Lord of Souls

Chapter 100: Legendary Order: Get Out of Here

The fifteen-member competition team of the ancient dragon city-state was in place.

The group of young people were led to the Fengshen Pterodactyl with a dazed face, and looked around at a loss.

Looking at them, as long as the eyes are long, it is not difficult to see the taste of patchwork and fooling.

If it was just speculation before, then at this moment, Xia Lin immediately determined what the so-called competition was.

a reason!

an excuse!

A grand banquet!

But the strange thing is that if the competition is just an excuse, there is no need for these fifteen people to appear at all - the moment Bai Tianyu appeared, the Hongmen Banquet was done.

When the door is locked, the fire is set off.


Another strange thing is that Tian Yu is really here...

In the silence, Tian Yu's voice transmission suddenly sounded in his ears.

"It's time for me to work."

Xia Lin was startled, looked sideways at Bai Tian Yu, and found that Bai Tian Yu was also looking at him.

Subsequent sounds kept coming.

"You too."

"Take my favors, and you have to work for me."

"This wave, when Qingqing dies, you have to die too. This is the price of Qingcang's dragon soul. Do you understand?"

Xia Lin wanted to say what I am, how can I be... However, under Bai Tianyu's icy gaze, he was forced to nod his head.

He didn't understand the current situation, but he could understand Bai Yu's decision.

If this guy is really like him... then he will never joke about such a thing.

Seeing Xia Lin nodding, Bai Tianyu turned to look at Fengshen Pterosaur.

With Xiao Hua's eyes facing each other, Bai Tian Yu spoke loudly.

"Everyone is ready, let's start."

Without Xiao Hua speaking, Jing Jie took the lead in applauding.

"Let's start! Hurry up, this prince is waiting here."

Xiao Hua felt helpless, but he still raised his hand at the same time as Tian Yu.

In the same way, the five-colored soul lights representing the legendary level quickly enveloped their respective teams.

Soul light is constructed into a ball, wrapping the members of the competing team-this is the clever use of the Soul Master Skill: Soul Power Shield.

Under the wrapping of two soul power shield balls, the two teams of 30 people quickly flew to the distant Gulong Mountains until they became a small point.

Tian Yu and Xiao Hua raised their hands again.

Soul Master Technique: Spirit Vision Technique!

The huge curtain cloud was born out of thin air, and the picture clearly locked the competition between the two sides.

When I saw the two soul power shield **** "pop" and landed in the depths of the mountain range, they were far apart.

Tian Yu smiled.

Turning to look at Jing Jie.

Then I saw Jing Jie also smiled.

The thirteenth prince of Jing Kingdom sat back on the throne leisurely.

Looking to the left, it is Liesha.

Looking to the right, it's Xiao Hua.

Looking down, it is the ancestor Longcheng of Nuoda, as well as nearly 100 million residents in the city, tens of thousands of troops, and five hidden legends.

Looking from a distance, it is Bai Tianyu riding a gilded fire dragon, and the three kings behind Bai Tianyu, the army of 10,000 people.

This is a complete encirclement.

And at the very center was Bai Tian Yu and the four Hua Kingdom Spirit Masters beside Bai Yu.

Mei Ji handed over the honey water, Jing Jie took a small sip, then heaved a long sigh of relief and said softly.

"This time, there is a good show to watch..."


Wrapped in a five-colored light ball, the fifteen people competing for the team traveled nearly a thousand miles in an instant.

The scene quickly passed by, and the magnificent ancestor Longcheng disappeared in an instant.

Until the ball of light came to a sudden stop, it stopped in an instant, only to hear a "pop", the ball of light burst, and fifteen figures fell from the sky and landed straight on the unknown land.

Surrounded by endless dense forest.

The thriving trees shaded the sky, making the surrounding environment a bit gloomy.

Overcoming the dizziness caused by rapid movement, Wang Siyuan spoke immediately.

"The competition has begun, and our goal is to kill all 15 opponents! It was agreed before that this time Yongxuan would be the main force, and Xia Lin would be the captain."

When the words fell, everyone else looked at Xia Lin.

It's a fact that Yongxuan is the strongest, but his mouth is not destined to be the captain... Xia Lin, another golden age, has become the leader - they don't care whether Xia Lin wants to be the captain or not...

Xia Lin's expression was a little weird.

He pointed to the direction of the flying.

"You guys, didn't you see the problem?"

The crowd was silent.

The problem is so big... so big that these half-old children don't know where to start.

But since there are no further instructions, that means continuing the race...

Apart from this they have nothing else to do.

Seeing this, Xia Lin sighed softly and turned to look at Tian Qingqing.

There is no need for Xia Lin to speak.

Tian Qingqing has already said.

"The follow-up orders of Tianyu Legend are here with me."

While talking, activate the first soul.

Accompanied by the loud phoenix cry, Canghuo Qingluan flew out of the soul realm and landed on Tian Qingqing's shoulder.

The little Canghuo Qingluan turned his head smartly and looked around.

Soon, Canghuo Qingluan let out a high-pitched cry, and flew into the depths of the dense forest with joy.

Seeing this scene, Tian Qingqing immediately said, "Follow me."

Xia Lin: "Just do it."

Fifteen people quickly walked to the depths of the jungle.


Just a minute away.

Canghuo Qingluan stopped.

It stopped in front of a deep hole, and while crying towards the hole, it turned to look at Tian Qingqing behind him.

Seeing this scene, Tian Qingqing raised his hand to catch the phoenix bird, and one person and one bird headed into the hole.

Darkness and dampness came over me.

Canghuo Qingluan's body lit up with fire, illuminating the crypt.

It can be seen that this is an artificially excavated passage, but it is disguised as a hole outside.

When everyone was in doubt, they heard Tian Qingqing speak.

"This is a secret realm called Shifeng Ruins~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and my Canghuo Qingluan is the key to unlocking the secret realm."

Mysteries represent opportunities.

It is this chance, there is a kind of head-on collision.

Combined with what I just saw in the Ancestral Dragon City... In the competition team, no one dared to make a sound.

Until Xia Lin said helplessly.

"Sister, just tell me what orders Tianyu Legend has, and what arrangements are there for us... Keep it simple, don't do those stupid things."

When the words fell, Tian Qingqing had come to the end of the passage.

At the end, there is an alloy gate.

Tian Qingqing took out the knife from the space ring and cut his fingers, and Canghuo Qingluan also tilted his head and pecked at his own skin.

The blood of people and phoenix flowed out, but it floated strangely and fell on the alloy gate.

Blood touched the restraint on the door.

A harsh "squeak" sounded loudly.

The door opened, and the seven-color brilliance inside the door was shining, like a portal to the unknown world.

This is the entrance to the ruins - there is a study in the basic class of Ice University.

The color of the entrance to the ruins indicated the level of the ruins—or, in other words, the level of the ruins builder.

The seven colors of light indicate that this is a mythical relic!

But I don't know the size of the interior - after all, the relics created by the mythical grade and the relics born after the fall are definitely different in scale.

Standing at the entrance of the ruins, Tian Qingqing looked back at everyone.

"Tianyu Legend has an order, use the power of the ruins to leave this place!"

"Let's go now, the teachers are waiting for us on the other side of the ruins."

Everyone looked at each other.

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