jiangning, the Jiangdong Zuo Army, who has fought four victories in the north, has a high reputation. The people of Jiangning also hope to appreciate the style of the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

The Jinhai-class fast schooner can carry 5,000 stones of rice and food, which is almost the largest existing sailboat in the world.

When the Jinhai docked directly at the Shangjiang'an Pier, the 20-foot-long hull still made the party members of Dongyang Township who were waiting on the pier whispering in admiration. What made them even more praised was the second Jinghai Battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army. The strength of the battalion.

The only thing that can be compared to the Dongyang Township Party is the fleet of Jiangdong Shuiying.

The first battalion of Jinghai Battalion was composed of 800 main soldiers and 400 auxiliary soldiers, and the first battalion of Jiangdong Water Battalion was composed of 600 main soldiers, 600 boatmen, rowers and handymen, and the numbers were similar. In addition to the small number of small and medium-sized warships, Jinghai Sea Camp has one more Jinhai-class warship and two Jiyun-class warships than Jiangning Water Camp? - Jiangning Water Camp usually only has Jiyun-class warships and Jiyun-class warships. The two ships with considerable capacity - the military appearance of the Jinghai Camp is naturally much more magnificent than the Jiangning Water Camp.

The Jinghai battalion, which is fully staffed by the two battalions, can be formed at once, which is directly related to the fact that Lin Fu had saved a batch of high-level warships in the name of Jiyun Club before. Zhao Qinmin thought that maybe Lin Fu was as early as last year. Before April or May, he would have thought of forming a water camp; even if there was no official name, he would not mind forming a private armed fleet under the name of Jiyun Club.

The fleet of Jinghaihai camp anchored in the river road outside the prison island wharf, and Zhao Hu and Chang Sungeng were in charge of receiving them there. Lin Fu's ship, the Jinhai, docked directly at the Jiang'an Pier. After eight months, Lin Fu landed on Jiangning's land again. He was quite emotional, took a breath, and rushed to the pier to greet him. Zhang Yubo, Zhao Qinmin, Yang Pu, Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu, Liu Xilin, Lin Xulu, and many other party members from Dongyang Township clasped their fists and said, "I am tired of everyone waiting at the pier for a long time in the hot sun.

Except for Gu Wuchen, most of the prominent figures of the Dongyang Township Party in Jiangning have already arrived, and the scene is rare and solemn.

"It's worth it to see the glory of the Jiangdong Zuo Army and sweat under the sun." Zhang Yubo said with a smile.

Chen/Yuanliang has been transferred to Shandong, Zhiqing Prefecture, promoted to the fifth grade, Zhang Yubo stayed in Jiangning and still served as the Zuo Sikou of Jiangning Prefecture to join the army. After Yue Lengqiu arrived in Jiangning, Jiangning's governor Wang Xueshan abandoned Gu Wuchen in a blink of an eye and flirted with Yue Lengqiu; Zhang Yubo was therefore more restricted, but he and Liu Xilin kept Dongchengwei firmly in his hands. In fact, it controls the security rights of Dongcheng, Donghuamen and Jiuweng Bridge, including the estuary.

"Your Excellency has been waiting in the city for a long time. Assuming that Director Lin will arrive at noon, the mansion has prepared a luncheon, should we go into the city after a short rest?" Zhao Qinmin said, "The Seventh Madam has also been waiting in the mansion. "

"It's better to go to the city first," Lin Fu said. Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu and the others who were waiting on the pier by the imperial court and the party members of Dongyang Township apologized, "I've offended you a lot. After I see Lord Gu, I'll rush back to Hekou. Chatting and drinking with fellow villagers..."

The Dongyang Township Party all bowed and saluted. Lin Fu rushed back to Jiangning and went to see Gu Wuchen first. Besides, today is also a big day when Lin Fu gave the Gu family a betrothal gift. How could everyone not be considerate?

The betrothal ceremony, also known as the levy, is the fourth of the six rituals. After the betrothal ceremony is given, the wedding date can be agreed upon.

Concubine Zhao, who accompanied Lin Fu to handle the household affairs, directed the staff to load the large box prepared as a betrothal gift in Chongzhou into the carriage. In addition to two boxes of gold collars, two boxes of silver collars and eight boxes to make money, there were also flower tea, fruits, and reunion cakes. , sheep wine, hairpins, silk and satin cloth and other items, there are more than 20 large boxes.

Lin Jingzhong had prepared carriages and horses a long time ago, he had installed eight carriages as a betrothal gift, and he also invited a team of gongs and drummers to help him. Of course, the most powerful one was Ao Canghai, who led the bodyguards to **** the chariots and horses of the betrothal gifts into Jiangning City. Lin Fu rode a jujube red high-headed horse, accompanied by Zhang Yubo, Yang Pu, Zhao Qinmin, Liu Xilin, Lin Xulu and others, and also invited Zhao Shuhan and Ge Siyu to go with him.

Since the promotion of officials in Jiangdong County has been controlled by Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian, ​​Gu Wuchen has deliberately excluded them. Although Lin Fu has more weight than last year, it is difficult to recommend Zhao Shuhan to a real official position.

