Lord of Souls

Chapter 112: A clear conscience

The soul world is in peril.

As the old saying goes, once you enter the soul world, you cannot help yourself.

The danger, on the one hand, lies in the powerhouses of the soul world—these powerhouses are interested, and it is not surprising that they can do anything.

On the other hand, it lies in the ubiquitous soul beasts of the soul world.

Soul beasts are the companions of soul masters, but only under the precondition of establishing a soul covenant.

Most of the wild soul beasts retain their animal nature, cruelty, murderousness, and the law of the jungle, which are their true portrayals.

Outside the battlefield, in the jungle.

Under the leadership of the two top masters, the competition team went deep into the jungle.

The atmosphere along the way was a little depressing.

An Dong babbled, and seemed to want to persuade the two teachers to take them back to the city to fight, but the teachers greeted them with blank eyes.


As far as your level is concerned, on the battlefield of a full-scale war, you don't know how to die... and go back to fight? Funny?

Not to mention these people present are all super geniuses of the new generation, the seedlings selected by the Chinese nation.

Not sure, there is a future legend in it.

The two teachers were not from Bing Dazhong. Although their hearts were also boiling with fighting intent, they also forcibly suppressed them and made the protection of these children their top priority.

Until the distance, Xixi Suosuo's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

Then I saw a vine whip slammed and hit a teacher.

The teacher didn't even have time to activate the blur, and he was drawn far away on the spot, bleeding from his mouth and nose!

The voice came from another teacher's mouth!

"Murdering vine! The murdering vine of the master period!"

In the next second, the Light of Soul Realm burst open!

The wounded teacher reluctantly got up from the ground, and while opening the soul realm to summon soul pets, he shouted to Yong Xuan and the others, "Hide away!"

On the other hand, I sighed unlucky in my heart...

The pioneering city and the five kingdoms go to war, and the battlefield is huge!

As long as the surrounding spirit beasts sense the outbreak of a distant war, they will definitely stay away from the battlefield for the first time - seeking benefits and avoiding harm is the instinct of creatures.

But there are always some soul beasts, either unwilling to move their nests, or simply have no ability to move...

Killing vines, that is, the kind that don't have much mobility.

I thought it was relatively safe in the woods...

The clinker head slammed into the arms of the killer vine.

Still a master killer vine!

When he saw that his colleagues were restraining the killing vine and the students were hiding behind him, the teacher just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked around worriedly.

"It doesn't matter if a killing vine... I'm afraid that the aftermath of the battle will attract the troops of the five countries, then it will be troublesome."

Walking out of Shifeng Ruins, Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing came to the vicinity of the barren city.

In the distance is the magnificent city wall of the deserted city.

From time to time, there are troops dispatched from the city gates, marching towards the pioneering city.

The teleportation location of Shifeng Ruins is quite inconspicuous, and has not been discovered by the surrounding enemies.

Just looking around, Xia Lin couldn't help frowning.

"Hide in the ruins for a while, and let's go back after the fight is over. If you want to come to this sentence, the odds of winning on the Chinese side are quite large..."

After Xia Lin finished speaking, he saw Tian Qingqing shaking his head.

"I choose to go back to China, not for the purpose, but for the means. The real purpose is to help my brother-in-law look after the house."

So she's going to fight.

Even if she's just a Silver Stage Soul Master...

This made Xia Lin sigh deeply.

It's not difficult to find one thing - Tian Qingqing was a little stunned.

"Okay, it's up to you."

"But our lives are very important, is there any objection to this?"

Tian Qingqing nodded: "I have to keep a useful body to see my brother-in-law again, I will cherish my life."

"So hide for a while?"

"No, go back to fight."

Xia Lin pouted.


The two quietly left the teleportation location and walked along the inaccessible place to the place where the pioneering city was located.

As soon as you encounter a forest, you enter a mountain and drill. After all, the army is obviously more terrifying than the wild spirit beasts.

However, they found that 99% of the spirit beasts in the forest had been scared away by the army.

This saved Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing the trouble.

The two began to speed up, and after about an hour, they came not far from the battlefield.

half an hour ago.

The two master-level mentors did not entangle too much with the killing vines.

The life core of this thing is buried deep in the ground. Although it has no ability to move, it is really not easy to kill.

After two simple strokes, they got rid of the killing vine, and the two tutors took the students and continued to walk towards the forest in a different direction.

After a while, a mentor stopped and took out a leaf from the space ring.

Putting the leaves in their palms, everyone can see that the leaves are shaking slightly, and the veins are faintly pointing in a certain direction.

