Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 23: joint hearing

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu leaned against the oil lamp to read the official letter from Qingzhou Express, frowning slightly, as if locked in deep thought, when he saw Sun Jingtang, Sun Wenbing, and Sun Wenwan come in, he greeted them to sit down, and said, "All sit down, This is an excerpt from the decision of the various companies in the Changyi case, you can take a look..." He handed the official letter in his hand to Sun Jingtang.

Sun Jingtang sat down on the side of the case, hesitated for a while, and took over the folded booklet of the official letter to read; Sun Wenbing and Sun Wenwan stood on one side and did not sit down.

Lin Fu doesn't pay attention to these rules, but others must pay attention to the rules of respect for the elders and the young, so he can only go to the village and follow the customs.

The Xihe Club employs an accountant, but in recent years, Sun Wenwan is responsible for the correspondence and accounting. Sun Jingtang and his brother Sun Jingxuan were not very literate. Fortunately, the excerpts from the Changyi Trial were very concise and plain, basically recording the original words of the interrogators and the interrogators. I read the tens of thousands of words through the excerpt, and I was afraid that I might have missed something. I read the key points carefully before handing it over to my second son, Wen Bing.

Sun Wenwan couldn't break the rules, so she relied on her eyes to look at the excerpt from her cousin's hand sideways.

Even if Tang Haoxin and Lin Mengde fought for the Xihe Society and the Sun family in Qingzhou, the results of the tribunal were still quite unfavorable for the Xihe Society and the Sun family, and the punishment for the initial discussion was very severe.

The guilt of neglecting the river situation and killing the congregation without authorization, which led to the mutiny in Changyi, naturally fell on Liu Yefei's head, as well as the guilt of the Qingzhou army mutiny. Because Liu Yefei's official position is very high, the case will be handed over to the tribunal of the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Dali Temple for a joint trial, or even after a palace meeting, and it is not within the scope of this Changyi mutiny case.

The mutiny in Changyi was finally characterized as a gang gathering a crowd to stir up trouble, erasing serious crimes such as treason, but Sun Jingxuan, Sun Wenyao, and the more than 150 leaders of the Xihe Society, including Sun Jingtang, all needed to be lax and secretly hidden for the emperor. Weapons, assembling a crowd to stir up trouble and causing 17 deaths and injuries to bear responsibility, were sentenced to three years, five years, and ten years of imprisonment, plus corporal punishment ranging from thirty, fifty, and eighty sticks; other congregation leaders one hundred and fifty The rest were sentenced to one to three years in prison, and corporal punishment ranging from ten to thirty sticks; Sun Wenbing, who had nothing to do with the mutiny in Changyi, was also implicated. No additional sentence was imposed, and he was sentenced to be exiled from his father; the dispatched envoys, together with the Yamen of the Jianghuai Governor's Office and the Yamen of Jiangdong County, immediately disbanded the Xihe Association, and the grain transportation undertaken by the rivers in Jiangning was divided under the name of the Xihe Association. Caoboats, club property and Sun's family property, registered and registered, searched and confiscated into officials...

If there were no Jiangdong Zuojun to take refuge in, in the usual sense, the Sun family and the Xihe Association would have been completely destroyed by such severe punishment, but at least everyone was saved.

It is conceivable that if Lin Fu did not take the food shortage in Gyeonggi as a threat, and invaded Shandong with troops, the mutiny in Changyi was a crime of treason, and the more than 300 people who were taken to Qingzhou as the first criminal would not be able to keep their heads. I'm afraid that even the clan can't be preserved...

Only then did Sun Wenwan feel a wave of fear, and a cold sweat broke out down her spine.

"The Changyi mutiny case will not be investigated further, but it is difficult to completely wipe out some of the unfavorable evidence that the Sun family had collected for Liu Yefei before. Wash it off—the so-called criminal evidence is ignored, the key is the resolution after the trial, which is a bit too much for the Sun family," Lin Fu said to Sun Jingtang, "I will go to Qingzhou tomorrow and take the riding camp with you. Follow me to Qingzhou, I want to go deeper with Xu Jian, why do I have to fight for the Sun family again!"

