After Su Wen read Ye Feng’s message, he couldn’t help but frowned.

“So everyone is capable of conquering demigod-level dungeons?”

He couldn’t help asking.

Ye Feng immediately explained:”Wrong! It is a dungeon capable of conquering invasions! This type of copy allows the lord to enter with a large number of troops!

Ye Feng:”Think about it!” The maximum number of copies is 20,000 abyssal legions, plus 1 demigod! If we dispatch 50W elite legions plus hundreds of thousands of affiliated legions, and use forbidden spells and military formation skills, we can rely on our numerical advantage to kill the demigods!”

Ye Feng:”Take Wenlong as an example. This time he plans to conquer 1,200 dungeons, and they are all the most difficult dungeons! Even if he dispatches 1 million troops, only tens of thousands of people will survive in the end!”

Ye Feng:”Don’t think it’s easy for us to conquer this kind of dungeon! We are completely competing with our own background!”


Ye Feng told the truth:”Feng Wuji and the others helped you because they took a fancy to your ability! Wenlong helps you out of responsibility! I help you because I know you well, and since my niece and nephew are with you, we are naturally allies in the united front!”

Looking at what Ye Feng said,

Su Wen understood what Ye Feng meant.

He asked Ye Feng to let others express their needs.

After reading it,

Su Wen grinned:”You really think I am a pig! They all rush over to harvest! Peat! Feng Wuji, this grandson, really dares to speak! 100W full level soldiers! groove! If I agree to this, wouldn’t the whole world know about my ability?”

“Damn bastard!”

“You don’t even ask me if I have to pay the price!”

“Just come up and tell me the conditions!”

“This means that I cannot pass this level!”


After some complaining.

Su Wen directly rejected everyone one by one:”Thank you for your help! I have strong assistants here, so I won’t bother you all!”

As soon as he said this.

The group immediately exploded.

Li Buer:”Damn it! Do people look down on us?”

Feng Wuji:”Oh! There is no way! Young people have never experienced the beatings of society!”

Ye Feng:”I guess it was the god who took action!”

Wen Long:”Now that Su Wen has a solution, don’t worry!”

Lin Bai:”I want to see how strong this guy’s help is! How strong is our legion of nearly ten million?”

…… same time.

Su Wen gave the equipment to Sun Shangxiang.

Half an hour later.

Su Wen sent Qi Na, Sun Shangxiang, Tang Fen, Zhou Qin, Hongying, Alasuo, Yu Feiyu, Liu Wen, Han Li, Wang Dahai, He Yufei, Wenying, Zhang Xiaohua, Xu Xiaoxiao, Ye Jinpeng and other subordinates Called to the Lord’s Hall.

He looked at everyone and smiled slightly:”Everyone should have seen the crisis in our territory!”

“Lao Su! Isn’t that more than 3,000 demigod-level copies? Say it! Whatever you do, we will listen to you! Wang

Dahai shouted enthusiastically.

Su Wen smiled slightly, and he went on to tell his plan:”Now that the advance army is in place, I need you 8 vassal lords to each lead a team of troops to accompany me into these areas.” Copy!”

Only the lord can open the dungeon.

There is no lord to lead the team.

The soldiers and commanders of the territory cannot enter.


Su Wen needs a leader.

Even though there are only 9 teams including him, this is enough.

“Each of you brings 10,000 troops! Hongying followed Zhang Xiaohua, Yu Feiyu followed Xu Xiaoxiao, Alasuo followed Wang Dahai, Sun Shangxiang followed Wenying, Qina followed Ye Jinpeng, Tang Fen followed He Yufei, and Zhou Qin followed Ye Jinpeng! Su

Wen then told his strategy:”Han Li and Liu Wen each received 10,000 troops to join the army first. You can bring your own legions to join the army!””

“I have two requirements. Except for Han Li and Liu Wen, the other lords will only be spectators and assistants, and military management and strategy will be left to the Xianden Army!”

“The second requirement for this guide copy is speed!”

“I request that all these 3,000 copies be resolved within the last half day!”

“to this end!”


He took out one storage ring after another.

Under his control, these rings accurately fell into the hands of every combat general:”Use the Forbidden Curse Scroll first! The scroll doesn’t work, focus on the BOSS!”


“Let’s all take action now!”

“Just enter from the copy communication channel!”

After that,

Wang Dahai took the lead and stood up, followed Alasuo outside.

Ye Jinpeng, Wenying and others saw this and did not speak, and acted in a hurry.


Su Wen led a group of soldiers Ma entered the first dungeon. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This dungeon is stationed with a demon lion army of 20,000 people, and the leading general is a semi-god-level demon lion..

These demonic lions are humanoid, walking upright on two legs, with a lion’s head, purple hair, and blood-red eyes.

Zhou Shen is radiating a scorching flame from top to bottom.

The first moment Su Wen entered the dungeon, he took A magic forbidden curse scroll was released and thrown directly towards the opponent.


The scroll was activated in mid-flight.

The light of the forbidden curse was activated at the moment when the Demon Lion Alert sounded.


In less than a second.

A world-destroying scene The red lotus fire poured down.

20,01 demon legions were instantly wiped out.


Seeing this, Su Wen turned around and walked towards the outside of the dungeon.

The four or five soldiers left behind were responsible for staying in the dungeon to collect the loot.

From the time they entered the dungeon to the time when all the demons were wiped out and then they left.[]

This process took Su Wen less than 10 seconds.

If at this speed.

3126 copies, the fastest takes 31260 seconds.

That is about 8 hours, close to 9 hours. certainly.

This is just his own action.

Right now, he has 9 teams opening copies at the same time.

Calculate it like this.

Lingxiao Palace takes an hour at the earliest, or less than an hour.

This time the rift crisis can be solved. same time.

As Su Wen refused Feng Wuji and others’ invitation to rescue.

A gust of wind blew throughout the entire Blue Star.

All kinds of information about Su Wen appeared like snowflakes.

Various speculations and remarks followed one after another.

Although most people think that Su Wen will use the flower elf goddess Aqua to get out of the current crisis.

But I don’t think Su Wen can solve all the copies in a short time.

Someone even gave a detailed guide.

Just destroy the copies at a few points.

This will eliminate the danger of the territory falling into the abyss.


The Suwen territory will still be surrounded by endless abyss demons.

“Look! Su Wen will still need our help sooner or later!”

“It won’t be this price then!”


Also at this time.

Zhong Jianwen, who has always been paying attention to this matter, is refreshing the dungeon panel in the global dungeon space. suddenly.

His expression was shocked, his pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help but refresh his mind again:”What’s going on? He’s not blind, is he?”


After repeated confirmation.

Finally recognized the reality.

See here.

He couldn’t help laughing:”Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Okay! Good boy! Sure enough, it has to be you! Such speed! I’m afraid many people will shut up today!”

At this time.

Feng Wuji suddenly sent a message:”Director Zhong! Don’t you think Su Wen has a big problem? How can he have such strength to quickly wipe out the copy? How long has it been? I suggest that he be quarantined Investigate measures to prevent him from being corrupted by the outside gods!”

Wen Long’s message burst out immediately:”Old Zhong! I shouldn’t be involved in this matter! But the situation with Su Wen is too weird! He can Do you believe it? Besides, since he has such ability, according to the rules of heaven, it is time to send troops to the front line!”

Another two minutes passed.

Li Buer’s message was sent:”Director Zhong! I was so fooled by Feng Wuji! You have to help me intercede with Su Wen! I didn’t mean to kill him, it’s really Feng Wuji who I hate you for being pregnant!”

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