【Do you want to spend 1 billion lord points to enter the tower?】

【Note: Each person can only enter the tower once every 14! Except for those with special permission cards! 】

Su Wen entered the personal life and death training tower again, and a familiar prompt appeared when entering.

This time he went directly to the first floor instead of the 31st floor before

【level one!】

【Destroy all enemies! 】

Familiar prompts appear in front of you.

I saw.

Three big demons walked out of the portal.

Su Wen checked and found that these great demons were all level 50 demons.

The average four-dimensional attribute points are around 100 points.

The armor he wears and the weapons he holds are all green-level equipment with attribute blessings.

It can bring a temporary gain of 10,000 basic attribute points to these big demons.

“Um? Difficulty increased by 2 times?”

Su Wen hesitated for a moment.

He directly pulled the trigger of the Shenxiao shotgun.

Boom! Boom!

After two shots, the big devil was killed instantly.

【Congratulations on your success!】

【Reward: 200 attribute points! 20W lord points】


【Your reward authority has been upgraded. This time the reward is corrected to 2000 attribute points and 200W lord points!】

【Next, you will be rewarded according to the new reward authority multiple!】

【The time limit for this reward multiplier is 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds】

“Um? The countdown begins! I only have one day!”

Su Wen’s eyes flashed.

He realized that he could not proceed slowly.

Immediately, he used the instantaneous shadow skill to instantly enter the portal.

He quickly came to the second layer.


The monsters on this layer were also 3.

And it is stronger than the monsters on the first level.

After the four-dimensional attributes are 1 times higher than the previous level.

Boom! Boom!

After the same two shots.

Su Wen didn’t even have time to read the reward prompts and directly entered the teleportation Door.

Very quickly.

Su Wen completed the first 10 levels.

【Congratulations on your success!】

【Reward: 2000 attribute points! 200W lord points】

【Please wait!】

【Level 10 settlement is in progress!】

【Reward: 2000 attribute points! 200W lord points! 】

Looked at the settlement.

And Su Wen, who had just come out of the portal, stepped directly into the portal.


“Damn it! Such a fast speed? It took him a total of 30 seconds from entering to breaking 10!”

“Just the first 10 levels! For the lords out there, it might take a while, but for us it’s easy!”

“Um! yes! Su Wen had passed through level 30 before and received at least tens of thousands of attribute points as a reward. Adding in other rewards, his current four-dimensional attribute is at least around 30,000 points! The first 20 levels were easy for him!”

Someone in the crowd outside analyzed.

Immediately afterwards, some people who were unwilling to wait started climbing the tower again.

On the magic screen at the entrance of the personal life and death training tower, dozens of screens of different sizes soon appeared.

Among them, Zhuo Tian also Among them.

His speed is also very fast. He passed the level in almost 2 or 3 seconds.

When he passed the 10th level,

Zhuo Tian couldn’t help but pondered:”It seems that the gap between me and Su Wen is Not big either!”


He quickly entered the 11th floor.

At this time, Su Wen had already reached the 30th floor.

Although the test between the 11th and 20th floors was a one-on-many test.

But no enemy could stop Su Wen. Su Wen’s shot.

Even if there are shadow puppets on the 21st to 30th floors that are intelligent, understand Su Wen’s thoughts, and have four-dimensional attributes as high as 1 million.

They still can’t resist Su Wen’s shot.

Because Su Wen His talents, skills, and passives have reached the level of a 1st-level god.

Su Wen was extremely excited by this smooth climbing of the tower.

He had only climbed to the 30th floor.

His reward had reached 31 from 1,000 points on the first floor.

The reward for layer 100,000 attribute points.

Calculate it carefully.

It is just the level reward for climbing the tower on the first 30 floors.

Su Wen has already obtained 35,000 attribute points, plus a reward of 55 million lord points.

The monster attributes involved in this The points obtained are about 110,300 points.

This is only the 30th floor.

How many would there be if you climbed to the 100th floor.

This greatly aroused Su Wen’s fighting spirit.

Outside the tower, a dog clan overlord looked at the tower in despair.

The light on the screen went out, and he couldn’t help but said:”How is it possible? Rabe is already level 70!

How could he die at level 21? Her four-dimensional attributes have reached 20W!

“Hook of the dragon clan is also dead, he died in level 11!”

At this time, an overlord next to him said silently.

