Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 369 An unexpected repayment

Is there anything in the world that makes people happier than waking up to someone giving them money?

On the day when Angra drove a tractor to harvest wheat for the first time in Chestnut Village, Altasha came with breakfast and a veteran of the Wesson family.

Jess, the chief commercial officer of the Sea Flame Chamber of Commerce, is the former Secretary of Commerce of Weissenburg, Janis. He should have had a very good future, but he served as a protective umbrella for the underworld in Weissenburg City. In the end, he was not imprisoned. Sent to Cod Island to dig for magic crystals.

Frederick smiled and said to Altasha: Your Highness, I haven't seen you for seven years, and you seem to be doing well.

Altasha was now much fatter than before, and her whole body looked like pearls. She said to Frederick: It has been so many years in a blink of an eye. I knew you would be very powerful before, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful.

Frederick looked at Janis and said calmly: Genis, you have done well in the past few years.

I have a big plan next. If you do a good job, I can give your son a knighthood.

When Frederick found out that he was protecting the underworld, he angrily deprived him of some of his political rights. He has no plans to restore them now, but it is not impossible to give the reward to his precious son.

Jenny's face flushed with excitement, and he immediately stood up and said, I am willing to continue to serve you!

Frederick simply motioned for him to sit down.

Breakfast arrived, including slices of bread, jam, fried eggs, and the recently popular boiled fish balls in Wessen.

This kind of fish balls is very simple to make. Just prepare the materials and insert a meatball clip from Wesson. The two semicircles at the top of the clip will press out a fish ball. With good technique, you can also make double-layered meatballs. .

Altasha said while eating: I came to see you today for something. The Sea Flame Chamber of Commerce was disbanded yesterday.

Lilu asked in surprise: Sister Altasha, aren't you the president? Why did you want to disband? Did you encounter any trouble?

Altasha smiled mysteriously and replied: This chamber of commerce is just one of the many leather bag chambers we have. It has been used to collect goods and funds in the tulip market over the years.

Now that the tulip business is over, its mission has been completed. Now the funds are dispersed and transferred through other leather merchants. Once it is completed, it will be disbanded.

Master Psyche asked you to borrow a sum of money six years ago. She said that she would pay you back ten times within ten years, so your part of about 150,000 gold shields is now in the Sami Union and can be transferred at any time. It is legal. The source of the money cannot be traced.”

Frederick worked hard on international trade. The gold shield is one of the more popular gold coins in the dark north. It has a shield pattern on the front and has a gold content of 1.8 grams. When converted into a gold florin coin with a gold content of 3.5 grams, it is equivalent to about 80,000 florins. Rollin.

He calculated in his mind that excluding his own share, Psyche and the Witch Sisters had made at least half a million florins in the tulip business in the past few years.

It’s just that Frederick didn’t know why Psyche borrowed the money. He didn’t expect the money to arrive at this time. After thinking about it, he said, “Just transfer this money to the Dawn Chamber of Commerce.”

Then he told Shupaiya: After the money arrives, it will be used together with the chamber of commerce's existing funds to pay off the housing claims first, and part of the money will be used as an interest-free loan within five years and a low-interest loan after five years for personal reconstruction.

I will have people send me the drawings later, order an additional 100 river boats, and build a large fish cannery. I will send the personnel.

Then he said to Altasha and Janis: I plan to carry out further cooperation with the Dark Land, especially the iron ore of the Sami Alliance and the Sverier Kingdom, which is our most urgently needed resource.

To improve efficiency, I plan to build a mineral processing plant there.

I plan to ask Janis to contact the local noble, Princess Artashia, and I want to ask for your help.

Janis immediately expressed his loyalty, but Altasha shook his head and said: Really, I thought we would catch up after not seeing each other for so many years, but who knew it turned into a meeting, and he arranged work for me before breakfast was finished.

Frederick smiled sheepishly and said: We will return to Weissenburg City the day after tomorrow. The royal family has approved my conditions. The canonization ceremony will be held in Weissenburg City on the spring equinox next year. In the past two days, They are all arranging work.”

Altasha said helplessly: I'm really convinced by you, and I plan to see if you have practiced the summoning technique I taught you in the past few years.

Frederick scratched his head and sighed: I don't have the talent to learn summoning. So far, I can't even get started.

Altasha made a very proud expression and said: Hmph, it seems you are not as powerful as the rumors say.

The conversation in the restaurant began to shift to Altasha asking how Frederick had been these past years, and all his legends had spread to Green Island.

After breakfast, Frederick still had some work to do.

