Lord of Souls

Chapter 106: Diamonds, Transmutation Skills, and Death Messages!

space ring.

Sparkling space ring.

At this moment, Xia Lin's eyes bent into the shape of a financial fan.

Liesha's space ring, Xiao Hua's space ring, other four city-state five legendary space rings, and even some king-level soul masters, also have space rings.

Like a little girl picking mushrooms...

Not long after, Xia Lin picked up the "mushrooms" full of them.

Look around again.

Tian Qingqing was still sobbing, showing weakness.

In addition, the corpses of legendary soul beasts all over the ground also made Xia Lin breathe quickly—because to him, these are treasures!


A big drink came out of his mouth, hoping to run to Xia Lin's side with small steps.

Xia Lin raised his hand and pointed to the corpse of the legendary soul beast: "The corpse has no blood, can you still eat it?"

"Woooo (no problem)~~"

Devourers, never picky eaters.

Pidianpidian ran to the body of Taikoo Thunder Dragon, hoping to open his mouthparts and start eating.

[The Devourer (passive ability) (proficiency: perfect): All food will be turned into my power! The Devourer has a great appetite and can devour any living thing, some non-living energy, flesh and blood, and even everything! When the Devourer eats, it will quickly recover its own injuries, physical strength, energy reserves, etc.! When the Devourer eats the flesh and blood of high-level creatures, evolutionary energy is stored! Once the stored evolutionary energy reaches its peak, the Devourer will evolve into: Flame Devourer (median king level), Ice Devourer (median king level), Storm... Thunder... Earth …The Devourer of Everything (low-level legendary level), the Devourer of Worlds (median legendary level). 】

Xia Lin never thought that the one who owns the Soul Palace will one day use the Devourer's ability.

But seeing Hope devoured the food, Xia Lin couldn't help but smile.

Eat clean, don't let go of all the resources that grow and become stronger.

Hope, the most diligent and thrifty housekeeping...

Suddenly a voice sounded from the border of the Gulong Mountains.

Xia Lin turned to look at the source of the sound.

Then I saw fifteen teenagers emerge from the forest with blank faces.

They looked at the Ancestral Dragon City, which was completely destroyed, and then looked at Xia Lin, who was holding a pocket full of space rings.

For a time, expressions of fear, despair, greed, and coldness appeared on the faces of these young people.

This made Xia Lin sigh softly.

"Sister, senpai? Someone is going to rob our baby!"

Tian Qingqing didn't say a word, the whole person seemed to be numb...

This made Xia Lin frown.

"That's offended."

Walking to Tian Qingqing, a hand knife made Tian Qingqing fall into a heavy dream, and then looking at the competing team of the ancient dragon city-state ahead, Xia Lin squinted and smiled.

"You go now, I can really pretend that I didn't see anything."

However, the wealth and silk are touching.

The piles of space rings in Xia Lin's arms were the best reason to kill.

The soul light of gold and white silver flashed.

Xia Lin shook his head slightly, but slowly closed his eyes.


Thoughts wandered to the Soul Palace.

Sitting on the throne of the Soul Master, Xia Lin did not rush to deal with the problems outside, but instead carefully moved the space ring in his hand.

The casting principle of such a thing as a space ring has also been mentioned before.

It is nothing more than a miniature secret realm created by king-level soul masters using powerful power and special materials.

Space rings come in sizes.

But the characteristics are almost the same - that is, with the death of the master, the space ring will become an ownerless state, any soul master can open it, and any soul master can take the internal resources.

What is worth mentioning is that almost any soul master who owns a space ring will put most of their net worth in the space ring - there is no safer safe than this.

Open the space ring of a king-level soul master.

A large number of soul crystals and spiritual resources came into view.

Pour things out and summon Jue, Undefeated, Qingmang...

Qingmang and Invincible stared wide-eyed, as if they didn't quite understand the concept of "property".

Therefore, only Xia Lin and the absolute harvest are left.