The tutor explained: "This is the positioning method left by Teacher Wang Tiansheng. Through the direction of the veins and the tremor frequency of the leaves, the position of the opponent can be located."

"Judging from the current situation, someone should have come to pick us up..."

After saying this, the instructor glanced at Yong Xuan faintly.

I can only say that I understand.

Therefore, the plan changed accordingly.

"Don't continue to go deep, everyone waits in place, waiting for the reception staff to join us."

The tutor didn't know why the pioneers sent people to pick them up.

For the sake of Yongxuan, it is certain, but more specific, for example, whether to pick them up or send more people to ensure the safety of the students, these are all unknown.

Waiting in place is an option that can't go wrong.

About ten minutes later, with the grass and trees in the distance.

The two masters, with Gu Yunfeng and his party, appeared in front of the competition team.

Four masters, more than twenty students.

In the jungle, the four masters communicated quickly.

"There is an order above to take you home. It's mainly Yong Xuan."

The mentor of the original competition team nodded, but wondered: "How should we cross the war zone?"

"After approaching the war zone, send a signal, and the legend will open the channel."


After nodding, the instructor turned to look at the others and said loudly.

"Go home now, act now."

But suddenly, I heard a voice coming from farther away.

The sound was weird, like two steel plates rubbing against each other.

"Looks like I caught a big fish..."

As the voice sounded, dense footsteps walked out of the forest.

Hundreds of soul master teams wearing clothes woven from leaves, with their bare skin full of weird tattoos, appeared in front of everyone.

This scene made the instructors frown suddenly.

This kind of dress is the folk dress of Linling City-state - the people from Linling City-state on the opposite side...that is, the enemy.

And in the next second.

With the opening of the Soul Realm Light of the Lin Ling City State Soul Master, the hearts of the four mentors sank to the bottom.

Dark green light.

Represents the strength of a king!

Hong Wu summoned his soul pet and smiled at the otherworldly people across from him.

Heavenly Chosen Ability: Plant communication, the conversation here just now is completely transmitted to Hong Wu's ears through plants.

By the way, the reason why he was able to come to the door so punctually was not unrelated to the killing vine just now.

Looking at the cold-faced young man in the crowd, Hong Wu smiled even more.

This time, he caught a big fish!

The legend of another world, the grandson of Jinlong Yonghui, Yongxuan!

Lin Ling city-state and Kaiyuan City have nothing to do with each other... But as a subordinate, since the city-state master said that he wanted to fight, he could only fight!

Before the start of the battle, the ancient dragon city-state had already handed over the appearance of the Four Legends of China to all the spirit masters above the master stage.

Legendary, unattainable.

But legends are also people, and people have weaknesses!

I want to catch the grandson of the legend, not to mention the rebellion against the legend, it can still be done by letting the legend bind his hands and feet.

No matter how bad it is, the legend on the opposite side of Nausea is also good.

Seven-headed soul pets appeared next to Hong Wu one after another.

Hong Wu smiled when he saw that the four masters on the opposite side summoned their soul pets in unison and stopped in front of him, while the young people, led by a tall young man, turned their heads and evacuated to the rear.

"Useless struggle!"

"Children, grab that kid and leave the other one alone!"

The voice fell, and all kinds of soul lights flashed one after another!

Tactical communication is only instantaneous.

The moment Hong Wu opened the Soul Realm, the four mentors communicated with Gu Yunfeng.

The mentors resisted the king, and Gu Yunfeng led the others to evacuate quickly.

Turn back, run.

The soul light is lifted, and the soul beast is summoned!

Behind him, the fluctuations of the war flashed in an instant!

With the strength of the four masters, it is not impossible to compete or even defeat the king. After all, the king is also the king, and the king without the soul pet of the king is also the king.

Fire, frost, and life energy burst out one after another.

The fierce Gang wind blew Gu Yunfeng's clothes.

However, along with countless figures, jumping like wild monkeys from the jungle on both sides, Gu Yunfeng's brows instantly tightened.

The king of Linling city-state, with an army.

Just at the moment when the four masters of the king were fighting, this group of military soul masters, whose main pet is the mountain ape (high-ranking extraordinary level), had already flanked on both sides in advance, ready to attack!

The number of people is not large - about a hundred people.

But it is an elite unit—a small unit headed by a king-level powerhouse, obviously not weak.

With the color of the soul light, Gu Yunfeng can tell that there are at least two masters in the enemy, nearly ten diamonds, and most of the rest are gold!

"It's over."

Such a thought just flashed through Gu Yunfeng's heart.

There was a sudden scream from the side.

However, they saw that the two masters of their own side had left the king's battle circle, and they led Quan Chong hurriedly, blocking the incoming chasing soldiers from left to right.

