Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 159 Safety First

Every construction worker must remember, three treasures, four mouths and five people~Lingbian

Under the morning sun in mid-July, three hundred construction workers wearing hard hats lined up and stood in front of the stage at the entrance of the Wesson Textile Industrial Park project construction site. Under the leadership of Frederick, they held a morning meeting. The first thing they did was to sing His newly compiled Three Treasures, Four Mouths and Five Borders.

After a month of study, the workers have learned the song and understood what the three treasures of safety helmets, safety belts and safety nets are. They have reserved four openings, water pipe wells, passages and stairwells. The building faces, the roof faces, The balcony faces the edge, the unloading port faces the edge, the foundation pit faces the five faces.

In his previous life, Frederick saw many dead people and even more injured people at the construction site, so he paid close attention to safety. Before that, safety issues would be discussed first in every major class.

Now in the audience, in addition to construction workers from Weisen, the Principality of Mainz, the Principality of Bain and surrounding areas, in the front row is Einhard, an architecture professor at Weisenberg University and the designer of the Carolina Canal. Professors and students of architecture, as well as the designers invited by the Church of Light and the Archduke of Mainz to design the Germaine Cathedral and the Edelweiss Library.

The fathers of Party A of the Cathedral and the Great Library were a little stunned when they first heard that these two projects were suspended. Then after they saw cement, they were very satisfied with this new material and agreed to use it in the project. So the designers They were all kicked here to learn from scratch.

This was good news for Frederick. The technicians who were still strong enough could act as construction workers, each leading a team of ten people.

Those who are physically weak take turns working as safety officers, with commissions on fines, and at the same time serve as materials clerks, quality inspectors and budget clerks.

As for the document clerk, he found a group of scribes who had lost their jobs because of printing.

After everyone finished singing, Frederick said: Now arrange today's tasks. Yesterday, the construction workers had led each team to study the drawings. Today's work is to lay out the lines based on the drawings.

It is very important to lay out the wires. If the wires are crooked, the whole building will be crooked, which may affect the appearance at least, or cause the house to tilt and collapse in serious cases!

Before starting today's work, let me reiterate again, whoever dares to defecate in the open should put spicy oil on the crime tools!

Okay, let the construction workers lead the workers to work!

After speaking, he waved his hand, and people wearing various safety helmets dispersed.

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief on the stage and then returned to his office.

He didn't expect that so many people would come, which would be a big problem to manage. Just eating, drinking and sleeping was enough of a headache, so he had to carry out military management.

Today's laying out the wires is not a difficult task. The craftsmen are not primitives and they still understand these things, so you don't need to keep an eye on them too closely.

By the time he returned to the wooden room office, Tarot had already made a cup of tea in a thermos, placed it on the table, and sat reading a novel.

There are some documents from Wesson State in a red file box on the table. Vanessa brought them over early this morning. Frederick will deal with them first and will take them away tomorrow after Vanessa brings the new documents.

There is nothing important about these documents. The most serious thing is that during the summer tax collection that just ended, more than a dozen tax collectors in the new territory tried to take advantage of the change in tax policy. They first collected rent at the old tax rate and then paid it at the new tax rate. They were greedy. The difference in the middle.

To this end, they bribed the accompanying soldiers and eventually shot them all on the spot.

Frederick instructed the corpses to be hung for display in each village, and then began to deal with matters at the construction site.

The idea of ​​the industrial park was proposed last year, and the design work began at that time. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The first phase of the industrial park was all used by textile factories.

The reason is very simple. A cotton coat in Altasha's hometown is very expensive and can be passed down for several generations. There is absolutely no problem in exchanging it for the Fire Magic Crystal.

Considering that there are many female workers in textile factories, the industrial park is located not far from the smelting plant where there are many male workers. It is mainly composed of 10 factories and 2 warehouses, all of which are reinforced concrete frame structures. The column grid size is 5×8 meters, and the floor height is 5 meters, 50 meters long and 16 meters wide.

A three-story frame structure office building, two canteens, a 10-meter-high water tower, a parking lot and several public toilets are also built in the park.

According to the plan, after the industrial park is completed, a new workers' village will be built between the industrial park and the smelting plant, which will be dominated by tube buildings.

Frederick carefully studied the drawings of the factory building again. The design of the factory building was made by recalling the course design in college, and the final evaluation was that it would not collapse.

Now considering the snow accumulation on the roof in winter and the added safety margin, it should be no problem.

His biggest concern now is the quality of materials.

The cement aspect was okay, mainly rebar. The quality of current steel was a bit erratic due to productivity constraints, and there was no alloy steel. For this reason, he spent a lot of brain cells calculating the amount of steel bars.

If steel bars are used, welders are required, and steam engine manufacturers are also hiring. The salary of 2 gold coins per month has recruited many magicians who only know simple fire magic. Such high wages without having to go to the battlefield allow these The man immediately packed his luggage and rushed to Weissenburg City, where he is now learning to weld steel bars at the blacksmith shop.

The same salary has also recruited many earth magicians. The average ones are currently busy at the canal construction site, and the advanced ones are studying at the cement factory whether seismic magic can be applied directly to concrete to replace the vibrator rod.

When there was still an hour before lunch started, Frederick put on his safety helmet as he had done in his previous life and went to the construction site to inspect the morning's work.

At this time, horse-drawn carriages were constantly coming in and out of the construction site, and shovels, barrels, hammers, nails, wooden boards, etc. were constantly being transported from all over the place.

Frederick walked to the warehouse and saw various items piled fairly neatly.

Then he got angry and angrily yelled at several movers in front of a pile of templates: What do you [Wesson District expletive] have in mind? I said yesterday that everything should be piled up The height cannot exceed two meters, this is [Weisen District expletive] almost three meters!!

The porters had just unloaded the templates from the carriage. When they unloaded half of the carriage, they had already reached two meters, but they were too lazy to change places and continued to pile them up.

Another construction site of Frederick's company in his previous life collapsed and killed an acquaintance because of excessive accumulation of materials. This area has a psychological shadow.

These porters were all recruited from the dock workers' guild and were also experienced. An older worker accompanied him with a smile and said: Master, it's okay. We just have to be careful. There used to be heaps at the dock. So high.

Frederick asked the people next to him expressionlessly: You think so too?

Some of those people nodded, and some said yes.

Frederick ignored them, but quietly waited for the guild steward who came over after hearing his curse to come to the side, then pointed at these people and said expressionlessly: They, get out of the construction site immediately .”

With that said, he left without looking back, without giving them a chance.

In his heart, Frederick regarded the workers on the construction site as seeds, and their words and deeds would later cultivate generations of construction workers.

If there are people who treat safety as child's play at this time, the negative impact on the future will be immeasurable.

The incident only caused a small ripple among the workers, and everyone forgot about it when they saw that they were having chicken stew in butter for lunch.

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