
"The incense burner and great hall are all cleaned..."

"Take out Empress’s favorite Youtan incense. If there are any mistakes or omissions, see I won't punish you severely!"

The Master of Lives brought a group of Master of Lives and arranged them in the palace paved with sapphire.

Azure Phoenix less Master of Lives blinked curiously: "Master of Lives elder sister, I heard that the Eastern Prince is awake? Who is he?"

"Empress is a female fairy The first, the Eastern Prince is the first of the male immortals!"

Master of Lives solemnly said: "It’s just that I can’t get out of retreat. Even though I just heard Empress say, Your Majesty is out this time. It’s a Kunlun event. Empress is very happy. You will all be careful, or you will be punished severely!"

"I can’t wait!" A crowd of Goddess who tyrannically abuse power in front of mortals are all Anxious.

Among the bells ringing, many Goddess are arranged on both sides, and you can see that on the highest sapphire seat of the Eastern Palace, there is suddenly one more person who is the bell of Heaven and Earth.

He is as rich as jade, and looks beautiful and innocent, making many Goddess cheeks slightly red, wearing a three-dimensional crown symbolizing Heaven, Earth and Mortal Three Realms on his head, and wearing a nine-color cloud and xia costume , It is the Eastern Prince!

The Queen Mother of the West sat under him, revealing her position.

"Meet the Duke of the East, and the Queen of the West!"

The great Master of Lives and the young Master of Lives hurriedly saluted.

"Free gifts and flat body."

Qingyuan asked Goddess to stand up and said with a smile: "Husband has been in retreat for many years, but has it gained something?"

"Slightly gained."

Zhong Shenxiu responded with a smile.

Qingyuan said: "It's rare for Husband to leave the customs. I have to drink a few more glasses today...I have made a lot of wine in my concubine over the years..."

"haha, This matter is not in a hurry, let's look at this..."

Zhong Shenxiu's playful gaze swept across the Master of Lives, Azure Phoenix and Master of Lives... Suddenly waved his hand, and a burst of smoke came out.

The smoke converged into a circle, like a circular mirror, in which a group of businessmen pushed down the West Queen Mother Temple and overthrew the 200-meter-high West Queen Divine Idol.


Qingyuan looked dumbfounded.

"What a bold businessman, this is a provocation, Empress, please let me destroy the business district and give them a retribution!"

The Master of Lives came out, impassioned, one The posture of the deputy chief to humiliate the minister to death.

"Empress, please make an order!"

Azure Phoenix and other Masters of Lives also knelt down to fight.

The group of females is very angry.

In their view, this is the provocation of the mortals under the mountain to these Spiritual Gods!


Qingyuan looked towards Zhong Shenxiu.

"Don't be busy..."

Zhong Shenxiu laughed, here is the strongest Azure Source County Master, which is a Dharma Body level, without his omniscience, very normal.

In fact, he has this ability only in a world that is completely digitized by him.

As long as you think, you can know all the past and happening in the world!

After all, these all are information and data!

They are all manifestations of order!

"First of all, what we need to know is why the businessman made this decision."

Zhong Shenxiu laughed and waved out a light mirror.

There was waves on the surface of the mirror, and many images appeared.

That is...the history of Shang's family, from the very high spirits at the very beginning, to the twilight of heroes, and then to the Kunlun Mountains, seeking Immortal Medicine, and encountering Master of Lives...


"Empress, be forgiving!"

Azure Phoenix Master of Lives saw this scene, and suddenly felt chills and knelt down and begged for mercy.

As soon as the camera turned, it was the scene where the Master of Lives and the Young Master of Lives laughed at Yan Yan, attacking the merchants and demanding tributes.

When the master of Lives saw this, the complexion was greatly changed, kneeling on the ground, shaking.

After that, the camera quickly zoomed in to the latest Di Xin’s declaration:

"For six hundred years, no god has ever walked down Kunlun. We encountered mountain torrents, tsunami, mountains burst and At the time of the ground split, where were those gods?"

