Lord of Souls

Chapter 109: Skill said (thanks to the leader of the blue shirt old lwy!)

After upgrading to the master level, Xia Lin paid more attention to camouflage.

But in fact, the skill customization function is the biggest gain!

Soul pet's racial level, strength level, skill matching and skill proficiency together constitute the soul pet's combat power system.

For ordinary soul masters, there is only one way to change the skills of a soul pet—using Soul Splitting to hunt new skills, and using Soul Melting to give soul pets new skills.

But there are too many uncontrollable factors in it.

At this moment, once the skill customization permission is opened, Xia Lin has another shortcut!

"Let's talk about the function of skill customization in detail."

Xia Lin opened his mouth, and the voice of Soul Palace rang in his ears.

[The ability to customize skills is the exclusive authority of the Master of Myriad Tribulations, and followers of the soul cannot use the skill customization function. 】

"Um~ not bad."

It is enough to use stone tablets for believers, and the soul master has to have some exclusive treatment.

[Using the skill customization function, the Soul Palace will directly consume resources and add the abilities you need to the soul pet. 】

[But it is temporarily impossible to add god-level skills - god-level skills customization rights, which will be unlocked during the mythical period of the Lord of the Thousand Tribulations. 】

Mythical period.

That's too far.

Don't think too much, Xia Lin will start directly!

Turning his head and waving his hand at Hope, Hope walked over to Xia Lin with a bewildered face.


Every soul master has actually had such an imagination.

- Freely match the skills of your own soul pet.

It's like DIY, or maybe you want to personally design a super soul pet that is invincible and invincible in the soul world!

Regardless of whether it's realistic or not, who doesn't have a daydream?

Xia Lin also has this simple desire.

When he has nothing to do, Xia Lin always thinks, if his soul pet can acquire some kind of new ability, what kind of terrifying effect can this new ability link with the old ability.

And now, Soul Palace has turned everything into reality!

Xia Lin took hope to experiment.

Really, there's a big problem with Hope's matchmaking.

There is no doubt that the Devourer is a very strong race.

Especially the super skill: Fate Fight, which brings unimaginable fighting ability to the Devourer!

This is the stunt of turning against the wind.

The super skill: Devourer, can promote the evolution of the Devourer race by eating, which is equivalent to a pseudo-limit breaking ability.

But the embarrassing thing is that Hope doesn't have the ability to resist an instant death attack.

Just like when Jue Zeng fought with Hope, and when Hope was defeated twice in a row, the power of Fate Fight could not be brought into play at all.

The ability of the Devourer is also embarrassing...

Sitting on the Soul Palace, Xia Lin really didn't need to hope to complete the racial evolution by eating - that was too slow.

In short, the two core competencies of hope, one has a fatal weakness and the other is dispensable, will make hope very soy sauce.

This is where the transformation logic of hope comes into being.

"I need to hope to have an ability to be immune to instant death attacks, and to ensure the ability to move no matter how badly injured."

The Soul Master is responsible for making demands, and the Soul Temple is responsible for retrieving answers.

Soon, light flashed on the skill stone tablet.

The voice of the Soul Palace entered Xia Lin's ears.

[Program search completed. 】

[According to the race level of your soul pet, the best solution will be automatically retrieved for you. 】

[Super Skill: Death Resistance (Passive Ability): After encountering an absolutely fatal blow, the host still has a one-minute "returning light reflection" time, during which the host will not die and can be treated. After one minute, the death resistance effect ends, and even if the host is not dead, it will be paralyzed for a day. 】

This is what Xia Lin needs, the ability to be immune to instant-death attacks!

[Super Skill: Blood Qi Coagulation Limbs: The host can use blood to construct incomplete body parts to ensure the integrity of the body. 】

Only the combination of two super skills can satisfy Xia Lin's demands.

Thinking of this, Xia Lin suddenly opened his mouth.

"Why not a higher level skill?"

Xia Lin didn't believe it. Among the higher-level skills, there is no certain skill that can have the two conditions that he needs at the same time.

The voice of the Soul Palace rang again.

[Your first soul, Devourer, Hope, the race level is high overlord level. 】

[Forcing the addition of holy-level skills will bring a great burden to hope, and may even cause the soul to collapse. 】

[The Soul Palace can currently customize holy-level skills for the soul pet of the soul master—the premise is that it has the ability to withstand this ability. 】

This made Xia Lin frown.

When judging the racial level of a soul pet, the skill level is a very important criterion.

Without talking about heterogeneity.

God-level skills, non-myth-level races cannot possess.

Saint-level skills, non-king-level and above races cannot possess.

Xia Lin originally thought that it was the skills possessed by the soul beast that determined the racial level of the soul beast. But after Soul Palace's explanation, Xia Lin suddenly realized that his thoughts were wrong.