This Hook is a level 90 overlord. His four-dimensional attributes have reached 1 million points.

He has climbed to the 50th floor before.

“Damn it! Zhu Xiaoming died on the 19th floor!”

At this time, a new lord exclaimed.

As his exclamation sounded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhuo Tian walked from the 30th floor wearing tattered clothes and with blank eyes. Come down.

He turned his head and looked at the magic screen on the door of the personal life and death training tower.

His eyes were locked on the small screen of Su Wen.

He saw that it displayed [Su Wen, 51st floor!】

“How can this be?”

Zhuo Tian grabbed his clothes tightly and couldn’t help but roared.

He had climbed to the 60th floor before.

Even when he came down from the 60th floor, he had never been so embarrassed.


After the difficulty has been doubled..

He just climbed to the 30th floor and did not dare to continue climbing back.


He almost died on the 30th floor.

In the end, he almost exchanged injuries for injuries, and fought with his last breath to kill his own shadow. Dropped.

If there is no final healing circle[]

He was afraid he would die from his serious injuries.

According to the level of difficulty.

He judged that he had passed 31 levels.

I immediately chose to quit.

At this time.

A semi-god-level overlord walked out of the Overlord Tower of the Heavens with a face full of disbelief.

His whole body was shaking and his face was pale.

Cold sweat had wet his clothes.

When he comes out.

Tyr, the Asgardian protoss, couldn’t help but stepped forward:”Huo Luoduo! What did you encounter? Why did you come down from the 40th floor?”

These words attracted other people around to look over.

Zhuo Tian, the new genius of the Angel Clan, also turned his head.

Faced with everyone’s doubtful eyes.

Huo Luoduo sighed:”You have offended someone you shouldn’t offend this time! Because the personal life and death training tower has just been restarted, and the number of overlords who have reached the 100th floor is less than 2W.”

“According to regulations, as long as I want to climb up after finishing the 30th floor, I must sign a confidentiality agreement!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

The next second, some contents about the level protection agreement emerged in their memories.

There is indeed such an agreement in the academy.

In order to prevent some people from selling the level information..

Affects the role of the personal life and death training tower.

Immediately afterwards,

Huo Luoduo continued:”The levels above the 31st floor are bound by the Tiandao confidentiality agreement. I can’t tell you the specific details! All I can say is that even if I become a god, I won’t be able to climb to the heights I was before! Peat! A bunch of bad guys! It killed me!”

Everyone was stunned when these words came out.

Overlord Behemoth, who was familiar with Huoluoduo, couldn’t help but exclaimed:”You are damn immortal!”

“groove! It is because I am immortal that I can come out alive! Otherwise you think you can see me again! What the hell! A bunch of bastards!”

Huo Luoduo glared at Behemoth, then looked at Tier with disdain, turned around and walked away.

This made everyone around him show strange expressions.

When people looked at Tier and others, their eyes were slightly a little confused. Changed.

Tier couldn’t help frowning and looking in the direction where Rodo was leaving, and couldn’t help but said coldly:”Damn Vorodo! I think you are tired of living! How dare you insult us in public!”

At this time, there was a strong discussion among the crowd.

“What happened?”

“The personal life and death training tower has just been restarted! It’s just twice as difficult!”

“Is it so frightening to have so much money (good money)?”

“This guy used to be fearless! I often like to seek death!”

“This time…Did something big happen on the 31st floor?”

Everyone couldn’t help but communicate.

During this conversation, some people suddenly discovered that most of the people who stepped onto the 31st floor were dead after a few seconds or more than ten seconds!

Among them, there were still some half A god-level powerhouse.

This is too weird!

Batamu’s face changed slightly as he was staring at the big screen.

He glanced at Su Wen, who had climbed to the 70th floor, and then looked at other screens..

I saw that most of the tower climbers were below the 30th floor.

There were 7 people above the 30th floor.

Among these 7 people, 1 had just become the overlord of the gods, and 6 were demigods.

They climbed very slowly, with an average of 31 To the 33rd floor.

After that, when we arrived at Su Wen’s location, there was almost no one around.

This made him couldn’t help but mutter:”Fuck!

This is so damn difficult!

Originally, we could still obtain some resources through the personal life and death training tower, but now it seems



“Why doesn’t this guy Su Wen have any difficulty!”

“Could it be that with his level 50 mortal body, he could already rival the gods?”.

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