Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 27: Monastery Carnage

(The first update, maybe the second one, but wait until tomorrow morning! Ask for a red ticket)

When Ci Hai was about to die, he didn't think about why he died. His body that lost his vitality collapsed in a pool of blood, and the Buddhist cassock was also stained with blood.

At first, the onlookers gathered around and made a riot, inciting the monks to stop the Jiangdong Zuo army from forcibly breaking into the mountain gate, and some even picked up bricks and threw them. , these believers were shocked. When the armored soldiers in front of the mountain gate drew out their swordsmen, they dispersed in a hurry, daring not to get together again to make trouble, for fear of causing trouble.

The monks in the monastery thought that no matter how rampant and violent the Jiangdong Zuo Army was, they would not dare to draw their swords and kill their family members in front of the public, so dozens of people sat cross-legged in front of the mountain gate, trying to stop the Jiangdong Zuo Army from forcibly breaking into the mountain gate with their flesh and blood. Who would have thought that the abbot would stab Lin Bie to death in the blink of an eye, and nearly 600 soldiers in front of the mountain gate would pull out swordsmen to attack the mountain gate.

The monks in front of the mountain gate were caught off guard and didn’t know what to do—some monks bowed their heads when they heard the sound, and some monks were violent and wanted to avenge the abbot. The Jiangdong Zuo Army tried to kill the monks indiscriminately and was frightened. He got up and fled to the mountain gate in a panic.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army gathered in front of the mountain gate to make trouble, and wanted to force their way through the mountain gate to borrow the temple to camp. Ci Hai, who thought he had not revealed the slightest flaw, didn't think about anything else, and thought that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was just taking this opportunity to extort money from the temple - except for agitation The believers and the monks rioted together to prevent the Jiangdong Zuo army from breaking into the mountain gate. Cihai also hid 140 or 50 monk soldiers inside the mountain gate at the northern foot of Zilang Mountain to prevent the situation from going out of control.

The more than 100 monks and soldiers hiding in the mountain gate did not expect that the abbot Cihai would stab Lin Bie in a few words. This change was so sudden and there was no warning. It was not until Ao Canghai led the first battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army into the mountain gate that they thought of rushing out to resist.

Cihai didn't think that Lin Fu's arrangement was intended to slaughter the temple. Although he hid the monk soldiers behind the mountain gate just in case, but he was afraid that it would be difficult to clean up, so he only let the monk soldiers carry the sword and Buddha stick with him. Not to mention wearing armor, there are not many heavy weapons - although these hundreds of monk soldiers are hidden elites, their armor is unfavorable, and less is more, how can they be like wolves and tigers. ?

The mountain gate suddenly engaged in battle. Mo swordsmen, stabbing gunmen, and sword and shield men attacked from the mountain gate. Bowmen climbed up the courtyard wall and shot to death. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, more than a hundred monks and soldiers would pour out and kill them, causing them to rush to the temple. back away.

There may be innocent people in the ordinary monks who have been kept in the dark. There is no reason to wrong the monks and soldiers, and there is no time for the monks and soldiers to react. After the first battalion of soldiers entered the mountain gate, they immediately divided into three teams, led by sentinels. Kill to the Zen Temple on the top of the mountain and the Nanshan Gate near the river respectively...

"What a peaceful place in Buddhism!" Lin Fu sneered coldly as he watched the monks and soldiers in the mountain gate be slaughtered. After taking a look at Wu Meijiu, he got off his horse, took off the saber from his waist, held it in his hand, and stood in the empty field in front of the mountain gate to supervise the battle, ignoring the corpse of monk Cihai lying at his feet, and followed him back from Chongzhou City. The guards spread out their guard.