If you want to master holy-level and god-level skills, powerful innate genes are the basic conditions.

This made Xia Lin Mosuo chin and asked softly.

"Then if I raise the racial level of Hope first..."

[I can give a better skill customization plan. 】

[Also, it should be noted that there is an upper limit to the total number of skills that a soul pet can carry. Generally speaking, the higher the race level, the more skills it can carry. There will be more skills that aliens can carry! But there are also total limits. Please use the skill customization function carefully. 】

Soul pets can't be matched blindly.

You can't see any good skills, so you just put them on your soul pet.

Also on the premise of not talking about heterogeneity, the total amount of skills (the sum of quantity and quality) that a soul pet can possess is positively related to the racial level of the soul pet.

It is absolutely because he is an outlier that he can possess five saint-level skills as a low-ranking king.

Invincible is an outlier, so he can use a low-level transformation-level body and possess holy-level limit-breaking skills.

Hope and Qingmang are not different.

So I hope that I can't break the restriction that high-ranking overlords can't have holy-level skills.

But this matter, upgrade can be solved.

But this also made Xia Lin realize one thing...

A soul pet's racial level, strength level, skill matching and other aspects are not independent, but related to each other.

Racial level is too low, there is no way to have high-level skills.

The strength level is too low, and it may even occur that the energy reserve is not enough to motivate the high-level skills, resulting in the tragedy that the skills cannot take effect.

In short, the soul master is broad and profound.

Whether it is the path of a soul master or the mysterious and unpredictable soul palace, Xia Lin has only just touched the tip of the iceberg.


"By the way, there is another question. How to increase the upper limit of the skills of soul pets? Is there only one way to increase the racial level?"

Now that we have talked about this, Xia Lin simply talked more deeply.

Regarding this question, Jue shook his head and indicated that he did not understand—it was not a soul master either, so it was normal not to know this.

Or Soul Palace gives the answer.

[Breaking the limit skill can also increase the upper limit of the skill carrying capacity of the soul pet. 】

[This is the only way to increase the upper limit of the skill load besides raising the racial level! 】

Breaking the limit!

Xia Lin nodded to indicate that he understood, and looked at Hope again.

After a moment, Xia Lin spoke.

"Raising the racial level of hope..."

After thinking for a long time, Xia Lin gave an astonishing answer.

"Low-level legendary level!"

Beyond the king, straight to the legend!

Since you have money, then simply make it bigger and make it happen in one step.


[There are three options. 】

[One: Devourer Evolution, Devourer of Everything! 】

[Consumption: 2000w race points, 23 origin rule points! 】

[Racial characteristics: The fighting ability of the Devourer of All Things is not outstanding in the low-ranking legendary level. But this race has its own complete limit-breaking skills, and the training value is extremely high! 】

[Second: Devourer evolution, wild dog! 】

[Consumption: 2300w race points, 25 origin rule points! 】

[Racial characteristics: Aragami dogs live by war! The skill matching moves perfectly match the Fate Fighting ability. In the low-ranking legendary level, the combat power of the wild **** dog is absolutely ranked, and the melee ability is outstanding, and it is rare to meet an opponent! 】

[Third: Devourer Evolution, Howling Wolf! 】

[Consumption: 2100w race points, 21 origin rule points! 】

[Racial characteristics: Howling Wolf is not known for its physical strength, but it is an extremely rare time-type soul pet. Its racial holy-level skill: Swallowing the Eclipse of the Sky, has infinite magical effects. Soul pets of this race are more focused on functionality rather than frontal combat power. 】

What is clear and clear?

That's called being clear!

Xia Lin made a request, and Soul Palace gave the answer.

Xia Lin wanted the racial level of hope to evolve to a low-level legendary level. Soul Palace gave three options in one breath, and gave in detail the racial advantages and disadvantages of each option.

But rare, Xia Lin was tangled.

Three races, three directions of development, each one looks good...

It's hard to choose.

For a moment, Xia Lin still decided to choose the evolution line of the Devourer of Everything.

Because of the complete limit breaking technique, it is really fragrant.


"But it doesn't mean that if you choose Desolate Dog and Howling Wolf, you hope you won't get the limit-breaking skills."

"Soul Palace's skill customization function should also be able to customize limit-breaking skills, right?"

[Of course you can, although the cost is not low, but you can. 】

"But in the same way, the Devourer of Everything can also use the skill customization function to gain the advantages of the Wild God Dog and Howling Wolf, right?"

[Of course. Although there will be differences in subtleties and different focuses, the skill customization function can indeed customize the sub-core abilities of Aragami Dog and Howling Wolf for the Devourer of Everything. 】

"Sub-core competencies? Can't customize core competencies?"

[Yes, but it involves attribute adaptation, and your current permissions are insufficient. 】

Insufficient permissions are a problem.

