Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 435 Future Plans

Traveling long distances in winter is very painful. The daylight hours are short and the time you can walk is short. Due to the weather, you don’t dare to camp outdoors and you can only go into villages and cities. The nearly 500 kilometers away takes at least ten days.

A lot of preparation needs to be done before a long journey, from food to heating, nothing can go wrong, and this will take several days.

In front of the warm fireplace, Frederick poured Spike a cup of hot tea and asked: Is everything okay between you and that woman now?

He ignored the killer after throwing it to Spike. Later, he didn't have time to think about it because there were too many things to do, and he only remembered it now.

Spike calmly replied with a line from a play: The past cannot be undone, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

At that time, Frederick was worried that the orphans would be left with psychological shadows due to past events, so he produced a play of poor quality for them to watch, hoping that they would not indulge in the sorrow of the past.

Frederick saw that he seemed to have completely let go of the past, and asked again: What are your plans for the future?

Spike said: I plan to retire next year after serving in the army for three years. I will not renew for another two years. After retirement, I will take out a loan to build a chicken farm.

I promised her brother to give her the money, but I spent the money and I have to make money to pay her back.

Frederick nodded. Maybe being a soldier was really not suitable for him. Killing people would remind him of the past.

Spike was an orphan back then and a retired soldier. With the loan policy to take care of him, it was not a problem to get a targeted loan to build a small chicken farm.

Now that the Principality of Wesson is on the rise, you can live a good life by working hard, and raising chickens is also a good livelihood.

That's fine. Frederick pointed to him, Now the golden-skinned chicken introduced from the southern continent has been successfully bred. Although it is not big, it tastes good. You can try it.

Don't spend it randomly when you make money, save it to marry a wife and live a stable life.

If you can't find a wife, come to me and I can help you introduce her.

Spike, who is a little more than two meters tall and has muscles that are stronger than his peers, suddenly blushed like a little girl and said hesitantly: I am pursuing a girl. I met last year. She thinks I am good.

She likes to eat chicken, so I decided to raise chickens.

Frederick smiled and nodded. That's good. A warm family life can heal a lot of psychological trauma.

In the afternoon, the mantelpiece was replaced by cornflowers.

Frederick asked her: What are your plans for the future?

Cornflower looked confused, shook her head and said, I don't know, I'll let the adults arrange it.

Frederick took her for a public walk on the streets yesterday in order to stabilize the people in Bremen and make them think that the operation had not failed. What happened at the city gate that day was also interpreted as a mistaken identity.

The truth about his brother's death that Bluebonnet learned from Spike was that he had nothing to say after killing his brother.

It's just that she grew up in the organization, and all she learned was to please men and assassinate, and she had no other skills.

Frederick said: You have to walk your own path in the future. Think about what you can rely on to support yourself.

Cornflower lowered her head and thought for a moment, then whispered: Sir, let me be your lover. I know forty-eight postures and have never been touched by a man.

Think about it again, Frederick continued, What else do you want besides these?

Cornflower whispered: Apart from those, I only know how to use knives and daggers. The instructor said that my hands are very strong and my hands are steady, fast and accurate. I am a genius with daggers.

If you need me, sir, I can be the dagger in your shadow.

Frederick shook his head and said, It's better not to save you than to let you kill someone. Is there anything else?

Cornflower thought for a long time, but she couldn't think of any other way she could support herself, and she burst into tears.

Frederick took out his handkerchief and leaned over to wipe her tears and said, I think of a place where you can work and make money. It's a bit hard, but it's definitely serious money.

From now on, you can live your own life in my territory and don't have to worry about those people coming to trouble you.

Upon hearing this, Cornflower immediately knelt in front of Frederick and grabbed his hand. What she was most worried about was not death, but being taken back to that place that was scarier than hell. If she could get his protection, she wouldn't have to be afraid. .

She squeezed Frederick's hand with all her strength and said excitedly: Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!

The girl stood up and took off all her clothes, revealing skin as white as jade.

Frederick keenly discovered that the skin color of the half circle of the southern hemisphere on her left side was a little different. It should be some kind of tattoo. You couldn't tell it without looking carefully.

The girl picked up a teaspoon on the coffee table, walked to the fireplace and put it into the fire. When the teaspoon burned red, she came over and sat on Frederick's lap and put the teaspoon into her hand.

She bit her lip tightly, continued to hold Frederick's hand, and pressed the back of the dark red teaspoon against the tattoo in the southern hemisphere.

Frederick found that her body was shaking exaggeratedly, blue veins popped out, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and traces of soul magic appeared on the burned area.

The girl leaned weakly in Frederick's arms and whispered anxiously: Please...continue...

Frederick and Psyche have been studying soul magic for many years. Although their results are not as good as Maria's, they can still see that this is a magic that controls others.

This kind of magic is set on the controlled person through tattoos and requires regular charging of spells. When activated, it can make life worse than death.

Frederick was about to say that Psyche could easily and completely break the magic without having to use rough means to destroy the tattoo, but he immediately thought that breaking the magic was one thing, but removing the traces on the body and heart was another.

Hold on. Frederick asked her to lie on his lap, lowering her head to expose the tattoo. He reached out to put the teaspoon in the fireplace to heat it, and held her hand with his other hand.

The pain becomes more and more severe, and the pain that touches the soul is like a baptism. The ascetic practice is to flog the body and soul, and get close to the God in the heart in the pain.

To put it bluntly, it is to create hallucinations in pain and regard hallucinations as instructions from God.

When everything was over, when the girl opened her eyes in the morning light, she seemed to be a different person, like a butterfly dancing among the flowers, her eyes were as agile as ever.

In the last place, the girl once again heated the teaspoon red to remove the ordinary tattoo of cornflower pattern on the sole of her foot.

Frederick said to her: I heard that you like roses the most. Let's use it as your new name from now on.

Rose nodded.

Fifty years later, Qiangwei has retired from the slaughterhouse, and while she is raising her grandchildren, she often thinks back to the winter that changed her life.

Just when Frederick returned to Weissenburg, Bremen received an uninvited guest.

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