"Since gods do not have mercy on us, we no longer need to worship them!"

"I want to flatten the Xiwangmu Temple, Bring down Divine Idol and tell the people of big merchants...human race, never be a slave!"


Seeing this, Qingyuan's expression can't help but shake: "Okay. …You did so many things without telling me?"

She had heard the report from the Master of Lives that the merchant had built a golden temple for her and worshipped it every year. In fact, she was very happy. .

It’s just that the Master of Lives used a little bit of art here, which made her think that the merchant’s tribute was not much, but that’s all.

I didn't expect at all. In fact, this has already suppressed the Shang Dynasty to the limit, to the point where it is about to rise!

"Not so..."

Qingyuan looked at an incense burner at his hand, lost in thought.

"This is naturally because they intercepted a large number of tributes. For example, at the foot of Kunlun Road, they ordered the Shang Dynasty to build huge pavilions and pavilions, and offered a large number of servants to satisfy the desire for pleasure!"

Zhong Shenxiu coldly snorted, pointing to Master of Lives.

The position he bestowed is too graceful. There is no pollution, but there is no sharpening.

The ordinary person suddenly climbed to the top, isn't it like this?

But...the Western Spiritual God in the legend of his previous life is not a good bird either. It is impossible to work hard and serve the country and the people. It is normal to enjoy luxury, brutality, bloodthirsty, and even eating each other. ...

"And...you, a few of your subordinates, are corrupted by the wealth of the world. Although they dare not also impossible to betray you... But it is normal to reveal some secrets accidentally. Otherwise, how dare the Emperor Xin in the world rebel?"

Zhong Shenxiu said with a sneer.

He stretched out his hand and several Master of Lives were immediately hung up by the invisible thread, and the Azure Phoenix Master of Lives was also among them.

"These people have leaked Kunlun secrets."

"These people have deceived the top and concealed themselves and filled their pockets."

"These people, I'm loyal, and I have secretly reminded you a few words, but I'm afraid of being pushed out by my colleagues, so I can only stand with the light."

"It's the Master of Lives, who is loyal to you, but has been Squeezed to the bottom, it’s hard to see you normally..."

Zhong Shenxiu divided this group of Goddess into loyalty and traitors, and said to Qingyuan: "These people, it’s up to you. It's done."

Hearing this, the young Master of Lives and the Great Master of Lives in the underground kowtow one after another: "Your Majesty, Empress... Forgive me!"


Azure Source County Master angrily snorted.

She is just a Dharma Body after all, and she is also a mortal ascension to God. She is not mature yet and may be deceived.

Actually...she doesn't care much about mundane people.

But the close Master of Lives and Young Master of Lives did so, but it gave her a feeling of betrayal.

I was pointed out by Husband personally again, which made her very embarrassed.

Immediately stretched out his hand, thunder and lightning flashed: "The person who leaked the Kunlun secret, the gods will be destroyed, and will never be overborn!"

Amid the screams, Azure Phoenix and others Master of Lives suddenly turned to ashes.

"Satisfying private pockets, deceiving the top and concealing the bottom... Abolish Quer and other gods, demote into the mortal world!"

Qingyuan raised his hand again, Master of Lives, etc. Several Goddess shuddered, fell to the ground, and turned into women with no hands, and their hair began to gray.

After becoming gods, the endless lifespan was deprived, and they began to age again, and they would soon die of old age. At this time, the one by one face looked like ashes.

"You few, you are still loyal, and you are guilty of collaborating with each other, and each receive 20 electric whips!"

Qingyuan finally looked towards a Master of Lives: "Lu Wu Less Master of Lives, promote you to Master of Lives, and command many Master of Lives!"


A girl of full of heroic spirit responded loudly, The clothing of the body immediately changed, and the divine force was up to the next level.

"Okay, all of you go down!"

Waving a hand to let many Goddess retreat, leading the female fairy, reward and punishment from the heart, and the coercive Queen Mother of the West turned around, her face A pitiful expression appeared on the top: "Husband... Is Qingyuan very useless..."

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