Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 415 I feel very unhappy

At dawn, the two short-haired sisters with rosy faces left the mansion talking and laughing, saying goodbye in front of the door and going about their own business.

Frederick was lying on the bed, always feeling like he was the one who was slept with yesterday.

Sanya learned that Frederick was going to the mountains and then to Bear City, so she came early and soon found out where Frederick lived. Sanna assisted her grandfather in treating the patient in the manor and came over to report on the treatment situation. Sister The two met outside the gate, and then brushed the copy of Frederick together.

The butler prepared a breakfast for Frederick, including freshly toasted white bread, slices of bacon and cheese, and canned oranges from Citrus Island.

There was also local specialty garlic sauce on the table. Archbishop Felipe liked it very much and kept it there. Frederick tried to spread it on the bread, and it was very spicy.

Frederick looked at the manufacturer and production date on the can. Good guy, maybe the oranges in the can were peeled by himself.

Not long after breakfast, the butler brought four distinguished guests, three of whom Frederick had met before.

In the living room, Frederick pointed to the old man with a bearded beard, the old man with a scar face, and the young man who was reading the Constructor's Manual who were sitting together on the train that day. He gritted his teeth and said, So you guys are playing tricks on me, right?

Hahahaha... The old man with a colorful beard was a little embarrassed, I said that our mission to Cologne had no money that day and had to squeeze into the train. Do you believe it?

Frederick said angrily: How come you have no money, Count Sforza?

Then he pointed at the scar-faced brother and said, You must be Count Behrami.

The scar-faced brother smiled and nodded.

Frederick looked at an eleven or twelve-year-old child he met for the first time and asked, Are you Count Sylvain?

Earl Sylvain immediately stood up from the sofa, saluted and said: Thank you Duke Wesson for lending a helping hand.

Frederick smiled and said: You're welcome. At that time, those who were capable would do what they could.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the young man and asked, Are you His Majesty the Third Prince Le'er?

Leer smiled and nodded and said, Thank you for giving me the engagement gift.

Frederick leaned back on the sofa, sighed, and said, It must have been planned by the Grand Duke of Mainz that we met on the train that day.

Count Sforza was the leader of their small group. He smiled and replied: Everything is arranged by the God of Light.

Frederick also smiled, feeling a little unhappy. Although the Wesson Railway Department was managed by the Archduke of Mainz's youngest son, Albert, the Archduke of Mainz stretched his hand a little too long in doing so.

He decided in his mind that this winter, Albert should go to the most basic level to exercise and hammer.

Count Sforza got down to business: When we come back, we will discuss your policy with others, and many people agree with your approach.

“Not long ago, I received authorization from His Majesty to negotiate with Count Friedkin, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Sardinia. It was basically determined that the two countries would sign a treaty of non-aggression and prohibition of all actions against each other in their own countries. At the same time, the Kingdom of Sardinia Agree to return Mount Bray to our country.”

This is the first step in implementing the policy you suggest. Once the details of the treaty are negotiated and signed, the policy you suggest will be accepted by more people.

After hearing this, Frederick nodded and said: I just made an immature suggestion. The specific decision depends on the Helvetia Federation's own choice.

Count Behrami said: The main thing is that you opened a way for us in the thorn bush.

We have contacted the Osmaga Empire and it is reported that they have sent a special envoy and will arrive soon.

The Osmaga Empire is the largest and most powerful country bordering our country. If we can sign relevant treaties with them, our national policy will be stable.

I have heard for a long time that you have a good relationship with Queen Anna, so I would like to ask you to provide some help.

Frederick was a little embarrassed. Although he had fought hand-to-hand with Anna at a distance, political creatures at the top understood that personal relationships and political interests could not be confused.

He said calmly: I have no ability to influence the decision-making of the Osmaga Empire. If the negotiations between the two parties reach a deadlock, I can act as a mediator and pass the message on my behalf.

Among the four guests, except for the young Earl Sylvain, the three of them felt something was wrong. This was different from what they had predicted before, and they thought that Frederick would be enthusiastic to help.

On the one hand, Frederick felt that he did not have the ability to influence the decisions of other countries. On the other hand, the drama that they performed together with the Grand Opening in Mainz made him very unhappy.

Being unhappy is one thing, but work is another. I came here to stop the Kingdom of Gaul from gaining political advantage here, so I still have to do what needs to be done.

But there is not only such a small group in the Helvetic Federation. Now Richard Nall and Friedkin have reached a substantial alliance to support the nobles who originally preferred the Kingdom of Sardinia, but the result is the same.

Count Sforza felt that Frederick's attitude was not what he thought. The words discussed in the small group could no longer be used, and something was wrong.

He thought that everyone would still have a chance to talk at the banquet hosted by Princess Penelope from the Kingdom of Tarago tonight, so he left after saying some polite words and went back to discuss countermeasures.

The young Count Sylvain wanted to stay, but Count Behrami glared at him, and he could only follow him.

Frederick saw this in his eyes and said nothing.

He learned about the relationship between the nobles of the Helvetia Federation from Sanya and Sanna last night. Count Sylvain's father was lost in an avalanche two years ago when he went hunting in the winter. Now his territory is owned by his mother. Management, and Count Behrami was his uncle.

After the guests left, Frederick asked the butler to bring over some garlic for making garlic sauce.

He was not in a hurry about political matters. Count Sforza and his entourage would definitely be noticed by others, and news of their early departure would inevitably come to light, followed by the less close relationship between them and Frederick.

Frederick planned to let this matter brew for a while, and secretly communicated with Count Friedkin through his master, asking him to recommend one or two nobles who were inclined to the Kingdom of Sardinia, and then have a warm exchange with them, which could be regarded as preparing one more egg. basket.

As for the Kingdom of Gaul, Frederick had a preliminary idea in his mind, but it was not yet mature. He planned to ask Archbishop Felipe, a local snake, to help, so that he could get twice the result with half the effort.

Time passed like this, and at night, the front of Princess Penelope's mansion was bustling with activity, and the carriages coming to the banquet lined up for a long way.

However, everyone discovered that Frederick was not present, to everyone's surprise.

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