In Zhong Shenxiu's heart, all emotions and desires disappeared.

Like an old salted fish who has suddenly lost all power, just want to stay still.

At this moment, a stream of data flashed across his eyes.

At this time, his pre-set program is like a timed alarm clock.

[Name: Zhong Shenxiu]

[Status: Lost Joy]


A line of data is quickly blurred, and then becomes [Status: Normal]!

He who has seen the'Paradise Lost' formidable power from the Demon Sect Corpse Severance Immortal body, how could he not guard against this move?

Therefore, I preset an alarm clock early to refresh my state.

At this time, he came back to his senses, and he stood with his hand holding his hand, watching the country in front of him.

Yes, at this time, he has completely come to another country.

The ground is full of golden wheat ears and Fruit Trees, which seem to be able to grow continuously with the picking at any time, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

In the small river not far away, it is not clear water that flows, but milk and honey.

Even the river of time has no effect here.

People who stay here will never grow old and stay young forever.

This country seems to have condensed all the dreams of mankind since ancient times. It is an ideal land!

"Utopian State?!"

Zhong Shenxiu showed the Key of Heart on his hand, and raised it high: "Unfortunately...the more the ideal, the more skinny the reality... However, I like it!"

After this adventure, he not only fished out the two curses of Sole Divinity, but also experienced it personally.

"For me,'Paradise Lost' has no gain at all, it is a burden!"

"However,'Utopian State' seems to be able to match'Light of Order'... …To form a combination..."

"This is lucky enough!"

The phase of Sole Divinity, or the degree of matching, is entirely Innate's and cannot be changed.

If you can, you can, if you don’t, you can’t!

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu is quite sure that Utopian State can be used with Light of Order, but Paradise Lost cannot!

"This is also the credit of the new gods. If that many Ancient God Old God is not killed, how could there be so many Sole Divinities scattered on the ground... More importantly, their roads are not It is suitable, it can only be cheaper for me."

Although after obtaining Sole Divinity, how to accommodate and digest is a big problem.

But something is better than nothing!

"And this Utopian State itself is a country...or...a world, trap me with it? Only use the essence of Sole Divinity without using power to avoid negative Is it effective?"

"It's clever...Unfortunately, some wolves were drawn into the room."

Zhong Shenxiu made a faint comment and threw out the Key of Heart in his hand.

In an instant, with him as the center, the grass on the ground, the wheat fields not far away, the mountains and rivers, and even the air all turned into a series of data streams.

In the sky, it seems that a wormhole has appeared, and a phantom behind it appears.

There is-Fufeng Protectorate!

Zhong Shenxiu slightly smiled, floating in.


The battlefield.

Demon Sect and daoist sect, the four major Corpse Severance Immortal, came together inside the Myriad Immortals Array. Looking at the scene just now, they all felt heavy: "Paradise Lost, Utopian State... the two Sole Divinity, cooperation Two Great Immortal-level battle strength...Alliance Leader He..."

An 8th rank professional, holding the curse of Sole Divinity, can hardly shake Corpse Severance Immortal.

And the 9th-ranked professional, using Sole Divinity, is simply the highest battle strength under True God.

At this moment, the five major Corpse Severance Immortal all have the idea of ​​whether Zhong Shenxiu is planted.

"Buddha of Immortal Life!"

Golden light Wisdom Buddha Gao Xuan Buddha Title: "Now the enemy has only two Great Immortal-level battle strengths, but there are two Sole Divinities, you are still waiting What?"

He put his hands together, and countless Heavenly Dragon, Arhat, and Yaksha appeared, wanting to mobilize the power of the five Corpse Severance Immortal, urging the Wanxian formation diagram, and directly destroying the opposite.

However, just in this brief moment.

From the illusory shadow of the kingdom of heaven, Zhong Shenxiu slowly walked out and grabbed Angerwill by the neck, making the opponent's figure a little illusory, like a stream of information data.

This time, Zhong Shenxiu used the ability of'Light of Order' to show his full strength.

It can be said that completely digesting Sole Divinity is completely different from just holding a Sole Divinity derivative.

In essence, it is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

The consequences brought about are also crushing.

"Your Utopian State, I'll accept it."

Zhong Shenxiu right hand With force, Angerwill exploded like a soap bubble.

His essence has died out, and some mysterious characters have been transformed into meteors, which has launched a martyrdom.

In the bright explosion, part of the meteors returned to the Bauhinia Kingdom. Following the guidance of the bloodline, they returned to the body of Angerwill’s descendants, and part of them exploded directly in place, turning them into terrifying monsters after another. .

The fall of a 9th rank person, Corpse Severance Immortal, will have a certain impact on the entire world!

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu's gaze is looking at William I, and the five Corpse Severance Immortal sound transmissions behind him: "This person, and the Sole Divinity of his body, I don't want it anymore. It’s up to you."

As an Alliance Leader, you shouldn’t be too ugly.

Furthermore, Sole Divinity is related, this secret, Zhong Shenxiu is not going to say.

"many thanks Alliance Leader!"

Han Yan waited for Celestial Immortal to be overjoyed, and immediately opened the Wanxian formation diagram, but seeing between Heaven and Earth, suddenly a huge Yin- appeared. Yang Symbol swallowed the escaped William I.

Facing the five major Corpse Severance Immortal teamed up to display the Myriad Immortals Array, even if William I had Paradise Lost by his side, the end is doomed.

Zhong Shenxiu stayed where he was, and he casually used a mana to heal the wounds caused by the fall of Angerwill to the nature. Suddenly, thinking, he looked towards the void somewhere.

There, a few eyes in the sky suddenly exploded to pieces...


Bauhinia and the Kingdom of Enrique.

The left-behind professionals have a deep face, looking at the crystal ball, or the bad news from the divination, they let out heart-piercing crying and roaring.

However, only a moment later, the great nobles and royal families began to flee to the Western Empire in an orderly manner.

After losing the 9th rank Guardian and Sole Divinity, all they can ask for is the protection of the empire.

The Western Empire.

Imperial Capital.

In the palace of gold and jade in glorious splendor, the young and bloody Great Emperor Peter sits on the throne, holding a scepter full of crystals and gems, and is silent .

After a long time, there was a voice:

"Is that true, or a false god? The immortal of the so powerful?"

"Your Majesty! What we need to solve now is an imminent problem..." The Prime Minister wiped his bloody eyes, and it seemed that he had just peeped into the battlefield: "No wonder the Pope of Destiny will flee without a fight. He foresaw that. Do people exist and are powerful?"

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