Soul crystals, low-level spiritual things are put aside.

Jue picked up a dark stone and said with a smile, "The king-level spirit, Jiang Chenshi."

In this space ring, there is only this kind of king-level spirit.

Open other space rings.

More supplies came into view.


Inventory, ongoing.

Open the space ring left by the king first.

Open the space ring left by the legend again.

Divide everything into two, one is his own, the other is Tian Qingqing's - Xia Lin is indeed suspected of taking advantage, but those who see it have a share, think Tian Qingqing and Bai Tianyu probably won't mind this...

Xia Lin's share was placed in a space ring with the largest space.

A large number of soul crystals and low-level spirits.

As well as legendary spirits, three pieces!

Crystal of the Moon!

Void Golden Lotus!

And the fine fire sun stone!

There are thirteen kinds of king-level spirits!

Jiang Chenshi, Lei Xingguo, twigs of yellow bud tree, flame jujube...

For a time, the colorful treasures in the space ring skyrocketed!

"Upgrade! Must upgrade!!"

If you have resources, you have to use them, otherwise, it will be like the legend of these kings. When people die, the money is not spent, how much aggrieved?

——Of course, Xia Lin’s way of growing up is different from others. For ordinary people, spiritual resource resources are not just usable, they need special means to deal with and attribute matching, in order to become the nourishment of soul masters or soul pets.

Xia Lin didn't use this method, he just finished it in the flower of the Soul Palace.

Come to the stone monument.

Thinking of the competing members of the fifteen ancient dragon city-states waiting for him outside, Xia Lin said.


"Absolutely, stability is my first requirement."

"How do you think we can strengthen it so that we can win against them?"

Juefeng Qingyun said calmly: "I don't need to strengthen, I can beat them now."

start again...

Jue began to pretend to be this light-hearted force again.

But Xia Lin liked it.

After thinking about it, Xia Lin still decided to add an extra layer of insurance - if the problem can be easily solved, don't make it shocking, and who should I show it to?

[Current strength points: 10444w. 】

"Upgrade strength. Diamond period!"

Xia Lin's voice fell, and his own light flashed from the stone tablet of strength!

The light fell on Xia Lin, and Xia Lin only felt hot! There seems to be a heat flow straight to the head, and the warmth is extremely comfortable!

Soul light bloomed from within the body involuntarily.

The golden soul light slowly turned into diamond light!

spend money.

Become stronger.

Simple, rude!

In the blink of an eye, Xia Lin's diamond period has been completed!

Consume strength points, 500w.

The remaining strength points, 5444w!

"Upgrade the second soul, Black Death Sword Lord, absolutely, to the diamond period!"

Light, shine again.

The breath of Jue suddenly rises.

In just the blink of an eye, the upgrade is complete!

Xia Lin and Jue, double diamonds!

Turning to look at Jue again, Xia Lin smiled and said, "This time it's really stable."

Never shrug and say nothing.

In fact, it was stable just now, but if you want to level up, you can level up. Your boss, you have the final say.

Then he saw Xia Lin lowered his head again and looked at the space ring he had just obtained.

"Then how should the remaining resources be used?"

All diamonds?

It's not impossible, but Xia Lin always felt that he actually had a better choice.

Until never give an opinion.

"An undefeated victory proclaimed."

Xia Lin was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Little Invincible who was playing with Qingmang's tail.

With a smile, it sounded again.

"The complete limit-breaking technique is actually very rare, and the potential is very high."

"Don't look at the fact that the victory announcement is relatively weak now, and the undefeated strength can't keep up with the rhythm. But things like skills will change after reaching the proficiency level. If you don't have the idea of ​​changing your pet, Xia Lin, I think Declaring the victory as soon as possible and raising it to the level of proficiency will definitely not be a loss."

The word change of pet seems to stimulate the undefeated.

It turned to look at Xia Lin, and there were some grievances and worries in those big eyes.

