Lord of Souls

Chapter 104: For you, bring ultimate relief (thanks to werewolves for killing schoolchildren...

The defensive shield of the ancestor Dragon City, blocking the outside but not the inside.

Before the defensive shield was erected, Bai Yu had already sneaked into the Ancestral Dragon City with the help of the Mirage King's ability.

He could have run - the Mirage King's hand was stealing from the sky, and even Liesha didn't see through it. This time, it was not difficult for Bai Tianyu to escape this killing.

But he didn't want to run.

Because of gratitude.

Also because,

"Blood food!"

"Blood food!!"


The voice in my heart grew louder.

And this time, Tian Yu chose to satisfy it.

The growth of the Blood God requires a lot of blood food.

And it doesn't pick.

The blood of the strong is dinner, and the blood of the weak is dessert.

It needs all.

All can be digested.

After greeting Liesha and the others with a smile, Bai Tianyu turned his head, stood on the city wall and looked towards the city behind him.

Ancestor Dragon City, covering a vast area.

The endless houses, the luxurious palaces in the distance.

Nearly 100 million people live in the city and maintain their livelihoods by mining and mining.

Outside the city, there are large farms. It is nourished and irrigated by the power of soul beasts, enough to feed more people.

In the soul world, due to the existence of extraordinary power, the basic material such as food is not an important issue.

But even so, due to the factors of social environment, the people at the bottom still live very hard.

Glancing over.

Bai Tianyu saw the civilians near the city numbly raised their heads and looked at the army at the front of the city.

They are just civilians, no matter what happens today, all they can do is resign.

The weak cannot control their own destiny.

I saw again, a little further away, a newborn was born.

The cry of the baby was mixed with the groaning of the father.

"I don't have the money to support me. Let's sell it. Sell it to a big family and become a slave. It's better to live through this hard life."

I also saw that in the luxurious palace, there were people looking for fun, wine and meat forests.

"Master, how are you?"

"Hahaha, don't you just like the bad young master?"

"Master~ Nujia, but I heard that there is a legendary war happening outside the city..."

"Small matters, my uncle Xiao Hua will definitely be able to solve them. Come on, then play music and then dance."

Tian Yu smiled.

He laughed and suddenly felt a sense of feeling - after all, the time was not right, and the occasion was not right.

This is the moment.

There is only one thing he can do and must do!

With his hands open, he seemed to embrace the whole world.

The blood-colored silk threads bloomed from behind, swaying like a red rose in full bloom.

The evil voice broke out.

So in the sky, a magnificent sound exploded.

"My name is Tian Yu."

"Today, bring you the ultimate liberation!"

"Regardless of poverty and wealth."

"Regardless of strength and status."

God-level skills: Dead River!

start up!


The threads began to converge.

Converged into a trickle.

The trickle flowed, and it flowed in front of the sergeants on the top of the city.

The body instantly turned into fly ash, and the clothes and accessories fell from the sky intact and fell to the ground.

The trickle has grown even stronger, and there is a faint spirit of a sergeant, crying and screaming in the trickle, but finally transformed into a strange calm and serenity.

A trickle, in the blink of an eye, grew to a certain extent, and then the trickle split, and the two trickles flowed to different places.

Two becomes four, then four becomes eight...

Just when the hostile legends headed by Liesha flew to the vicinity of the Ancestral Dragon City, the trickle had turned into a small lake, covering about one-tenth of the Ancestral Dragon City.

Tian Yu floated above the **** lake.

The pure white clothes were unknowingly stained with blood.

He raised his head, his hair inexplicably lengthened, the loose long hair was soft, dark red, beautiful and coquettish.

"What is this!?"

Quanwei opened his mouth unconsciously and said this.

His face was pale, and there was a hint of fear—because the breath revealed by Bai Tianyu was already hundreds of thousands of times stronger than just now!

Blood God (race level: ???, strength level: silver-king!)

Liesha took a deep breath.

"I don't know what it is, but I know it has to be beaten."

"City Lord Xiao?"

