“That’s it for the three core buildings of the marine fishery I envisioned!”

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Su Wen solemnly and said.

She then asked in a low voice:”Am I too greedy?”

She was a little panicked.

She was afraid that this would make Su Wen unhappy.

Su Wen looked at Xu Xiaoxiao and said,”I’m glad you have an idea! Don’t worry about having too many buildings under your control. I will increase them as long as they are useful!”

“This is a win-win for us!”


He first looked at the Herdsman Training Center.

This building is like a coral reef, about 10 meters high, 5 meters long, and 3 meters wide.

There is only a palace-like space inside.

As the lord, Su Wen cannot enter the center to accept cultivate

【Building: Pastoral Training Center】

【Group: Tide Elves】

【Grade: 22 (MAX God level)】

【Learning mode: Marine animal husbandry and fishery career transition training】

【Vocational Skills and Knowledge: Knowledge Training Book for God-Level Full-Professional Employees】

【Commissioning fee: 5″087″ 0W lord points per period】

【Study time outside: 1 hour】

【School internal training time: 10 years】

【Learning Fund: 100 trillion lord points】

【Mapping Relevant Buildings: Advanced Worker Academy】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

【Explanation: The building itself is a level 0 building. Because it is a vassal functional building, it actively establishes a mapping relationship with the Territory Senior Workers College.】

【Note: The Herdsman Training Center is only an entrance to register for training at the Advanced Workers College. The actual training location is the Advanced Workers College, and the costs are the responsibility of the Advanced Workers College. 】

See here.

Su Wen blinked.

He didn’t expect that such a nurturing building could also be mapped.

Except for the name and ethnic group of the building in front of me, the other panel data are all mapped data from the Advanced Workers College.

If the building loses its vassal relationship, it will return to its original level 0 state.

“Are you responsible for this…training burden? Xu

Xiaoxiao was shocked after seeing this. She looked at Su Wen and asked,”Do I want to give you training fees?””

“This is not necessary!

Su Wen shook his head:”This is a benefit to you!””

“A god-level civilian profession! I am so happy! This all feels more like a dream!”

Xu Xiaoxiao held her face and couldn’t help but muttered.

Su Wen laughed and looked at the fishery feed fertilizer production factory next to him.

The factory is not big.

There is only one factory building, one warehouse, and one formula Laboratory and an office building.

It covers an area of about 1 million square meters.

The length and width of the factory are 1000 meters.

The factory has two production lines. One is the feed production line and the other is the fertilizer production line.

After Su Wen briefly visited the factory.

See Towards the factory panel

【Building: Fishery feed fertilizer production plant】

【Race: Tide Elf】

【Level: 0】

【Factory Director: 0/1】

【Deputy Director: 0/2】

【Fertilizer formula: Green Stage Marine Organic Fertilizer】

【Feed formula: Green grade universal pellet feed】

【Head of formula laboratory: 1/1 (Xu Xiaoxiao)】

【Production workshop director: 0/1】

【Feed production line: 1】

【Feed production workers: 0/15】

【Fertilizer production line: 1】

【Fertilizer production worker: 0/15】

【Material transport workers: 0/10】

【Warehouse Manager: 0/1】

【Loader: 0/5】

【Security: 0/10】

【Warehouse storage compartment: 2/100】

【Related buildings: Advanced Workers College, Pastoral Training Center】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Have you ever run this building yourself?”

Su Wen turned to look at Xu Xiaoxiao and asked.

He found two formulas of finished products in the warehouse.

Each formula has about 100 tons of finished products.


Xu Xiaoxiao has used it.

She nodded and said :”While I was at the Legion Academy, I used it to make fertilizer for other lords, and I gained a little bit!”

“What about the factory workers?”

Su Wen asked in confusion.

Xu Xiaoxiao sighed and said helplessly:”The Legion Academy requires us lords who want to vassalize us to dissolve the people before vassaling, and then we will be equipped with building seals for free. Card!”

“The specific reason! It’s nothing more than that when a large number of civilians follow us through the teleportation arrays in various areas, it will cost a lot of lord points!”

“Legion Academy has limited funds and is only willing to bear our transmission costs!”


“If you are willing to pay, you can bear the expenses of civilians!”


“All my money is spent on improving skills and making feed, and I don’t have any money for these!”

Through Xu Xiaoxiao’s narration,

Su Wen also learned some of the current situation of these vassal lords.

After hearing this, he couldn’t help but think:”If I establish a legion academy, I will never make it difficult for my students!”

After this idea came to his mind, he immediately increased the factory.


A light flashed.

The factory was promoted to level 12.

Su Wen and Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the factory panel at the same time.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked stupidly She laughed, jumped up and down and cheered:”Wow! marvelous! I couldn’t be happier! real! With a Lord like you, I am truly the happiest in the entire Blue Star Lord space! The most, most, most enviable auxiliary lord!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This is simply……”

“I can only say thank you in a thousand words!”

“Thank you so much!”

Her excited sibling dance…….

After Su Wen saw the factory’s panels, he felt that the factory had potential for promotion.

Immediately decided to upgrade the factory to level 100

【Will fishery feed fertilizer production plants be increased beyond the limit? Consume 1W attribute points!】


Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.

That’s it.

After spending 88W attribute points, the fishery feed fertilizer production factory was successfully promoted to level 100.

【Will fishery feed fertilizer production plants be increased beyond the limit? Consume 1,000,000 attribute points! 】

Looking at Tiandao’s prompts.

Su Wen chose yes again[]

A new buff entry appears.

This made Su Wen’s eyes light up.

He once again increased the factory beyond the limit.

Until it was promoted to level 110.

Su Wen stopped and said,”That’s it!”

It doesn’t make much sense to continue to be promoted for the time being.

The current factory is sufficient.

This time he spent a total of 10.88 million attribute points.

There are currently 123,516,347 attribute points left. this moment.

Xu Xiaoxiao was once again stunned by Su Wen’s generosity.

Her legs were trembling as she looked at the production plant that had expanded to 25 million square meters in front of her.

His eyes were filled with incredulity and disbelief.

This completely broke her understanding of Su Wen’s talent.

Su Wen walked into the factory.

The factory has been transformed from one production workshop to 10 30-story production workshops.

Among them, 5 are responsible for feed production and 5 are responsible for fertilizer production.

0.9 There are 2 production lines on each floor, and there are a total of 60 production lines on 30 floors.

In other words, there are a total of 600 production lines in the factory.

There is still only one warehouse.

But there are more storage compartments inside.

The formula laboratory has been transformed from a one-story bungalow into a three-story building, with more experimental equipment and many additional functions. same time.

The factory has two more dormitory buildings.

Each dormitory building covers an area of 10,000 square meters and has a total of 30 floors.

There are 100 suites on each floor. The suites have 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, and 2 bathrooms.

The bedroom can accommodate 4 people.

There are 400 people on one floor, and 12,000 people can live in one building.

The two buildings can accommodate a total of 24,000 people.

Such a living environment and the number of residents have far exceeded the demand for workers in this level of factory.

After visiting the factory.

Su Wen then looked at the factory panel again and began to calculate how many workers he would recruit for the factory next.……

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