“When the heaven and the earth were conceived, all the heavens and all the realms were accompanied by them. Since the sky is an endless space-time territory controlled by the way of heaven, this is also the time and space where all the heavens and all the realms are located!”

“The earth sank, the turbid air gathered, and eventually grew and changed into the opposite of heaven, an endless abyss!”

Su Wen compared the knowledge of the Dragon King with the knowledge of the abyss gods, while absorbing a lot of knowledge.

This increased his knowledge, opened his mind, and understood many truths.

The abyss has endless possibilities.

Even the abyss gods don’t know How many layers does the abyss have?

Based on the current knowledge of the abyss, the abyss is controlled by 72 demon kings and one big demon king.

In fact, the area they control is only the surface layer of the abyss.

And the deeper areas.

This It is beyond the reach of ordinary abyss gods.

The Dragon King’s understanding of the heavens and the world is limited to the world and the races.

As for the heavens, he has no knowledge at all.

As if it was just a legend.

The knowledge of the Rising Sun Dragon King made Su Wen I know.

There have been a total of four changes of heaven in this world.

This is something derived from the memory of the dragon bloodline.

The edge space of the abyss and the heavens and worlds is also called the edge of reverse time and space.

If the edge space is penetrated.

Then the sky and the earth will be connected.

That is to say, the heavens and the world will be connected with the abyss.

These connected places are also called abyss battlefields.

The big world born in these edge areas has become The front line to defend against the invasion of the abyss.

The ethnic groups in the big world will receive special attention and blessings from Heaven.

In fact, all the major ethnic groups in the world have grown up in this way.

“If you say this, we humans will become one of the great races among all races in the future!”

Su Wen muttered softly. Soon, all the knowledge and skills of the Rising Sun Dragon King were absorbed by him.

Through the third-turn sage fusion, he integrated all the knowledge mastered by the Rising Sun Dragon King.

This knowledge includes god-level knowledge and yellow-level knowledge. , and even white-level knowledge.

After the integration of many knowledges,

Su Wen named it Rising Sun Knowledge to distinguish it from other knowledge.

“Uh… This is a little bit worse, it turned directly into purple level knowledge!”

Su Wen looked at the knowledge of the rising sun that had become purple-level knowledge. He increased this knowledge.

After spending 853,900 attribute points again, the knowledge of the rising sun was promoted to the 2nd level of god level.

It appeared in Su Wen’s mind again. A lot of new knowledge.

After he integrated this knowledge, he found that among the knowledge mastered by the Dragon King of the Rising Sun, some knowledge about speculations about the way of heaven had been deleted and revised.

In other words, it was not the 4th change of the way of heaven, but the 49th one. The change of heaven.

This is just a number to Su Wen.

After completing the study of knowledge,

Su Wen looked at a bunch of skills and military formation skills.

At this time, there was a subtle knock on the door outside.

“Lord! it’s me! Smile! I’m afraid of the dark! Dare not sleep!”

Xu Xiaoxiao’s voice sounded outside.

Su Wen’s ears twitched and he mentally ordered Xu Xiaoxiao:”Come in! The door is not closed! I’m in the bathroom!”


The door was opened.

Then there was the sound of Xu Xiaoxiao’s rapid breathing.

And the sound of footsteps.


Xu Xiaoxiao found Su Wen.

The two of them studied the software hardening project together.

That night Go up.

They all spent their time in crazy research. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the early morning of the next day,

Su Wen looked at the exhausted Xu Xiaoxiao and kissed her gently on the forehead. He continued:”I have 4 talents and 3 skills here! Once you recover, take advantage of it! I hope you can quickly become one of the economic pillars of our business!”


He left a ring that he had prepared in advance.

The things inside were exactly the same as those Su Wen gave to Han Li and Liu Wen.

There were lord points, resources needed for construction, and daily necessities.

“Um! I’m really sorry, I can’t get off the ground right now, my legs hurt so much!”

Xu Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up. She looked at Su Wen infatuatedly and said with blushing cheeks.


Su Wen left Huanghai.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the talent Su Wen left behind.

【God-level water element affinity: water element magic casting speed increased by 10 times, water element damage increased by 10 times, water element control increased by 10 times, water element magic forbidden spell power increased by 10 times, water element magic forbidden spell coverage increased by 10 times times, the duration of the water element magic spell is increased by 10 times, and the water element magic spell has no cooling time.】

【Summon Water Giant: Summon 2 3-meter-tall water giants. The water giants have the same four-dimensional attributes as the summoner and master tidal skills. The duration is 30 minutes.】

【Water pattern warning: Inside the water, the perception is increased by 10 times. Able to sense the danger of hostility towards oneself from everything except gods. Sensing range 100 kilometers】

【Array Amplification: After using this talent on the arranged array, the effect of the array will be increased by 10 times, the duration will be increased by 10 times, and the magic crystal consumption will be reduced by 10 times.】

“This… my lord treats me so well!”

Xu Xiaoxiao cried gratefully. She moved her body and looked at the three skill books.

【Divine level water escape: In the water, you can instantly escape 300 kilometers. You can reach any place you want to reach within the range of escape. Cooling time 0.001 seconds】

【Divine Level Water Hidden: Hide oneself in the water of the water body and become part of the current. It has a clear self-understanding, can actively control the direction of flow, and can clearly see the surrounding divine steps and the formations detected under the steps. Talents, skills and other means cannot detect the water where you are invisible.】

【God-level Corrosion: Passive skill, your skill or talent, has the effect of causing additional corrosion damage to the enemy. The enemy continues to suffer 1000 points of corrosion damage every second for 10 seconds. It can be superimposed with buff talent skills to obtain critical hits or damage bonus effects. 】

After seeing these 3 skills.

Her clothes were wet with tears of emotion.

The reason why Su Wen gave her these.

Mainly because Su Wen got the copy of Huang Hai because of her.

Su Wen thus obtained many precious materials and a large number of attribute points.

The second reason is that Xu Xiaoxiao is Su Wen’s full reuse leader.

She is the same as Han Li, Zhang Xiaohua, He Yufei and Wang Dahai[]

Since he is willing to hand over all his wealth to Su Wen.

Su Wen was naturally willing to help them become stronger first.

Only in this way.

Only then could they serve Su Wen quickly, and even produce results that would benefit Su Wen.

Ye Jinpeng, Wenying and Liu Wen wanted to develop their territories.

Su Wen didn’t have much expectations for the three areas.

In the short term, these three areas will still focus on development.

Su Wen, the three of them, expected them to be generals who could lead troops in war and defend their homeland.

And the third reason is.

Xu Xiaoxiao didn’t get any talent after being promoted to the divine level by him.

Not even one.

This made Su Wen completely confused about the probability of professional levels.


After leaving Xu Xiaoxiao.

Su Wen returned to his lord’s castle through the teleportation array in Conch Castle. early morning.

Zhang Xiaohua was sitting in the banquet room on the first floor, chatting with the butler Mike about agricultural issues.

After the two saw Su Wen walking out of the transfer room.

Get up quickly

“Meet your great Majesty!”

“Lord! Xu Xiaoxiao’s service is so good!”

The two stood up and saluted at the same time.

Su Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua and laughed:”Do you want to know?”

“A little bit of speculation! If you need it, my service is definitely no worse than Xu Xiaoxiao!”

Zhang Xiaohua did not hide her thoughts at all. She said eagerly:”If you allow me, will I be willing to give birth to your baby?”.

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