Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 16 The Old Knight

On the outskirts of the North District, Esther looked at the two-story house after getting off the carriage.

The house itself looked old and simple, and the outer wall looked barren and messy because it was covered with creeping plants. Through the fence, you could see that the garden was also overgrown, and it looked like no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Leonard also stepped out of the carriage and saw Esther staring at the house with a suspicious expression. He pointed to the black iron door on the side: "Let's go in from there. Mr. Gawain who lives here is a real knight. Although He was never knighted, but he was a member of the Order of Ahova."

Esther couldn't help showing admiration, especially when she knew that there were guns in this world: "Anyone who is willing to pass down the knighthood is amazing. This is enough to make me respect him."

"That was the last era when knights were active. After the use of guns became standard equipment in the army, they naturally left the battlefield."

"Although it is regrettable, there is nothing we can do about it. Flesh and armor are just fragile branches in front of bullets. But I am looking forward to learning fighting from Mr. Gawain."

Leonard pushed open the ajar iron gate, and the two of them walked in one after another, and followed the road towards the house.

"'Fragile flower branch'? This metaphor is quite interesting. Do you often read?"

"I like reading very much, and I read a little bit of everything."

Leonard whistled: "It seems like you are much more talented than me. Maybe you can teach me how to write poetry in the future."

Esther was embarrassed to say that she had only learned Chinese writing for a few months, and she was reading books to expand her vocabulary and familiarize herself with Rune writing.

After Leonard knocked on the door, a tall man soon came out. His short blond hair stood on top of his head like a steel needle. The gray on his temples and the wrinkles on his face all told of the years he had experienced, even though his face was full of Despite the vicissitudes of life, his broad eyebrows were still standing upright like a dagger, as if he had been used to this for a long time and couldn't let it go.

This man in his fifties glanced at Leonard and Esther, his doubtful eyes almost piercing them: "What do you want to do?"

Leonard's explanation was very formulaic, but when he used the term "trainee inspector" to describe "Esther", the man made a "chi" sound of disapproval.

"This is not a private class for an aristocratic lady! With a body as thin as hers and thin arms and legs, I wouldn't even believe that she is a trainee inspector. How can I teach you this!?"

Leonard stood by the door and didn't know how to reply, but Esther didn't want to wait, so she could only take a step forward: "First of all, I am not some delicate noble lady. Secondly, this is just a routine according to the agreement. If I can't stick to it, , it’s not too late for you to drive me away.”

The man looked at Esther again. Esther straightened her back without being humble or haughty, and faced his sharp gaze calmly.

"You might as well learn to shoot. Those new gadgets are more popular and will definitely become the highlight of the ladies' tea party."

Esther's face was sullen, not wanting to show any fluctuations in her expression: "I'm not interested in the tea party. In comparison, being able to experience the difficulty of becoming a knight attracts me more."

The corner of Leonard's mouth twitched, and he began to worry whether Esther would anger Mr. Gawain. How could she be so able to poke people's pain points?

The man laughed crazily and stopped after more than ten seconds: "This is really the best joke I have ever heard in this era. Have you read too many childish novels and dramas? There are no knights and roses these days. !”

Esther's expression didn't change at all. She just stared at the man: "I'm serious."

The man suppressed his smile, and after a few seconds of silence, he stretched out his hand towards Esther: "Gawain. Since you want to, let reality hit you hard. Don't cry and shout to go home."

Esther shook hands with the man: "You can call me Esther. I can't, I don't have a home anymore."

Leonard looked at Esther in surprise, not seeing any sadness on her face. She was as calm as a stone.

Gawain lowered his gaze: "Pretend I didn't say it. I won't say anything about treating ladies preferentially. Your training will be the same intensity as other official police inspectors."

Esther then smiled: "This is the best thing for me."

Gawain glanced at Leonard: "Are you still planning to stay here? Come pick her up in three hours."

After Leonard left, Gawain asked Esther to hang the trainee inspector's coat by the door, and pointed to her cuffs and trousers: "Next time, wear some clothes that are easy to move around. It's best not to worry about getting dirty. You are a bit tall. You’re short, I’m afraid the knight’s training clothes here don’t even fit.”

"Yes!" Esther felt like she was back in military training, and when she answered Gawain's words, she unconsciously took on the seriousness of facing the instructor.

Gawain shook his head amusedly: "Since you want to stay, show me your full strength."

A few minutes later, Gawain looked at the wooden board that was broken into two pieces and thought about the background of this "trainee police inspector". Her full strength was too exaggerated. Esther's body didn't have many muscles. She was well-proportioned and soft but very coordinated. This was Gawain's expected judgment after looking at her posture.

But now it seems that this girl is indeed no ordinary person.

Esther swung her wrist. She was also surprised that the punch she punched with all her strength had such great power. She originally thought that the pain would be in her hand, but the one-inch-thick board shattered and her hand was just numb. , the pain is not even noticeable. She indeed noticed a few cracks on the board while observing, so she thought about using force from that place, but she didn't expect that she could break it with her bare hands.