This made Xia Lin embrace the undefeated with a smile.

"I don't have any idea of ​​changing pets..."

With the Soul Palace in hand, even if it is a wasteland dog, I can train you into a divine beast!

It's absolutely right.

Invincible's current strength is indeed a bit of a drag. During the battle with Gu Yunfeng, Invincible's soul pet in the golden age was already showing a downturn, and Xia Lin never had much time to win the victory. declare.

Saying this at this moment, Xia Lin has a goal.

Holding undefeated, he came to the skill stone tablet.

[Current skill points: 63w. 】

These points cannot increase the proficiency of the holy-level skill of victory declaration.

"So, spend money."

He spends his own resources in the Soul Palace... This is the first time...


"Ascension, victory declared, adept - perfect!"

[Spend 500w skill points. 】


Too expensive!

But the money has to be spent.

250 high-level soul crystals were put into the skill stone tablet and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

——The Soul Master will not rebate when using resources to increase, but the consumption will be halved. If you exchange spiritual items for points at the stone tablet, you will get the full amount of points returned.

Victory declared, adept-perfect, done!

The victory of perfect proficiency is declared, and the skill description has not changed, which is also a matter of course.

Skill proficiency, entry-perfect, will not change the effect of the skill, the difference is only in the strength of the skill effect.

But as never said.

The skills of proficiency will inevitably lead to qualitative changes.

"Ascension, Victory Claim, Perfection - Fabulous!"

Without investing resources first, as the soul master, Xia Lin has the right to know in advance the resources needed for promotion.

The majestic mechanical sound of Soul Hall gave Xia Lin the answer.

[Saint-level skill proficiency upgrade. Perfection - Fabulous. 】

[Consumption skill points: 1000w, origin rule points: 3! 】

Consumption is very high!

The consumption of points alone will allow Xia Lin to elevate Hope and Qingmang to the Diamond Stage!

After hesitating, he turned his head to look at Jue, saw Jue's calm expression, and nodded lightly.

"It won't be a loss."

This made Xia Lin sigh.

Take out Jiang Chenshi and put it into the [Skill Stone Tablet].

As soon as the hard Jiang Chenshi submerged into the stele, it was immediately crushed by the gray fog inside the stele!

A large amount of energy oozes out from Jiang Chenshi, and the soul power is purified again! More colorful brilliance flashed by the stars!

[Acquired skill points: 50w. 】

[Get Origin Rule Points: 38! 】

(Soul Palace is not drawn)

Xia Lin frowned.

"The points given are too few."

Originally it was just complaining, but I didn't expect Soul Palace to really give a response.

[Extracting the power of the source rules consumes a lot of money, and the spirits of the upper third gear can only produce a small amount of ordinary points. 】

Therefore, when Senior Sister Tian Qingqing raises the extremely fierce Baifeng, she also needs additional flower soul crystals.

The main reason is that it is the top three spirits, which only provide original rule points and not ordinary points.

There is a difference in logic.

Nodding slightly, Xia Lin didn't care.

[Current skill points: 113w. 】

[Original rule points: 41. 】

Then invest a lot of soul crystals, and the upgrade conditions are met.

In this way, victory is declared, perfect - superb, the upgrade is successful!


When the faint light of colorful colors enveloped the unbeaten body at this moment.

Undefeated suddenly agitated.

The strange colorful light circulated for a moment from Invincible's eyes before dissipating.

Unbeaten jumped out of Xia Lin's arms and fell to the ground, standing on the ground waving his fists and feet.

But its power has not actually changed...

This made Invincible bewildered.

Because it can perceive that something in its body has changed faintly, but it cannot find the source of the change.

It was Xia Lin who opened the undefeated message.

After seeing the description of the victory announcement (passive ability) (superior), Xia Lin slowly widened his eyes!


