“Fat man! How do you plan to deal with Sakura Gu’s imprisonment?”

Su Wen stopped Wang Dahai, who was about to return to the resource secret realm, and asked pointedly.


Wang Dahai was stunned.

He scratched his head in confusion:”Old Su! Haven’t you already avenged that revenge for me?~?”

“No! I just rescue! This revenge has not been avenged yet!”

Su Wen shook his head. He looked at Wang Dahai and said to himself:”If you want revenge, I can help you buy revenge items through Tiandao Mall!”

“Let me first explain that once this item is turned on, it will be truly immortal!”

“What are the consequences of a common man’s anger?”

At the end, he looked at Wang Dahai with burning eyes and said:”Destroy the country!…I just don’t know, do you dare to do this?”


Wang Dahai’s legs went weak.

He asked instinctively:”Can I do it?”

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at the rabbit Buddha on his shoulder:”I suddenly feel that I can do it again!”

“Um! I will arrange for you to have 100 demigods from the Shadow Guard Palace to protect you secretly. You start your journey in the name of revenge, and you will punish anyone who dares to stop you! Anyone who dares to intercede will be beaten back! Don’t be afraid of trouble! Don’t be afraid of offending anyone!”

Su Wen laughed.

He patted Wang Dahai on the shoulder and solemnly confessed:”This trip! Just help me take a look! Who the hell is the enemy!”

“good! It’s time for the feud of so many years to be settled! In this way, I, Wang Dahai, can write another page of achievements on the family tree! Glorious ancestors, glorious lintel! Wang

Dahai’s eyes were full of excitement.

He kowtowed quickly and said:”Thank you, Your Majesty!” Give me this opportunity to be famous throughout the ages!”


Su Wen laughed.

He called out the Tiandao Mall. He spent 1,000 Ganges Sands of lord points to redeem a national-level blood feud order.

【Item: Blood Vengeance Order】

【Grade: God Grade】

【Prerequisite: The enemy target who launches the Blood Vengeance Order must have enmity with you.】

【Function: Can carry out unrelenting revenge against national-level forces! In the process of revenge, it is required to eradicate the roots, even if they are far away, they will be killed! 1 year validity】

【Note: The use of this order must meet the prerequisites, and any actions taken during the revenge process will not be punished by heaven. After using the blood feud order, the initiator can terminate the blood feud at any time. After the end, the blood feud between the two parties automatically resolved their grievances.】


Wang Dahai immediately used the Blood Vengeance Order after seeing it.


Tiandao listed those who had enmity with Wang Dahai one by one.


Wang Dahai chose the country of Foot Pot Chicken, which had a blood feud with him.


This one Instantly.

Tiandao sent a notice to the entire Blue Star and Blue Star’s Lord Space.

【In Area 2 of Qingqing Prairie, Wang Dahai, a vassal lord under Lord Su Wen, officially launched a blood feud against Sakura.】

【Wang Dahai will launch an unrelenting revenge against Sakura during one year! 】

The moment the announcement sounded.

Wang Dahai couldn’t help being shocked:”Fuck! The whole world knows the purpose!”

“What are you afraid of!”

Su Wen responded with a smile.

At this time, a large number of messages appeared in his dragon kingdom lord communication channel.

80% of them were words of advice.

15% were asking if you need help.

5% were just for viewing.

Busy and selling information.

Zhong Jianwen even sent a detailed information about Sakura’s location in the lord space, as well as the location information of each lord, etc.

He didn’t even have a word of advice.

Su Wen forwarded the information to Wang The sea.

He also summoned 100 demigod-level shadow guards to the Shadow Guard Mansion.


He Yufei ran over from a distance with a group of magicians from the Five Elements Tribe:”Take my people with you!

” Buzz!



Liu Wen and others teleported back directly.

Each brought some troops.

Liu Wen even personally asked for orders:”I am familiar with the lord space.

How about I lead the way for Wang Dahai?

“His Majesty! Although I don’t have anything powerful here, please allow me to arrange for 100 wood elf archers to follow Comrade Wang Dahai this time!

Wenying said excitedly.

Ye Jinpeng even shouted:”Your Majesty!” My flying dragon knight needs to go through the war. Please allow Comrade Wang Dahai to take my flying dragon knight with him!”

“His Majesty! I think 100 demigod-level shadow guards are not enough, so I arranged for 200, with Jun Wu as the leader!”

At this time, Han Li brought people here, and he said excitedly.

Such a scene.

Wang Dahai was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Xiaoxiao directly recommended a few people to Wang Dahai:”Wang Dahai Comrade Dahai! This expedition involves a lot of fatigue, so we can’t help much! These people are still trustworthy, you can ask them for help when needed, we have already said hello!”

“I check! Do you want this? Why do I feel like I am going to die a hero!”

Wang Dahai said with a smile, his tone was full of relaxation.

Su Wen looked at everyone and nodded slightly:”The Shadow Guard Mansion has sent out 100 demigod guards! Led by Jun Wu! Return all other forces! This revenge was completed by Wang Dahai alone!”

“The demigod guards are hiding! The main responsibility is to collect intelligence and draw a map of the journey! Deal with the enemy’s assassination team and the possible use of the power of alien gods! And protect Wang Dahai!”

