Personal life and death training tower


Tiel of the Asgardian Protoss saw the agreement that suddenly appeared in front of him and the voice ringing in his ears.

He signed his name without hesitation:”I want to see how strong this Su Wen is!”


He stepped into the portal on the 31st floor.

After entering the portal, what he saw was exactly the same as the scene he had entered before.

A square square platform.

The range was about 30 kilometers.

He was located in this area. One end.

A portal appeared on the other side~.

Immediately afterwards, a gatekeeper who looked exactly like Su Wen appeared.

This was the historical projection of Su Wen when he passed this level.

Because he was not the real person, he had no expression..

Completely relying on the mechanism of this level to fight against the enemy.

Tier waved the staff in his hand immediately. He wanted to cast a range of forbidden spells of destruction, intending to directly kill Su Wen’s historical projection. Who knew. Su Wen.

Wen was just an ordinary shot.


The bullet instantly penetrated Tyr’s protective magic shield.

Penetrated him���Magic armor. thunderbolt!

Suddenly a thunderbolt rushed into his heart.

This made him feel dizzy instantly.


Immediately afterwards, a bullet as huge as a mountain approached from 30 kilometers away in the blink of an eye. boom!

The next second.

Tyr’s body was defeated by this thing without any resistance.

His soul was floating in the air.

The difference between gods and mortals is this.

Mortals truly die after death.

The soul will be led into reincarnation by the way of heaven.

The soul of the god is extremely strong, not afraid of strong winds and sunshine, and has transcended reincarnation.

Even if the physical body is gone.

Can also survive.

You can even reunite your physical body.

Tier looked at Su Wen in front of him in shock and said,”How is this possible?”

He couldn’t understand why he failed.

He is a 1st-turn god!

The 1st turn of the God Overlord of Tiandao Overlord Academy!

Killing ordinary 1st-turn gods from the outside world is like killing chickens.

Why now?

I became a chicken!

What the hell… boom!

The next second.

A magnificent sword light covered the entire world.

Seeing this, Tier was shocked and couldn’t help being shocked by Su Wen’s attack again and forgot to defend:”Chunyang Yiqi Sword? Changchunzi’s unique skill? How did he……” puff!

As soon as Tier’s thoughts came up, he was completely wiped out by this sword energy.

This is a skill that Su Wen had already learned before he conquered this level.

…… same moment.

Su Wen, who was on the 100th floor, was suddenly shocked.

The surrounding scene came to a standstill for an instant.

Scenes of him killing Asgard’s first god Tyr appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

Tire’s panel appeared in front of Su Wen

【Name: Tyr】

【Occupation: Lord of Asgard’s Divine Spellmancer (god level, 5th turn)】

【Auxiliary occupation: Enchanter (intermediate level)】

【Level: Level 300 (10.11%)】

【Lord points: 100 infinite large numbers】

【Asgardian reputation: 1 billion】

【Reputation in all worlds: 1000 Beijing】

【Military merit: 25 Ganges sands】

【Asgardian power: 1 trillion】

【Divine Department: 100】

【Kingdom of Gods: God Realm of Mad War】

【Lifespan: 35000】

【Title: Ice and Snow Magician】

【Auxiliary Demonic Fire: God-Level Thunder God’s Fire] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bloodline: 3rd level god-level battle Kebuo bloodline (bloodline of Asgardian god of war. Obtain 1000 times attack power, 1000 times critical hit, command +1000W. War madness: The morale of subordinates is increased by 1000W, and the damage is increased by 500 times. All speeds are increased 500 times and there is no pain.)】

【Bloodline: God-level Chaos Bloodline (reconcile the bloodline of good and evil demons to keep all bloodlines in a balanced state. Bloodline blessing: 10x physical attack power, 10x elemental attack power, 10x mental attack power, 10x practice speed, 10x experience value , 1W lucky value)】

【Energy value: 4】

【Attributes: Strength 7300W+1500W; Agility 10000W+1500W; Spirit 20000W+20000W; Physique: 7000W+3000W】

【Equipment: Zhan Kuang’s magic armor (exclusive equipment for ethnic professions)】

