“Kowtow to the Lord God! Junwu……”

After Jun Wu woke up, he immediately bowed his head to Su Wen. There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes that only a fanatic could have, and even his title changed.

This moment.

Su Wen actually understood what Jun Wu was thinking.

You can even notice it clearly.

There was a wonderful connection between him and Jun Wu.

These connections are very close.

Give him one.

Jun Wu is his fanatical believer and a divine envoy.

As long as he gives orders to Jun Wu.

Even if Jun Wu commits suicide immediately.

Both Jun and Wu will execute it without hesitation. and.

He and Junwu can still pass through this line.

Make calls over extremely long distances, even across time and space


Han Li on the side was completely shocked.

He also judged it from Jun Wu’s title.

Jun Wu actually became the first demigod under Su Wen.

It made him feel like he was dreaming.

Previously, Su Wen’s ability to amplify all things could be summarized as talent.

But this is a way to create a demigod out of a mortal body.

It’s too scary!

“If this is not the biological son of Tiandao, who would believe it!”

Han Li had a terrifying thought.

For a moment, his mood became extremely joyful.

Su Wen nodded and looked at Junwu’s panel.

【Name: Junwu】

【Race: Shadow】

【Occupation: Shadow Guard】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Sub-lord: Han Li】

【Divinity: Demigod】

【Divine Lord: Su Wen】

【Level: 115 (02.01%)】

【Rank: 101 (MAX)】

【Attributes 187: Strength 206134+10000; Agility 206674+10000; Spirit 206144+10000; Constitution 206134+10000】

【Equipment: Shadow Thorn, Shadow Suit】

【Knowledge and skills: Complete knowledge of 12th-level god-level espionage, Complete knowledge of 12-level god-level assassins】

【Professional skills: Level 12 God-level trap, Level 12 God-level communication, Level 12 God-level identification, Level 12 God-level tracking eye, Level 12 God-level hidden weapon proficiency, Level 12 God-level drug proficiency, Level 12 God-level all-weapon proficiency , Level 12 God-level unarmed combat proficiency, Level 12 God-level medical proficiency, Level 12 God-level secret language proficiency, Level 12 God-level teleportation, Level 12 God-level shadow possession, Level 12 God-level special move Shadow Blade】

【Inherited talent: 2nd divine level resurrection】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Level 12 God-level Trap: The trap causes 5000 points of piercing damage to the enemy, with a stun effect, and lasts for 1 minute. With a bleeding effect, 100 points of physical fitness will be lost every second.】

【Level 12 God-level Communication: The special communication method of the Shadow Clan. Within a 1 million kilometer area, a dark element spiritual connection network can be established with any member of the Shadow Clan. Through this network, spiritual communication can be achieved without delay. Duration 480 hours】

【12th-level God-level tracking pupil: You can see skills, scrolls, props or any traces left by life at 1st-level God level and below, and get useful information from them.】

【Level 12 God-level all-weapon proficiency: While holding a weapon, gain 30 times (abed) damage bonus, 30 times attack speed, 30 times dexterity, and 30 times movement speed.】

【12th level god level unarmed combat proficiency: in the fist and kick state, gain 30 times strength, 30 times agility, 30 times physical fitness, 30 times endurance, and 10 times damage self-healing】

【Level 12 Divine Level Medical Proficiency: Your healing effect increases by 10 times】

【12th level divine level teleportation: can teleport to any coordinate point within a range of 500 kilometers, teleportation time is 0.001 seconds, teleportation cooling time is 0.01 seconds】

【Level 12 God Level Shadow Possession: Transform into a shadow attached to the enemy or the shadow of an object, lasting 300 hours. In shadow state, there is a 10% chance of hearing the target’s heart. 1 chance per day】

【The 12th-level god-level special move, Shadow Blade: rises from the shadow and delivers a fatal blow to the target. Silent +13W, 40x speed, 40x critical hit, 40x damage, armor breaking +13W, sharpness +13W】

【Inherited talent: 2nd divine level resurrection, 64 resurrections per day.

Bonus: No tracking! Your resurrection will not be tracked or located by anyone.

Gain: Curse eliminated! After resurrection, all poison curses are eliminated.

You can choose to resurrect in place, or you can leave your own blood in a specific place and choose to resurrect where the blood is left!

