On the Lanshui River.

A passenger ship sailed down the river.

Zhong Shenxiu wears a white suit with a slick head and a pair of gold glasses on his nose, just like a foreign student who has returned from studying abroad.

Next to Qin Weiyin, dressed like a maid, he followed his Young Master step by step.

"Jiangnan scenery is really good."

Zhong Shenxiu stood on the deck, looking at the beautiful scenery of green hills and clear water on both sides of the river, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Although this scene is good, the world is full of suffering."

At this moment, a man with the appearance of a progressive young man walked over.

He is combing his big shiny back, wearing a black suit and tie. This is the most fashionable dress right now.

At this time, I continued with the last sentence: "Since the commercial road was opened up, foreign fire, foreign cloth, and foreign rice have poured in, and the prices are very low. The people in Jiangnan are miserable. I don't know how many weaving households went bankrupt. , The farmer sells children and sells daughters... But in the end, all those ten miles of foreign markets are fattened... People of insight at the moment should unite to join the Westernization, set up factories, and resist the invasion of Taixi commerce!"

" Brother, you have a lot of insights. My name is Fang Lang, and I admire Brother's point of view."

Zhong Shenxiu was moved.

The youngsters of this era have the same ambition, and there are many people who have the liver and brain smeared the ground.

Perhaps this person saw his appearance and thought he was a progressive young man, and thought he had a common topic.

"In the next Hu Wei, I’ve seen Brother Fang!"

Hu Wei hugged cup one fist in the other hand and asked: "Brother Fang is going to Where to go?"

"I heard that Jinling is the most prosperous and prosperous city in the world. There are hundreds of miles of Qinhuai, sensual dogs and horses, and ten miles of foreign markets. Most of them are fresh things from Thailand. It's still the capital of the world, I want to go shopping and have a long experience."

Zhong Shenxiu said leisurely.

Hu Wei suddenly felt that he was wrong.

He looked at Zhong Shenxiu's improved dressing, and thought he was open-minded, and didn't expect only thought about it!

'Oh...Sure enough, there are very few people who can see 300 years like my teacher. For such people who are not gay, they have to be lured. '

Hu Wei turned around and started talking about setting up a factory to make a profit tenfold and one hundredfold, hoping to arouse Zhong Shenxiu's interest.

"Building factories is naturally great, but it’s not easy... For example, in the land of Jinling, although the transportation is convenient, gangs are rampant, and there are many associations in the south of the Yangtze River. The workers , Factories, Three Sects, all walks of life... are all within the sphere of influence of the other party, and there is no relationship with the sky, even if it is a commercial genius, it will inevitably be exploited by blackmail and it is difficult to display its talents. What's more, directly install it. People enter your factory, and eventually the magpie's nest will be occupied..."

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head.

The so-called associations are the underworld forces. Although they have been severely attacked, they have always existed.

In this World, these gang forces often merge with the warlock of the unorthodox way, possessing one or two weird spells, which are even more difficult to deal with.

"Brother Fang means it."

Hu Wei sighed: "I have an elder who invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to establish a spinning mill in Jinling. I was fighting for gold every day, but later offended the Tai Sui Club, went bankrupt, and was urged by the Bank for debts. In the end, he died..."

"Taesui Club?"

Zhong Shenxiu has come to be interested, this society sounds like an imposing manner by the name.

If you explain it literally, it may mean'Lie Di Tai Sui', and the gang should take this name.

But for a moment, in the'earth pedigree' that worships'Xuanjun', there is a type of Demon called-Tai Sui!

This kind of Demon looks like a huge white meatball. Some have multiple eyes and tentacles. They like to hide underground. Every time the atmosphere changes, they are unearthed and eat people!

'Therefore, if this Tai Sui Society has the help of the cultivator of the unorthodox way, the method must be biased towards the earth lineage... flesh and blood magical arts? Well, there is also zombie...The corpse path is also the domain of Xuanjun...'

This is the advantage of reading more books.

The head of the Tai Sui Society and the people behind the scenes may not even think of it. With just a name, they have revealed their own secrets and bits and pieces.

'But... the mysterious knowledge of this World represents danger... So few people know so much and cover so much...'

"Yes, this society dominates Jinling The labor industry in China has also reached into the skin and meat business, secretly looting and trafficking in human beings, which can be called commiting any imaginable misdeed!"

Hu Wei is filled with indignation: "The leader of this society has always been concealed, and there is a left under it. Right Protector, Sifang Altar Master, Eight Banner Envoys... There are tens of thousands of official members of the society, with tentacles all over Jinling and surrounding villages and towns..."

"so that's how it is, Brother Hu understands this society very well. ?"

Zhong Shenxiu arched his hands and said: "Admire and admire!"

"Where, my father has always been serving in the Imperial court, but I have listened to that's all..."


Hu Wei's noodles are fascinating.

At this time, there was a cheer on the passenger ship, and it turned out that there was a dock in front.

Jinling city is here!


Jinling is the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the most prosperous and lively.

"Young Master, where are you going?"

Qin Weiyin followed Zhong Shenxiu with a suitcase in one hand and a parasol in the other.

She has a kind of pretty daughter in a humble family, and I feel pitiful. In this scene, I don’t know how many men are gnashing teeth secretly.

"Don’t stay in a hurry, let’s walk around!"

Zhong Shenxiu lifted his glasses, only to see that the sky was dusk, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the river. A shimmering wave, like a golden dragon swimming under a big river.

Jinling is the Imperial Capital. Later, there were envoys from the West. The emperor of Hajj and Zhou Xing rejoiced at that time. He gave ten miles of land and built an embassy for the Taixi Embassy and allowed it to sell goods to make a living. , And also a batch of Zhubi, given tax exemption treatment and extraterritoriality.

I don’t know that this privilege and power are easy to take back, and it will be very troublesome.

Nowadays, foreigners rely on the advantages of the ten-mile foreign market to set up businesses on a large scale, just like a country within a country.

"I heard that Baili Qinhuai, the night is very beautiful...Young Master doesn't want to see it? It is said that the painting boat has a thin, thin ring and fat, and it has everything, and Taixi Yangma..."

Qin Weiyin said softly.

"Young Master, am I such an anxious person?" Zhong Shenxiu said solemnly: "Then go and see."


Qin Weiyin timidly agreed and followed Zhong Shenxiu to Qinhuai.

The road has been tarred, the streets are empty with pedestrians, and there are few shoppers on both sides.

Beep du!

Beep du!

Suddenly, a whistle sounded.

Oh la la opened the factory door, and countless people poured out. Most of them were male and female workers who had been busy for a day. They were all hollowed out, look pale, like walking corpses. move.

The waves of gray, black, and blue will drown the master and servant in one go...

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