【General knowledge: 2nd level god-level Asgardian perfect knowledge (mastery), 1st level god-level Titan Protoss perfect knowledge (mastery), 1st level god-level Behemoth protoss advanced knowledge (mastery), 1st level god-level elemental race advanced knowledge (Mastery), 1st turn to perfect knowledge of divine wizard knowledge (mastery), 1st turn to perfect knowledge of divine natural magic clan (mastery), 1st turn to perfect knowledge of divine abyss (mastery), 1st turn to perfect knowledge of divine enchanter (mastery) ), 2nd-turn divine level enchantment 99 entries (mastery), 2nd-turn divine-level divine ink blending knowledge (mastery), 2nd-turn divine-level perfect knowledge of heavenly materials (mastery), 2nd-turn divine level perfect knowledge of formations (mastery)】

【Ordinary passive skills: 1st divine level magic defense shield, 1st divine level mental defense shield, 1st divine level physical defense shield, 1st divine level curse defense shield, 1st divine level self-healing technique】

【Common skills: 2nd level divine teleportation, 2nd level divine level traceless movement, 2nd level divine level holy light technique】

【Professional skills: 1st turn divine level divine spell blessing, 1st turn divine level magician blood blessing, 1st turn divine level forbidden spell: Thunder Prison, 1st turn divine level forbidden spell: Ice and Snow Era, 1st turn divine level forbidden spell eternal seal, 1st turn Godly Transformation: War Giant】

【Military formation skills: God-level bloodthirsty, God-level blood-sucking, God-level madness】

【Auxiliary skills: material analysis, inscription rubbing, magical pen, enchantment inscription】

【Talents: 1st level god-level endless courage, divine soul reinforcement, blood refining, fugue, god-level element affinity, god-level array mage, arrival of thunder king, god-level basic gain, god-level knowledge gain】

【Attribute points: 0】

“I wipe it! Why did this guy get into the tower?”

Su Wen couldn’t help but whisper when he saw this.

During this period, since he climbed to the 60th floor, he has used 3rd turn to forcefully deprive his talent 45 times.

This is the 46th time. It is also the second 1st turn god.

Compared with the previous god, this Tyr was quite interesting.

What made Su Wen most ecstatic were the attribute points.

This guy had so many attribute values that he couldn’t believe it.

Immediately, he first used Tyr’s attribute points. The attribute values and the bonus attributes of the divine equipment were all plundered.

Then, everything that could be taken away began to be taken away.

“Huh? The energy value was still 400 million before, but now it is 0?”

In the blink of an eye, Su Wen was slightly stunned.

Then, he was relieved.

This energy value was obtained through the reward he got when he conquered the Changchunzi copy: Magic Eye.

This talent allows Su Wen to see himself or others. The amount of magic energy you have

【Magic Eye: You can see your own and other people’s magical energy values! 】

A very simple talent.

It is temporarily useless to Su Wen.

He calculated carefully.

Tyr’s mental attribute value is 4.

Tyr’s energy value is also 400 million.

This shows that the energy value is closely related to one’s own spirit, and the conversion is also 1:1.

Apart from being able to use skills and incantation magic that cannot become skills, what else can this thing do?


Suvin quickly stripped Tire of his panels.

He did not exit the stasis space.

This time I have climbed the tower and have cleared 99 floors in total.

He received 12,346,963,092 attribute points.

These attribute points are the rewards for climbing the tower and the attribute points obtained after killing the monsters guarding the gate in the process.

In addition, 14,343,389 million lord points were obtained.

Because Su Wen is after the personal life and death training tower was reset.

The first person to climb the tower. so.

Rewards related to breaking historical records, breaking tower climbing records, freshman records, various rankings, etc. have not been reached.

This needs to be settled after Su Wen leaves the training tower.

Except for these gains.

He also killed dozens of overlords through his historical projection clones located on the 31st to 60th floors.

Obtained all the skills, talents, magical powers, auxiliary skills, bloodlines, titles, lord points, various special values, etc. of these overlords.

As long as it can be taken away.

Su Wen deprived everything.

So far.

His free attribute points have reached 16 billion.

From the attribute panel of these overlords.

He obtained a total of 57 infinite large number of lord points.

“call! This is so cool! Now I want to take this opportunity to do some calculations! How to win easily!”

Su Wen breathed out, with a sharp look in his eyes, he looked at the Gatekeeper Fan who looked exactly like him outside the hazy stagnant space.

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