If he wants to develop maritime power, Weisen State alone is not enough. The Seaman School can train sailors, but it cannot mass-produce experienced captains. The lowland area has a long history of shipping and has a large number of maritime talents, which cannot be missed.

People who make a living at sea have their own circles, and the news spreads quickly, and people from Lilu soon came to sign up.

Lilu took a stack of resumes and said to Frederick: John and Peter are all experienced old captains. Marco, Luther and Frank are very famous captains. There are no three of them on the sea who would not dare to go together. Where we go, Dennis, Aryan and others are all captains who have made a name for themselves in recent years.”

Frederick held her on his lap and rested his chin on her shoulder to read each resume carefully.

They all look good. Frederick said after reading it. They will be your subordinates from now on. You can take them and their crews to the seamen's school in Weissenburg to learn how to use radios and weapons, and then take them to shipbuilding. Factory to learn about steamships.”

“Everyone who signs up in the future will adopt this model.”

At this time, the door opened, and Christina came over with tea. She saw the two people hugging each other and closed the door immediately.

Frederick continued without taking it seriously: The shipyard recently tested a fairly efficient propeller to replace the water wheel. This time, the flying Tulip was modified and then went to the inland sea for trial trials with several other technology verification ships.

I promised Sir Clare near La City on the Cyclops Island in the Inland Sea to send her a steam fish boat. At the same time, it was also the base for trial voyages.

At this time, Altasha was coming to find Frederick, but was stopped by Christina outside the door: The Duke and the boss are inside.

Altasha smiled and said: What are you afraid of? I didn't see anything when I used a brush to brush Frederick's body. He was just starting to grow hair at that time.

Christina's face suddenly turned red and she looked at her in disbelief, wondering whether the Duke likes chubby people?

Altasha opened the door and walked in. She smiled and said to the two people sitting on the same single sofa, I'm sorry to disturb you and do bad things.

Lilu blushed and ran away.

Altasha went to sit down on another sofa, and suddenly asked Frederick with a wicked smile: Do you want me to be like her?

Frederick shook his head and said: Then we have to change to an iron sofa.

Cod Island has a high latitude, a cold climate, and a diet rich in meat and fat. It is now the largest importer of happy water. Altasha weighed almost 200 pounds after returning for a few years.

Frederick saw the wedding ring on her sausage-like finger and asked curiously: I heard you are married? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I didn't even give you a gift.

A happy smile appeared on Altasha's face, and she said with a smile: That fool is the youngest child in the father's royal guard family. He almost died when he was born. He survived, but he has been very thin since he was a child.

He was often bullied when he was a child, and I helped him stand up. That idiot started thinking about me.

That year, Master Psyche's happy water had just been delivered to my place. He came as a guest. I lied to him and said it was wine from the south. It didn't taste like wine at all at first, but I started to get drunk after drinking three bottles.

Okay, that idiot drank five and a half bottles, pretended to be drunk, burped and said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me...

Frederick laughed at this.

After he finished speaking, Altasha asked him: Are you planning the Dark Place?

We all believe in the gods of nature here, and we are not very friendly to you who believe in the gods of light.

Frederick said: The gold in the hands of pagans is also gold. You can tell everyone that I only do business and nothing else.

Altasha nodded. She was also a believer in the Church of Nature, but as a magician she thought more and was not so firm in her faith. But it was hard to say for those nobles.

Actually, there is a way to get them to accept you, she said. As long as you make a great contribution to the church, they will give you the title of Honorary Saint.

Frederick raised his eyebrows: They asked you to set up a line with me for help?

Artashia replied: Yes, they started to bother me last year. At that time, you happened to go to Constantbul and I was clear of my ears.

Now that you're back and the war is over, my ears are ringing again.

Frederick thought about the chips in his hand, and then asked: Bible printing book and vegetable greenhouse?

For the church, cheap scriptures have endless appeal and are enough to pay for enough benefits.

The Church of Nature’s territories are all located in cold areas with higher latitudes and have long winters, so the locals can make dehydrated vegetables and canned fruits and vegetables.

It's not that they didn't buy materials and went back to build a vegetable greenhouse, but it snowed a lot there, so they followed the example and the greenhouse was crushed.

“The goal they gave me was to achieve one of them,” Altasha said.

Frederick nodded slightly, thought for a while and then said, I can agree to both.

The scriptures require them to provide samples. I want to study them in the greenhouse. Copying them mechanically won't work.

Altasha breathed a sigh of relief: Then I will go back and answer them tomorrow.

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