Mochizuki Square City.

Among the many stalls, suddenly there is a Jiewen stall.

This stall is not big, there is only one table and one chair. There are some four treasures of the study on the table. There is a small streamer at the back of the booth, and the book is written in eight characters-'The iron mouth is straight and the word is gold'!

"Who is this stall owner? It's a big breath?"

The newcomer who just came to Fang City, saw this stall and a tired youngster on it. shock.

"This person's name is'Fang Lang'. I don’t know how to step into Dao. He came to this market for only half a month, and he has already made a name for himself!"

Next to him, there is Several old cultivators pointed out: “Don’t look at this person’s youth, and his ability to interpret Dao’s texts in one hand is really extraordinary, like Xia Family’s [Secret Recipe for Thousand Golds] and [Secret Magic Three Ginseng] of Lao He’s... Even if the evil and strange classics in the Tingchao Pavilion can be listed as Xuanshu, they are still unmistakably interpreted..."

"Although the charges are a bit more expensive, they are indeed worth the money. "

"I haven't seen that even Tingchaoge is extremely respectful to him. How many times have you invited to assist in translating the classics?"

"Hey...Isn't it that the colleagues are enemies? Is it possible that Ting Chao Ge intends to recruit this Master, but it is not impossible!"

A group of loose cultivator discuss spiritedly, one of the pretty girls pressed her chest.

She kept a secret record of inheritance close to her body, but could not understand the texts of the Dao. She forced comprehend several times, got dizzy, vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, almost cultivation deviation, and then she was frightened. Viper too.

Now that I heard these words, I couldn't help but feel my heart moved.

But after another thought, I couldn't help blurting out: "This cheat is the inheritance of various cultivator. If it is handed over to others for translation, the content has been read, wouldn't it be a big loss?"


"hmph ……"

tone barely fell, and an old cultivator next to it said with a sneer: "The family secret booklet, can’t be watched, what's the use? Now there is a channel , It’s already a good thing. Before, you can only go to the Chaoge Pavilion to sell it. The price is often only enough to buy a Book Insect... His family won’t help you translate!"

Cen Hongyue can’t help but shivered. , Like a basin of cold water pouring from the head.

She secretly woke up: " if you want to crack the cheats, you can't care about these subsections...I am in a bloody vengeance, and if I want to get revenge from the Five Commons, I must practice the Tao on the cheats. Fa...'

Cen Hongyue thanked the old cultivator, and hit the sidelines again, and finally understood the rules of the market.

Although it pays attention to the balance between money and goods, there is no way to drill the eye, but there are some protective measures.

For example, you can buy another document with contractual power, agree on genuine, and not leak secrets, etc.

Of course, this will cost more money, but the win is safe.

Some loose cultivators with small net worth often adopt this method.

However, more people are embarrassed in their pockets, and they may not even be able to pay for the money, and they are even more reluctant to pay this amount.

After all, the stall owners will definitely not take the initiative to pay this treasure.

Cen Hongyue thanked the old cultivator again, and asked where the Faqi document was the best and cheapest.

Suddenly, I heard shout out loudly in my ears: "You stall owner, the interpretation is so shit, it hurts my brother..."

The cultivator was like a bamboo pole with a black hair on his face. He suddenly roared and was about to smash the Jiewen booth.

But his fist raised high, but it did not fall.

In the market, there are rules after all, and it is not allowed to do things casually.


Zhong Shenxiu sat on the booth, remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, sipped a sip of tea: "You, you, slander in vain What proof do I have?"

"I knew you were going to deny it!"

The black hair cultivator furiously shouted: "I got a black three, my younger brother got a black two days ago Zhang Zhanye, come to you to interpret, you have received a full 100 treasure bills from him! The matter is clear to the monk Xiaoyuanshan Kunchi, Hongfusan, and several stall owners around here!"

He pointed to a few witnesses, all of whom were nodded, indicating that there was such a thing.

"And from the fragmented page, you interpreted a [The Method of Transforming Birds] and gave it to my younger brother. It is also obvious to all..."

Hei San His eyes were red: "Pity my younger brother... Ignoring my persuasion, I got the secret art and started cultivation. Now, now... he turned into this ghost!"

He pulled behind him. I saw a black... donkey coming out of the reins!

The two huge donkey eyes are staring at Zhong Shenxiu.

Obviously, this is the black four cultivator.

"My younger brother cultivated that bullshit [The Method of Transforming Birds] cultivation deviation, turned into a donkey and never changed again... This must be a problem with your secret art!"

Hei San finally pointed at Zhong Shenxiu and cursed.

This statement is well-founded, and many onlookers secretly nodded.

Cen Hongyue was even more splashed with cold water.

'I'm still going to find the real Master of Interpretation, the slightest difference in the cultivation technique may be terrible! '

"Today, if you don't make a good compensation, I will give you an explanation... Even if I tell the owner of the Fangshi, I will discuss with you!"

Hei San loudly said.

"Not good, this stall owner is going to plant today!"

A cultivator whispered: "This is yellow mud in the crotch. It is not clear whether it is a cultivation technique or Cultivation problem..."

"The secret art I translated must be no problem, but there may always be errors in the cultivator practice. Even after practicing magical arts, the taboo is broken, and there are many... "

Zhong Shenxiu still sits at a moderate pace and said: "If you don't agree, don't you just open the method to the public and see how it works?"

"Lao Tzu's own secret technique , Why do you want to make it public? I think you don't want to lose it today?" Hei San said with a grim expression.


Zhong Shenxiu shook his head and looked towards the donkey transformed by the Black Four, his eyes seemed to penetrate people's hearts: "You [the method of transforming birds] only Cultivated a Small Accomplishment, which is regarded as the "art of animal husbandry". It cannot be transformed into a demon with demon power. It can only change into ordinary beasts. However, it is also somewhat creative to put on the black donkey skin that has been tortured to death and become a donkey. …Just came to frustrate me, but it’s a dead end. I’ll give you a chance, now go to magical arts, and explain to you clearly, I will spare you once…"

"There is still reason for this. Huh? My younger brother has already cultivation deviation, how do you want him to answer?"

The silhouette flashed, and the black three had already stopped in front of the black four.

"I think you have a guilty conscience, right?"

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at his eyes and twisted a drop of water from the teacup, flicks with the finger.

"This [the art of animal production] is also taboo. For example, when you become a beast, you can't drink water, otherwise you will have the original size appear!"

It flew and twisted, and fell into the mouth of the black donkey. The black donkey suddenly struggled, and when he rolled on the spot, he became a person in donkey skin, and it was the black four!

"This person...relying on Master Fang's translation of the cultivation technique and cultivation success magical arts, he actually blackmailed the other way around?"

Seeing this scene, Cen Hongyue suddenly understood everything. , Gnashing teeth with anger: "Take it down, awkward, how can there be such a person in the world?"

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