Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 43: trapped in a cage

(Chapter 1, asking for a red ticket)

Plums are yellow when it rains, Chongzhou has been raining for several days in a row. Jin Duan didn't have much interest either, he just casually fiddled with the bright red cherries on the snow-like peaks, thinking about his thoughts, and he didn't care that the legs of the beauty beside him were folded and squirming, which was already very provocative. of hunger.

Before Han Zai came to Chongzhou, he was smug and triumphant, thinking that it was his turn to rise to prominence, and then he got this beautiful job. When he got off the ship, he slapped Lin Fu with a sap, and it took him half a month to really understand what he had learned. Called a trapped cage.

The city of Chongzhou was destroyed, the county government was temporarily set up at the north gate of Zilang Mountain, the official market was destroyed, and it was temporarily unable to set up. There was a grass market set up by the Jiangdong Left Army in the vicinity of Donglu Jiangdu. The street vendors in the lane can meet the most basic commodity exchange needs of the people.

This kind of inconvenience has no substantial impact on ordinary people who do not enter the city once all the year round.

For Han Zai, who was accustomed to the prosperity of Jiangning City's smoke and willows, coming to Chongzhou was like coming to a wild land.

Don’t talk about luxury places like Fanlou and Bailou, don’t talk about Chen Qingqing, Su Mei’s gorgeous appearance, don’t talk about Xixi, Dengwenshe and other places of refined elegance, Chongzhou at this time There are not even the most inferior prostitutes. There are two simple tea houses and wine sheds in Beishanmen, but they are crowded with mud legs. Three or four coppers can drink a bowl of candle wine for half a day. Han Zai How can you go to such a dirty place to have some fun? The city was destroyed and thousands of people were killed. At this time in Chongzhou, where are there still a few people who recite poetry, are arty, and seek pleasure?

Han Zai is the special envoy to comfort and appease, and he has the authority to control the local area, but only Lin Fu, Wu Meijiu, and Xiao Baiming should be responsible for him, and the officials below don't need to pay attention to him.

Han Zai regards Wu Meijiu as a group with Lin Fu, so naturally he will not trust Wu Meijiu. Although he has been close to Xiao Baiming for half a month, he cannot get involved in local affairs through Xiao Baiming. The special envoy has not played any role in the past half a month.

It is said that there are many mediocre officials in this world, and mediocrity is the norm in the officialdom. If you want to achieve something, you will not be seen by your colleagues, but how could Gu Wuchen allow him to occupy a puddle in Chongzhou without shitting?

Han Zai thought that the situation in Chongzhou would be delayed for another half a month and there would be no movement. Gu Wuchen would have a showdown with Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian, ​​and his situation would be much more difficult.

He wanted to ask Wu Meijiu to come over and talk again, but thinking that Wu Meijiu would definitely reach out for money when he came over, Han Zai was a little afraid to see him.

"Supervisor Xiao is here!" Han Qing, the family member, knocked on the door and reported outside.

Han Zai's expression brightened a little. Xiao Baiming was still a person with ideas. He patted the fat/hip of the woman beside him and asked her to wait for him to get dressed.

The beauty that Xiao Baiming gave him is indeed ecstasy, but even the more ecstatic beauty, locked in the house day and night to play around for half a month will also get bored. If I had known that I would bring a few more beautiful maids from Jiangning, I could play more tricks, and the days would not be so difficult. But when he set off from Jiangning, he was hesitant to be satisfied, and left the beautiful maids in Jiangning as a thing of depression. At this time, he regretted that he wanted to bring a few beautiful maids over, but he was afraid that Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian would know about it and leave behind the bad things. impression.

Xiao Baiming changed into a lake-blue scribe's clothes and came over. Seeing Han Zai walking out, he stood up and saluted, and said indignantly, "Master Han, you have to decide for Ninghai Town, Jiangdong Zuojun is really serious now. Riding on our heads, **** and peeing..."

"It's pitch black outside, what's wrong?" Han Zai asked.