That Hong Wu's strength is not a king.

But he's not even a king who doesn't even have a king's favor.

The four mentors worked together, and it took some time to take Hong Wu to the bottom of the horse, but it was obviously more important to compete for the team.

The two less powerful mentors no longer targeted Hong Wu.

Instead, **** the competing teams.

This makes the situation instantly better!

The surrounding enemies rapidly decreased, and they ran for a distance of nearly ten kilometers in a short period of time. Only one diamond and more than ten golden-age soul masters were left behind the enemies.

However, the strength is different, and the leg strength is also different.

Without the restraint of the mentors, the distance between the two sides shortened rapidly.

Look up and look forward.

Estimating the distance, Gu Yunfeng slowly gritted his teeth.

'There are still dozens of kilometers away from the appointed place. ’

'There is an enemy chasing behind, and with so many people, it is destined to not reach the target location. ’

‘Abandoning a part of the Bronze Stage Soul Master… lightly loaded into battle? ’

'Probably, maybe. ’


All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind.

Gu Yunfeng took a deep breath.

"Yong Xuan? Who is Yong Xuan!?"


"This is a flare. In this direction, go further 53 kilometers, then light the flare, and the two legends will make a way for you."

"The rest, don't worry about anything! Remember?"

Yong Xuan actually didn't understand the meaning of these words.

On the surface, he naturally understood.

These people are sending themselves and others back to Pioneer City.

What he didn't understand was the meaning of his group of people returning to Pioneer City at this moment...

After all, in his opinion, the significance of his group of children is definitely not as significant as the significance of the pioneering city.

Of course, Yongxuan didn't know that, in Yonghui's eyes, one Yongxuan was more meaningful than the whole of China combined - after all, Yonghui, the big head, really couldn't express his feelings towards Yongxuan in words. Respect and love.

Thoughts lingered in his heart, but Yong Xuan was not good at expressing them. He just put away the signal flare and saw Gu Yunfeng turn his head again and look at the students in the student council.

"Everyone in the student council, stop and turn around with me immediately!"

The sound fell, and the two-headed raptor made an emergency stop, instantly braking the car...

The long-established prestige in the student union made Jiang Ji and others obey Gu Yunfeng's orders instinctively.

It wasn't until everyone stopped, that the thirteen competing members had run away all the way...

On the opposite side, twelve enemy spirit masters, with all their pets, gradually slowed down.

The atmosphere instantly froze...

Until Jiang Ji looked up at Gu Yunfeng in a daze, and said tremblingly, "Boss...this...is this fake?"

"What's real or fake?"

"...That's right, this mission..."

"Oh, you said the mission."

Gu Yunfeng, who was under the ancient dragon armor, smiled softly, and said again in a loud voice.

"Now, let me explain this mission."

"Everyone, block the enemy on the opposite side. Don't let any one go!"

"Then, fight until you die!"

There was an uproar behind the crowd.

In the student union, only Gu Yunfeng has a gold, and the opposite is a diamond! Plus a full eleven full pet gold!

The strength gap is so large that the result can be determined at a glance.

This made this entire mission completely transformed into a "send to death" drama.

Someone yelled on the spot.

"Gu Yunfeng, you are taking us to death!"

"Yes, I am taking you to death."

Gu Yunfeng's gentle voice suppressed the commotion.

The original intent of the mission was not to die.

This is just a very dangerous **** mission.

However, the situation suddenly, the plan did not change quickly.

Things kept getting worse and worse until they got where they are now.

He turned his head and waited around the crowd, the smile in his tone became more obvious.

He said so.

"I entered the freshman year and slept with Hongwu Temple."

"At that time, I was a trainee, but I had already touched the threshold of bronze..."

"I'm a genius, but at Bingda, I'm obviously not a genius... At least I didn't have any outstanding performance in the 18th National Congress."

"Of course, I became the oppressed party..."

"I still remember that people came to the door every day to collect protection fees."

"Every time I complete a task, I have to pay most of the credits to the Student Union."

"I hate Bingda! I hate this student union!"

The atmosphere gradually became silent.

The enemy on the opposite side is gradually approaching.

Several people wanted to pass Gu Yunfeng and others to chase Yong Xuan and his party, but they were stopped by Gu Yunfeng's Black Pterosaur and Cangtong Pterosaur.

It was as if he hadn't seen the twin pets who fell into desperation in an instant.

Gu Yunfeng continued.

"From that time on, I had this idea."

"If I become the president of the student council... I must change this school atmosphere! I must not let the future ice university students be oppressed like this!"

But the subsequent development is completely different from Gu Yunfeng's imagination.

