Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Back to Chongzhou

(Happy New Year's Day, brothers, happy New Year's Day, updated on time at 0:00! Ask for a red ticket, give me the first red ticket in the new year!)

Sail south from Jiaozhou Bay, in order to avoid the wind and waves, close to Hainan.

The sea area to the south of the Huaihe Estuary is the Yellow Water Ocean. The Huaikou is similar to the Jiangkou. There are many sandbars, but the scale is slightly smaller. The water in this sea area is turbid and shallow. The boatmen hired from Chongzhou, Denglai and other places were not familiar with the water conditions in Huaikou. Looking at the distance from the land, the "Jinhai" broke two rudders after crossing this sea area, and then used three rudders. A thousand-stone ship took a plumb weight in front of it to measure the depth and barely passed.

It took a day to cross Huaikou, and it was not until the fifteenth day that I saw Changshan Island.

There are many sandbars outside the Jiangkou, but there are few bedrock islands. Changshan Island is quite recognizable. Lin Bian stood on the deck, pointed in the direction of Changshan Island, and said to Sun Jingxuan and Sun Jingtang: "That is Changshan Island. !"

The clear water is rippling, and the turbulent sea water is like a huge piece of emerald embedded in the sky and rippling with brilliance. When the convoy passed by, a flock of birds on the island flew and passed over the convoy. It was black and pressed like a large rain cloud.

At this time, the Jinhai lowered its sails and slowed down, and the messengers waved the message flags and instructed other ships to adjust their bows and fold to sail in the direction of Jiangkou.


Lin Fu received a police call from Chongzhou from Fu Qinghe in Qingzhou on April 6, and about a little later, Beijing received a letter from Qingzhou about the closure of the mutiny in Changyi and the attack by bandits in Chongzhou.

No matter how many undercurrents there are in the dynasty, the attack on Chongzhou means that Huaikou in the north is also threatened by the East China Sea bandits, and Huaikou is currently the main passage for grains in Jiangdong, Liangzhe, Jing, Hunan, Zhongzhou and other counties to go to sea. Ninghai town navy was not enough to rely on, and it was the top priority to deploy the Jiangdong left army to garrison Chongzhou to ensure the safety of Huaikou.

On the night of the Changyi mutiny closure case, it was approved by Yulan and sent to Qingzhou on April 9 with an official letter of dispatching troops from the Ministry of War.

Lin Fu's official position has also undergone a small change, from the seventh-grade Jiangdong County governor to the sixth-grade Jinghai governor.

On the night that Lin Fu received the letter from Chongzhou from Fu Qinghe, he sent a messenger to contact the scattered Jiangdong Left Army to gather in Jimo, ready to return to Chongzhou. In addition to leaving a post of elite soldiers and the generals and soldiers still recuperating, a total of about 400 people were controlled by Sun Shangwang in Jinhai. Ning Zechen led 600 elite soldiers to reach Jimo on the 11th, joined forces with Lin Fu, and set off to return to Chongzhou.

Also on the day Lin Fu set sail from Jimo, Li Zhuo officially took the post of Minister of War and Governor of Yan Ji with the title of Youdu Censor.

This move, etc., if 40,000 troops and horses are drawn from the two towns of Datong and Xuanhua to strengthen Ji Town, so that Ji Town has jurisdiction over more than 100,000 troops and horses, it is the first step of Li Zhuoping's strategic concept of "slowly planning western Liaoning and stabilizing Yanshan". A substantial step; also because of the need to alleviate the food shortage in Gyeonggi, about 60,000 troops and horses were stationed in Ninghe, Jizhou, Jinhai and other nearby naval fortresses, and in fact, an interior defense pattern has been initially formed.

Li Zhuo patrolled Jinhai on the 12th, joined with Hao Zongcheng, and took over the 20,000 Jizhen army stationed in Jinhai.

Later on the 13th, Gao Zongting arrived in Qingzhou and met with Tang Haoxin.

