Xianqin calendar five hundred and twenty-nine years.

Wudoumidao, Taipingdao, and Xichu formed a coalition force to break through fortresses such as Wuguan Pass and Hangu Pass and enter the pass.

Xianyang was breached, the two Nascent Soul cultivators died, and the second emperor surrendered with the Imperial Jade Seal. Although Xianqin lasted for more than five hundred years, he really died in the second generation, it seems In the dark, I responded to the curse of empress.

Immediately, Xiang Yu proclaimed himself emperor in Guanzhong, established the Yanhan Empire, and issued an edict to ask the princes of the world to acknowledge allegiance.


After Liu Ji heard the news, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded: "Yanhan? Yanhan! Rely on... Xiang Yu, you rob me of the show! You established the Han Dynasty, What should I do?"

Liu Ji was really dumbfounded.

He didn't know that Unison True Monarch originally wanted to be called Second Yanhan Empire or even 3rd Empire directly.

I was just persuaded by Nine Spirits Dragon Mother Primordial Monarch, Taiping Guangmiao True Monarch and the others.

After all, only these Yanhan survivors know the meaning of Second Empire. The name of “Second” for the new dynasty is really unreasonable.

Even, Dahuang is expensive with single words.

Shang and Zhou... are all one-character dynasties.

When I arrived at Xiang Yu's place, it became'Yanhan', two words, and I always felt that it was almost meaningless.

Many courtiers even asked the Overlord to change the country title to'Yan' or'Han', but they were rejected by Unison True Monarch without the slightest hesitation.

He has already made concessions on the second level, and the Yanhan Empire absolutely will not give up.

After that, Liu Ji felt very hurt when he heard the news. He felt uncomfortable when his wife ran away with someone else.

"Lord, if today is almost stable, I will wait... I will descend to the Imperial Court!"

Xiao He and Cao Sen persuaded.

They don't know the real history. What they see is the confluence of three rebel forces, destroying the Qin Dynasty and calming the world.

Furthermore, after Xiang Yu came to power, his methods of ruling the world and dealing with political affairs were unspeakably mature and old, which was surprising.

even more how, after decades of turmoil, the people of the world are determined.

Those who dare to raise the flag again are undoubtedly enemies of the world!

Many small groups of rebels are simply falling in sight. Once the imperial decree of Yanhan Imperial Court arrives, it can often be collected in several counties or even dozens of counties.

"The time has passed, the geographical advantage is not there, people and nothing..."

Liu Ji smiled bitterly at his subordinates with various thoughts.

'Sure enough... it's not Liu Bang, no, in this case, even if you change to the real Liu Bang, you will be helpless! '

'Even if it wasn't for me to be the Nascent Soul cultivator, the battle strength here is the most powerful house. I am afraid that some of the following people would dare to kill me and ask the Yanhan Imperial Court for credit. '

"Let me think about it..."

Liu Ji sighed, waved his hand to let the civil and military officials retreat, and he turned into a stream of light. The destination flies randomly.

I don't know how long it has been flying, how far it has flown, he presses down to escape the light, and finds that he has come to a land of verdant hills and limpid water.

This place is an unknown hill, with clear springs and flowing water, moss and boulders, vegetation, jade green, lush and green......

The quieter the birdsong mountain, the more the cicadas call the forest. quiet.

Liu Ji sat on a piece of bluestone, his expression suddenly softened: "That's all that's all, I don't have to be the emperor... Compared with immortal cultivation, what is Emperor scheming to become? Master of the Universe, what's the point?"

"This world, let it be to those people."

He even didn't want to go back, he wanted to be quiet .

"Well, maybe it's good to live here and live here...After successfully cultivating it in the future, I will travel all over the world, and finally go to the legendary Western Queen Motherland to see..."

Liu Ji always feels that the development of this World is a bit strange, as if being manipulated by a black hand behind the scenes.

The most suspected one is the god on Heaven Realm Kunlun!

Moreover, he still has some excitement. After all, the history is so similar. Perhaps the god on the Kunlun Mountains is his transmigrator fellow!

Because I couldn't return to my hometown, I played a re-enacted historical game in this World to remember one or two?

Just as Liu Jifu was thinking about it, his expression suddenly moved.

Nascent Soul-level divine sense made him feel the abnormal convergence of Spiritual Qi, which seems to be forming a vortex hundreds of miles away.

He has been body flashed and has already flown high in the sky, rushing to the center of vortex.

In the deep mountains, a small tree full of jasper is stretching its branches, one after another green fruit gradually matures, revealing a red light outward.

A kind of fruity wood fragrance has spread over several dozen li in a radius, attracting a large number of animals and exotic animals, and enclosing the location of the small jasper tree in the inner and outer three floors.

"This is...Heaven and Earth Treasure was born?"

Liu Ji met, and it was also a joy: "Unexpectedly, I just came out to stroll around, so I had such a chance!"

Roar roar!

At this moment, a wave of Dragon's Might came, and the beasts bowed their heads, but a Black Dragon arrived.

"en? Are you not the Black Dragon that Cepheus conquered?"

Liu Jihaha smiled: "Dare to come and die?"

He doesn't Hidden his figure again, appeared directly, and opened the Nascent Soul law domain.

That Black Dragon was immediately shocked when he saw Liu Ji, shaking its head and wagging its tail trying to escape, but was bound by the vines and sent to the bottle gourd. .

Not long afterwards, the vermilion fruit on the ground was also ripe, and most of it was picked by Liu Ji, and there was a little remnant. It was a chance for them to let the little beasts compete.

"Xianqin Black Dragon, after all, I was beheaded!"

Liu Ji settled to the place where he rested, shook the bottle gourd, and his expression was slightly moved: "Heaven and Earth Treasure, what a rich inspiration... It is rumored that there is immortal medicine in Kunlun Mountains, which is the ancestor of divine medicine in the world. I don’t know how this Vermilion Fruit compares?"

He looked at this mountain, This water, and the process of killing dragons and getting fruit just now, couldn't help but start cultivation.

In the bottle gourd of refining the demon, an endless stream of inspiration emerged, elevating his cultivation base.

In the sky above Liu Ji, the storm surging, turned into a vortex.

Wind and rain are violent, and the four elephants are merged...

I don’t know how long it has been, Liu Ji stood up, and Nascent Soul in his body has grown into a Primordial Spirit that is indistinguishable from ordinary people. !

"Spirit Refinement Realm, broken!"

Liu Ji breathed out a long breath, and suddenly became proud: "The Cepheid took the lead in breaking through Nascent Soul, and suppressed the five tyrants in one fell swoop. Establishing Xianqin... Now Yanhan is one step faster than me, but I took the lead in cultivation base breakthrough. As long as I suppress and kill the group of people, I can immediately open up a new dynasty! This is the benefit of Weili’s own self!"

However, he thought for a while, but did not do so, but looked at the sky: "This World is really interesting... It seems to be destined for a long time, full of coincidences, to push Am I going to fight for hegemony? But I also have my free will...God, now I tell you, I won’t play anymore!"

"The game can’t be played at high levels, and can’t be played at high levels. GM...but I can choose not to play this shattered game! Why do you want to dominate the world? I don't want to do it!"

Liu Ji thought about everything, he could not help laughing heartily, and his heart was very happy.

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