He went from a dragon slayer to a dragon.

"Then you know why I'm the one I hate the most?"

No one spoke.

Until the Cangtong Pterosaur let out its final tragic howl, blood sprayed and fell to Gu Yunfeng's feet, with no breath at all.

Soul Shang let Gu Yunfeng roar lowly.

But soon, he took a deep breath.

"Before, those resources in the school were really hot for my hands."

"Now, I finally have a clear conscience..."

He finally looked at the people behind him with different expressions.

"The reward for this mission is very generous."

"The reward is for your domineering and unscrupulous behavior in Bing Da a few years ago!"

"As long as something goes wrong, I will help you all settle down... Guess why!?"

"What do I owe you? Do I deserve yours?"

"Not at all..."

"Let me tell you another Bing Da Nei, a tradition that only the student council president knows about!"

"Take the money and do the work! It doesn't matter whether you take the money first or take it later! Once you take the money, you have to kill me when it's time to die. When it's time to die, don't give me another second! "

Domineering is fine.

Force it!

If you take advantage, you have to take responsibility for me!

How can there be a beautiful thing that only eats and does not vomit! ?

Gently patted his chest.

Gu Yunfeng said loudly while driving the two-headed raptor to meet the opponent of the diamond stage.

"Whoever dares to escape this wave, I promise, you have to spit out what you have eaten in the past few years, even the profit!"

"This is my promise!"

"Even if I die, Hongwu Temple will fulfill this promise for me!"

Violent energy fluctuations made Xia Lintian Qingqing look sideways.

The place where the energy erupted was not far from where Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing were hiding...

And Xia Lin's induction was actually deeper than Tian Qingqing's—because the Soul Master, within a certain range, could locate the exact location of the believer.

For example, the location of An Dong and Tian Qingqing is located on Longmen Island.

For another example, now, locate Yongxuan, Anton, and Longan.

Long An is on the front line now, the soul light is a little weak, and it seems that it consumes too much - but this is not important.

The important thing is that the energy fluctuation of the master period just now is too close to An Dong Yongxuan...

When Xia Lindeng got up, his face changed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Tian Qingqing asked, Xia Lin thought for a moment and said.

"Maybe something happened on the side of the competition team."

"you sure?"

"I'm not sure. But there is an enemy-occupied area. According to the route, there is a high probability that the competition team has encountered something."

"I have to go and see."

Anton, Xia Lin can't ignore it.

Tian Qingqing nodded as well: "I'll go too."

After all, the competing team was in danger, and the cause was still Tian Yu's fault. If we go deeper, Tian Qingqing is the root cause of this matter.

If it wasn't for Bai Tianyu, Tian Qingqing had to witness him avenging the Tian family, then the competition team would not have fallen into such a dangerous situation.

The two quickly touched the place where the energy exploded.

The closer the distance, the stronger the energy fluctuations.

When the distance between the two sides was only ten kilometers or so, the aftermath of the battle suddenly subsided.

Xia Lin couldn't help speeding up.

The ground is full of flames and ice.

The strange green energy filled the air, giving the air a rotten smell of grass and trees.

Covering their mouths and noses, Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing slowed down, and soon, two familiar corpses came into view of Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing.

It's the master mentor in the two competing teams...

There were soul pet corpses around the two of them. From the tragic marks on the corpse, it is not difficult to make up for the fierceness of the battle just now.

In addition, there is a more powerful soul beast corpse lying on the ground - this is a king period soul beast.

This situation made Tian Qingqing and Xia Lin all silent.

"I remember that one of these two teachers is named Tan Qi, and the other is named Master Liu."

When Xia Lin spoke like this, Tian Qingqing hummed softly.

For a moment, a sigh.

After Xia Lin simply collected the bodies of the two teachers, he followed An Dong Yongxuan's trail and rushed in the direction of Kaoru City.

After about three minutes.

Another battlefield fell into Xia Lin's eyes.

The familiar figure made Xia Lin's eyelids jump.

It is Gu Yunfeng.

This uncrowned king in the ice world has lost all the breath of life at this moment.

He was lying under a big tree, with a ferocious and crazy fighting intent on his face, but his body was cut open from the waist by a sharp blade, and his intestines flowed all over the ground...

The ancient dragon armor has lost its luster.

The huge Black Pluto Tyrannosaurus fell on the other side farther away.

And the two-headed raptor, even if it had no life, still firmly bit the throat of a certain soul master.

The deceased stared at him, as if he couldn't believe it, why did he fall into the hands of a golden-age soul master when he was clearly in the diamond stage...

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly a voice came from the side.