"Sir, please speak."

"It's not a problem if this city is destroyed, right?"

"Of course...it's okay!"

From eunuch, high-ranking to the lord of a state, Xiao Hua has a ruthlessness and ruthlessness far beyond ordinary people!

At this moment, seeing that Bai Tianyu was massaging the city and using the residents of the city as nourishment to strengthen himself, Xiao Hua turned around in an instant.

The people in this city are almost certain to die.

But even if you die, don't be an enemy...

So, instead of letting you die in Bai Tianyu's hands and become his nourishment, it's better to die in my hands!

The dragon roar exploded.

Xiao Hua's strongest pet, Taikoo Thunder Dragon (median legendary level, legendary stage) shook his wings, so the thunder light roared violently!

The sky was instantly dyed purple-black.

The thick thunder is like a calamity, falling from the sky, and indiscriminately sprinkles all over the city!

There is Xiao Hua proofing, and everyone else will not hesitate.

Hei Wusheng waved his fist and smashed out a fist mark the size of a square house.

The branches and leaves of the Red Demon Bomb swayed, and each missile-like bomb hit the ground.

The wind element lord swung out a hurricane and smashed it towards Tian Yu.

Hell Balrog activates holy-level skills, and the volcano erupts!

Inside the Shifeng Ruins.

From the moment when Bai Tianyu began to slaughter the city, Xia Lin didn't know what to say...

The evaluation and demarcation of good and evil seemed extremely pale at this moment.

And the legends headed by Lie Sha Xiaohua, the first time they returned to the Ancestral Dragon City, immediately started to massacre the city, which refreshed Xia Lin's three views!

That's hundreds of millions of people!

Not ants.

That's people!

That's the kinship of those legends!

But, obviously, those big players who were in full swing didn't care about this at all...

Tian Qingqing also panicked.

She looked at Bai Tian Yu, who was floating over the sea of ​​blood, passively taking the blow, with heartache and sadness in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, he is not such a person..."

"He...he's friendly to commoners..."

"He married his sister, and after he came to the Ancestral Dragon City, he issued a lot of laws to treat civilians well."

"Brother-in-law he, brother-in-law he..."

As he spoke, Tian Qingqing wanted to turn his head away from the ruins of the phoenix—this was an instinctive move that had not been thought through.

But was stopped by the sword.

Xia Lin's voice sounded softly.

"I'm not familiar with Bai Tianyu, and I don't know what kind of person he was before. But I know that you can't change anything if you go out now."

As he spoke, he lit a cigarette, patted the stone beside him where he could fry an egg, and said softly.

"Sit down and keep watching."

Xia Lin watched the huge Ancestral Dragon City destroyed in just one minute!

I saw Bai Tianyu floating above the blood lake, his body was torn apart and reorganized. He didn't fight back in such a cycle, but kept manipulating the blood lake to absorb nutrients and expand the size of the blood lake.

It was also seen that the attack gradually subsided.

Because the ancestor dragon city is gone...

Gone in every sense.

All dust settled.

Bai Tianyu, who endured countless attacks but could not die no matter what, slowly raised his head.

What appeared in everyone's eyes was the overly exaggerated smile on his face.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"After a full meal, finally, I came back to life..."

The exaggerated smile quickly subsided.

The familiar tone of Tian Yu's original tone resounded from his mouth again.

"It's not over yet, don't come out and get in the way."

"Jie Jie Jie... What, does this think I'm getting in the way?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, what should I do with the above?"

"Jie Jie Jie, I'll take over the body, you can just watch it, it's just a legend... Back then, this kind of stuff was not even a snack."

Exaggerated smiles reclaimed the high ground.

Tian Yu just laughed like that, but his body was like a swimming fish, and a fierce man plunged into the blood lake below.

In the next second, the blood lake boiled.

Hundreds of huge chains spread out, lashing all the enemies above!

There are endless blood shadows, ups and downs in the blood lake.