Zhao Shuhan devoted himself to compiling the "Craftsman's Canon", which was of great significance, and he did not have the mind to pursue fame and fortune. Before Lin Fu came to Jiangning, his letter to Lin Fu also mentioned that he would resign as the head of Jiangning's Ministry of Engineering and completely remove all the work. All the energy is put into the compilation of "Craftsman's Canon". Lin Fu considered that the compilation of "Craftsman's Canon" would borrow a lot of resources from the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, especially many first-hand materials and master craftsmen who can be called art masters are still under the control of the Jiangning Ministry of Engineering.

Riding a jujube red horse and entering Donghuamen, Lin Fu thought to himself that the two people he most wanted to see when he returned to Jiangning were Gu Yingxiu and Su Mei.

Gu Yingxiu couldn't be a matchmaker because she was a new widow, but the marriage between Lin Fu and Gu Junxun was actually handled by her on behalf of Lin Fu in Jiangning, and no one else was involved. Today is the day of the betrothal gift. She didn't show up at the pier and waited. She rushed to the Gu residence early to help.

It is not difficult to meet Gu Yingxiu, but it will take another three or two days to meet Su Mei.

Lin Fu didn't know much about the ceremony of Na Zheng, and when he was a puppet, he usually listened to the aunt of the Zhao family. The Gu Mansion was already prepared, Mrs. Gu was holding on with a smile on her face, and the seventh lady, Gu Yingxiu, gave Mrs. Gu a hand. In front of everyone, Lin Fu and the seventh lady just looked at each other like a little bit of water, discussing their thoughts.

Gu Junxun can't come forward to meet Lin Fu at this time. According to the etiquette, she can't officially meet with Lin Fu until she gets married at the church.

Mrs. Gu smiled, but it wasn't because the dowry that Lin Fu brought from Chongzhou was worth 30,000 to 40,000 taels of silver - the heavier the dowry, the less shabby the return gift and the dowry - when they were disgusted with each other, Madam Gu saw that there was nothing on Lin Fu's body. A pleasant place, when we were happy, I felt that this son-in-law made her happy in everything and smiled.

It is said that Chen Mingzhe is the champion of the first prize, a disciple of the emperor, and the first candidate for son-in-law in the eyes of the mother-in-law of the world. According to Lin Fu, who lives in Chongzhou, Chen Mingzhe is a few blocks away from being the champion.

At least among the unmarried young talents, the two or three princes who have been crowned kings can rank ahead of Lin Fu. How can Mrs. Gu be dissatisfied with Lin Fu at this time, and how can she care that Lin Fu is actually The origin of the slave of the Gu family?

What can Lin Fu say to the sophisticated and snobbish Madam Gu? At first, he used money to bribe Mrs. Gu to strengthen his relationship with the Gu family. Isn't that what he saw in her?

After a series of tedious etiquette behind the mansion gate, Lin Fu was able to enter the hall and meet Gu Wuchen in Mingtang.

Compared to last year, Gu Wuchen's mane was nearly half as white as frost, and he will only be fifty years old. It can be seen that Gu Wuchen has enough control in Jiangning, and Lin Bie's heart is also sour when he sees it. : Although he has a self-confidence that surpasses all others, he cannot deny that without Gu Wuchen's help, his path would not have been so smooth~www.wuxiamtl.com~Lin Bie would like to greet the adults. Lin Bie lifted up the front of the red robe in front of Gu Wuchen and knelt down on his knees to greet him.

"Haha, the title will be changed in a few days, and I'll let you go today," Gu Wuchen laughed, walked over and picked up Lin Bie, and said, "Xunniang is the jewel in my palm, and I don't want to marry her out early. For you, I cut a piece of flesh from my heart, and I can bear your gift."

Zhang Yubo, Zhao Qinmin and others all came forward to congratulate them, and they exchanged greetings for a while, and then went to the back garden to take a seat. After the banquet, Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu and others resigned and went back to Hekou first. Gu Wuchen invited Lin Fu, Zhang Yubo, Zhao Qinmin, Lin Xulu and others went to the backyard to speak.

When he walked to the back garden, he saw Gu Junxun and two maids sitting in the pavilion reading, and when he saw his father, Lin Fu, Zhang Yubo and the others coming over, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Dad, you want to talk about things in the back garden, why don't you send them? Let me speak first?"

How could Gu Wuchen not know his daughter's thoughts? He was not careful, and he knew that Lin Fu was not careful, so he didn't blame his daughter for being in a hurry to meet Lin Fu, and said with a smile, "It's just that I'm negligent, isn't it connected to serving tea now? There are no people who deliver water? Then I want you to avoid it."

Gu Junxun was playful and cute, and her face turned red first when she spoke in panic. Lin Bie stood beside Gu Wuchen, looked at Jun Xun with a smile, and said, "Trouble Xunniang bring us tea and water..."

Gu Junxun looked at Lin Fu, her heart was beating wildly, she shyly took the maid down to prepare tea; after waiting for a while, Mrs. Gu brought the serving maid over and said with a smile, "Mother Xun is really a bit of a rule. I don’t understand, and I’m not afraid to show everyone a joke…”

Thinking of how Gu Junxun taught her mother to hold her breath, Lin Fu also had a faint smile in her heart. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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