The Dengzhou Army is a very important part of Li Zhuo's plan for the layout of the three-way strategy. Although the Dengzhou Army is directly under the control of the Ministry of War and is under the control of Li Zhuo, it has little to do with Shandong, but without the cooperation of Shandong, it wants one or two. Over the years, it is very difficult to make the Dengzhou army greatly improve the combat power.

Tang, Gu and Zhang and Yue split, providing convenient conditions for Li Zhuo to obtain Tang Haoxin's support in Shandong. Perhaps Li Zhuo and Gao Zongting would regret that the breakup within the Chu Party came a little late, otherwise the situation in Jiangdong County would be a little better;

When Gao Zongting arrived in Qingzhou, Lin Fu was already at sea, and he couldn't see each other in a hurry.

The change of Lin Fu's official position is naturally due to Li Zhuo's behind-the-scenes promotion, and of course Hao Zongcheng's credit is included.

After the Qingzhou military change, Lin Fu led the army ashore, and the Jinhai and other ships bypassed the Shandong Peninsula directly to Jiaozhou Bay to transport grain northward. The more than 20,000 stone and rice grains were given to the Jibei Army together by Lin Fu, in addition to the grain plan of the Jinhai warehouse, which was considered to be a favor to Hao Zongcheng for not preventing Jiangdong Zuojun from leaving Jinhai before.

Jiangdong inspector envoy Sidujian is a seventh-rank civil official, and Jinghai is a sixth-rank civil official. Since Lin Fu's rank and title are both from fifth-rank, the promotion of the official rank seems to be of little significance. The above is quite different.

Dujian is an official position developed from the military. At first, it was not a formal official position, but an envoy temporarily entrusted to the military to monitor in Beijing. In order to control the military generals, the position is small but powerful, and there are many **** capital supervisors.

After Qingyu was restructured, the post of superintendent was merged into the system of the prefectural court, and it was the official post of the county magistrate's office. Together with the official post of military preparations, it formed the official system of civil ministers and supervising the army. The official title of **** capital superintendent was gradually eliminated. .

Dujian is the official rank in the system of the inspector and envoy. It is a subordinate official.

Although the rank of Jinghai Dujing Envoy is only the sixth grade, in fact, it belongs to the same rank as the Minister of Inspection, the Envoy of Xuanfu, the Governor, the Ambassador of Xuanfu, the Envoy of Guanjun Rong, the Envoy of the Military Supervision, the Envoy of Salt and Iron, and the Envoy of Ducao Transport. Class, for the main official of the seal.

Although it is still under the control of the local county governor or the governor's office, it is far different from the subordinate officials who are governed by everything. Under the control of the Ministry of War, this is also Li Zhuo's foreshadowing for the future transfer of the Jiangdong Left Army to the north to participate in the war.

The official letters of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of War also directly stipulated that the Jiangdong Left Army should take the sea frontier as its defense direction.

Naturally, Lin Fu would not be limited by the 3,000 soldiers. The actual number of soldiers in Jinwei Island was nearly 400. On the south bank of the Eddy River, there were more than 300 village soldiers who were selected from the people and under the control of Sun Shangwang.

Lin Fu finally decided to keep the four Qianshi sea ships in Jinhai. Except for one to stay on Jinwei Island as a spare, the other three Qianshi sea ships were all equipped with armored soldiers, 60 village soldiers, boatmen, sailors and handymen. More than 30 people, as **** warships and grain-carrying merchant ships, provide **** protection for the fleet passing through the Liaodong waters.

The fleet that went south with Linfu included three five-thousand-stone ships including Jinhai and nine thousand-stone ships including Dongyang. Zhou Pu and Zhao Qingshan led the cavalry battalion, about 1,200 soldiers from the 5th battalion, and nearly 1,000 Xihe congregation to return to Chongzhou by land. More than 500 congregations and nearly 3,000 people from the 1st, 3rd, and 4th battalions of the Jiangdong Left Army returned to Chongzhou by sea.