Soon, more blood shadows flew out from the blood lake - there are people and beasts in the blood shadows, and if you look closely, it is the people of the ancient dragon city-state who just died in the hands of Bai Yu!

[Dead River (God-level skill) (proficiency: Beginner): Blood God's exclusive skill, which cannot be learned by outsiders. According to ancient legends, blood contains the spirituality and soul of creatures, and the blood **** developed a magical skill with this: Dead River, one person becomes a country!

All creatures killed by the blood **** and blood drawn will be reborn in the river of death in the form of blood beasts. If the river of death does not die, the blood beast will live forever!

At the same time, when the blood **** dies, he can return to life at the cost of permanently losing a blood beast! If the blood beast survives, the blood **** will not be destroyed!

In addition, Dead River also has extremely powerful means of attack, protection, mobility, etc., please explore by yourself. 】

The magical skills are extremely powerful, and non-mythical creatures cannot have them!

At this moment, when the magical skill is revealed, even if the blood **** is only in the king period, it is enough to rival the legend!

Even if there is a disadvantage in offense and defense, but there are many helpers, it is still the kind that is not afraid of death at all.

The blood **** is hidden in the blood lake, just manipulate the chain, just scrape and rub it, then everything will be over!

Lie Sha did not know that the strangeness of the blood **** in front of him, nor did he know that this mighty blood lake was the manifestation of divine skills.

After all... even if he is one of the thirty-two evil spirits of the Kingdom of Jing, there is still an irreparable gap between his strength, knowledge, and mythology.

A loud shout sounded: "Don't worry about those puppets, attack the lake directly!"

This is indeed the only way to break the Dead River - it only needs to use up the energy of the Dead River, and the magic skill will break itself.

But how difficult is it...

It was at the moment when Lie Sha opened his mouth.

The Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon was disturbed by the Mirage King's illusion, and it shook his head, and the blood-colored chain was already attached to its body.

Tighten and squeeze like a boa constrictor hunting.

The chain ignored the defense, and the burrs on it pierced the dragon scale and skin, and then, it tasted the fresh blood of the legendary period...

Riot, start.

Blood boils!

Pick up fast!

Endless devour!

A miserable cry rang out.

Seeing the wound of the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon, a large amount of blood broke through the skin explosively, and merged into the blood-colored chain at a very fast speed.

The swallowing sound of "gudonggudong" resounded strangely in everyone's ears.

This made the faces of Lie Sha and others suddenly change!

"Kill it!"

Once the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon died in the hands of Bai Tian Yu, this legendary soul beast would become Bai Yu's servant, or the immortal kind.

By then, the trouble will be too great.

Liesha's combat experience is indeed rich, and his decision-making is no problem.

But he underestimated the speed at which the blood **** kills!

In just the blink of an eye, the blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Slaughter was completely drained! The legend of the giant ancient dragon descended from the sky like a bird with broken wings and fell into the depths of the blood lake.

"Jie Jie Jie" laughter burst out.

In the deepest part of the blood lake, the new blood beast spread its wings.


The blood of the Heavenly Tribulation and Slaughtering Dragon has caused a qualitative change in the Blood God!

Under the sea of ​​blood, Tian Yu's body trembled violently.

When he opened his eyes again, a strange red light bloomed from his eyes.

A low voice sounded.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, legendary, finally, I finally have some self-protection power..."

Another voice resounded in my heart.

"Your strength has improved very quickly. I didn't expect you, a guy of unknown origin, to have such great potential."

"Jie Jie, I told you a long time ago that with me, the old man in your soul can be thrown away. Invincible? He knows a myth and is invincible! Me! Only me! Can make you invincible! "

"Don't say anything else, after you made a contract with me two years ago, as long as you slaughter all your Blue Stars, this soul world is huge, except for Jing Kingdom's soul heaven, where can we go!? Revenge? I I will take you to negotiate with Emperor Jing Dynasty, just a little brat, I will let his father kill you in front of you!!"

Tian Yu was silent.

It wasn't until the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon screamed loudly and flew towards the enemy through the blood lake, and Tian Yufang didn't speak again.

