Seeing that the Western Zhou Dynasty is about to be defeated, even the Martial King is pinched by Di Xin. At the critical moment, Zhong Shenxiu drives the war chariot out, shouted loudly:

"This is the magical magic. It is used by Taoist cultivators! Di Xin hasn't put down the Martial King quickly!"


Di Xinlue was a little surprised, he had never heard of this term. .

But it’s okay. Anyway, there is that Jiang Shang who knows that this Ji Fa will kill him if he doesn’t.

He was about to hurt the killer. Suddenly, the body's slaying armor made a crackle, and the red light in the eyes of the beast's chest went out.



"The King!?"

In Shangyi, in the palace, Daji suddenly went for a while Feeling restless, looking at a fragmented jade pendant, his expression changed greatly: "Not good...How can there be a sudden mistake in killing the god armor? Wu Geng!"


Wu Geng took a step forward: "Royal Father will definitely win a big victory, mother don't have to worry..."

"Good child, come here!"

Daji beckons with the hand.

Wu Geng didn't doubt the others. He stepped forward, suddenly cold light flashed in front of him, but Daji suddenly pulled out a dagger, resisting Wu Geng's vitals.

"Mother, you are..."

Wu Geng was dumbfounded.

"The killing of the god armor made a mistake, I am afraid that the front line has changed, maybe Spiritual God has already taken action...I swear to live and die with your father, but you have to escape and leave a little blood for your father ......"

Da Ji quickly said: "I will ruin your appearance. Starting today, you are no longer a son of a mysterious bird or a son of Di Xin... but just an ordinary citizen..."

Wu Geng wanted to say something more, suddenly a sharp pain came from his face.



On the battlefield.

Feeling the disappearance of Di Xin's almost invincible imposing manner, Ji Fa will not let go of a great opportunity.

A soil thorn emerged from his hand, which went into the gap of the Deity Killing Armor.


Large swaths of blood gush out, and Di Xin still maintains an unbelievable expression on his face, stepping back a few steps, and loosening his hands.

Ji Fa fell on the ground, gasping for breath.


Di Xin's mouth and nose were bleeding, and he let out a hoarse laugh: "Destiny! Destiny! Ji Fa... I am not losing to you, but Lost to Spiritual God!"

In the sky, an Origin Pill-level Black Dragon was about to do it, and suddenly its scales stood upright.

An indifferent eye emerged in the sky, just staring at it quietly.

"Kunlun...the god!"

Black Dragon let out a roar, and ran away without looking back.

Di Xin, who watched this scene, did not hesitate anymore, sprinkling blood all the way back.

Even if there is no Deskilled Armor, he is also an Innate god and demon, capable of fighting Dragon-Tiger!

But if he is seriously injured at this time, he will certainly not be the opponent of the Western Zhou army.

Dashang is defeated!

Ji Fa watched this scene, but jumped onto Zhong Shenxiu’s war chariot, shouted loudly: "Emperor Yin has no way, Muye is defeated, soldiers, let me charge!"

The remaining allied forces of the Western Zhou Dynasty launched an offensive, and the three thousand soldiers and horses of Shangyi instantly defeated.



The palace.

Di Xin dripped blood all the way, entered the palace, and saw Da Ji who was waiting calmly.

"My concubine will die!"

Da has fallen on the ground, crying bitterly.

"It's not to blame you, I can see that this is...Spiritual God's conspiracy!"

Di Xin's face has been covered with blood: "Since I made a declaration Since then, Spiritual God has been conspiring to destroy my big business, but I don’t regret it, because the human race needs resistance and a banner...I only hate that I can’t desperately die a Spiritual God on today’s battlefield and set an example for everyone. Including Ji Fa!"

"The great king is brilliant, but unfortunately it is not accepted by the world..." Daji said again: "I have sent Wu Geng secretly...the palace also has kerosene. ."

"haha, my concubine really knows what I want."

Di Xin laughed heartily: "I have my concubine on the road with my concubine, and no one will die without regrets!"

When the Western Zhou Dynasty army rushed into the Shangyi, they saw a raging fire rising from the palace.

Ji Fa looked at this scene and couldn't help being silent: "For six hundred years, Dashang, because he angered the Spiritual God, he perished..."

"The king seems to be very emotional."


Zhong Shenxiu next to

asked with a smile.


Ji Fa looked at the cultivator. Although the other party claimed to have only a little relationship with Kunlun, he suspected that this Jiang Shang might be a Spiritual. God!

But before, there was the goal of eliminating business, and the two sides can still cooperate sincerely.

Now that the situation is quite different, the atmosphere between the two is a bit subtle.

"The lonely...the widows feel that Kunlun’s faith must be established. After the Great Zhou unifies the world, the West Queen Mother Temple will be rebuilt and the Queen Mother West will reshape the golden body!"

Ji Fa solemnly promised.

'Come on...this kind of statue has not undergone Qingyuan eye-opening. What is the difference between it and a large figure? But she didn't care much about it...otherwise, she would have manifested a saint long ago, and there would have been so many things behind. '

Zhong Shenxiu murmured in his heart, and smiled on his face: "I'm just cultivating a soldier from outside the party, the king doesn't need to tell me this..."

Ji expressed his love immediately. He then ordered the soldiers to quickly put out the fire, arresting the nobles and important officials of the Shang Dynasty.

Of course, the most important thing is to look for clues related to the Killing of God Armor.

But I don’t know, these things were handed over to Wu Geng by Daji a long time ago, and he fled...


After destroying the business, Ji Fa He was promoted to be the "Co-Master of the World" and "Zhou Son of Heaven", and truly replaced Shang and secured the throne.

Immediately, under Jiang Shang’s suggestion, the Feudal System was implemented, which not only led to the great Feng Tianxia princes, but also sealed many surnamed Ji dísciples to protect the Great Zhou.

The reason for not using feudal centralization is of course carefully considered.

After all, it is still a primordial society nowadays, with traffic jams everywhere, and most of the literacy rights are controlled by nobles and Wuzhu. Even if you want to centralize power, you can’t find that many qualified officials.

Apart from this is the existence of extraordinary strength.

Those Innate gods and demons, one person can be equivalent to a thousand army, how can they be willing to subdue to others?

Reluctantly approve of Da Zhou, only because Ji Fa has the biggest fist. If even their land were to be taken away, Ji Fa would immediately be discredited as a tyrant even more cruel than Di Xin. Minfen turned him back.

Therefore, even if Zhong Shenxiu does not suggest it, Ji Fa may still adopt this method after discussing with the courtiers for a long time.

However, Zhong Shenxiu also rejected the suggestion of entrusting him with the land. There is no Xiangguo of the week. Every day, he just rides a bullock cart, patrolling the world, and seeing the world he created with his own eyes. .

This day.

The ox cart drove slowly past a market.

This is a place where the common people exchange what they have. The management is quite chaotic. A large number of Chinese people directly trade their clay plates, cloths, and ironware to barter.

Among the most, there is slave.

The merchants who used to be aloof and remote are now relegated to slaves in large numbers, causing prices to plunge all the way.

Among them, a tall young man with a dozen scars disfigured his face stared at Zhong Shenxiu’s carriage in a daze.

Zhong Shenxiu haha ​​smiled, regardless of him, each minding their own business left...

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