Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 439 People who freeze to death

Frederick jumped from the balcony and left Waldie's residence because the ladies of the Church of Nature who blocked the door waved rolling pins and hoes to express that he could not come out ten times and that they did not like Waldie. If Lei, the aunts can come forward...

Within two days, an anonymous person in the newspaper called out that the current building balconies were unsafe and thieves would climb on them, so they invented the anti-theft net.

The next day, Frederick felt that the aunts looked at him strangely, as if they were about to rush over and slap him in the next moment.

He did not doubt that the aunts would do this. Many of them were retired Aurora warriors and belonged to the elite troops of the Church of Nature. Among other things, they looked at how neatly they killed pigs and sheep, and they also went to the village from time to time. It's not easy for a young man to play football.

So Frederick slipped away and came to the city of Würz with Susan in his arms, euphemistically calling it an inspection.

The city of Würz is located near the Marienberg Fortress, the royal capital of the former Principality of Franconia. It is adjacent to the tributary of the Rhine River leading to Weissenburg. It has developed commerce and trade. The Marienberg Fortress is the military center of the former Principality, and the city of Würz is the political center. In the economic center, the Grand Duke of Franken and his family usually live in a palace on a hill by the river.

Now the city of Würz is the capital of the Lankney state of the Principality of Wesen, continuing its function as a political and economic center.

The Wirz Palace was considered magnificent in this era. The sculptures on the columns and beams, the murals on the walls and ceilings were all made by famous artists, and there were countless treasures in its collection.

It was just that when Frederick came with Susan, he saw that the palace seemed empty. Glass bottles with dried flowers were placed on the shelves where various treasures were originally placed. Only the large furniture was still there, and it could be seen that it had once been of grandeur.

Susan squeezed Frederick's hand and asked in a low voice: "Is there a thief here?"

Frederick replied: "No, it's just that I sold some valuable things."

The items in the collections of the Grand Duke of Franken and the Grand Duke of Regens that had no historical or cultural added value were eventually taken to Constantbul and entrusted to Emperor Dragaces of the East Pruan Empire to sell them. The sale of luxury goods still depends on the situation. They are a well-established royal family.

Dragaces had people make up heroic or tragic stories for these things, tricking the wealthy people from the southern coast of the Inland Sea to the Big Stone Empire farther east. It was expected that the money would be returned by the end of the summer of 1035.

According to Frederick's plan, this money will be used as special funds for road construction in the three new states, striving to provide every village with roads that will not turn into mud when it rains within a few years.

For Susan, coming to Würz was just a different place to hibernate and continue to sleep in the bedroom.

Frederick ignored her and asked the maids to take care of her. He told the kitchen to prepare some liver dishes. He changed into regular clothes and took local officials out early in the morning to see the local life.

But the living habits of the people here are not like those in Weissenburg. In the cold weather, everyone stays at home. The people seen on the street are either newsboys in a hurry, or they freeze to death on the roadside.

Frederick walked to the frozen body and saw him buried under thick snow, standing there without saying a word.

The officials who came out with him were all stunned.

The mayor of Würz is Max Merkel, who was previously the mayor of Nuremberg. Because he disobeyed Frederick's arrangements, the city did not receive the development dividends of Wertz in the first place. In the end, Resigned.

He later wrote a long letter to Frederick admitting his mistake, so Frederick gave him a chance to become mayor of Würz.

After the war, Frederick issued a special red-headed document, requiring newly occupied towns to do a good job in ensuring people's livelihood. Among them, sheltering and arranging homeless people and street children was a top priority, and specially allocated funds and provided guidance on how to carry out the work.

It is not surprising that people freeze to death in the winter in cities these days. Even if some cities have poor relief laws and citizens can get a sum of money to buy firewood, homeless people are not among them.

Frederick had already prepared a manuscript, and when spring arrived, the church would take the lead in publishing in newspapers the feat of not freezing to death in winter.

This involves the problem of digesting the occupation of a new area. Only by letting the people know that they can live a good life with the new ruler can they use their energy.

Well now, there is one lying on the road in the capital, already as hard as a stone.

Merkel's legs were shaking. If Archduke Wesson hadn't seen it, he had many ways to fool him, but now he couldn't fool him. The Grand Duke's plan fell short, and he might be the next one to freeze to stone.