"Let him go over the past. Now, we have to kill them first."

"Jie Jie Jie, understand, understand."

"Since I'm already legendary, then they will all be solved..."

The evil smile lifted from the corner of Tian Yu's mouth.

So the lake of blood boils for it!


Liesha and the others didn't know the blood god's ability system at all.

Their focus is only on the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon.

The Blood God killed the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon, and the Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon became an undead blood beast. Although the blood beast-turned Heavenly Tribulation Slaughtering Dragon cannot use certain skills, it is only immortal and indestructible and has a legendary body. Strength is enough to deal with...

However, they didn't know that the real disaster was not the slaughtering dragon that turned into a blood beast.

Instead, he became the legendary Blood God!

Under the sea of ​​blood, Tian Yu stretched out his right hand and spread out his fingers.

As the blood lake boiled, an evil voice sounded from Tian Yu's mouth.

"Blood sky!"

[Scarlet Sky Curtain (Holy Skill): A domain skill activated by the power of the Dead River, this skill has a very high authority judgment, and non-God-level skills cannot break or suppress the effect of the Scarlet Sky Curtain.

When the blood-colored sky curtain is activated, all creatures are prohibited from entering and leaving. Except for the blood god, no creatures can use any abilities under the sky curtain!

Maintaining the **** sky does not need to consume physical or soul power, but it needs to consume the power of the river of death! 】

The blood light burst from the blood lake.

The boundless blood color forms a hemispherical light film, shrouding all creatures on the ruins of the Ancestral Dragon City, shrouding it under the domain!

A scene that terrified the enemy happened.

Any skill, even including the ability to choose from heaven, has lost its effect!

——Or to put it another way, everyone, including Lie Sha, has no magical skills!

Skills are blocked, and retreats are also blocked.

Even Lie Sha panicked.

The eight pets converged and gathered beside Lie Sha.

Hei Wusheng (median legendary level, legendary period) is headed.

Stronger than the body, the star knife mantis (low-level legendary level, legendary period) and the Light Chaser Warcraft (high-level legendary level, legendary period) play support.

The **** soul (low-level legendary level, legendary stage) on the body has been removed from the state of possession, and it is useless without the possession, and has been taken back to the soul state.

The air-controlling pet is Liesha's weak point - a divine light split air eagle (high-ranking king level, legendary period) propped up the air defense for Liesha.

In addition, the two auxiliary pets - the four-winged holy light elf (low-level legendary level, legendary stage) and the tree of life (low-level legendary level, legendary stage) are pure soy sauce party.

Without skills, auxiliary pets really have no combat power...

He waved the Dragon Slaying Saber (high-ranking king level, legendary stage) in his hand again, and Liesha's heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

Eight pets, waste five.

The remaining three pets can only rely on the flesh to fight with the blood beasts that are immortal and immortal.

As for the lack of skills, how to deal with that Wang Xuehu, and how to defeat Tian Yu.

Don't ask Lie Sha, he doesn't know either...

Despair came gradually.

Tian Yu gave them another final blow!

The blood lake boiled instantly.

Endless blood light gushed out.

At the very center of the **** light, Yu Yu in the **** clothes floated around in the daytime, laughing wildly in the sky!

"Blood God Incarnate!"

[Blood God Incarnation (God-level Skill): Build your body with the power of the Dead River, and you can get a huge amount of strength blessing! The magnitude of the blessing depends on the strength of the Dead River. Before the dead river's energy is completely exhausted, the blood **** incarnation cannot be defeated! The main body in the incarnation of the blood **** will not suffer any kind of damage!

When the blood **** avatar is activated, the blood **** avatar automatically obtains additional skill sets.

The skill group contains a magical skill: the king of death!

Ten holy-level skills: a knife in the sea of ​​​​blood, the whirlpool of the Styx, the death stare, the killing intent crushing...

Thirteen super skills...]

After three seconds.

The blood lake disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was a huge blood-colored giant nearly 100 meters high.