After thinking about it, Xia Lin is no longer confused.

"Just choose the Devourer of All Things."

Choose and pay.

1000 high-level soul crystals are necessary, or the discounted price after halving.

And 23 Origin Rule points are actually the bulk of promotion.

Throw the king-level spiritual object, Lei Xingguo, into the racial stele.

Lei Xingguo was crushed by the power of the stone tablet, and a large amount of soul power was turned into the power to extract the power of the source rules. Soon, Xia Lin obtained 28 source rules points.

Xia Lin: "...Well."

This promotion consumes a lot of money.

Simply put the legendary spiritual item, the crystal of the moon into the stone tablet.

[Acquire Origin Rule Points: 32 points. 】

Therefore, if you want to become a legend, you have to invest in legendary spirits.

If you are fooling the king-level spirit, you have to rely on the number to support it.

It's just racial class.

There will be strength levels, skill proficiency, and even skill customization in the follow-up...

There is no doubt that under the premise of intensive breeding, the cost of cultivating a soul pet can be called an explosion.

But if you want to be invincible at the same level, or even leapfrog to fight, this kind of expense is necessary.

As the soul master, sitting on the soul hall and a group of leeks, Xia Lin's road is doomed to be impossible to be mediocre.

And speaking of chives...

Looking at the huge expense of the Devourer of Everything, Xia Lin vaguely understood the existence logic of the Soul Believer.

Without these leeks, you can't be exhausted from your own resources?


Resources have been invested.

[Racial Stone Tablet] Shines brightly.

The gray brilliance poured into Hope's body, causing Hope to scream in agony!

It can be clearly seen that the flesh of Hope begins to shatter, and the gushing blood seems to have life, wrapping around the surface of Hope, and slowly wrapping Hope in it, forming a blood-colored cocoon.

The cocoon continued to bulge, and the ferocious aura gradually brewed and fermented from the inside.

Just a few seconds later, the blood cocoon burst violently.

A huge figure more than ten meters high stood in the place where the big cocoon was standing, roaring up to the sky!

It is gray as a whole, with short and hard hair, and when standing, it looks as tall as a statue of a soul master.

The limbs are short and stubby, and they don't seem to be vigorous, but they are full of strength!

Further up is the huge body.

The chubby belly is huge, which is slightly incongruous in contrast to the stubby limbs.

And even more exaggerated is its big head.

The huge head is even half the size of the body. When it opens its mouth, it can clearly see the hideous mouthparts and the esophagus like a bottomless black hole!


Hope after the promotion made a low whimper.

It doesn't seem to be quite used to its current height.

Looking at the smaller Xia Lin and Big Brother Jue, I hope that those huge gray eyes are full of strangeness.

He turned his head and looked at his body... but couldn't see everything because of his big belly.

Turning in circles, like a big dog chasing his tail, but after a short while, he gave up hope.

"Boom" sound.

The huge body lay on its back.

I hope that "woohoo" will send a clear message to Xia Lin.

"Very strong."

"So hungry."


[First soul: Hope, the Devourer of Everything (low-level legendary level, master period). 】

[Number of skills: 15. 】

[Low-level skills:]

[Bite (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Push (proficiency: perfect). 】

【Intermediate Skills:】

[Angry blood (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Savage Impact (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Cracked Claws (proficiency: perfect). 】

【Advanced Skills:】

[Dismemberment (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Bite until death (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Savage armor (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Bloody frenzy (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

【Super Skill:】

[Predator aura (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

[Fate Fight (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect). 】

The above skills that I hoped for have not changed.

At the same time, after the promotion, no new low, medium, high, or even super skills were added!

The difference is in the holy level skills!

The previous hope did not have any holy-level skills.

And after this evolution was completed, a new holy skill was born...


[Holy Skill:]

[Devouring all things (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect) (evolved from the Devourer skill): All food will be turned into my power! The Devourer of Everything can devour everything! Mud, air, everything! The Devourer of All Things can find the nutrients to grow and become stronger from all substances!

It only needs to eat, it can recover from injuries, restore physical strength, and even continue to grow and become stronger!

And when the devourer of all things devours high-energy matter—the soul beasts of the king level and above, the flesh and blood of soul masters, and the spiritual things of the king level and above. The Devouring of Everything will extract the nutrients inside the food and permanently strengthen the physique of the Devourer of Everything! 】

[Note: This limit-breaking ability has no growth limit! 】

Hope, have the limit-breaking skills!

No customization required, the species comes with it!

[Eat (passive ability) (proficiency: entry): The Devourer of Everything can devour everything! This characteristic determines that the Devourer of All Things must have an excellent mouth!

Teeth of the Devourer of All Things, ignoring any defenses! At the same time, it can easily tear apart any hard substance! 】

Ignore the holy-level skills of defense!