When the fleet was gradually moving, Ge Cunxin instructed the boatmen to raise the sails and adjust the bow, so that the Jinhai sailed directly to Changshan Island.

As an envoy of the Jinghai Metropolitan Government who takes the sea as its defense, Lin Fu can handle the power without even passing through the Ministry of War and the Jiangdong Commandery. He can "secretly recruit and surrender" the robbers on Changshan Island, and then he will be sent to Jiangdong as the inspector, the governor's office and the Ministry of War. Send a letter to report the reward.

Lin Fu always wanted to use Changshan Island as a secret move, and he would never trust Yue Lengqiu. Naturally, when dealing with Changshan Island, he would "resign and surrender" from the power first, and put aside the reporting matters first. go.

The Jinhai sailed to Changshan Island, and naturally it also "surrendered".

Except for Lin Fu, Cao Zi'ang, Ge Cunxin, Zhou Tong, Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang and other Sun family members, the crew on board Jinhai were mainly the two soldiers of the first battalion led by Ao Canghai, and the boatmen and sailors were also from the Ge family. The children of boat households who were brought out from Huaibei and whose family members moved to Changshan Island.

Different sand islands are surrounded by silted tidal flats. As a bedrock island, Changshan Island has a small natural harbor on the southeast side for large ships to moor and shelter from the wind. There is a watchtower at the southern end of the headland.

It is not the first time that the boatmen and sailors of Jinhai Island have docked at Changshan Island. They greeted the guards in Wangshao across the distance. Qin Chengzu led the island guards on one knee and gave Lin Shu a great gift, saying: : "It's really a pity that my subordinates failed to follow the adults to go north to fight. In the future, I would like to help the adults. I hope the adults don't dislike it..." It is officially regarded as a subordinate. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Mr. Qin, what are you doing, why are you so outspoken?" Lin Fu hurriedly walked on the boat to the shore, lifted Qin Chengzu from the ground, and asked everyone behind Qin Chengzu to stand up and talk, watching a young man and Ge Cunxin With a similar appearance and a curly beard under his chin, he asked, "Are you Ge Yuan?" He turned around and smiled at Ge Cunxin who was behind him, "Ge Yuan is more heroic than you!"

Ge Cunxin smiled, jumped ashore, patted his son on the shoulder, and reprimanded: "What are you doing, you don't even salute the adults!"

Lin Fu grabbed Ge Yuan and said, "You and I can just treat each other as brothers, there are not so many formalities to talk about..."

Following Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang, Sun Wenyao, Sun Wenwan, and Zhou Tong who went ashore, they looked at each other in dismay. Didn't they secretly come to accept the sea bandits? How could they get to know each other like a family?

"These are Zhou Tong, Xihe Sun Jingxuan, and Sun Jing's cousins ​​from Wuxian County. This is Wen Yao, the eldest son of Jingtang," Lin Fu introduced Zhou Tong, Sun Jingtang and others to Qin Chengzu and asked them, "The situation in Chongzhou how?"

East China Sea bandits invaded Chongzhou on April 4th, Lin Fu got news in Qingzhou on the sixth day, and on the third day he got news that East China Sea bandits attacked Chongzhou city. After that, Lin Fu was at sea until today. It's the eleventh day. Changshan Island is about 300 miles away from Guanyin Beach, and about 150 miles away from Crane City in the northeast of Chongzhou, so it is natural to know the latest information about Chongzhou.

Qin Chengzu shook his head and said: "The She family, borrowing the name of Yuan Tingdong, the Harrier of the East China Sea, assembled more than 8,000 East Sea pirates to land on the Langshan Mountains, and used 4,000 pirates and more than 60 warships to prepare the army for the cottage and Xisha Island, and 4,000 pirates surrounded the island. Chongzhou, broke through the south gate on the 8th night, slaughtered the city on the 9th, 10th, and 11th, and plundered the city for three consecutive days. The day before yesterday, the troops withdrew and left..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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