Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 456 My life is in your hands

"Put the medicine directly into the blood vessels?"

The first two pages of the document in Little Louis' hand briefly describe how to give a diaphragm injection, with very intuitive pictures, followed by case statistics. The charts drawn by Florence can also be seen by laymen at a glance.

What follows is a thick set of nonsense literary-style treatment instructions, with gorgeous words and complicated diagrams, but there is no mention of what the "72 medicinal herbs" and "36 procedures" are.

Little Louis was unsure. Firstly, this treatment method was unheard of, and secondly, Frederick's performance in Bear City made him worried. What if he took the opportunity to kill his father?

There was a little sparkle in Old Louis's eyes. After all, no one wanted to die. He said as calmly as possible: "Then give it a try."

He had experienced too many hopes and disappointments in these months, but Frederick had such a good reputation, what if he could?

Frederick said to him: "His Majesty's treatment will be presided over by His Excellency Frank. If your Majesty has any doubts, he can first treat the injured soldiers in the army."

Little Louis said immediately: "No problem, I will arrange it right away."

There were many farmers with problems in the army, and they tried medicine without any problems.

Frederick was too lazy to pay attention to his petty remarks, stood up and handed the stage to Frank.

This time, Frederick wanted to build momentum, using the treatment of Old Louis to endorse the efficacy of allicin, and at the same time raise the grade, so that he could make more money by selling the medicine.

Therefore, the treatment can be achieved by creating momentum, and the members of this medical team are all top-notch. The disinfection team is even led by Manuel, the vice president of Weissenburg University and the famous necromancer.

Frank is not only the medical minister of the Principality of Wesson, but he is also a well-known doctor in mainland China. Psyche has appointed him to receive this year's Golden Durian Award, and the credibility of him presiding over the treatment has suddenly increased.

The nurse team is led by his daughter Florence. When Fatih won the Golden Durian Award last year, he gave an unprecedented evaluation, which gave people a feeling of being extremely powerful.

If it were Manuai or Frederick, let alone the Kingdom of Gaul, Frederick himself would be a little timid.

After Frank saluted, he said: "Your Majesty Louis, His Highness Louis, I will support the treatment work next."

Little Louis said: "Excuse me, Your Excellency. If you need anything, please feel free to ask."

Frank said: "I need to conduct a comprehensive inspection on His Majesty Louis first."

Little Louis replied: "No problem."

Frank added: "I need to build a hospital and a laboratory."

Little Louis was full of questions about what the hell it was to build a hospital and a laboratory, but he still agreed to allocate a piece of land as he requested.

The Air Force of the Principality of Wesson commissioned two more airships in February this year, and they were airships with a larger load capacity. This time, 10 airships came, carrying a large amount of supplies.

The best water source in the camp was upstream. The onlookers saw Eugene commanding the Wessons to set up several large white tents in two hours, and they were not finished yet.

In the castle, Frank and Florence conducted a comprehensive inspection of old Louis.

Little Louis was a little worried because both of their faces were dark.

Frank shook his head and said, "If your doctor were in a hospital in the Principality of Wesson, he would definitely be thrown out of the window by the director."

"The skin on the patient's back already shows signs of bedsores, and the bedding is very unhygienic. Besides, the patient hasn't bathed for a long time. How could such a low-level mistake be made?"

"From now on, I will arrange the patient's food, clothing, housing and transportation, otherwise new ones will appear before the old ones go away."

Before little Louis could reply, Old Louis said: "Okay, I listen to you!"

Little Louis had no choice but to nod.

Frank continued: "The patient had a puncture wound on the right side of his chest, and the wound was deep into his lungs."

"Although the muscles have healed, there is accumulation in the lungs and the pus needs to be drained out first."

"At the same time, bacterial culture of blood and pus needs to be done, which takes about three days."

He looked at the ward again, shook his head, and said: "Puncture and drainage of pus is simple, but there is a risk of infection. This place is really dirty. I suggest the patient go to the hospital."

"I guess the hospital will be built soon. Your Majesty, just take a shower and go there."

According to the plan, old Louis will be treated in the castle, and treatment in a field hospital is an alternative.

The sanitary conditions here were really unsightly, and Frank struggled for a long time before finally using the alternative.

"No way!" An old man suddenly ran in outside the door, "No way, they are going to harm His Majesty!"

"The weather is still cold now. If Your Majesty catches a cold while taking a bath, it will really be hopeless!"

Frank glanced at the person and said calmly: "It turns out to be Mr. Ganden."

Baron Ganden is a well-known physician who was Frank's teacher and is now the chief physician to old Louis.

He was helpless when it came to old Louis' septicemia, and so were the other doctors. When the king died, others could only say that he had tried his best and would not have lost anything.

But now a group of people came and said they could cure the king, and this group of people had a good reputation in recent years. If they really cured him, they would be fools.

Moreover, putting drugs into the blood vessels is unheard of. Only venomous snakes would do such a thing. What is the difference between that and murder?

But when Ganden was about to jump out, he was still not sure whether injection therapy was dangerous. After all, Archduke Wesson's reputation was too famous, so he took a bath as an excuse.

Frank continued to say calmly: "People will catch a cold when taking a bath in cold weather because there is a temperature difference between the hot water and the air. After coming out of the hot water, you will be cooled by the cold air immediately."

"There are so many magicians in the military camp. Is it difficult for them to keep the indoor air temperature and water temperature about the same?"

Ganden opened his mouth but was speechless, because he also thought it made sense. After a moment, he thought of an explanation: "How can a magician be used as a fireplace?"

Frank shrugged and said, "Then install a heater, close the doors and windows and leave some gaps, and the house will be warmed up quickly."

"No way. Didn't you buy a heater, Mr. Ganden? Don't you have enough money? Do you want me to give it to you? Now I earn six to seven hundred florins a year, so it's a small thing to give me three to five florins."

Everyone present could tell that the two of them had a personal grudge, probably financial.

"That's right!" Frank looked like he was remembering something, "Do you want me to pay back the two silver coins I owe the medical school first?"

Everyone has heard it. It is estimated that Frank was in financial distress and was kicked out of the school because he owed tuition fees, and Baron Ganden contributed a lot.

Frederick was a little strange. Frank used to be very calm in the past, but why was he so impulsive today?

He decided to wait and see and provide an assist if necessary.

But there was no need for Frederick to assist, and then Frank thought of another thing: "That's right!"

Baron Ganden seemed to realize what he was going to say next, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Your Majesty," Frank bowed to Old Louis, "I remember that when you came to the throne, you spread benevolent policies. That year, the top ten students in all the schools in the royal capital were given three lifre gold coins."

Old Louis nodded, this is indeed the case.

When he was young, he was a bit exaggerated in his enjoyment of life, and his reputation as the heir to the throne was not very good. At that time, he quickly won the hearts of the people by providing scholarships to students, and he was proud of it for many years.

Frank turned around and asked Baron Ganden: "Excuse me, Mr. Ganden, why can we students from other places only get one gold livre coin?"

Baron Ganden's hands trembled.

Old Louis glanced at him and said to little Louis: "After such a long time, I'm afraid Ganden can't remember it. Ask someone to take him to have a good memory."

Frank breathed a sigh of relief, decades of resentment finally dissipated.

Everyone in the Principality of Weisen didn't expect to eat a melon.

Frederick sighed secretly in his heart, he really shouldn’t bully a young man into talking too much!

What he didn't expect was that this incident would trigger a series of chain reactions.

Old Louis said to Frank: "From now on, my life is in your hands."

Frank solemnly said: "I am 90% sure to help His Majesty get through this."

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