After starting here, according to the deployment, Ning Zechen led the soldiers of the fourth battalion to break through the courtyard wall of the Guangjiao Temple at the foot of the mountain from the eastern foot of Zilang Mountain, and climbed the mountain from the east foot of the stone path to the Zen Temple on the top of the mountain. Zhao Qingshan led the fifth. The soldiers of the camp blocked the northwestern foot of Zilang Mountain. Cao Ziang led the soldiers of the third battalion to block the south of Zilang from the river, and monitored the movement of the water camp in Ninghai Town, Junshan Shuizhai, to ensure that the monks and bandits hidden in the Guangjiao Temple were completely wiped out.

Wu Meijiu's face was pale, and he still hadn't figured out the situation.

During the 12 dynasties of the Dayue calendar to Emperor Chongguan, there were four emperors who believed in Buddhism, making Buddhism prosperous in the Central Plains.

The monastery has the privilege to be exempted from the tax and land tax. Naturally, there are people who send their fields and persons to the name of the monastery to evade the tax and land tax, and the monastery also enjoys a lot of benefits from it. Over time, the monastery also occupies a large amount of land, and the number of households (monks and nuns) in robes is also increasing. monastic power.

It is the norm for monks and soldiers to be raised in monasteries. The people do not raise officials and do not hold them accountable. They are just like Ding Wufu, the supporter of the rich and powerful family in the countryside, who guards the home and protects the courtyard.

Watching the monks in front of the mountain gate shouting for their father and mother to flee, the monks and soldiers behind the mountain gate mercilessly slaughtered, not to mention Wu Meijiu, Li Shutang and Li Shuyi, who didn't know the inside story, were also dumbfounded. They had no idea what Lin Fu was doing. , let the Jiangdong Zuo Army start the killing - today's Jiangdong Zuo Army's landing at the Hekouzi at the foot of Zilang Mountain is entirely for this killing.

"Buddhist Sect is a quiet place, I'm afraid it's hard to clean up today's affairs, right?" Li Shuyi hesitated for a moment, and Fu Er whispered to Lin Bie.

"How do you want to clean up?" Lin Fu glanced at Li Shuyi and asked.

"What if I can't find the criminal evidence of the bandit?" Li Shuyi asked in a low voice, "Have you made any preparations in advance?"

Lin Bie smiled lightly, seeing Wu Meijiu's ears pricked up wanting to hear the conversation here, and said, "The East China Sea bandits invaded Chongzhou, and four thousand bandits scattered on the south river of Zilang Mountain. You really thought that the East China Sea bandits were devout believers, so they didn't move the public. A single hair in the temple?"

Wu Meijiu was stunned, saying that Guangjiao Temple is indeed suspected of being a bandit, but it is hard to say that some people are really taboo about blasphemy when pirates sailing at sea. , how to clean up?"

Lin Fu didn't answer Wu Meijiu's question. He took the scabbard and plucked the body of the monk Cihai. Seeing that he was still opening his eyes like copper bells, he seemed to be dead. I thought it was well concealed and did not reveal any flaws.

Indeed, the Shejia used Guangjiao Temple as its most important secret base and transit station in Jiangkou, and it did a good job of disguising it, not to mention that Chongzhou County did not notice it, and the garrison of Ninghai Town in Junshan Shuizhai was close at hand for many years. , and did not find any abnormality in Guangjiao Temple. Generals such as Chen Qianhu and Xiao Baiming, who were stationed at Junshan in Ninghai Town, were even followers of Guangjiao Temple, and had a good personal relationship with monk Cihai.

It's a pity that Cihai wanted to win Xiao Taoyuan and other generals of Ninghai Township for the She family. Langshan.

In order to prevent Xiao Taoyuan from harming the family of the Chongzhou boy case, Lin Fu, Fu Qinghe, Qin Chengzu and the others sent special personnel to stay in Chongzhou for a long time, monitoring the Zilang Mountain and Junshan area for nearly two years. This world has never been afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves. No matter how secretly Cihai and Donghai pirates are in contact, and no matter how clean their hands and feet are, there are countless flaws for Lin Fu to see.


