The name of black's secret book is "The Wonders of the Four Seas", which is not the original, but a manuscript.

Besides, the preservation is very rough, and there have been traces of water soaking and moth-eaten.

Turning on the first page, I saw that it was very scribbled, recording some fragmentary scriptures, and some were mixed with some native slang, the foreword was not followed by the words, and there were many The omission is very painful.

Even, the more you turn backwards, the more frantic the reader will be, which can make the reader continue to degrade rationally and gradually become crazy.

However, it is naturally invalid for Zhong Shenxiu.

Moreover, he was mentally prepared for it.

After all, this is a world affected by True God, and naturally there are all kinds of pollution.

And these True Gods, external gods... don't seem to be as kind-hearted as they are. They also promoted a harmless Immortal Great Dao and gave it to the aborigines of Seven Radiances Heaven.

'It’s not right... Immortal Great Dao to Great Ascension is okay. When it comes to the stage of co-Tao, no matter which Innate Dao-type is co-aligned, Sole Divinity is bound to have pollution and crazy negatives. The impact exists! '

' And without the experience of understanding madness and suppressing pollution in the previous stages... Suddenly facing the difficulties of harmony, those Great Ascension Loose Immortal are afraid that they will be crazy! '

Zhong Shenxiu divine light flashed, thinking of other aspects.

For a long time, he closed the 【Quiz of the Four Seas】, thoughtfully.

This 【Quiz of the Four Seas】 was originally a true inheritance, all-inclusive, in the unorthodox way, containing more than 300 secret techniques.

But above this transcript, there are only two.

A method called [Sea Soul Fleshly Body Method] is a technique of transforming fleshly body. It requires a sorcerer to find a kind of seabed primordial demon sting egg, and wait until the full moon night’s sub-time method. Use Fushui to blend the magic egg and infiltrate it into its own bone plant.

This elementary demon sting is supple as if boneless, but it will be like a maggot attached to bones, constantly sucking bone marrow, gnawing skeletons, and then using it to replace the bones of the whole body.

This process is extremely painful, but anyone who can't stand it is alive and well.

After Great Accomplishment, it can be refined into a sea soul fleshly body, which can swim in the sea, just like a fish does not need to breathe on water, and gain a little water control ability.

The shipowner, Uncle Hai, learned this dao technique and went wild at sea for a while.

As for the old wheat head, I learned another [Jilong divine ability]. The main thing is to swallow a kind of sea fish called lamprey eel and raise it in the stomach bag, using blood and human flesh. Cultivate and achieve a symbiotic relationship, and then you can drive the wish, opening your mouth can harm people.

This type of lamprey not only grows and shorts, but also spit out corrosive venom. It is also strong. The only thing wrong is that the life is connected after symbiosis. If the lamprey dies, the cultivator will also Inevitably desperate.

Then, it ran into Zhong Shenxiu.

Even the parallel version of the lunar refining form, the power of Corpse Severance Immortal is not something that a trifling fish can resist, so the old wheat head died wrongly.

"These two pirates are both wicked men. They were captured by the Haixuan. They deserved their crimes. I can save them..."

Zhong Shenxiu closed his eyes and meditated. .

"The extraordinary way of this World seems to be biased towards evil, horror, madness...I know this well."

"And, the price is quite high."

"After the two dao techniques are refined, there are still many scruples. For example, the old wheat head must be fed with human flesh and blood every once in a while, otherwise it will inevitably backlash and take his own The offal was eaten... and the owner of the ship was even more miserable. Not only did he become inhumane, ghostless, unable to leave the sea, immortal and unable to go ashore, even... you need to soak in the sea water for enough time every day, otherwise you will immediately go crazy... "

However, what attracts Zhong Shenxiu more is the descriptions contained in the "Quotation of the Four Seas".

For example, in this manuscript, the author has mentioned a Supreme secret book many times, called [Tianma Xianger Note], also known as [Tianmu Jing]!

The other party believes that this [Tianmu Sutra] is a real method of becoming immortal. Once obtained, it will be able to cultivation success!

But what Zhong Shenxiu values ​​is the name of'Tianmu'!

"This sea lord cultivation [The Wonders of the Seas] worships [Dagon], and [Dagon] according to the legend is also a powerful rare beast in the sea... Before I came here, just There is [Dagon] coming...So, it is the dependent of [Tianma]?"

Zhong Shenxiu thought of the few outside gods who wandered outside the crystal wall system.

Among them, the [Tianma], because the first to fight, so the information obtained is the most.


Zhong Shenxiu pondered: "This is the most essential address, but in fact, if translated, there are many kinds of image expressions. …Such as'Tian Mu','Ocean Mother','Old Ancestor Mother of Life','Yin Mother' and so on."

"Think of the authority of the other side, the kind that can drown a world, The sea full of life...It seems that [Dagon] is his heir. The probability is very high."

"And the monster in the sea is not only [Dagon], but Fanglang In my memory, there is the most widely spread in Minhai County——【Nine-Headed Baby Snakes】. It is said that in the West, there are also powerful sea monsters... These marine mythical creatures may come from the same pedigree and the same large group. [Tianma]’s family members?"

"And, [Tianma] is constantly trying to pollute and infiltrate this World, such as the scriptures circulating in the cultivator... cultivation [Sihai Qijing], 80% Will be inspired by [Dagon], and the cultivation [Tianmu Sutra] is even more dangerous. It is possible to die suddenly at any time. Even if you survive, you will become a fanatic of the "Tianmu"!"

" It feels that the situation between Ouroboros and the Lord of the Doors is not very good, and they should not be able to draw much strength, and they did not come to respond to me... Or, this is the tacit understanding with me, let me do things by myself?"

Zhong Shenxiu stood up: "All in all... the sea is too dangerous. Get ashore as soon as possible."

He walked out of the captain's room and saw Abao hopped over: "Shipowner!"

"What do you call me?"

Zhong Shenxiu suddenly heard the heartbeat of Haixuan. This ship is like a huge living creature. He is even trying to tamper with his cognition, making him think he is the owner of this ship.

Presumably the two pirates before were also planted like this.

However, Zhong Shenxiu's position is high enough after all, this level of cognitive confusion is useless, even if [Tianma] comes, it may not be possible.

He laughed and recognized the title. After all, there is indeed something to be used: "Go tell the sailors, we change the course and go to the nearest port!"

" Hey!"

A Bao agreed clearly and ran off again.

Looking at her pink and lovely appearance now, she is not a ghost at all.

Zhong Shenxiu looked at this scene and couldn't help but sighed.

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