Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 33: penetration

Chen Lei and Chen Enze and their son hugged their heads and cried for a long time in the Dongshanmen side courtyard; Chen Enze talked intermittently about the details behind the Chongzhou boy case and what happened in the past two years. Go to see Lin Fu in the main courtyard.

Lin Fu just received a letter that Zhou Pu led more than 2,000 people from the riding camp, the foot camp and the Xihe congregation to pass Qingjiangpu, and they will arrive in Chongzhou in two days. The Xihe congregation evacuated from Jiangning will arrive late at night. In Chongzhou, he was discussing resettlement with Cao Ziang, Lin Mengde, Fu Qinghe, Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingxuan and others.

Seeing that Chen Enze brought Chen Lei in, the discussion stopped here, Lin Fu stood up, grabbed Chen Lei's arm and took a seat, and said with a smile: "It's my fault that you can't make your father and son meet sooner - this is a big deal. , at this time it is not appropriate to make it clear to the world, and I am not capable enough."

"..." Chen Lei was a little embarrassed to be close to Lin Fu. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he was very cautious. Hearing Lin Fu introduce him to everyone present, he just bowed and bowed endlessly.

Lin Fu looked at Chen Lei's cautious and restrained appearance for fear of his manners and lack of answers, and said with a smile: "Hu Zhiyong recommended Mr. Chen to me, saying that Mr. Chen is good at business calculations and is familiar with county affairs... Li Shuyi In charge of the household, there is no assistant to manage the county warehouse, and I want to aggrieve Mr. Chen to become a minor official in the county government, I don’t know what Mr. Chen wants?”

"Don't you dare to obey? It's just that Chen Lei has never done anything in the county office, and I'm afraid that I can't satisfy the adults." Chen Lei said. In the eyes of the world, an unqualified subordinate may be nothing, but to the small people, the county magistrate is a heaven-like existence. .

"It doesn't matter, there is always a learning process from scratch. These dozens of people who are in the by-election at the same time as you can be said to be novices. As long as you have the sincere heart to do things for the locality, I believe you will definitely I can do it well." Lin Fu smiled and said to Chen Enze, "Chenjiaxu's dark pile has been pulled out, so be careful with your words and deeds, it will be fine, I will give you three days off, and take your father by your side first. Let's take a look around and get familiar with the situation, Wu Zhixian will also go there, if you want to go back to Chenjiaxu, it's best to go back at night..."

Chen Lei saw that although Lin Fu was in his youth and complacent, but when he spoke with a rare peace of mind, the anxiety in his heart gradually relaxed, and he could answer everything freely.

Lin Fu had another conversation with Chen Lei and Chen Enze.

Even if the news leaked out, the worst result would be that Xiao Taoyuan took some of his cronies and fled to the extravagant family. Lin Fu began to consider bringing the 30 boys back to Chongzhou one after another, fulfilling the promise originally promised to them to reunite them with their families.

Chen Enze took his father Chen Lei to leave, while Lin Fu and Cao Zi'ang continued their discussions.


Although Chen Lei has passed the county examination several times, and although he has never obtained any fame, he came from a farming family and accumulated a lot of wealth before the Chongzhou boy case. Like Hu Zhiyong and Hu Zhicheng and the Hu family, the Chen family is not a kind of powerful people in the township, but it is a newly emerging landowner and businessman in Chongzhou County.

The Jiangdong Left Army must take root in Chongzhou, govern the army and strengthen its infiltration and control over the Chongzhou area—these two things cannot be said to be more important.

The Jiangdong Left Army has a relatively stable framework, but its penetration and control over Chongzhou is far from a foundation.

Infiltration and control of the Chongzhou area, to achieve a goal, is to organize the people and affairs of Chongzhou and agricultural production in a relatively relaxed environment, to continuously extract taxes for the use of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and to make Chongzhou County. The people support and support the Jiangdong Zuo Army, believe that the Jiangdong Zuo Army is guaranteed and capable of safeguarding their interests, and are happy to send their children to the Jiangdong Zuo Army to join the army or to become a reserve force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and eventually become a united whole.

Only by accomplishing this step can we truly have a solid foundation in Chongzhou.

Doing this is not an easy task. It is necessary to balance the contradictions in all aspects, to ease the tensions in all aspects... Which class of forces should be supported, how to support them, how to support them, how to ensure that they have a centripetal force against the Jiangdong Left Army, which class of forces to suppress, and how to suppress them , how to suppress them to ensure that they will not have a violent rebound or even destroy the orderly local farming and weaving production?

When he left Jimo and returned to Chongzhou, these questions were spinning in Lin Fu's mind, and he had in-depth discussions with Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Fu Qinghe, Sun Jingxuan, and Sun Jingtang.

What Lin Bie lacks the most is not money, but available, trustworthy, and dependable people.