Description: This talent is inherited from the God Lord’s talent list】

“Um? Promoted from level 12 to level 101, a total of 89 levels! Under the full attribute increase, this gain gained 202884 attribute points!”

Su Wen looked at Junwu’s attribute panel and couldn’t help but fell into thinking.

Each step of the increase in all attributes is 4 in the increase in single attribute. Junwu’s changes don’t stop there.

The list also showed the confirmation of demigod status. Attribute entry of level.

However, this

【God Lord: Su Wen]

It seems that he finds it a bit funny.

Because he is not God yet.

He has actually become the God Lord.

This is probably the first of its kind!

If Jun Wu is released to tell the truth.

No one wrote back either.

These two items are probably the main proof to determine the relationship between subordinate gods. therefore.

There is an extra column in Su Wen’s attribute panel.

【God system: 1]

It can be judged from this data that this 1 represents the number of people under the God system. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Through this entry, Su Wen can see relevant information about his subordinates and establish a spiritual connection with them across time and space.

Then there are Jun Wu’s skills.

All of them have become 12th level gods.

Before being promoted to level 101, these skills are all at level 6.

Because Junwu became a demigod, these ranks were doubled.

“What’s going on with this inherited talent?”

Su Wen’s eyes jumped.

When he saw the end, he had some vague guesses in his heart.

As he observed carefully, a memory derived from the knowledge of various races entered Su Wen’s mind.

The gods have subordinates of the gods. After demigods.

The talents of demigods will be inherited from the master’s talent list according to their own needs.

Since demigods cannot���god lord[]

During the inheritance process, the talents inherited by the demigod will automatically be reduced by one level.

After inheritance.

The God Lord’s talent is still there.

If the demigods under his command make mistakes or betrayal.

The god-lord can directly communicate with the demi-god through the god-lord.

Take back the talents and divinity inherited by the demigods.

It can even knock down demigods into the mortal world.


The demigod’s skill levels will be reduced except for attribute points.

Inherited talents will disappear completely

“Divinity is equivalent to the authority to obtain talents and upgrade levels. If the authority is in a demigod, it will become stronger. If the authority is not there, the demigod will be a mortal!”

Su Wen quickly understood the basic relationship between the two.

Han Li on the side couldn’t help but become a little excited after seeing Jun Wu’s panel.

He knelt down in a hurry, kowtowed and said:”Please bless me, my lord!”


Su Wen looked at the sincere and eager Han Li and sighed:”The paths to promotion to demigods are different for lords and ordinary warriors! You still need to upgrade your level honestly and step by step!”

“I really have no choice in this regard!”

“If there was any way, I would be a demigod!”

Su Wen explained.

Han Li couldn’t help but sigh after hearing this.

Immediately afterwards,

Su Wen promoted 8 more commanders of the Shadow Guard House.

After an hour,

Jun Wu led a demigod team composed of 8 commanders. After leaving the Shadow Guard Mansion,

Su Wen spent a total of 1,692,000 attribute points this time.

Now there are 14,991 points left.

Immediately, he built the Holy Light Church next to the Shadow Guard Mansion and in front of the Fat Tower.

After completion.

He went to the Huanghai.

Xu Xiaoxiao was already fully operational.

When Su Wen arrived,

Xu Xiaoxiao was setting up an environmental array in the Huanghai, spreading the fish fry and marine economic crop seeds just obtained from Su’s Trading Company. Miao.

He didn’t greet Xu Xiaoxiao.

After setting up the Holy Light Church near Conch Castle,

Su Wen went to the north gate without stopping.

When he arrived at the east gate,

Wenying was directing the tree people to attack the tree that penetrated the Xuantian Wood Realm. The trees on both sides of the road are artistically woven.

The road no longer looks like the branches extend to the middle of the road, giving people a very messy feeling with branches and leaves blocking the road.

Creating an internet celebrity road with its own dome

“Lord! Why are you here!”

After Wenying learned the news brought by Su Wen from the wood element fairy, she hurried back to the territory.

She first kowtowed to Su Wen who was building the Holy Light Church.

Then she said excitedly:”It’s not early today either. Got it! Do you want to stay for dinner? It’s boring for me to be here alone!”.

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