Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 290 Their new hometown

Suddenly a large group of colorful fish appeared in the river. They were swimming upstream at such a fast speed that a ripple appeared on the surface of the water and did not disappear for several minutes.

Hai Jiaqi shouted in surprise: There's another war somewhere nearby!

Frederick asked him curiously: How did you know there was going to be a war?

Hai Jiaqi pointed to the river and replied: Those are rainbow fish. They eat meat. If an injured animal goes into the water, they will chase it after the smell of blood. The more blood in the water, the farther it will flow, that is, The more rainbow fish are passing by the smell. There are so many fish now, which means a lot of people have died upstream.

Frederick said thoughtfully: It should be some country upstream that is fighting.

At this time, the girl Rosanna sitting next to Aisha whispered: There is only our new home in front of us.

Is Rosanna the girl who threw a frost spell to the fire-spotted snake that climbed onto the boat a few days ago? She is also the sister of Ayesha's late husband. She has been asking questions non-stop in the past few days after seeing that Frederick can also do magic.

Frederick asked her in surprise: So someone attacked your home?

Rosanna replied nonchalantly: It's a common thing. When someone sees us as newcomers, they try to attack us. Every time we are thrown into the river to feed the fishes.

Frederick was speechless. Bila's group had fought their way out. Although there were many old and weak, the core combat strength was not weak, and they were more than enough to deal with the mountain king in the forest.

The fleet arrived at its destination two hours later, and Bila and the others named this place Xinxiang.

Almost a kilometer away from the dock, the river was churning violently like it was boiling. From time to time, severed limbs floated up and were torn off.

On the shore, a group of strong men walked back talking and laughing.

Rosanna ran to the bow of the boat and excitedly waved hello to her second uncle.

The fleet soon took turns docking at the dock. The soldiers who had just laid down their weapons were talking and laughing as they unloaded the goods from the ship and placed them on the trestle where they had not had time to wash away the blood and flesh.

Frederick stood on the edge of the trestle and looked around curiously. The terrain of this place was both good and bad.

This is a basin surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing a river on one side, with an area of ​​three to four kilometers. The surrounding mountains are five to six hundred meters high, and many streams flow down from the mountains. There is a hilltop more than 100 meters high near the west. The town stands on this hilltop. The trees on the hillside have been basically cut down, and people have cultivated farmland there to grow crops.

However, the flat land inside the basin is basically swampland, overgrown with reeds. Bila and the others also built a long wooden bridge using wood to connect the town to the mountain road leading to the dock.

This is why they want to set up the battlefield at the dock. If the enemy captures the dock and wooden bridge, they can trap everyone in the town before the floods brought by the rainy season turn the swamp into a lake.

At this time, Rosanna's second uncle walked up to Frederick cautiously, took a closer look, and then said in surprise: It turns out it's really Duke Wesson!

Frederick turned to look at the old man and replied with a smile: I don't think Bila would lie to you. It sounds like you have seen me?

The old man introduced himself: My name is Robbie, and I used to be a scholar.

Then he shook his head helplessly: I used to think that I had deep knowledge in the field of ice magic. I saw in Billa's letter that the salaries of scholars at Weissenburg University were very high. I went to Weissenburg University three years ago. , I plan to seek a professorship to earn a little money.

As a result, I was rejected in the first round of the interview... In your words, it was brushed off. They said that my knowledge structure was outdated and I couldn't go to Weisenberg University. I could consider going to an elementary school to provide enlightenment education for children. .”

When I came out of the interview, I saw you and Sage Manuel walking past. They seemed to be talking about differentiation and integration that must be tested in the future exams.

Frederick nodded slightly. He had no impression of Robby, but it happened to be the period when he requested that calculus be made a required course at Weisenberg University. For this reason, the school has received one every year since then. Large make-up fees.

After nodding, he committed his old habit again. He pointed at the swamp in front of him and said, Do you have any plans to develop this place?

Robbie pointed to the mountain on the east side and replied: According to Billa's plan, we plan to burn the mountain on the east side. When the rainy season comes, there will be mudslides, and the mud washed down will fill up the swamp over there.

Frederick looked over there. The mountain was relatively steep but densely wooded. It would probably take a lot of effort to burn it.

Robbie then pointed to the swamp in front of him and said: During the rainy season, the river overflows. The water here is more than one meter deep. Billa wants to build a two-meter dike here to turn it into a lake, so that it is not so Too many bugs.”

Frederick took a look and found that the section of the basin facing the river is about one kilometer long, and the amount of earth above the ground is only 20,000 to 30,000 square meters. However, there is a swamp below, which may cause unstable foundation and water seepage.

So he said: I'm worried that the foundation is unstable. Tell Billa to fill the foundation with small stones and clay first and compact it firmly before building the embankment.

Robbie immediately agreed. Duke Wesson's engineering accomplishments were universally recognized, and he heard about it a lot when he was in Wesson.

The two chatted for a while, and Ayesha came to see Robbie. After they murmured a few words in the distance, Robbie said he was busy with something, and Ayesha called Rosanna to take Frederick back to town first.

Only in the evening did Frederick find out that Robbie and his men ransacked the enemy's home and brought back rich trophies and many young women.

Most of them were young adults, and most of them were guards and soldiers at that time. There were fewer women, and many of them were young ladies from several families. The previous concepts still existed, so population reproduction was a big problem.

Outside the house, Frederick and Haijiaqi saw the women who had been brought back acting calmly, lining up in a row on the roadside, looking around under the torch, waiting for the men here to choose.

Robbie hinted to Frederick to pick a few first, and Frederick naturally refused. This is two different things from engaging in passion.

At this time, an older woman and Ayesha started to argue so fiercely that Frederick didn't know who was the loser.

It's just that they spoke the local language with dialects, fast and urgently, and Frederick couldn't understand them.

In the end, Ayesha was defeated, and Frederick asked Robbie curiously: What's going on?

Robbie was also a little confused, and it took him a while to answer: That woman said that wars are men's business. If their men lose, they will follow the winning men as a matter of course. According to Lin Hai's tradition, when they enter our town, they are us. According to custom, the woman with the biggest butt should match the man with the broadest shoulders.

Hai Jiaqi, who was standing aside, said: There is such a thing. Women who are easy to give birth to are matched with strong men, so there will be more and more strong children.

Locals also believe that if the father is strong, the child will be strong, and a woman with a small butt cannot tolerate such a strong child, and it will kill someone.

There is nothing we can do about it. Too many people in Linhai have died during childbirth.

You may not know that in some places and several countries there are regular competitions, and the first place can take home the woman with the biggest butt who comes to find her husband.

Frederick nodded after hearing this. In such a place with harsh environment, shortage of supplies and poor medical conditions, the locals have their own reasons for adopting this approach.

Hai Jiaqi smiled and said to Robbie: Hurry up and find the ruler. Don't delay doing good things tonight.

Don't underestimate the women in Lin Haili. They can't hold back ten buffaloes if they get too stubborn.

Robbie thought he was well-informed. This was the first time he heard of this kind of thing. He shook his head and said, I seem to understand. When I asked them to hand over half of the young women, I was worried that these women would cry or make trouble. I also prepared A lot of ropes. Unexpectedly, when they came out, they not only stopped crying and made no fuss, but also helped us move things.

Frederick smiled bitterly and shook his head. In the current environment, combat power is the guarantee of survival. Being strong means having a house, a car, and savings, which means having an economic foundation. Whether it is society or a family, whoever controls the economic lifeline must listen. who.

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