【Name: Mu Mumu】

【Race: Wood Elf】

【Occupation: Wood Elf Archer】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Subordinate: Wenying】

【Rating: 109 (0.00%)】

【Rank: 0】

【Attributes: Strength 220; Agility 297; Spirit 239; Constitution 221】

【Equipment: none】

【Professional Skills: Advanced Archery Specialization, Advanced Accuracy, Advanced Wood Element Affinity, Advanced Word of Nature, Advanced Friends of Nature, Advanced Jungle Affinity, Advanced Wood Element Healing, Spirit Leap, Withered Arrow, Leaf Rain Arrow, Must Killing Technique Wrath of Nature】

【Advanced Marksmanship Specialization: Long-range shooting weapons, 1x rate of fire, 1x accuracy】

【Advanced accuracy: Accuracy +1000】

【Spiritual Leap: In the jungle environment, you can accurately jump to any foothold within 10 range, and can shoot enemies during the jump. Dexterity +1000, Balance +1000, Speed +1000】

【Withering Arrow: Plunder the arrow of vitality, causing 100 points of basic damage to the target, and quickly venting the target’s vitality, venting 500 points per second for 10 seconds. The effect causes the opponent’s vitality to flow away and the body to age rapidly. Cooling time 1 minute】

【Leaf Rain Arrow: Like a rain of arrows with a large number of falling leaves, it will cause a covering blow to enemies within 10 meters. The target in the area will suffer 50 points of penetrating damage every second, lasting for 10 seconds. Cooling time 30 seconds】

【Special skill: Nature’s Wrath: Condensing an angry arrow full of vital poison, causing 100020 points of wood element damage to the target.

The extremely toxic vitality will cause the target’s body circulation to go out of control and the five internal organs to become unbalanced, causing symptoms such as physical incoordination, paralysis, stupidity, and death. The target will continue to suffer 10 points of poisonous damage every second for 10 seconds.

The person hit by the arrow will fall into anger. The endless anger will make the person hit by the arrow ignore his own injuries and vent his anger on everything around him.】

“Very powerful skill!”

Su Wen nodded and said after looking at it.

Both the Withering Arrow and the Wrath of Nature are very strong.

One involves life span.

The other involves the control of emotions and the destruction of the life cycle.

This skill is simply extremely vicious!

Even if there is no promotion increase, the wood elf archer will be a guest of any force wherever he goes.

This also makes Su Wen sigh. The reason why the powerful tribe is strong is not without reason.

Seeing this,

Su Wen raised his hand.

All attributes were promoted for the wood elf archer Mu Mumu.


A brilliant light of promotion flashed.

The wood elf archer Mu Mumu was promoted to level 12.

She was stunned at first.

Then, she knelt down again excitedly. On the ground, he kept kowtowing and saying words of loyalty and gratitude.

Su Wen then boosted the other wood elf shooters.

Wenying quickly looked at Mu Mumu’s panel.

At this look, her smile It blooms like a chrysanthemum.

To sum it up in one sentence, that is.

The spring breeze is so proud of the horse’s hoofs that I can see all the flowers in Chang’an in one day.

It’s so cool!

This is so cool!

【Name: Mu Mumu】

【Race: Wood Elf】

【Occupation: Wood Elf Archer】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Subordinate: Wenying】

【Rating: 109 (0.00%)】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 3340; Agility 3417; Spirit 3359; Constitution 3341】

【Equipment: none】

【Professional Skills: Yellow Level Archery Specialization, Yellow Level 100 Hits, Yellow Level Wood Elemental Affinity, Yellow Level Nature’s Word, Yellow Level Nature’s Friend, Yellow Level Jungle Affinity, Yellow Level Wood Elemental Healing, Yellow Level Spiritual Leap, Yellow Level Blight Arrow, Yellow-level Ye Yu Arrow, Huang-level special move Wrath of Nature】

【Yellow level shooting specialization: long-range shooting weapons, 5 times the rate of fire, 5 times the accuracy】

【Huang Jie’s perfect shot: Accuracy +5000】

【Yellow Level Spiritual Leap: In the jungle environment, you can accurately jump to any foothold within 50 meters, and can shoot at the enemy during the jump. Dexterity +5000, Balance +5000, Speed +5000】

【Yellow-level blighted arrow: an arrow that plunders vitality, causing 500 points of basic damage to the target, and quickly venting the target’s vitality, venting 1,000 points per second for 50 seconds. The effect causes the opponent’s vitality to flow away and the body to age rapidly. Cooling time 1 minute】

【Leaf Rain Arrow: Like a rain of arrows with a large number of falling leaves, it will cause a covering blow to enemies within 50 meters. Targets in the area will suffer 500 points of penetrating damage every second for 30 seconds. Cooling time 30 seconds】

【Huang-level special skill, Wrath of Nature: Condenses an angry arrow full of vital poison, causing 5000 points of wood element damage to the target.