Esther squeezed her fists, feeling excited.

Gawain originally didn't understand why Esther said "punching requires a target", but now he understands that punching with such skill in the air can only show that it is faster and cannot exert its due power. .

"Have you learned fighting before?"

"I've only seen other people fight." Of course it's all in movies and TV shows. Esther added in her mind.

Based on Esther's condition, Gawain formulated a very brief quick test in various aspects. After noticing that Esther's physical strength and endurance were quite stable, he skipped the pre-warm-up session and started to face the wooden man for practice. , directly imparting fighting knowledge to Esther.

Esther listened attentively. After Gawain demonstrated it almost twice, she was able to imitate it. Slight details and deviations in force could be corrected immediately after Gawain pointed it out.

Gawain felt a little regretful. If such a powerful and talented child had joined the Knights thirty years ago, regardless of her gender, she would have been able to shine on the battlefield.

However, the Cavaliers no longer make sense.

Gawain can tell that Esther has a secret of her own.

Who isn’t like that these days? Only people like him who are too conservative are left on the shore by life and are dried out by time day by day.


At the end of the three-hour course, Esther also breathed a sigh of relief.

The most obvious feeling she feels now is hunger. Her stomach seems to be digesting itself. The pain caused by exercise is far less painful than the black hole in her stomach. Her internal organs are hollow, as if there is only an empty skin waiting for her. Fill up.

Esther once again realized deeply that her abilities that were far beyond ordinary people were all linked to the energy in her body. The greater the consumption, the stronger her thirst for food.

Leonard was leaning against the carriage, flipping through a book of poetry with a frown on his face.

When she saw him, Esther's first thought was that Leonard had something delicious on him. She was surprised by her thoughts and sniffed carefully. There was only the faint fragrance of wild flowers and earthy smell wafting from the courtyard in the air.

Why did she suddenly think Leonard had hidden something delicious?

Esther wasn't sure if her spiritual intuition was going crazy because she was starving.

"Training was hard today, wasn't it?"

Esther rubbed her belly, and after saying hello to Cizer who was driving, she followed Leonard into the carriage: "Actually, it's okay, Mr. Gawain is really conscientious. It's just that now I feel... starving……"

"Don't worry, Roxanne said she would order an extra apple pie for your dinner. She said you like sweets."

Esther's saliva was almost dripping: "Let's go back quickly!"

The journey back to Blackthorn Security Company was very painful for Esther. She looked at Leonard so many times that Leonard was worried: "Did I get something on my face?"

"No, I probably fainted from hunger..."

Esther still felt that there was something hidden in Leonard that could replenish her energy. She sighed, rubbed her right eyebrow helplessly, and turned her gaze to the scenery outside the window.

This action made Leonard freeze because he heard a exclamation in his mind, and then fell silent again.

Leonard didn't dare to speak directly for fear of attracting Esther's attention, so he could only pretend to drop the book on the ground. When he bent down to pick it up, he covered his mouth and asked in a low voice: "Old man? What's wrong, old man?"

Leonard didn't hear the old voice reply for a long time. It took several minutes before the voice sounded. It sounded extremely heavy: "Don't show anything strange. We won't communicate until you are far enough away from her."

When Leonard straightened up, he found that Esther was staring at his face again, but her light gray eyes seemed to light up with golden light, and the focus of her eyes passed through him and fell into the void somewhere.


"Huh?" Esther blinked and finally came back to her senses. She found herself staring at Leonard unconsciously again, "Sorry, I was a little too hungry. I was distracted just now. Did you say something?" "

The look in Esther's eyes just now made Leonard's hair stand on end: "No, are you, uh... are you dizzy from hunger?"

Leonard suddenly remembered that Cesare sometimes brought food with him because he often had to sit in the carriage and wait for people, and occasionally cracked nuts to pass the time. Thinking of this, Leonard immediately knocked on the car in the direction of the front of the car: "Cesare, do you have any snacks left? Anything will do."

César briefly parked the carriage on the side of the road and threw a half-pack of uneaten peanuts through the carriage window. Leonard immediately gave it to Esther.

Esther didn't like the hard texture of nuts, but after chewing the salty boiled peanuts and swallowing them, her abdominal pain caused by excessive hunger was finally relieved.

Esther was in the mood to smile again: "Thank you, Leonard! You are really a good person!"

Leonard observed that Esther's eyes finally returned to normal, and he was relieved in his heart.

He also heard the old man's serious voice in his mind: "Your colleague has a very big problem. You'd better bring some food with you in the future to prevent her from losing control again."

Because he had just been reminded not to act strange in front of Esther, Leonard did not dare to ask, but Esther's eyes at that moment were indeed too strange.

Full of desire to eat something.

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