Asgard, the Kingdom of Zeus

“Report! Ancestor! Tyr is dead!”

A panicked voice rushed into the palace of Thunder God Zeus.

Zeus frowned after hearing this:”Dead? Didn’t that plan just begin?”

“Really dead! Tyr was not only dead, but his kingdom was also taken away with great hands!”

The god Carlo, who is responsible for the management of Asgard’s children, said solemnly

“Um? The way of heaven?

Zeus was stunned again and asked in confusion.

Carlo shook his head:”No!” It’s a rule! Someone used the power of some kind of rules to take away the Kingdom of Tire from the distant time and space from my star sea in Asgard!”

“According to our latest information!”

“All of our Asgardian protoss and teachers at Tiandao Overlord Academy refuse to provide us with any information about the academy!”

“Even the information about the few people who had been monitored by manpower and those copies could no longer be obtained!”

“The College Teaching Office asked all teachers and students of the school to fill in a confidentiality agreement!”

“Everything about the school is a secret and must not be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise it will be betrayal and death!”

“in addition!”

“The only thing that can be confirmed is that Ganymede did change the rules of the personal life and death training tower according to the rules. Su Wen had a chance to regret it, but he insisted on climbing the 100th floor of the tower!”

09″As for what happened next!”

“We have no way of knowing!”

Carlo said solemnly.

Zeus’ eyes jumped:”Tiandao Overlord Academy has never had such restrictions before! Why is this?”

As he spoke, he looked up to the sky.

After a few seconds of silence,

Zeus looked at Carlo:”Nearly 700,000 overlords from Tiandao Overlord Academy have died in recent years. The Teaching Office has found out some secrets involving all of us. The infiltration of the college by a large ethnic group! And they already have solid evidence! This made Carlo tremble, and he asked hoarsely:”Do you want to hand over someone?””

“No! Heaven requires us to submit a fine and end the control and restraint of the college bully. And cancel the 700,000 supplementary agreements between Tiandao and our various races! Zeus shook his head solemnly:”Back then, we didn’t want to be swallowed by the abyss, so we bet on both ends!” In the end, because of the kindness of Heaven and a little bit of the Holy Mother, all the territories were released and put under the rule of Heaven!”

At this point, his eyes narrowed:”Tiandao said that if we don’t agree to the third clause, then Tiandao will take away the right to select Tiandao Overlord from our hands!”

“At that time, it won’t be us controlling the overlord quota!”

“It’s God’s own choice!”

“What does it want to do?”

“I always think so! There must be something wrong with it helping us raise our children like this!”


“The trend of Tiandao has been established, and 95 ethnic groups among the top 100 ethnic groups have submitted their right to be selected for overlord selection by Tiandao Overlord Academy!”

“Even if we stand up to oppose, it is useless!”

Zeus said in a low voice.

At the end of the sentence, he turned to look at the other person beside him:”Tiandao once again warned us not to attack the students of Tiandao Overlord Academy! But he didn’t mention the Sixth Summoning Legion’s invasion of Blue Star Lord’s space!”


“Under the rules, the legion that breaks away from the ethnic group is no longer our own legion!”


“If you want to know whether Su Wen is alive or dead, you must send someone to the Blue Star Lord’s space to keep an eye on him!”

“If this kid is still alive!”

“Then release blight to me!”

He bit the word”wither” very hard.

This caused the expressions of Carlo and the butler Joe Dave beside Zeus to suddenly change.


Tiandao Overlord Academy.

The 100th floor of the personal life and death training tower. boom!

A ray of light fell on Su Wen’s head. only saw

【Congratulations on successfully reaching the 100th floor of the tower. You will be rewarded with 1 billion attribute points and 12 trillion lord points.】

【Please wait!】


【Evaluation of level 1 to level 100】

【Rating: SSSSSSSSSSS! No one can take over! Win over others and defeat yourself! Invincible at the same level!】

【The highest reward: 10 billion free attribute points, 1 infinite large number of lord points, 1 god-level chaos bloodline, 1 territory advancement book, 1 skill promotion card, 1 talent promotion card, 1 auxiliary profession perfect knowledge initiation Orb (Alchemist), 1 Alchemist divine level elixir formula, 1 Alchemist weapon refining blueprint, 1 auxiliary profession fire refining promotion card】


【Detected that you have a 10x reward increase】

【Therefore, the maximum reward is increased by 10 times. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【The highest reward: 100 billion free attribute points, 10 infinite large-level lord points, 10 god-level chaos bloodlines, 10 territory advancement books, 10 skill promotion cards, 10 talent promotion cards, 10 auxiliary profession perfect knowledge initiations Orb (Alchemist), 10 copies of the Alchemist divine level single party, 10 copies of the Alchemist divine level weapon refining blueprints, 10 auxiliary profession fire refining promotion cards】

“Damn it!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but complain after seeing it.

This is too perverted.

100 billion free attribute points.

This is really weird…

Su Wen was simply stunned.

This was beyond his experience.

Especially… The territory promotion card and things related to the auxiliary profession at the back.

This is simply an unexpected surprise. It

’s so cool!

It’s so cool!

Su Wen has only now got the auxiliary profession Fire Refining, and has not yet refined it.

His alchemist knowledge is at the The advanced stage of the second stage[]

According to the information he has.

Every novice alchemist must be from a family of alchemists, or from any major clan in the world, or from the Heavenly Dao Overlord Academy.

You can only learn elixir recipes and weapon refining techniques from the knowledge passed down by ancient alchemists.

Because of the changes in heaven and earth.

The elixir recipes and weapon refining techniques in ancient traditions are outdated.

Especially Danfang.

Many of the materials in the old elixir recipe have become extinct, and if you want to complete the elixir recipe, you must spend a lot of materials and test the medicine.

This may not be possible yet.

Find the right formula among countless combinations.

This is just the first step.

Next, we still need to refine the elixir.

The time when each medicine is put into the furnace, the time for refining, the control of the flame temperature, the percentage of fusion of each other’s medicinal effects, the promotion and dissipation of drug toxicity, etc. are all problems.

Calculate according to normal procedures.

I want to successfully improve one of the simplest ancient elixir recipes and refine an elixir that meets market demand and quality.

It will take at least 5 years.

Slightly more complex ancient prescriptions are improved and optimized over 10, 100, or even 1,000 years.

The materials consumed during this period were beyond what ordinary lords could afford.

This is also the reason why most alchemist auxiliary professionals choose to join the alchemist family.

They can easily buy the elixirs passed down by the alchemist family through tasks or money.

Even though I can’t get medium to high level prescriptions.

But just these ordinary prescriptions are enough to save them hundreds of years of detours and keep them alive.

Relative to alchemy.

Weapon refining is a more difficult skill.

In addition, the materials for refining are very expensive, and refining is also extremely time-consuming.

There are often people who have been practicing for hundreds of years, but because of a mistake at a certain level, all their previous efforts are wasted and all their efforts fall short.

This happens all the time.


The elixir recipes and weapon refining blueprints on the market are both marketable and priceless things.

Most of them are monopolized by the alchemist family. at the moment.

Su Wen climbed the 100th floor of the tower and was able to obtain a god-level elixir recipe and a god-level weapon refining blueprint, which was enough for him to use it to explore issues such as the same type of elixir recipe and the techniques and techniques for refining the weapon.

It can save him a thousand years of detours.

But because of these 10 times the reward, he received 10 copies of each.

This kind of reward is unique even in Tiandao Overlord Academy.

This is really a cow with firecrackers hanging from its butt.

The fraud has exploded!


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