The vitality poison will cause the target’s internal circulation to lose control and the five internal organs to become unbalanced, causing symptoms such as physical incoordination, paralysis, stupidity, and death. The target will continue to suffer 100 points of poisonous damage every second for 50 seconds.

The person hit by the arrow will fall into anger, and the endless anger will make the person hit by the arrow ignore his own injuries and vent his anger on everything around him. ]

Such skill attributes.

In combination with the blessing of four-dimensional attributes and equipment.

500 Wood Elf Archers are far more than a large number of troops of the same level. and.

With these shooters.

Wenying can even lead a team to conquer the dungeon she likes.

Think of this.

She wanted to rush forward and kiss Su Wen.

But the reserve inside made her stop.

Just when she was so excited that she didn’t know why.

The wood elf attendant suddenly came over and asked in a low voice:”Your Highness! It’s almost dinner time. I have prepared these meals. Do you think it’s feasible?”

He said.

She handed a menu to Wenying.

Wenying saw that this was a menu for Western food.

Dessert, steak, pasta, apple

“No! I do it myself!”

Wenying rolled her eyes. She guessed that Su Wen definitely didn’t like this kind of food. She immediately gave an order to Mu Mumu.

She took the guards to the kitchen of the lord’s castle.

She wanted to cook a sumptuous table for Su Wen herself. Afternoon banquet.


Su Wen completed the increase of all wood elf archers.

He looked around and asked Mu Mumu, who was still waiting for Su Wen in the hall:”Where are your lords?”

“To your great Majesty! Our lord is cooking in the back kitchen, and she wants to prepare a sumptuous dinner for you! Mu

Mumu knelt down and replied:”If you want to take a walk in the jungle, please allow me to lead you!””

Su Wen smiled slightly after hearing this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He looked outside. He saw that the jungle was already dark.

Only the fairy mother tree and the lights on the surrounding buildings illuminated the jungle.

Because of the automatic connection with the nuclear fusion wireless power station

, the entire Elf Mother Tree and the various buildings of the Wood Elf are energized, and electric lights are also installed through the power of heaven.

At present, there is a light in the Elf Mother Tree, which is different from the daytime. Strange.

993 Su Wen and Mu Mumu chatted briefly.

After a while,

Wenying led people to the hall and invited Su Wen to the palace on the top floor for dinner.

After the past two days, the palace on the top of the Elf Mother Tree.It has been decorated by Wenying into a doll house.

It is filled with all kinds of dolls.[]

There are also family photos.

Dine here.

Extraordinarily warm and friendly

“How are my cooking skills? Wenying looked at Su

Wen expectantly and asked.

She prepared spicy stir-fried chicken, braised pork ribs, steamed pork and mustard dishes for Su Wen.

Especially the last mustard dish.��

The mustard used in this dish is not mustard paste or mustard oil, but a seasoning made from mustard powder, mixed with vinegar, sesame oil and other seasonings, and made from rapeseed, vermicelli, dragon whiskers and other ingredients.

This mustard dish has a mustard aroma, and it tastes even more unforgettable

“Not simple! Can you cook this kind of dish? What does your family do?”

Su Wen couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

Wenying’s cooking skills can be said to be at the level of a chef!

It’s all delicious and delicious!

It’s even better than the chefs in his territory.


Wenying’s eyebrows turned into crescents when she smiled, and she said solemnly He took out more than a dozen national chef certificates and championship certificates from various chef competitions, and said proudly:”In order for me to eat well in Lord Space, I used my spare time to follow our chef After learning this craft, I also became a disciple of more than a dozen state banquet masters of different cuisines, and now I have learned all their secrets!”

“Damn it! So awesome? Su

Wen was shocked. He looked at Wenying and asked tentatively:”You must have learned other things, right?””.

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