Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 372 Milk turns into glue

Frederick became busy after returning to Weissenburg from Amstel. The personnel arrangements in the newly occupied areas, the guards of the new borders, and the relations with the new neighbors all required his final decision.

Debates in newspapers about women leaving home to participate in labor, equal pay for men and women for equal work and concise and easy-to-understand logic have intensified.

His Majesty Fatih, the Emperor of the Ghazi Empire, personally wrote an article in support of concise language and said, Friends who have been emperors all know that when your ministers hide their true purpose in unintelligible rhetorical techniques and as curved as pig intestines, When thinking about the twists and turns of logic, you want to stamp the soles of your shoes on his face.

Princess Lola of the Kingdom of Sardinia, who met Frederick on the Citrus Island, came over not long ago because her husband was studying a new musical instrument here in Weissensee. She asked the translator to read the newspapers for two days and then published an article in the White Stork Times The article seems to have a hint of resentment in supporting the idea that remuneration should not be divided based on gender for equal quality, quantity, and time-consuming work.

The issue of whether women should go out of the house to participate in labor was fueled by a divorce lawsuit. The woman was the eldest sister who was approached by Frederick to provide technical support when he began to study textile machines. After the textile industry developed, she became the owner of a textile factory. A technical backbone who accounts for 70% of the family's income, she filed for divorce two days ago because she couldn't stand her husband's constant drinking.

When her husband was filing a divorce lawsuit, he also sued the textile factory for abetting the divorce. He thought that when he spanked his wife in the past, she would not dare to fart. After arriving at the textile factory, she first started to talk back, and now she actually dared to divorce.

Frederick did not take a stand on any matter. Firstly, it allowed the two sides to debate more deeply and get closer to the essence of the issue. Secondly, he had to wait for the church to speak out first. Many problems lay with them.

So he just asked his secretary Vanessa to inform the secretariat to sort out the clippings of relevant news and articles, and study them carefully when he has time.

This morning's work was much less than the previous two days. Yesterday, Fatih sent a male feathered unicorn to Dawn for pairing. Frederick wanted to see if they were compatible, so he asked the Secretariat to only send the couple to Dawn today. Send urgent and urgent documents and put away the regular ones.

In the official document sent to Frederick's office, the document sent by Psyche was more urgent than it was urgent. It was packed in a black file box. Frederick was about to leave work early, and the black file box was delivered.

Frederick's expression suddenly turned serious when he saw Vanessa coming in with a black document box. Psyche, who has lived for countless years and traveled through countless worlds, is not a person who doesn't know the importance. Such a formal document must be event.

The documents in the box today are not about a magician whose research is one step away from being recorded in history, nor whose research is striding forward on the road to destroying mankind, nor is it someone who is breeding cold-resistant mosquitoes in an attempt to fill the gap where there are no mosquitoes in the winter in Wesson. , but a freshly released patent document.

Frederick looked at it carefully and immediately rushed to the door of the office and shouted: Afu, please bring this person over to me!

Ah Fu didn't dare to neglect. The applicant's address was on the patent document. He first went to the butter factory and learned that the boss's family had gone to Wesson Bank to apply for a loan. He left a car in fear of missing out, and then ran to Wesson Bank to find someone.

It was dinner time when Afu and his family returned to the castle, and Frederick invited their family to have lunch.

Lunch is an uncomplicated meal, with tender, juicy roasted pork shoulder on a bed of sauerkraut, surrounded by a ring of mashed potato balls, a side of vegetable soup, and a glass of beer or Happy Water.

Nowadays, Maria works in her own publishing house, Susan writes medical records in the hospital, and usually does not come back for lunch. Psyche rides a scooter around every day to discover the delicious food on the list, and Lilu is working on a shipbuilding project far away. factory, and only Frederick was in the dining room at lunchtime.

The guests were very reserved. Even though Frederick told them to relax, the three members of the family still acted like golem puppets with no oil in their joints, and their hands holding silver knives and forks were a little trembling.

Frederick first asked the names of the three people politely.


As a middle-aged man who is a boss and does business, he often deals with people and has a high psychological quality. He immediately announced his family name, and his wife and children stumbled out their names.

Frederick cordially asked Sauer's children how they were doing at school, how good their academic performance was, whether they were happy getting along with their classmates, and how much homework they had.

The child almost stood up at first like he was answering questions in class, but Frederick asked him to sit down and eat while talking.