At this time, Tony, the captain of Frederick's bodyguard, whispered: "Sir, this man doesn't look like a tramp."

Upon hearing this, Merkel felt that she might be saved, and looked at Tony expectantly.

Tony walked to the body and stamped his foot, and all the snow within a few meters was blown away.

The body was wearing blue to black clothes, with some frozen blood near the head and several broken tiles next to it.

Tony raised his head and jumped to the roof of the four-story building.

Frederick was more elegant. A large group of entangled water plants appeared in front of him. The tentacle-like dark green water plants formed a staircase, allowing him to walk up step by step.

The snow on the surrounding roofs was blown away. At first glance, there was nothing wrong, except for a few tiles on the edge that fell off.

In the street, Merkel looked at the body. There was blood on the head, and tiles fell down next to it. Wasn't it obvious that it was knocked unconscious by the tiles and froze to death? The entire responsibility lies with the homeowner!

Tony had a detective's addiction on the roof, and when he and Frederick came down, the homeowner had been controlled by the people brought by Merkel.

The homeowner in his early twenties heard that tiles falling from his house killed someone. He was so frightened that his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, trembling and speechless.

Frederick went over and said to the homeowner, "It shouldn't be your problem."

Then he said to Merkel: "Let the police come, remember to go to the roof."

Wirtz's police chief Kuhn arrived soon. He was formerly the chief of Hausen City and had been promoted from an ordinary city to a state capital.

He personally led his men to set up a cordon to survey the scene, then checked the deceased, and reported to Frederick at the house two hours later.

"Report to the master!" You can tell from the title that he is an old Wesson man. "Preliminary judgment is that the deceased is a thief. He slipped and fell while escaping on the roof after stealing last night. The tiles on the roof were loose. The deceased’s skull was shattered and the stolen items were still in his arms, including several pieces of women’s jewelry and a money bag.”

Frederick asked calmly: "Are you sure he is a thief, not someone who rushed home or had an affair?"

These days, some people with extraordinary powers don't like to walk on rooftops, especially those who have affairs. Every year there are a few unlucky ones in Wesson who are shot down with shotguns by police patrolling at night.

Qu Enshang replied nervously: "It's a thief, a member of the largest local gang. He has a spider tattoo on his body."

Everyone in Old Wesson is very aware of his attitude towards gangsters. In the past, the Secretary of Commerce was sent to the north to eat snow because he was a protector of gangsters. He himself did not have such a strong relationship.

Eliminating gangs is the basic task of the police. Now there are gangsters stealing things, which means that the work has not been done well. Being scolded is a light thing.

So Kuhn immediately explained without waiting for Frederick to ask: "This gang used to be the Black Gloves of the Franken family. The organization is very large. We have been digging deeper into the position of his leader."

Frederick nodded. This kind of gang that colludes with the regime has deep roots. If it is not eradicated in one fell swoop, the remaining elements will set fire to it, so there is no rush.

At this time, the landlord suddenly said: "Sir, everyone in the city knows that the leaders of the Spider Gang will gather at Spider Butt Alley tomorrow, the day before the new year."

"This thief came out to steal things because his boss didn't pay enough to the big boss."

Frederick nodded, turned to Qu En and asked: "How do you arrange this matter?"

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on Qu En's forehead. After hesitating for a while, he said truthfully: "I...I only know about this now."

Frederick asked the homeowner: "Why didn't you report it before?"

The landlord thought that in the conversation just now, he could tell that Archduke Wesson was very concerned about the lives of the citizens. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows if your Excellency is like the previous masters, who went to complain during the day and was beaten to death and thrown into the river at night. "

Frederick turned to look at Qu En and sneered, scaring him so much that his legs trembled.

"I have told you more than once." Frederick's voice was colder than the snow outside, "Your wages are not given by me, but by tens of thousands of taxpayers."

"You take taxpayers' money and you have to serve taxpayers."

"Everyone knows how to be grateful. If you help them, they will help you."

“What you can’t do alone, you can do easily with their help.”

Qu En kept nodding, and Tony on the side was afraid that he would hurt his neck.

Frederick said to the homeowner: "Please tell me everything you know."

The landlord was relieved and said: "Please don't worry, sir. I am a playwright. I often go to the pub to collect stories and I have heard many things about them."

Frederick assured him: "Don't worry, no one will know that you reported it, and you will also get a bonus."

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