The incarnation of the blood **** has the same face as Bai Tianyu.

It carried a knife and wore red armor, on which the blood beasts circled and roared fiercely.

And when it swings the knife at this moment.

Everything seems to be covered with blood.


Blood gleamed.

The divine light split the empty eagle's head in a different place.

The blood was instantly evacuated.

In the body of the blood god, a blood-red divine light splitting eagle with legendary strength, fluttering its wings, drilled out.

A loud sound exploded.

"Three years ago, it swallowed my second soul, and this revenge has been avenged!"

Lie Sha's face suddenly turned white.

Before he could speak, the blood light spread again.

Can't see the movement, can't see the attack trajectory.

Lie Sha, who is not possessed by a pet, can't see anything clearly.

What appeared in front of him was only the boundless blood, and the extreme pain in his brain!

The soul contract broke again.

In front of the Blood God's chest, the blood-colored Light Chasing Warcraft roared and crawled out.

"Three years ago, it tore up my fifth and eighth souls, and the revenge has been avenged."

Lie Sha smiled.

sad smile.

The incarnation of the blood **** turned his head and looked at Xiao Hua.

And at this moment, Xiao Hua, his crotch is already wet...

The low voice exploded again.

"Our account has to be calculated slowly."


A blood-colored sky shrouded the sky over the ruins of the city.

Once the prey, became the hunter.

The huge blood **** incarnate stands on the ground.

Tian Yu used his own power to surround everyone present!



beg for mercy.

Play with children like adults.

——Even if both sides of the battle are legendary!

Quanwei's voice was crying and praying: "Legend of Tianyu, I killed the four pets today, I admit it, I am willing to lead the Moonlight city-state to surrender to you, please give me a way to survive."

The blood **** slashed down with one sword, and Quanwei fell to the ground.

Tian Yu expressed his attitude with his actions - this wave, he did not accept surrender.

The resistance, of course, became more intense.

But it's just a worm that has fallen into a cobweb, struggling before dying...

Soul pets kept falling one after another.

In the meantime, someone wants to run.

But can't escape.

The blood-colored sky has blocked all means of escape, even if it is as strong as a fierce shaman~www.wuxiamtl.com~, there is nothing that can be done about it.

The trapped beast!

three minutes later.

Quanwei took his eight pets and joined the blood god's camp.

Five minutes later, Tuoba Bei, the master of the ghost fox city-state, led the eight pets to join the blood god's camp.

Then there were Meng Dongfa, the lord of Linling city-state, Jiang Heng, the lord of Wangjiang city-state, and Jiang Ye, the deputy lord of the city-state.

Xiao Hua's eight pets were completely dead, lying on the ground with his eyes foaming at the mouth.

Lie Sha only survived the Black Martial Saint, but it was only the end of the shot.

The battle stopped briefly.

The blood beasts surrounded by the two Liesha automatically separated, revealing the figure of the blood **** incarnate in the distance.

The incarnation of the Blood God disintegrated automatically, and Tian Yu's real body reappeared.

At this moment, Bai Tianyu's clothes have completely turned bloody, and the sense of evil on his body is getting thicker and thicker.

The smile on his face became even more exaggerated.

The scarlet tongue became like a snake, smooth and long, and he looked at Xiao Hua and Liesha as if he was watching a delicious meal.

Suddenly a voice sounded from a distance.

When Tian Tianyu turned his head, he saw that in the very distance, someone was driving an eagle, and he stopped behind the blood-colored sky.

The man on the back of the eagle raised his hand and slapped lightly.

The slap became louder and louder, and the smile on Jing Jie's face became more and more agitated.

After his hands turned red, Jing Jie turned over, landed on the back of the eagle, and looked at Tian Yu again. He bent down, solemnly and respectfully conveyed the voice.

"Tianyu Legend, you have shown your worth."

"Jing's thirteenth son, Jing Jie, in the name of the Holy Son of the Star, welcomes Tianyu Legend to join Jingguo."

Lie Sha was stunned.

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