Xia Lintian Qingqing looked back and saw a farther, bloodier battlefield, a man with his scalp removed and his brain tissue exposed, was panting heavily.

Blood had already stained his cheeks.

But the subtleties on his face still made Xia Lin stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly came to this person's side.

Slowly opening his **** eyes, he made a fist with his right hand and forced it out, but Xia Lin grabbed it with one hand.

"I am Xia Lin, not an enemy."

Hearing the familiar voice, the man grinned.

"Cough, cough... Xia Lin..."

"Cough, what about the chairman?"


"Oh...deserving it! What a deserving one!"

"Gu Yunfeng's bastard...cough, cough, he brought us here to die...I..."

He scolded, and with the coughing and scolding, the exposed brain tissue trembled like a tofu brain... More blood flowed out.

"Stop talking, I'll take you back..."

"No... useless..."

"Soul... I died in battle, and I was seriously injured... It's useless..."

"Someone... Someone ran away, it was Wu Quanlong... He ran straight away... That kid didn't act righteous..."

"We... didn't stop... Yong Xuan and them..."

"Xia Lin, I...I miss my mother..."

At the end of the words, his voice was choppy, not even a clear line.

Until his whole body was completely paralyzed.

he died.

Jiang Ji is dead.

Can't tell how it feels.

After gently hugging Jiang Ji, Xia Lin stood up and looked around.

Around, the bodies of the students of the student union and the grass-clothed soul masters were densely packed. You have me and I have you.

And further afield, the Soul Master's response to the believers made Xia Lin clearly perceive one thing.

Anton and Yongxuan stopped.

The energy flickered away.

A new battle seems to have begun.

This scene made Tian Qingqing take a deep breath.

She instantly opened the soul realm, summoned her soul pet, and hurried over there without even saying hello.

This woman, just now said that she cherished her life...

Xia Lin stood silently on the spot.

Watching Tian Qingqing leave, Xia Lin's eyes were calm.

Thinking back to what I just saw...

‘King, there is a king on the opposite side, although the two teachers buried a king-level soul pet, but the king’s seven pets, that king-level soul master still has combat power…’

'Master...there must be a master. In the team led by the king, there will definitely be masters... I don't know how many people, but there will definitely be. ’


'A lot of people. ’

The more he thought about it, the more headache Xia Lin got.

And soon, the turbulent energy not far away interrupted Xia Lin's thinking.

This made Xia Lin's eyes flash, and suddenly a plan came to his mind!

Open the soul realm to recruit four pets.

Xia Lin looked at Jue.


The camouflage ability was activated, and soon, it definitely turned into the appearance of Xia Lin - exactly the same, and there was no difference at all.

After nodding to Xia Lin, Jue, who disguised as Xia Lin, rode to the place where he hoped to fight in the distance.

Xia Lin looked at Qingmang and Unbeaten.

"Damn, this wave, I bet!"

For Anton.

For Tian Qingqing.

Also for the inexplicable feeling in my heart.

With the enemy still 13 kilometers away from the destination, the competing team was blocked.

Hong Wu's face was pale, and even the tattoos on his face could not cover his paleness.

Looking at the thirteen children surrounded by circles, Hong Wu lightly licked the corners of his mouth, with a smile on his face, the smile even suppressed the pain of the soul.

The grandson of legend!

This is not only about military exploits, but even through this legendary grandson, Hong Wu may be able to get more—at the very least, it can make up for the king-level soul beast he died in battle.

"You, come with me."

Hong Wu raised his finger and pointed at Yong Xuan.

The two king stage and three master stage soul pets parked around him are the guarantee of Hong Wu's confidence!

Not to mention the 100-person team that he brought, there are still nearly 70 remaining, and the two masters are not damaged.

No matter how you look at it, Yong Xuan and the others are already turtles in the urn, and there is no way to escape.

Yong Xuan turned back and glanced at his companions.

It can be seen that in everyone's eyes, there is a bit of daze, and more determination.

Taking a deep breath, Yong Xuan's body suddenly burst into soul light.

With all his strength, he shouted out a big word: "Hit!"

An Dong's fat face twitched, like crying and laughing, ugly and ugly, but he still shouted loudly!

"There are only soul masters who died in China! There are no soul masters who surrender!"

Soul light, burst into bloom.

Skills, start brewing!

A one-sided battle is imminent.

In the distance, the figures of Tian Qingqing and Xia Lin are also looming.

Hong Wu's eyes suddenly darkened.

"Leave that kid alive, and kill the rest!"

The sound fell.

However, in the next second, Hong Wu suddenly raised his head and looked towards the horizon!

Then I saw that the colorful divine light on the horizon lit up!

"Wait... Stop it all for me!"

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