It should be said that the township tyrants have the most talents and the most systematic. Generally speaking, as long as they obtain the support of the township tyrants at the local level, they can quickly control the locality through the manpower, material resources and financial resources they control. Just like the Lin family, as long as they have the support of the Lin family, there is no problem in controlling Shiliang County. In Dongyang Mansion, with the support of two or three powerful families like the Lin family, there is no big problem in controlling the entire Dongyang Mansion. However, such powerful clans usually have their own centripetal force and their own core interests, and can share joys and sorrows; these forces must be used, but they must be used in a limited way.

Relatively speaking, the families of the victims of the Chongzhou child case can be trusted and borrowed, but Lin Fu still has a key choice.

The first is to choose people who are young and strong and have real talents and practical work, and the second is to choose people from the middle and lower classes of society as much as possible, which is conducive to easing the relationship between the poor and the middle and lower classes and the first-level village tycoons, big landowners, and big merchants. conflict, rather than intensifying it.

On the surface, Li Shutang, Li Shuyi, Hu Zhiyong, and Hu Zhicheng recommended the list of worthy officials to Wu Meijiu. The recommendations are all worthy people who are familiar with local public affairs and affairs, not necessarily all of them are famous, but they are all scholars. The identity of the county is distributed in various townships and li, and has a certain prestige in the township, which is conducive to the rapid restoration of order in the county.

Wu Meijiu, who was unfamiliar with Chongzhou, couldn't give any refutation, but could only accept it in full. He also couldn't imagine that because of the Chongzhou boy case, Lin Fu and others became more familiar with Chongzhou than he imagined.

Wu Meijiu had no intention of arguing with Lin Fu, and he was not familiar with Chongzhou, so he could only entrust Hu Zhicheng and Li Shuyi to take charge of the specific affairs.

The main powers in the county are divided into six rooms: the first three rooms are in charge of the appointment and removal of officials, performance appraisals, and promotions; the military room, in charge of the army, township and soldiers, and county knives and archers; and the punishment room in charge of criminal law and prison litigation. , Hu Zhicheng was secretly responsible to Cao Ziang. The last three rooms are the household rooms in charge of field fu, household administration, and storage; the ritual rooms in charge of ritual systems and county studies; and the workshops for construction, farmland, and water conservancy. Li Shuyi is in charge of these three rooms, and Li Shuyi is secretly responsible to Lin Mengde.

In this by-election, Hu Zhicheng and Li Shuyi also selected assistants to handle the affairs of the Sixth Household. Lin Fu's opinion is to make up for the manpower of one officer and three officers as much as possible for each office. What's more important is the talent pool.

The literacy rate of the people in the world is very low, but Jiangdong is located in affluent, and there are still many people who cultivate and study. In Chongzhou County, there are 200,000 naturalized Dingkou, and the actual Dingkou may be close to 300,000. There are almost 10,000 people who can read and write. Although a considerable part of them are the children of the rich and powerful, there are also a considerable part of the civilian class. It is not difficult to select and train three to five hundred talented grass-roots personnel. The key is to have a name that everyone can accept at this time.

At night, Lin Fu took Cao Zi'ang and Lin Mengde to the Beishanmen Temple to attend a simple banquet organized for the Servant of Compensation, and met with the officials of the new by-election as well as the representatives of the village chief and the chief chief.

At the banquet, Lin Fu and Wu Meijiu established a principle that the Liufang Book Office is not only in charge of county affairs, but also has the power to supervise each township by region.

In the past, the affairs of the village were controlled by the chiefs of the li and Jia~www.wuxiamtl.com~ completely in accordance with the established folk customs of the village. These chiefs of the li and the chiefs were actually the representatives of the powerful clans in the township. On the surface, Lin Fu's move was to conduct a thorough investigation of the bandit gang case. With this excuse, it was inconvenient for others to obstruct it. In fact, it was to strengthen the centralization of local affairs in the county. Control the power in the village.

The officials in this by-election are all selected from various townships and villages, and they also have a certain base of connections and prestige in the local area.


Chen Lei originally wanted to take his son Enze back to Chenjiaxu for a good reunion for three days before returning to the county to officially serve. He himself has experienced too many things in one day, and his heart has been greatly impacted, and he needs time to digest it. However, the affairs in the county are too busy, and almost everything is a mess. Hu Zhicheng and Li Shuyi are required to support them. The other officials in the by-election are used almost immediately. Chen Lei is appointed as the ambassador of the county warehouse, in charge of The storage of materials in the county is an extremely important task at the moment, so it is inconvenient for him to really enjoy the extra three-day vacation that Lin Fu gave them to their father and son.

At night, the long-term worker He Gui took his son back to Chenjiawei to reunite with his mother, while Chen Lei stayed behind.

Beishanmen Temple has as many as nine entrances. It is used as a temporary county government office. Each of the six rooms occupies one courtyard. The county prison and the county warehouse have a single large courtyard. More than a hundred people bravely made up for the yamen, prison guards, and hasty guards, barely maintaining the order of the county yamen, so as not to be chaotic.

When Chen Lei took office in a hurry, the county's Dacang yard was breaking through the mountain gate to open a gate for the independent entry and exit of materials, and the county prison had to open the door. After all, some gates could not be mixed with the county government. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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