After some conversation, the family relaxed a lot.

Then Frederick asked how the sales of the Sauer Butter Factory were, whether local officials were randomly apportioning money and asking for food, and whether there were any problems in the local underworld collecting protection fees.

Sauer took the opportunity to complain: Now the underworld does not charge protection fees. In the past, we bought milk directly from the dairy farmers. They signed the sole purchase contract with the dairy farmers, and we could only buy from them.

Frederick asked: From a business point of view, if someone can purchase milk from scattered dairy farmers and sell it to you centrally, will it reduce your procurement costs?

Sauer immediately replied: It stands to reason. It saves trouble for me not to hire people to run, but those people mix milk and starch into the water, and the milk they buy is terrible.

Frederick nodded and said: There will be more people in the mine.

Sauer shrank his neck. According to Wesson state law, the reprieve of death under the direct death penalty is to be sent to a dangerous mine for mining. Generally speaking, no one can survive more than five years.

Frederick continued: You go back and talk with your colleagues, sort out the methods of adulterating milk and send them over.

I plan to publish milk quality standards. When you sign a contract, you can agree on the quality based on the standards. If you fail to meet the requirements, you have the right to reject it and make claims according to the contract.

Sauer immediately said: This is great, we have to argue about the quality of milk for half a day every day!

Previously, only the construction industry and industrial products such as screws and nuts, cement, and metal materials had national standards in Weisen. After lunch that day, national standards began to enter the food field, and then expanded the scope. Later, people jokingly called various national standards milk Law.

Frederick asked again how butter was produced now.

In the past, butter was poured into a narrow and deep wooden barrel with a hole in the lid, and the butter was pounded up and down with a wooden pestle. After the oil and water were separated, the butter came out. The labor cost was very high.

Sauer said that he bought a steam engine with a loan a few years ago, and asked the blacksmith to help optimize and make a set of machines. The steam engine can drive many wire claws like egg beaters to rotate at high speed, and can quickly separate the butter in the bucket. Come out, separate the butter from the skimmed milk and cook it into milk pimples to sell as snacks.

He had been thinking in his mind why the Duke was looking for him for no reason. It must not be as simple as eating. When he ate more than half of the roasted pork shoulder, he thought that it must be related to today's patent.

Sure enough, after talking about butter production, Frederick asked him: How did you come up with the invention for which you are applying for a loan today?

Sauer's face turned red with excitement when he saw the leader asking about this. Everyone in Old Wesson knew that a large number of examples proved that any industry that Duke Wesson was interested in must be extremely profitable.

The butter factory attracts rats and bugs, he said seriously. What we do is mix borax with food and put it in a box. Rats and bugs will die if they eat it.

That day, there was a bucket of buttered milk left there and forgotten to be boiled. When I found it, the milk residue had already been found. I was about to make rat poison, so I asked my mother-in-law to pour the water in the bucket and wash the milk residue. Wash it and use it as bait. I first dissolve the borax in warm water, squeeze out the milk residue, pour it in and cook it into a paste.

I didn't expect that the paste is actually a very good glue, very strong. Once it dries, grind it into powder and add water to dissolve it, it can be used to stick things again!

Then I thought, this kind of glue will melt when exposed to water, so can I add other things to the milk residue to make it not afraid of water...

Frederick listened very carefully. After traveling to this world for so many years, steam engines have been built, but glue has never been found. The glue made from slime can only be used as hot melt glue. Normally, the sticky paper can only be made by boiling starch. paste.

Well now, Sauer has come up with several casein glues by mistake. As long as the problem of mildew resistance is solved, plywood can be produced.

Wesson's commerce is booming, and boxes for transporting goods are also in short supply. There are many construction sites here, and wooden formwork used for pouring is in great demand. Not to mention making furniture and carriages, these two alone can make a lot of money.

However, plywood is not made casually. The type of wood, the moisture content of the wood chips, the size and thickness, and the pressure and temperature during processing must be determined through a large number of experiments.

The Sauer family left not long after lunch. Frederick had their used silverware washed and put into beautiful boxes and packaged for them. Everyone who came to eat in the castle for the first time Everyone is treated like this.

After returning to the office, Frederick wrote a memo about the production of plywood and looked at the clock on the wall. He had no time to see Ming Xiao and her boyfriend. There was a meeting to be held at the cathedral's construction site in the afternoon.

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