There are many Jinyi households under the name of Guangjiao Temple, with two or three thousand people. In fact, most of these people are nearby farmers who evade the taxation of land under the name of Guangjiao Temple. In addition, Guangjiao Temple is directly north of Zilang Mountain. Occupying a large amount of land and employing a large number of tenant farmers to cultivate, there are actually not many monks in the mountain gate who eat the idea of ​​fasting, only a hundred and ten, and there are 256 monks and soldiers.

Zilang Mountain is about 334 feet tall and short. temple.

Junshanshuizhai, which was a mile or two away, responded after Jiangdong Zuojun completely occupied Zilang Mountain. Xiao Baiming, the superintendent of Junshanzhai, came over by boat and questioned Lin Fu: If he didn't say hello, he suddenly turned to Zilang Mountain. What are the soldiers for?

In addition to hearing Xiao Baiming's voice on the pirate ship, Lin Fu also visited him in Jiyang. It's just that the visit made Xiao Baiming less happy, and Lin Fu didn't see him at all; however, Gu Wuchen still managed to win over Xiao Taoyuan and other generals of the water camp in Ninghai Town.

Lin Fu narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Baiming. This Xiao Baiming was also from a high-ranking background. He failed many trials. He took refuge in Xiao Taoyuan and got into the position of the military superintendent. He is 33 years old this year. He has a long and narrow face and thin eyebrows. He looks Being somewhat feminine, Xiao Taoyuan Yi was recommended as the most important advisor and an official position.

If Xiao Taoyuan hadn't regarded Jun Shanzhai as the last resort, he would not have sent Xiao Baiming to take charge.

In the face of Xiao Baiming's doubts, Lin Fu said indifferently: "Guangjiao Temple hides weapons, raises monks and soldiers, pirates from the East Pirates Chongzhou, Guangjiao Temple is close at hand but safe and sound, Master Wu and I suspect that Guangjiao Temple is conspiring with bandits. Suspicion of Rebellion - If it is found that Guangjiao Temple is suspected of being a bandit, this officer will have to refer to Ninghai Town. Ninghai Town has built a military cottage and lived adjacent to Guangjiao Temple for several years~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Xiao Do you really not notice at all?"

"You..." Xiao Baiming gave Lin Fu a bite before he landed on the shore, but he couldn't refute it, he knocked his teeth and swallowed, and said in a muffled voice, "Lord Lin has taught me a very good lesson. After being charged with banditry, my commander will give Master Lin an explanation!"

The Jiangdong Left Army was in full swing, and Lin Fu was also showing his authority. Xiao Baiming knew that it would be beneficial to speak in front of Lin Fu, and there would be no good fruit to eat. In just seven or eight months, Lin Fu's reputation has spread far and wide, and his actual power is no less than his family's commander, Xiao Taoyuan.

Although they have 800 navy elites in Junshui Village, they can basically ensure that they are loyal to the Xiao family, but are they qualified to compete with Lin Bie in Chongzhou? In addition to the 3,000 elites of the Jiangdong Zuo Army that Lin Fu directly led back from Jinhai, how many weapons are hidden on Xisha Island. island.

Wu Meijiu really wanted to explain to Xiao Baiming that this attack on the mountain gate had nothing to do with him. I felt resentment in my heart, but kept silent in my heart.

"It's time to go up the mountain to find evidence," Lin Fu said to Wu Meijiu, and then asked Xiao Baiming, "If Xiao Dujian doesn't mind, you might as well go up the mountain with me to search for evidence of the crimes of the monks and bandits in Guangjiao Temple!"

When Xiao Baiming heard Lin Fu say this, he was also half-dead from anger, but he didn't dare to confront him face to face.

Lin Fu was about to enter the mountain gate, and Ao Canghai, who was stained with blood on half of his clothes, hurried down the mountain, attached to Lin Fu's ear, and said, "In the Zen Temple on the top of the mountain, two unexpected people caught us..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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