Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 136 Take the initiative

There were many enemies and a huge advantage, and Frederick couldn't help but become a little nervous.

After all, he had never commanded a real war in his previous life. Watching TV movies and playing games was one thing, but personally deciding the life and death of thousands of people was another.

After calming down, Frederick asked: How does the staff judge the enemy will act?

During this time, little Franz led his staff to repeatedly study the enemy's actions and his own countermeasures. With a firm mind in mind, he used a wooden pole to draw a circle in the north, east, and south directions of Wesson, and said: We will initially It is judged that the enemy will attack from these three directions first, mainly with mountain mercenaries, with the purpose of dispersing our troops.

The army led by Lot from the north will attack Ringen City. It is only 20 kilometers away from Weissenburg City. The road is almost flat and there is no danger to defend. It should be able to scare the commander.

There is another possibility that they can take a boat directly to Weissenburg City, but it is unlikely, but it is not ruled out that they will disembark in a deserted place.

The goal of the army led by Eichstadt in the east is the city of Langnar in the south. There are many mountains there, and the marching speed should not be very fast. It is judged that they will set off early.

Reese in the south will attack Heim City in the southwest. They may only besiege the city. If necessary, they will go north to Hausen City to profile the enemy's main force.

The enemy's main force will attack the city of Hausen in a large scale after our army is dispersed, and occupy it in the shortest time. After that, the gate of the territory will be opened, and you can go directly to the city of Weissenburg.

Frederick nodded, agreeing with his statement.

Whenever a war is fought, logistics is the focus. The enemy's offensive route is closely related to roads and water sources. From this, the marching route of large troops can be judged.

Although the geographical scope of this war is very small, climbing over mountains and ridges is not a problem, but the attacking side must attack the city, and siege equipment cannot climb mountains.

Franz Jr. continued: The traditional siege tactics of mountain mercenaries are to first attack the villages around the city, drive the farmers into the city to consume food, and at the same time plunder food on the spot to replenish themselves, and then carry out siege warfare.

At this time, Frederick suddenly asked: When will the war begin?

The answer was old Franz, who had fought countless battles.

I will send a letter of war first. He replied, The time is usually noon, which means an honorable war under the watchful eye of the God of Light.

Frederick narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, In other words, the enemy's envoy will arrive early?

That's right. Old Franz replied, Generally the envoy will arrive one day in advance and make an appointment to see him back the next day.

A sneer appeared on Frederick's face. He looked at the sand table and studied it quietly for a long time. Then he asked, Is it possible for one of them to privately act in advance before the letter of challenge is delivered?

You don't need to go too far in advance. It's the night when the envoy arrives at Weisenberg City. It's best to do it in the middle of the night, and even better in the evening.

Everyone in the map room looked at me and I looked at you, wondering what the commander wanted to do.

At this time, a staff officer said: That's no problem. As long as someone gives you a few words of advice, there will always be someone bold enough to take action.

Frederick took a wooden pole from the shelf under the sand table, clicked on a village among the mountains on the southern edge of the territory, and said: We can penetrate easily here in Reese's territory. We can let some people come here to do some work. If you vote, we will launch a counterattack as soon as we catch someone!

There are too many enemies. We cannot wait for them to swarm us. We must take the initiative and concentrate our efforts to defeat them one by one.

He then clicked on Fort Roth in the north, and rowed the wooden pole along the river. After stopping at Weisenburg Castle, he said: The army led by Roth has two ways to go: water and land. The variables are too great. We We need to deal with them first.”

There are swamps on both sides of this several-kilometer river, which cuts off the land passages on both sides of the river. If we can pass through, we can avoid the enemy and reach the foot of Fort Roth. Then we will give priority to destroying the enemy. If we move quickly, we can also capture it. castle.

Fighting a war is not just about the arrival of people, but also the transportation of materials by packhorses and vehicles. Shipping is a good idea, but there are very few night voyages nowadays, and if you are not careful, you may run aground or hit a rock.

Although it is okay to take the current main road, there are many villages and small towns along the way, and it is easy to be discovered when thousands of people pass by.

Everyone did not deny Frederick's plan to launch an active attack at the first opportunity. It was taboo to fight on multiple fronts. It was best to deal with the enemy in one direction first.

Old Franz frowned and said: This swamp is very deep near the river, but very shallow on the right bank of the mountain. It's just that there are too many vampire slimes in it. I don't recommend going there.

When I was young, our family planned to build a road along the foot of the mountain. Taking the riverside is much closer than the current road.

At that time, the old man and we saw a deer being chased by a wolf into the swamp on the top of the mountain. It fell down before it could get a stone's throw away. Within a few breaths, it was covered with red blood-sucking slimes.

