Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 616 Manager Cao (replacement of last month’s monthly ticket)

Room 1365 on the 13th floor.

In Zhong Shenxiu’s single dormitory.

As a residence for formal employees, it has bedrooms and separate bathrooms, covering an area of ​​more than 40 square meters.

The decoration is chic, and home appliances, network cables, and WIFI are all available.

On this floor, in addition to a buffet restaurant that is open 24 hours a day and always has fresh food, there is also a gym and a swimming pool, which are comparable to a luxury hotel.

At least Zhong Shenxiu is very satisfied with the living conditions here.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and had been practicing for unknown lengths of time.

When I opened my eyes again, I felt a clarity in my mind. Recalling all the slightly neurotic actions before, I couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

'The body and the mind are actually corresponding, and have a mystical connection... The influence of the immortal body on my true spirit is really powerful...'

Before, he felt like there was an extra spring in his soul, constantly radiating madness and pollution.

This caused Zhong Shenxiu to be slightly radical in his actions, full of expressiveness, and some changes in his personality.

Completely different from what he was before!

After this practice, he felt that there was suddenly a coldness in his soul. This was his rationality, which was like a lake, drowning the previous crazy flames.

"After half a month of hard training, I haven't even completed the first level of the ghost-immortal reincarnation method..."

He shook his head secretly: "To forcefully fill up the points, it will take more than 90,000 days to show off... There is no loophole to take advantage of. It really makes people lose their temper at all..."

After this period of practice, he also understood.

The method of reincarnation of ghosts and immortals only cultivates true spirits, and there is nothing magical about it.

The greatest use is to continuously accumulate one's own rationality, just like a dam accumulating river water.

"Even...Currently, we need to wait until we reach the third level of cultivation, so that our rationality can completely cover the continuous pollution caused by the immortalization of the body, so that more water is stored than released...When enough accumulation is at the ninth level, the true spirit can return and calm the body. The madness of immortality completely controls the body."

"It's a very simple truth... But although the speed of time in this world is very different from Qiyaotian, I still have to complete it quickly, otherwise things will change if I am late!"

Zhong Shenxiu was thinking when he suddenly felt something. He grabbed the big black umbrella beside him and walked out of the room.

In the large living room facing the elevator, a group of people were surrounding a package.

It appears suddenly above the ground, and its surface is wrapped in a layer of pure white paper, giving people an ominous feeling.

"This... seems to be spiritual paper. The more sophisticated longevity material shops use this paper to make paper figures or make paper money..."

Chu He pushed up his glasses.

At this time, the couriers who were assigned temporary team building tasks had a premonition and walked out of the room, staring at the package.

On the package, there was also a line of harvest address written with a calligraphy pen - 'Burial Junshan Cemetery No. 027'.

Murong Hong quickly flipped through her phone: "This is a cemetery in the east of City D. It is small and relatively remote. There is no public transportation. It takes an hour's drive..."

"There is no time limit on the work text message, as long as it is completed within today."

Liu Xin pondered and said: "That means we must finish delivering the express before 11pm at the latest, leaving an hour for dinner..."

"I...I think..." Han Bingjie glanced at Zhong Shenxiu and plucked up the courage to say, "There's no need to go at night, right? Don't the ghosts in the story always come out at night? We can do it at noon, when the Yang Qi is at its strongest. Go when..."

"Wrong idea! What we are facing is not the ghosts in folklore. Even during the day, or even under the sun at noon, the 'ghosts' will still appear and kill people..." Zong Sheng laughed.

"But daylight is good for us, at least it's comforting."

Chu He looked at the time and said with a smile: "Everyone goes back to get ready. Let's have dinner at noon. No one wants to go to the cemetery at night, right?"

"no problem."

"I do not have either."

Zhong Shenxiu nodded along with the crowd.

"Then..." Chu He took a step forward to pick up the tightly wrapped express: "It will be kept by me..."

If the express delivery is lost or damaged in transit, the courier will be cursed by the company and die horribly.

In addition, whoever is responsible for delivering the courier to "Gui" does not have any preferential treatment, but is full of dangers.

Therefore, no one competed with Chuhe for this candidate.

But a hand with thick joints and calluses pressed on the package.

A calm voice came: "I am also the executor of this work, and I will keep the express delivery!"

The owner of this hand was a big man in his thirties, with rough skin and stubble on his face. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk, but now they were bloodshot.

"Manager Cao?"

Chu He seemed surprised: "Are you also the executor?"

The person who came was Cao Liuyu, the regional manager on the 13th floor. He nodded expressionlessly and showed a company text message with a garbled sender.

Then, he took the express package away in a manner that no one could question.

"It's troublesome..."

Chu He looked at Cao Liuyu's back and sighed.

In any express delivery company, temporary workers can be promoted to regular employees after completing three tasks, while regular employees can be promoted to supervisors only after completing six tasks.

The conditions for a supervisor to be promoted to manager, in addition to workload, must also attend an annual meeting!

And Cao Liuyu is the only survivor of the last annual meeting on this floor!

The wealth of experience alone is enough to be awe-inspiring.

Not to mention, Chu He had vaguely heard some news that Cao Liuyu was also very powerful outside and had once threatened employees and carried out dangerous road exploration work for him.

He is a guy who will do whatever it takes to survive!

"Even the regional manager has to participate. The difficulty of this task..."

Murong Hong and Liu Xin were almost desperate.

Zong Sheng and Han Bingjie also looked very ugly.

"Okay, everyone go down and get ready. I'll go make final confirmation with Manager Cao..."

Chu He clapped his hands: "Leave the background investigation on Junshan Cemetery to Murong Hong, and Zong Sheng will be responsible for the transportation. Liu Xin, you and Puppet prepare the necessary items and outdoor equipment. You all know this. Follow the list. Come...Han Bingjie, you go to the cafeteria to pack food and drinks. After all, there must be a 'meal' for a team building dinner..."

A few hours later.

In a temporarily rented bus, all the couriers who performed this work were seated.

Zhong Shenxiu, Cao Liuyu, Chu He, Han Bingjie, Liu Xin, Murong Hong, and the driver Zong Sheng. It is said that he drove a taxi before joining the company and could drive a large car.

Plus two guys I didn't know very well, named Liu Dacheng and Miao Yingying, there were nine people in total.

"The nine-person mission is a bit out of the norm..."

Murong Hong looked melancholy, as if she was about to go to the execution ground: "I found out the background of Junshan Cemetery. It did not bury an ancient monarch, but a village... It is called 'Xiaojun Village'. In the 20th century, It was destroyed by a mudslide years ago, and most of the villagers died... They were buried in the Burial Junshan Cemetery, and then gradually abandoned..."

"Don't be afraid, everyone. We have Manager Cao personally leading the team this time, and the wise Chu He is also here, so there will be no problem."

Liu Dacheng smiled humbly, like a licking dog.

As an ordinary person, even his intelligence is only at an ordinary level. If he can't find a way out, he can only worship authority.

Among the 13th level, Cao Liuyu, who can accumulate experience and become a manager, is the best person to rely on.

Liu Dacheng and Miao Yingying usually regarded themselves as Cao Liuyu's confidants, and now they spared no effort to lick them.

Chu He pushed up his glasses and clearly felt Cao Liuyu's body shaking when Murong Hong said the words 'Xiaojun Village'.

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