Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 355 Who is in favor and who is against

Byro City is an ordinary city in the Principality of Franconia. The life of traffickers and goons is the same as everywhere. The story of several deep-rooted local families and the city lord sent by the Grand Duke of Franconia fighting for power is the norm in this land.

It's just that the war has started recently, and the army is not far from here. The city has become an important logistics base. The Archduke of Franconia sent the loyal old knight Quant to garrison.

The dignitaries in the city touched their necks and felt that the sword was still harder, so they unanimously chose to use a group of gentlemen to prevent the Archduke Franken from snapping himself off in anger.

Although the main force in the front was surrounded, there was a huge disparity in military strength between the two sides. Everyone believed that the Archduke Franken would definitely win the final victory, so they drank and danced.

The knight Quant, who was in charge of military affairs, was so loyal to his duties that he never attended a drinking party or dance. Although the local gentlemen were a little dissatisfied because they could not help deal with the expired food in the army warehouse, on the surface I still have to give a few compliments.

Not long after, a new piece of news came: Mats, the wife of Knight Quant, arrived.

When someone inquired about it, they found out that Mats was born into a merchant family, and the men who had been coveting the warehouse for a long time suddenly realized that it was so.

Quwant had been living in the military camp. When he saw Mats in the tent, he asked with a straight face: What are you doing here?

There is no emotional foundation between the couple, but they still do enough on the surface. This is normal among married nobles.

According to tradition, when the husband goes to war, the wife must stay at home and pray, and cannot leave the house. Otherwise, she is unfaithful, or on the road to infidelity.

That being said, in reality this is just to keep a hostage, it doesn't matter whether the boy can get out or not.

Mats' presence here was a serious violation of tradition, and Quandt didn't want his reputation to be damaged.

For Herbert. Mats said the name of their eldest son calmly, I can live for a long time, and I will count on him when you die.

Quant's expression softened a lot. His eldest son, Herbert, was a very mediocre man. He was now guarding the gate of the castle belonging to the Archduke of Franconia and was considered a hostage.

Mats continued: Herbert is not married yet. You can take advantage of your station here to find a match for him.

He has no ability. You can find him a wife who has some ability at home.

Quwant sat in a chair with his head lowered and said nothing for a long time.

He knew very well that his abilities other than loyalty were mediocre, and his son was an ordinary person without much talent. Archduke Franken needed him now, so he gave him the opportunity to trade his life for his son's future.

Now that this level is passed, what happens next?

Okay. Quandt sighed, It's up to you.

Mats left the military camp, found a decent hotel to stay in in the city of Byro, and then started to get busy.

The first one to appear was the lady’s social circle. After hints from the salon, Mats gave the local family a satisfactory answer.

As cars came in and out of the military camp, the total amount of military rations did not decrease but increased a little. It's just that the beans eaten by civilians now don't even eat mice.

This was the first time that Quandt had to do something like this without letting go of his hands and feet, otherwise the mice could take a walk there when they were full.

With his wife's help, Quandt's reputation is getting better and better, and his son's marriage is almost on the horizon.

Let me host the banquet?

Quant was a little unhappy with Matz's new suggestion and said in a deep voice: Drinking will delay things.

Mats said: Herbert's marriage has made progress, and you men need to make a final decision.

Quandt asked: The wine prepared for me should not be strong.

Mats borrowed the house of a small businessman who wanted to get married, and personally organized the entire banquet. He wrote letters inviting all the prominent people in Byro City, from the city lord to the officials to the wealthy businessmen. Everything was handled in an orderly manner, which made outsiders marvel.

On the night when Bobo and the others went to refill the well, there was a lot of drinking and laughter in the dining room of the house. People kept raising their glasses to wish the health of the Grand Duke of Franconia and the Knight of Quandt.

Quwant had only been a marginal figure before. It was the first time he sat at the main seat in such a luxurious banquet, and he seemed a little embarrassed for a while.

His heart was bleeding. One look at the cost of tonight's banquet was obvious. Is it necessary to be so wasteful? I'm afraid even that Hoffman couldn't easily buy such a roasted whole pig, roasted whole lamb and roasted whole lamb. There is one calf each, and the wine must be all banquets aged for more than ten years.

The lord of Byro City and Quwant were of the same generation and had fought side by side when they were young.

It's just that Quvant's martial arts skills are not good among the knights. He is often absent due to serious injuries and has no great achievements. He is not like him who can become a close confidant of the Grand Duke and take charge of a city.

He is now too fat to ride a horse or hold a sword, but now that his son and grandson are serving under the Grand Duke, it is not a big problem to succeed after making contributions.

Although the two have known each other for many years, they are not familiar with each other. This does not prevent the city lord from coming to feast and drink, while at the same time helping Quwante's future in-laws to say good things.

Quwante's son's marriage has basically been decided. The dowry promised by the merchant is quite generous, and the girl is of average quality, with nothing to fault.

Seeing that the victory banquet and the unity banquet were about to end, the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

Frederick was wearing a black double-breasted trench coat with silver buttons and seemed to be unarmed. After closing the door, he pulled a chair behind the door and sat down at the other end of the long table.

Quandt thought he was from Barrow City, and the Lord of Barrow City thought he was from Quandt. Both sides asked each other at the same time: Who is he?

Frederick looked around at the people on both sides of the long table and smiled. If it hadn't been for Mats' help, it would have been difficult to gather all the heads in the city together.

I am Friedrich von Wesson. He said lightly, Now I declare that this city is occupied by me. Who is in favor and who is against?

Everyone present was completely drunk all of a sudden, and several people were so drunk that they immediately slid from their chairs to the bottom of the table and started snoring.

The Lord of the City was about to stand up and angrily scold Frederick, but after standing up, he felt dizzy and confused.

Quant reacted faster and had already drawn his sword when he stood up.

Bang! Bang!

Frederick didn't talk nonsense to the two of them, and took out a revolver from under his trench coat and shot each one.

The restaurant suddenly smelled of blood and urine. Frederick took out a white handkerchief and carefully wiped the gun, and asked calmly: Who else is there?

No one dared to make a sound, and their breathing became much lighter. The maids huddled in the corner covered their mouths and shivered.

After two minutes, Frederick put away his handkerchief and said with a smile: Since you all don't agree, you can't blame me.

As soon as he finished speaking, the restaurant door was pushed open again, and this time a group of Duke Guard soldiers wearing black military uniforms, gas masks and holding pea guns rushed in.

Their actions were so quick and decisive that people on both sides of the table fell in blood before they could even finish shouting I agree.

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