"Master Han, stand in the yard and look east!" Xiao Baiming didn't care about his composure, grabbed Han Zai's sleeve and pulled him to the corridor.

Han Zai looked up and looked east. Outside the courtyard wall, a large light was lit in the direction of Dukou Cao Market. The garden is only two or three hundred steps high, and you can clearly see that the headlights are placed on a tall tower made of logs.

"What's going on?" Han Zai felt that it was strange that such a large light was suddenly erected in the direction of the ferry, but did not understand why Xiao Baiming said that Jiangdong Zuojun rode on their heads to urinate and shit, "It was the pig herder who did it. Hands and feet, what does he want to do?"

"The light of that lamp can shine on the camp gate of the army cottage, what do you think the pig herder wants to do, Mr. Han?" Xiao Baiming couldn't help himself. The camp gate of Junshanzhai is only 300 steps away from the ferry, and he can't stop Jiangdong Zuojun from sending people to the ferry. , how can he bear it?

Han Zai was also slightly startled, wondering how the big light could shine so far, but it could really shine on the camp gate of the army cottage. Could it be that what happened in this yard also fell into Lin Fu's eyes? This Lin Bie is really deceiving too much!

"Wu Zhixian asks to see you!" Han Qing, the family member, came in again to report.

"Why is he here to make trouble at this time?" Han Zai was puzzled. Wu Meijiu had been hiding from herself most of the time in the past half-month. Even if she had to come, most of them reached out to ask for money.

In any case, Han Zai couldn't keep Wu Meijiu out of the door, nor did Xiao Baiming avoid him, so he directly invited Wu Meijiu in.

"Ah, Supervisor Xiao is also here with Sir Han," Wu Meijiu was slightly startled when she saw Xiao Baiming was also here, and said to Han Zai, "Your Excellency, Supervisor Lin will send someone to inform you when it is dark. In the county, it is said that the Jiangdong Left Army is planning to set up a plot of land near the ferry to build a water camp, and the construction will start in the next two days..."

"Crack!" Xiao Baiming slammed the pillar and scolded, "This pig herder is too deceiving!"

Han Zai also knew that Lin Fu's move was too extreme. He built a lighthouse three or four hundred steps away from the camp gate of the military cottage, and it was just for surveillance. At this time, the military camp was built directly here. If you want to bind, you can completely block the warships of Ninghai Town in the army cottage and can't get out. To say that building a lighthouse is not a matter of peeing and **** on your head, this is more than **** and **** while riding on your head.

Han Zai asked Wu Meijiu with a gloomy face: "Is it inappropriate for Jiangdong Zuojun to do this? What did the county really want to do?"

"The county can't allocate the cost of building a military village, and it can't stop the Jiangdong Zuo Army from building a military village in the area of ​​Chongzhou," Wu Meijiu said biting his head, "but I feel that it is necessary to inform the adults before I rushed over to disturb the adults. rest."

The Jiangdong Left Army was stationed in Chongzhou, and it was decided by the Ministry of War to choose a suitable location to build a permanent military base. It is said that the local government needs to share a part of the cost. At this time, the county does not want to make money. What can Wu Meijiu do to stop it?

"Whose land is that?" Han Zai asked, "Jiangdong Zuo Army can't forcefully occupy Mintian and build an army village?"

"After the city of Chongzhou was destroyed, all the land and household registers in the county were burned by the Donghai bandits. Now they have been transcribed and sorted out, which is very messy. Whoever owns the land at the ferry port is not clear, but the envoy Lin Du claimed that he There is a title deed for that piece of land," Wu Meijiu said, "there is no complaint from the bitter master, and it is inconvenient for the BNU to go to the Lin Du supervisor to check!" Wu Meijiu knew that Chongzhou County had a copy of the most complete farmland and household registration information at this time in Lin Fu's hands. , This is exactly one of the most urgent things that Lin Fu did when he arrived in Chongzhou, but he couldn't admit it in front of Han Zai, otherwise it would just appear that he was particularly incompetent, and it would make Han Zai even more doubt that he and Lin Fu were Together.