"..." Sun Jingtang pondered for a moment, then said, "Master Xie thinks about the Sun family. The Sun family must not accept such punishment. The key is to keep people. It's just that apart from causing trouble for the adults, Xihe will not be able to. The Sun family is really ashamed of others who can repay the adults..."

"What are you doing with these words? When I arrived in Jiangning, I was penniless," Lin Fu said, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking for a moment, and said, "Even if we finally recognize it, we have to go to Qingzhou to get People pick it up first, so as not to play tricks on others; Wen Bing does not report military exploits, but his identity is not a problem. You should immediately return to Jiangning, find Master Gu, and move the Jiangning congregation and family members of the Xihe Society to Hekou for the time being. Settlement, if there is any difficulty, discuss the disposal with Lin Jingzhong and Zhao Hu, and go to Chongzhou for help if it doesn’t work!”

Jiangning was less than 500 miles away from Chongzhou by waterway, sailing smoothly, arriving day and night, and returning with a quick horse, it only took three days, much faster than their response in Shandong, which was beyond their reach.

At this time, Fu Qinghe, Ge Cunxiong, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng and others were hosting on Xisha Island in Chongzhou, and Qin Chengzu and others were secretly helping. There are more than 600 elites in Jiyun Wuwei Jiaxisha Island Township Camp. In fact, more than 8,000 Ding Zhuang on Xisha Island have completed the rotation training, and about a thousand Jianyong have been selected and directly used as the backup force of Jiyun Wuwei and Township Camp. Previously, Lin Fugeng sent more than 1,400 injuries and illnesses of Jiangdong Zuo Army to Xisha Island for recuperation. After more than a month of recuperation, most of them have recovered from their injuries. At this time, even if not on Changshan Island Elite, Fu Qinghe can also organize 3,000 combat forces on Xisha Island in case of unexpected events.


Sun Wenbing left Changyi that night. Considering the lack of manpower in Jiangning, Lin Fu directly sent two hundred fine horses to be controlled by Sun Wenbing and escorted him back to Jiangning to resettle the Xihe congregation and his family. It is still possible for the Xihe Society and the Sun family to transfer some of their property. This depends on whether the staff of the Xihe Society who stay in Jiangning move quickly enough. In fact, after suppressing the mutiny of the Qingzhou Army, Lin Fu asked Sun Wenbing to send someone back to Jiangning. These things, but there is no news feedback.

It has been four generations since the Sun family established the Xihe Association to undertake water services, and the congregation has grown from more than 300 people to more than 2,000 people. Although they earn hard labor and are exploited, they have accumulated a lot.

For example, along the Cao Canal Road, the Xihe Association will buy some houses, so that the congregation can have a place to rest and rest when they are transported through. With Jiangning as its root, the Xihe Association purchased land in the south of Jiangning and built a large mansion for the congregation and their families to live in.

The Xihe Society lives on water. In addition to water transportation, it also undertakes other transportation tasks in its spare time. In addition to the water boats, the Xihe Society also has many private boats. With the addition of weapons, it is easy to transform into a warship, and the hull is sturdy.

Compared with Tian Zhai, these private boats are the best to transfer; but Jiang Ning has achieved that level, it is unknown.

Lin Fu rested for two hours that night. In the early morning, Zhou Pu led the rest of the cavalry battalion to **** him, Sun Jingtang and Sun Wenwan to Qingzhou. Zhao Qingshan led a battalion of infantry to Qingzhou, and Ao Canghai and Zhou Tong stayed there. Mount Tarburg, where more than 1,500 Xihe congregations were stationed in Mount Tarburg.


From Tarbao Mountain to Hanting and then to Qingzhou, it was about two hundred miles away. Lin Biao was supported by more than 400 horses. He only walked one day and one night, and arrived at Qingzhou in the early morning of April 2nd.

When we arrived in Qingzhou, the city was foggy, and the misty white flowed on the ridges and eaves of the streets and alleys, and the city walls were also looming.