“Those slimes are only as big as a pinky fingernail at first, but when they are full they become as big as a fist.”

Frederick shuddered when he heard it, and could only say: The only way is to give up and go there.

Old Franz thought for a moment, pointed to a long and narrow lake at roughly the midpoint of the straight line between Weissenburg City and Rothburg, and said: There used to be a road in the mountains here, and it was no problem for a carriage to travel.

It's just that the earthquake mountain collapsed thirty years ago and blocked a small river. The valley turned into a lake. It was quite deep and about a hundred meters wide.

The gentlemen thought about building a stone bridge there, but there was an endless dispute over who would pay for it, so it was not built in the end, so we took the current road instead.

We can build a pontoon bridge, fix wooden boards on top of the empty wine barrels, and connect them to the current horse-drawn carriage.

After hearing this, Frederick immediately said: Okay, let's do it! Send people to walk this road tomorrow, and at the same time ask the Executive Yuan to organize the preparation of materials for the pontoon bridge.

He then pointed a wooden pole at the leader of Eichstadt in the east and asked: The army here needs to walk a long mountain road after setting off. We can ambush on the way. Can the two main regiments capture Rothburg? If we have another ambush battle later, can time catch up?

Franz Jr. discussed with his staff for a few minutes and then replied: If the first battle can end before sunrise, the soldiers can arrive at the mountain pass at noon in a lightly loaded carriage.

If we can find a way to reduce their marching speed on the road, we can conceal ourselves calmly.

Frederick was still very familiar with the road to Eichstadt Land. He used to be a visitor often and was often played with by his older sister.

He said: Then set up some roadblocks to let them waste time and strive for an ambush. If that doesn't work, attack the camp at night.

Count Eichstadt's castle is not easy to conquer.

The mountain where the castle is located is higher and steeper than Frederick's house, and the mountain road will take a long time to walk, making it difficult to attack by surprise.

At this time, a staff officer said: Heijiabao's whetstone can pretend to be a mountain mercenary to trick the city gate into opening.

Frederick shook his head and said: It's difficult. Eichstadt is very thoughtful. I'm afraid he won't let mercenaries get close to him at that time.

Little Franz thought for a while and said, If it doesn't work out, just leave it for now. It's not like Rothburg. If we don't occupy Nuremberg, those people will probably take it away.

Frederick could only nod, and then asked: Next is the Lysland. Is there any way to eat them?

After the first two battles, it was time for the enemy to receive the news, and it was impossible for them not to respond.

Little Franz replied: At this time, the army led by Reese should be besieging the city of Heim. We can cooperate inside and outside.

Frederick nodded.

Little Franz continued: At that time, the enemy's main force will definitely attack Hausen City, and the pressure will be great.

Hausen City is surrounded by a lake on one side and a mountain on the other side. It happens to be stuck on the main road entering Weisen Territory from the northwest, and the enemy's army cannot detour.

Frederick thought for a long time and finally said: Hausen City must be defended. I will ask Professor Manuel and others to help.

At this time, old Franz said: I'll go to Hausen City.

Frederick nodded. Old Franz had been fighting for the Wesson family for many years and was quite famous in the territory. Having him take charge could stabilize the people's sentiments.

Frederick then drew a large circle in the southwest of the sand table and said at the same time: After the main force is freed, the road from Reese Territory to Ansbach Territory will go around their backs, surround them, and eliminate them.

I have a request. This war is different from the past. It is not just a defeat, but an encirclement war. We must physically eliminate the enemy. We must kill all the enemies in front of us and make potential enemies afraid. Only then will we be safe. .”

Everyone in the map room felt a sense of fear. The current wars were all about rout battles. Except for the nobles who could exchange for ransom, the soldiers were ignored and just ran away.

Especially those staff officers who used to be mercenary officers. In the past, after they were defeated, they only needed to run faster than others. At worst, they would throw away their weapons and armor, or at most, strip naked. The pursuers would ignore you if they saw that you had no profit.

Now, this young master wants to surround people and cut them slowly like wheat.

But this is all that can be done now. There are too many enemies. If the defeated troops are left alone, they will assemble into a large army again.

Frederick estimated the time and then said: This battle is basically going to be fought like this. Let's go have a drink and get some sleep. We will start making detailed plans tomorrow morning.

Everyone present was stunned. They thought that Frederick's active attack plan was just one of several plans. They would discuss plans such as dividing the troops and defending them later. Unexpectedly, the first version turned out to be the final version.

Before anyone else could say anything, Frederick yawned, turned around and left the map room.

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