As Su Wen’s voice sounded, everyone couldn’t help but look shocked.

They objected one after another.

Su Wen motioned to Wang Dahai to display the panel of Rabbit Buddha.

At this sight, everyone fell silent.

Waiting for the fight to be over. After everyone,

Su Wen handed a ring to Wang Dahai:”Don’t be stingy! Throw away whatever is inside!”


He gave a masterless god ring to the fat man again:”This is for you to hold your trophies! There is an anonymous lord point card worth 100 Ganges Sands inside!”

“This is for you to pay the toll!”

After the arrangement was completed,

Wang Dahai took his things and was escorted by the King’s Guards. He first teleported to Liu Wen’s Qilin City at the west gate of the territory through the teleportation array. He left the territory through the west gate.

Su Wen on the top of the Eye of the Territory sentry tower was far away. Looking at Wang Dahai,

Sun Shangxiang next to him asked in confusion:”Why did you do such a ridiculous thing? Do you want to show your strength to the Lord Space of Blue Star?”

“This kind of enemy of the country hates you for not understanding! I made such a vow when I came here, the first moment I woke up and realized what I was going through!”

Su Wen said lightly, and he didn’t care whether Sun Shangxiang understood it or not:”Originally, I wanted to do it myself, but I didn’t want to show my power too early! Therefore, the original plan was to wait half a year!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Now, after I see Fatty’s fantasy beast, I can’t wait!”

“Fatty is the best candidate to launch this revenge!”

It is not easy to seek revenge.

First of all, the opponent’s entire force has entered the lord’s space.

It passed without any reason.

It will be punished by heaven.

And it is even more impossible to use the blood feud of the ancestors as cause and effect.

The cause and effect of heaven only counts the lord. The disputes in the past 10 years since the advent of space.

If you want to take revenge by killing Xiu Wen with blood, you have to go to the dungeon.

Although there are such props in Tiandao Mall, the purchase is restricted and it is impossible for Su Wen to complete all his revenge. Plan.

Therefore, he can only carry out the blood revenge order.

This is the most time-saving and labor-saving method, and it is also the simplest method.[]

The reason Su Wen chose Fatty was because of the immortal Rabbit Buddha and its skills and abilities.

…… same time.

Blue Star Lord Space.

In a magnificent palace in a certain area.

The current commander-in-chief of Sakura looked at the people in the audience and said viciously:”Since Wang Dahai is so anxious to die, then let him die! I will hang his head on the city wall to show it to all the lords of Blue Star.!”

“Your Mightiness! I’m worried that Su Wen will give him some powerful magic scrolls or helpers!”

At this time, a level 69 lord said solemnly.

The commander laughed:”So what! Su Wen really thought he was a god! The reason why the Asgardian protoss did not kill him was mainly because of the special nature of our Blue Star, which prevented the opponent’s powerful force from entering, not because of how strong Su Wen was!”

“The god behind him was very weak, so what if he was given a divine weapon and a forbidden curse scroll?”

“It’s not like we don’t have helpers!”

After he finished speaking, someone else said:”I always feel that this matter is full of conspiracy! A vassal lord launches an endless war of revenge against a force like ours. Is there anything else involved?”


The other side.

In blue star.

Wang Dahai’s father, Wang Defa, was sitting in the office in a daze:”Damn it! What did this guy Dahai do! Didn’t you promise me that you wouldn’t participate in the war! How dare you do this!”

Ding ding ding! Jingle Bell!

Soon, Wang Dahai’s phone rang.

He picked it up and looked at it, and couldn’t help but be startled:”Third uncle?”

This is the uncle of the Wang family.

He hasn’t contacted each other for a long time.


Before Wang Dahai entered the lord space.

Uncle Clan looked for him.

Wang Dahai’s entry into the Lord’s Space must be written into the family tree.

The two also discussed the written content for this purpose.

What happened this time?

Are you scolding me?

It was not easy for a seedling to appear at home.

Being sent as a pawn to die?

Wang Defa prepared words of resistance:”What the hell! Dahai is also my son, I can scold him! No one else can scold him! Who dares to say something wrong with him, I will beat you to death!” He said.

He answered the call.

Just listen to the hoarse voice of the third uncle:”Defa! You have raised a good son! No matter whether this matter succeeds or not, no matter what is behind it, it is the glory of my Wang family! Our ancestors were born to destroy ghosts. This time If your son dares to do this, he must have someone to rely on!”

“Don’t be afraid! Don’t worry either!”

“If Dahai dies, we clan elders have decided to move his memorial tablet into the family ancestral hall!”

“No matter what the final result is, Dahai will have one more page on his family tree!”

“in addition!”

“The family has decided that you will be the patriarch of the family from now on!”

“Don’t shirk your affairs at home!”


After hanging up the phone.

Wang Defa scratched his head:”Damn it! I have completely forgotten my roots in business these years! This matter of Dahai is a matter of honoring the ancestors and the lintel of the family!”

Just as he was muttering.

Another series of phone calls came.

These are his business associates and friends.

There is also the father of He Yufei of the He family.

Everyone expressed their admiration for Wang Defa for raising such a good son.


Wang Defa burst into tears…nine….

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