[Victory announcement (passive ability) (superior): Victory is my only pursuit! Those with this skill will gain a certain physical fitness improvement after defeating a strong enemy! 】

[Note: Physical fitness is different from race level and strength level. Victory announcement will not directly improve the host's race level and strength level, but will improve the host's strength, agility, physical strength, injury recovery speed, etc.! 】

[Note: Only by defeating an enemy stronger than yourself can you gain physical fitness. 】

[Note: The evaluation criteria for comparing one's own powerful enemies are: race level, or strength level, higher than the host's opponent. Any one that meets the standard is regarded as "stronger than yourself". 】

[Note: If the host is on an enemy, you can only get one boost, and repeated defeats are invalid. 】

[Note: There is no limit to the promotion of victory declarations! 】

Change, only one sentence.

But just because of this sentence, the logic of the entire skill has changed in nature!

The new evaluation standard is no longer based on real combat power, but based on race level or strength level as the judgment standard!

As long as any one of the strength level or racial level is stronger than undefeated, it is considered a strong enemy in the criteria for determining skills! !

Such a change is earth-shaking!

Because he is undefeated, he is only a low-ranking metamorphosis rank, a "garbage soul pet" during his probationary period...

Xia Lin was stunned when he heard Jue's voice ringing in his ears.

"How? Not bad, right?"


"Of course not bad!"

A soul beast above the low-level transformation level? Soul beasts above the probationary period? Isn't that a big catch! ?

Suddenly, Xia Lin recalled the power of Tian Yu just now.

An inexplicable feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.



"I always feel that the increase in combat power brought by late-stage skills far exceeds the racial level or strength level?"

"Of course."

Jue nodded directly, confirming Xia Lin's guess.

After thinking for a while, it smiled and said: "This logic, in fact, Soul Palace has also given you the answer."

Undefeated victory declared, a holy level skill.

The proficiency is from perfect to perfection, and spending money can cultivate two diamond-stage soul pets.

And for a long time, the Soul Palace has a principle - pay in return, and exchange it with equal value.

In the evaluation criteria of the Soul Palace, skills are the bulk of the cost, which also means that the impact of skills on the later stage is even greater than that of race and strength!

The blood **** of Bai Tianyu is an excellent portrayal.

Even if the strength is low and weak, the magical skills are enough to change everything, enough to affect everything!

Xia Lin scratched his head: "So in the future, contracted soul pets can't just look at the racial level, but also the skills and moves... But Jue, didn't you say that the skills and moves of the same race are almost the same as non-heterogeneous? "

To Xia Lin's question, Jue replied softly, "That's why you need a soul master..."

"Isn't the soul-splitting and soul-melting techniques you learned just soul master skills that can bring new skills to soul pets?"

Xia Lin understood in seconds.

Soul beasts are the foundation.

After the two soul masters contracted the same kind of soul beast, the soul beast's foundation was almost identical.

However, according to the different subsequent training plans and different opportunities, the development paths of the two soul beasts will be completely different.

The soul master's own resources determine the growth rate and growth limit of the soul beast. A powerful soul master can find better resources and better abilities for soul pets, so soul pets will naturally be stronger, and their matching moves will be more terrifying.

Jue said with emotion: "So, the relationship between the soul master and the soul pet is like this. The soul master dominates everything, and the soul pet is the armor and sharp blade of the soul master. The stronger the soul pet, the stronger the soul master, and the stronger the soul master, The soul pet can be better cultivated and developed better."

"And the ability of a soul master depends on resources on the one hand - for example, people with good family backgrounds grow faster than people with bad family backgrounds. There is no need to discuss this."

"On the one hand, look at opportunities. There are many secret places in the soul world. If you are not afraid of dying, you will always gain something. This is a good way to change your life."

"On the one hand, look at the talent. The Chosen One is above the ordinary soul master, and besides that, the talent also determines the speed of the soul master's meditation. The better the talent, the faster the cultivation speed of the soul master under the same resource conditions. The faster it is, the easier it is to advance.”