Lin Mengde got the news a moment earlier and went out of the city to meet Lin Fu. Lin Mengde and Sun Jingtang were no strangers to each other. After chatting for a while, they reported the latest developments in Qingzhou city for the past two days to Lin Futing: "At the banquet last night, Xiao Xuanchou The matter of the prison city was suddenly discussed, saying that it was to be written to the imperial court together with the resolution of the Changyi bill, requesting that the prison city be reopened in the Jiangkou of Chongzhou, and the Jinchuan prison island would be integrated into the prison city..."

"Huh!" Lin Bie breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Xuanchou has always been his immediate boss, and his impression of Xiao Xuanchou has always remained in the aspects of being smooth and secular, Gu Wuchen has been preparing for the reopening of the prison for a long time, Xiao Xuanchou is not like that kind of meeting Those who take credit for their bosses! Lin Fu suddenly felt troubled, and asked Lin Mengde, "How do you view this matter?" Lin Mengde knew that this matter was earlier than them, and had enough time to think about the reasons behind it.

"Chongzhou Jiangkou to choose a place to reopen the prison city, naturally it is convenient for you to control it. At first glance, it is beneficial to us," Lin Mengde said, "In fact, it is not. I suspect that Xiao Xuanchou has already drawn Yue Lengqiu over... "

"It's a little serious..." Lin Bie frowned and thought deeply. He heard the news, and he didn't have time to think about the reasons behind it.

"Tang Shaobao told me about this last night, and he thought Xiao Xuanchou was unreliable," Lin Mengde said, "Because of you, with Master Gu behind your back, there is absolutely no possibility of others interfering in the prison island, even seeing through it. The reality of the prison island is also difficult. In our deployment, the prison island and the estuary rely on each other, and they are the lips and teeth of dependence. If I were Yue Lengqiu, I would not like to see such a prison island in the heart of Jiangning. The land is completely out of his control. However, neither Tang Shaobao nor Master Gu has an excuse to veto this matter and reopen the prison city, and those involved in the Changyi case have an official name to migrate to Chongzhou..."

"It's really calm..." Lin Fu felt that Yue Lengqiu was really a tricky character. If he hesitated a little bit, the Sun family and the Xihe Association would not be able to keep it. Yue Lengqiu miscalculated even if he miscalculated him I didn't expect him to hand over another dark nail so quickly.

Lin Fu has been able to fully grasp Xisha Island, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army will also return to Xisha Island and pay for Chongzhou Township~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Whether or not to reopen the prison city at Jiangkou in Chongzhou will not benefit him substantially.

There are two types of exile punishment: Liubian and conscription, and Liuhai Island is also a type of Liubian. When Lin Fu came to Qingzhou this time, he planned to take Sun Jingxuan, Sun Wenyao and others directly to Xisha Island, so as not to open branches outside the festival, and he did not think of any excuses.

Prison Island is like Jiangning, just like Jinwei Island is like Jinhai. Controlling Prison Island in your hands, from Prison Island to Xisha Island to Changshan Island and then to Jinwei Island, is a complete link. To cut off a ring for Yue Lengqiu's head, but there is still bitterness.

Sun Jingtang only had a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Fu yesterday. He didn't know much about the details of Jiyun Club. Seeing Lin Fu frowning, he also knew that the importance of Prison Island was more than he had imagined before.

Lin Bie frowned and said after a moment: "Even if the prison island cannot be unique to me, the prison island must be integrated with the estuary, and I can't make excuses for Yue Lengqiu or others to occupy it... In addition, Jiangdong is in Jia After Peng Xu's resignation, there has been no deputy commissioner, and Yue Lengqiu will probably push Xiao Xuanchou to this position."

"I talked to Shaobao Tang at night, and he also has this concern," Lin Mengde asked, "Are you going to see Shaobao Tang first?"

"Well, okay, let's go see Duke Tang first." Lin Fu said.

Gu Wuchen and Yue Lengqiu competed in Jiangning, and they were already at a disadvantage. Unexpectedly, Yue Lengqiu still wooed Xiao Xuanchou to contain Gu Wuchen from within the Police Department. This actually shows that after the conflicts between Tang, Gu, Zhang, and Yue were made public, Many people are more optimistic about Zhang and Yue. If Xiao Xuanchou had already turned to Yue Lengqiu before he came to Qingzhou, then the transfer of property between the Sun family and Xihe would be in jeopardy. The property of the West River Club. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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