This will make Hope's attack ability extremely terrifying!

[Evil Devouring Defense (Proficiency: Beginning): The Devourer of Everything can consume physical strength and deploy Evil Devouring Defense to protect himself. After this skill is activated, the Devourer will be immune to all energy attacks, and can even absorb the energy substances in the energy attacks to replenish its own consumption. 】

Defensive skills.

[Intestinal Crushing (proficiency: entry): The Devourer of All Things prefers to swallow food alive.

Fill the whole food completely into your stomach.

After this skill is activated, it will forcibly drag the prey into the esophagus of the Devourer of Everything. And the extreme digestive ability makes the prey unable to use any ability or make any action in the body of the Devourer of Everything! Until it is completely and completely digested! 】

This is the sealing technique!

Even a nirvana!

Of course, this way of eating is obviously prone to indigestion...

It can only be said that no matter how advanced the skills are, there must be a reasonable way to use them.

Standing in front of the [Skill Stone Tablet], Xia Lin pondered the desired battle pattern in detail.

It can be seen that after the Devourer evolves the Devourer of Everything, the Fate Fighting ability is no longer the core ability. The core ability of the Devourer of Everything has become eating and intestinal crushing.

At the same time, it is supplemented by the evil bite defense as a defense method.

Use the devour of all things to do recovery and growth skills.

Hope's overall battle logic directly made a 180-degree turn.

"But the ability of Fate Fight has enough potential, and I don't want to give up."

Xia Lin muttered to himself like this, and got a response from the Soul Palace again.

[The core ability of the wild dog is the promotion ability of Fate Fight: Jedi Fate Fight! 】

[Skill upgrade permissions will be opened during the legendary period of the Lord of the Thousand Tribulations. 】

[And the existing Fate Fighting ability can actually still be used as the main battle ability! 】

Xia Lin nodded clearly, and then looked at the [Skill Stone Tablet].

"Back to the topic just now. The hope now, should have the ability to carry additional holy-level skills?"

【Have. 】

"Then my custom request..."

【Program search in progress...】

【Search completed! 】

[According to the race level of your soul pet, the best solution will be automatically retrieved for you. 】

[Saint-level skill: Flesh and Flesh Song (passive ability): Flesh and blood, that is carnival! Either the enemy's or my own! After possessing this skill, the host's body will no longer have a fatal key in the conventional sense! When the host's body is crippled, the flesh and blood from other parts of the body, or the surrounding flesh and blood, can be used to fill the blemish on the body to ensure complete mobility!

However, please note that this skill is not a recovery skill, and Flesh Replenishment is not wound healing. When the main body of the host is more than 80% filled with foreign flesh and blood, the host will die violently on the spot! 】

Xia Lin's eyes lit up!

This skill is a perfect match for Fate Fight!

Then, he saw the following line of large characters.

[Customized consumption: 1000w skill points, 8 origin rule points. 】

"So expensive?"

The Soul Palace General repeated what he had said before.

[You can customize the skills for your soul pet at the skill stone tablet, but the consumption is huge! 】

Xia Lin: "..."

Well, the arrangement has to be arranged.

If you don't spend money on your own soul pet, where can you spend it?


There are 500 high-level soul crystals, and there are still Origin Rule points left in hand.

The skill stone tablet once again radiated light and fell on Hope, which was as hot as a soldering iron.

But soon Hope whimpered.

It lowered its head and bit off its left front paw in one bite.

Around the broken front paw, as the flesh twisted and wriggled, soon, a complete front paw reappeared.

Xia Lin suddenly realized something...

He hesitated, asking Hope.

"That, if you eat yourself, can you activate the limit-breaking effect of swallowing all things?"

I hope that I am also a low-ranking legendary race...

Hope stayed for a while, thought about it, and nodded stupidly.


"Well, you just ate your own claws. Is the energy in it enough to repair the injury of the short limb?"

Hope shook his head: "No, I just want to try the effect of Flesh Rage."

Xia Lin sighed, a little disappointed.

Hope: "But if combined with the ability of [Advanced Skill: Blood Fever (Passive Ability) (Proficiency: Perfect)], it seems to be able to balance the replenishment and consumption, that is, a good venue is needed. At that time, I will eat the breaking limit brought by myself. The effect is pure profit.”

Xia Lin was stunned on the spot...

I eat myself, and it seems like I can! ?

"This skill also has a bug..."

"Also, why do you feel hope that this style of painting is getting more and more wrong?"

------off topic-----

Three alliances, no reward.

Add more! Explosive! did not say.

Nearly 20,000 updates today.

There may not be so many explosions tomorrow, but there must be 4D.

The first month on the shelves, let's spell it out, the word percentage this month will not be less than 30w - that is, the average update volume will definitely exceed 10,000 per day.

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