"Maybe it's Terada of Guangjiao Temple..." Xiao Baiming was much more familiar with the surrounding situation than Wu Meijiu and Han Zai. He gave Han Zai a wink and asked him to take Wu Meijiu away first.

Seeing that Xiao Baiming was hesitant to speak, Han Zai knew that he did not trust Wu Meijiu, so he said to Wu Meijiu: "I know about this, tomorrow I will go to the envoy Lin Du to negotiate, he has a land deed in his hand, it's not a shame. You... go back first."

Wu Meijiu bowed and resigned, and she was also hesitant in her heart.

Whether he likes it or not, he has already been involved in the factional battle between Zhang Yue and Gu Tang. If he can't leave the place of right and wrong in Chongzhou for a day, he will get deeper into it.

Although Tang Haoxin and Gu Wuchen were at an absolute disadvantage both in the imperial court and in Jiangdong County, Han Zai, who was a cronie whom Yue Lengqiuxin recruited to Chongzhou, obviously distrusted and was hostile to him. Wu Meijiu knew that she was caught in this step, and she also gave Lin Fu a plan, but when it was time to make a choice, there was no other choice...

Wu Meijiu patted his head gently, and secretly said: Now we can only take one step at a time, and there is no time to make a choice; the party struggle is full of blood, and it is naturally good to be an official and make a fortune safely.


"Do you have anything to tell me in private?" After Wu Meijiu left, Han Zai asked Xiao Baiming.

"The pig herds have taken the bandit case in their hands and listed it as a top-secret military aircraft. Adults are not allowed to intervene. It is definitely not the pig herder who is loyal to the imperial court and wants to fight the East China Sea bandits alone," Xiao Baiming said with a gloomy expression under the lamp. "As far as I know, Guangjiao Temple has a lot of incense in Chongzhou, and there should be a lot of incense and silver in the temple. After the adults came to Chongzhou, have you seen half a tael? In addition to the incense and silver, Guangjiao Temple also bought a lot of land."


"That's right, it's Terada! Look at the pig herdsmen's efforts to seize the bandit case so fast~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm afraid there are not a few!" Xiao Baiming said, "The pig herdsmen occupied the land of Jianshuiying military village, which should be a wide area. Terada of the teaching temple, so the land deed may fall into his hands, and there is no worry that the bitter master will come to the adults to complain!"

"This pig herd is really hateful. Even though she has made a lot of money, she still sends people over to ask for money every day." Han Zai scolded, "But the evidence of the bandit case is conclusive, and the matter is very involved, and the pig herd will not let the locals intervene. The bandit case, he has been delaying the case, and there is no way to take him. How can I pry open his hand?"

"Your Excellency has the responsibility to supervise the construction of a new city," Xiao Baiming said. "Your Excellency used this as an excuse to ask him to spit out Terada, who should have been brought back to the government, to see how he could evade it?"

"It's also a strategy," Han Zai said after pondering for a moment, "but we have to make a careful calculation!"

At present, raising funds from the local area, expropriating land, and building a new city are Han Zai's biggest burdens in Chongzhou. If Lin Fu refused to spit out Terada, he could just put the responsibility for the delay and failure to build the city onto him, and let Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian put pressure on Gu Wuchen directly.


The next day, Lin Fu saw Han Zai’s official letter with Guan Fang, the special envoy for comfort and reassurance, directly requesting that all the land belonging to Guangjiao Temple be taken over and requisitioned by Chongzhou County to build a new city, and he threw the official letter to Lin Mengde and said with a smile. : "This Han Zai is really slow enough. If he hadn't given such an obvious hint, I don't know how long it would take to get on the bait. I almost lost my patience..."

"It can be considered a hook!" Lin Mengde laughed and asked, "What should I do now, call Han Zai's official letter to Chongzhou County, and let the news spread from there?"

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