"For example, Yong Xuan, he just became a soul master for a month, and then he was upgraded to the bronze stage. The talent is good on the one hand, and the resources in the family are sufficient on the other hand."

"Let's take another example, the contestants of the ancient dragon city-states that we will face later."

"I think their talents should be better than Yongxuan's... Because the rules of the two worlds are different, the talent of the soul masters here is stronger than that of Blue Star's soul masters. They also have easier access to resources. The rules of the realm are different, even if it is a soul master with the same talent, if one cultivates in the soul realm and the other cultivates in the Blue Star, there will be a huge difference in the speed of cultivation.”

"That's why, I don't really like to see Blue Star here... It's too poor, and it's really useless except for its strategic value."

"That's why, the spirit masters of the same age here are even faster than the two believers An Dong and Tian Qingqing. They have high talent and resources, and the soul world is more suitable for cultivation. In the early stage, these conditions are indeed true. It can make up for the advantages of the Soul Palace. But in the later stage, such as from the golden period, it can't compare with the Soul Palace."

After saying a lot, Xia Lin nodded to indicate that he had written it down.

He turned to look at the stone tablet.

"There are still resources, please give me another suggestion. Is it to pull the level, or the race, or the skill?"

After a moment of silence, he said softly, "I have a request."

Xia Lin was stunned for a moment, but then reacted immediately.

There is no need to speak again, Xia Lin has already said loudly.

"Upgrade, second soul, diamond stage, Black Death Sword Lord, absolute skill. Life and death are reincarnated!"

The voice fell, and Jue suddenly looked up at Xia Lin.

For a moment, it slowly lowered its head and made a faint murmur in its mouth.



Saint-level skills, life and death reincarnation.

Proficiency, Mastery-Mastery, 20w.

Proficient - Skilled, 100w.

Skilled - perfect, 500w!

And when the skill proficiency reaches perfection, the conditions for Jue's second reincarnation of life and death have been reduced to the median king level!

Xia Lin stopped.

It can't be promoted any more, and it can be promoted again. The low-ranking king class will immediately begin to transform into the cycle of life and death. Now that there are enemies outside, the upgrade seems out of time.

When he spoke, Xia Lin explained, "When it's safe, you can just reincarnate."

Jue nodded with a smile, and unconsciously touched his hand on the hilt of the sword.

Charlene, be righteous.

This soul master is not wrong.

Therefore, I definitely feel that I should also realize my performance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and Xia Lin's wave is still not exciting.

Simple inventory of the resources at hand.

Legendary spirits, three pieces.

King-level spirits, twelve pieces.

Super Soul Crystal, 100 pieces - obtained from the legendary space ring.

There are thousands of high-level soul crystals remaining.

There are relatively few low-level soul crystals and low-level spiritual things, and the masters with space rings don't care much about these low-level things.

Free Space Rings, 13 - these are sold for a lot of money.

And these are only Xia Lin's part, Tian Qingqing's part, Xia Lin is not prepared to be greedy, nor can he be greedy...

Bai Tianyu just left, not dead. If he knew that Xia Lin was here to fool Tian Qingqing, then Xia Lin would have suffered.

Anyway, Xia Lin was still a little afraid of Lao Bai.

After cutting the relationship with Huaguo, Bai Tianyu said that slaughtering the city will slaughter the city, and the ruthless color is undoubtedly obvious.

If he knew that he dared to bully Tian Qingqing...it's hard to say what would happen.

"Forget it, I don't want this anymore... add a little bit more!"

The resources at hand are too rich.

Xia Lin didn't add a wave, I'm really sorry for myself.

However, in an instant.

There is a strange feeling that flows through the soul hall and flows into my heart.

Xia Lin suddenly raised his head and looked at the sculpture behind the Soul Master's throne.

It can be seen that [Soul Believer: 6/10] changes slowly.

Become, [Soul Believer: 5/10].

"A believer died..."

The feedback from the statue made Xia Lin silent for a moment and sighed.

"It's a ruffian."

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